AIM: Study the cardiovascular risk factors in a feminine population vulnerable to cardiovascular events particularly to evaluate the principal factors or possible confounding variables. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. Were analysed all the female patients from the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Institute of Sports Medicine of Caxias do Sul who had the complete information on cardiovascular disease history, comorbidities and habits and who knew the complete gynaecological history by a phone interview. RESULTS: A group of 91 patients were analysed. About the comorbidities and habits, 45.2% of these patients presented some tobacco load, 82.4% are hypertensive, 61.5% are dyslipidemic, 25.3% are diabetic and the BMI average was 29.27 (overweight). Between the patients who undergone a hysterectomy and had an episode of the acute coronary syndrome (10 patients), 70% had the event after the procedure. Between the post-menopause women with at least one episode of the acute coronary syndrome, 80.5% (33 patients) had the first event after the menopause. CONCLUSION: We found multiple lifetime risk factors that predisposed the women of the sample to have cardiovascular disease. Between the women with specific to women risk factors and without, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease was very similar. This information supports the idea that these are just confounding factors of CVD and the principals involved are the genetic factors and habits. For this reason, the focus of CVD prevention and treatment should be directed towards these aspects.
BACKGROUND: There are references regarding physical activity and cardiovascular disease since the nineteenth century. New evidences support that cardiac rehabilitation is closely related to therapeutic success after major coronary events. Although the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation programs are well established, referencing and enrolment in such services remain low. AIM: The aim of this paper is to describe the profile changes throughout the years in a large cardiac rehabilitation service in Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of medical records of all patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation service of the Institute of Sports Medicine, University of Caxias do Sul from March 2003 to July 2014. Data collection was carried out using SPSS software and the statistical analysis with Student's t-test, ANOVA test and chi square test. RESULTS: It has seen a substantial increase of patients, mostly routed via universal health system, also an increase of post-myocardial infarction patients and ex-smokers. Also, it was seen few patients in the 7th and 8th life decades, and men were in majority since the beginning. CONCLUSION: An increase in the number of patients referred by universal health system occurred because there is a governmental interest in this type of program. About tobacco, hospitalizations appear to be influential in the decision of abandonment. There was a substantial increase of patients with more severe disease which is in accordance with the latest guidelines of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Rehabilitation.
Avaliar a influência de atividade física na qualidade de vida e sintomasreferidos por um grupo de mulheres pós-menopáusicas. Metodologia: estudo casocontroleenvolvendo de 197 mulheres na pós- menopausa com idade entre 50-65anos: 132 sedentárias e 65 praticantes de exercícios físicos aeróbicos deintensidade leve a moderada. A qualidade de vida e a sintomatologia climatéricaforam avaliadas pela Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). Na análise estatística,procedeu-se à análise multivariada por regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: Ogrupo fisicamente apresentou índices de qualidade de vida significativamentemelhores em todos os domínios do instrumento MRS: sintomas sômato-vegetativos(p<0,01), sintomas psicológicos (p<0,01) e geniturinários e sexuais (p<0,01);63,6% do grupo sedentário e 33,4% do fisicamente ativo referiram sintomas deintensidade moderada a severa. A capacidade cardiorrespiratória se mostroutambém significativamente maior entre as mulheres fisicamente ativas (26,5±7,0ml/Kg/min and 20,2±7,8 ml/kg/min, respectivamente). Através da análisemultivariada, mostraram-se fatores preditores da qualidade de vida no presenteestudo, a confirmação de atividade física regular (p<0,01) e a renda familiar percapita (p<0,01), de modo que as mulheres fisicamente ativas ou com melhorrenda tenderam a referir menor sintomatologia climatérica e melhor qualidadede vida. Conclusões: No presente estudo, a atividade física regular de intensidadeleve a moderada e a renda familiar per capita influenciaram positivamente aqualidade de vida e a intensidade da sintomatologia climatérica
Idoso , Climatério , Menopausa , Qualidade de VidaRESUMO
O equilíbrio corporal relaciona-se diretamente com a postura corporal. O equilíbrio corporal do ser humano depende das informações oriundas do labirinto, da visão, da somatocepção, que são receptores sensoriais periféricos relacionados com a orientação espacial. Este estudo teve como objetivo, a comparação de parâmetros estabilométricos em teste de longa duração de um grupo de canoístas profissionais do sexo feminino na postura ortostática. O grupo de participantes foi constituído por nove atletas da Seleção Brasileira Feminina de Canoagem Velocidade, divididas em dois grupos: veteranas e cadetes. O sistema de aquisição dos dados foi através de uma plataforma de força AccuSway Plus, com o software Balance Clinic. As atletas permaneceram sobre a plataforma por 31 minutos em posição ortostática, com os pés descalços e unidos, braços ao longo do corpo e com os olhos abertos. As atletas veteranas apresentaram melhor controle postural e menor desconforto durante o teste do que as atletas cadetes.
The body balance is directly related to body posture. The balance of the human body depends on information from the labyrinth, the vision of somatocepção, peripheral sensory receptors that are related to orientation espacial. This study aims to compare the parameters stabilometric in long-term test of a group of canoístas professional female in orthostatic posture. The group of participants consisted of nine athletes from the Brazilian National Team for Women's Canoe speed, divided into two groups, veterans and cadets. The system of data acquisition was through a platform of strength AccuSway Plus, with the Balance Clinic software. The players remained on the platform for 31 minutes in a standing position, and with bare feet together, arms along the body and with eyes open. The veteran athletes showed better postural control and less discomfort during the test than the athletes cadets.