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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(1)2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38273552


We created a database of lost and rediscovered tetrapod species, identified patterns in their distribution and factors influencing rediscovery. Tetrapod species are being lost at a faster rate than they are being rediscovered, due to slowing rates of rediscovery for amphibians, birds and mammals, and rapid rates of loss for reptiles. Finding lost species and preventing future losses should therefore be a conservation priority. By comparing the taxonomic and spatial distribution of lost and rediscovered tetrapod species, we have identified regions and taxa with many lost species in comparison to those that have been rediscovered-our results may help to prioritise search effort to find them. By identifying factors that influence rediscovery, we have improved our ability to broadly distinguish the types of species that are likely to be found from those that are not (because they are likely to be extinct). Some lost species, particularly those that are small and perceived to be uncharismatic, may have been neglected in terms of conservation effort, and other lost species may be hard to find due to their intrinsic characteristics and the characteristics of the environments they occupy (e.g. nocturnal species, fossorial species and species occupying habitats that are more difficult to survey such as wetlands). These lost species may genuinely await rediscovery. However, other lost species that possess characteristics associated with rediscovery (e.g. large species) and that are also associated with factors that negatively influence rediscovery (e.g. those occupying small islands) are more likely to be extinct. Our results may foster pragmatic search protocols that prioritise lost species likely to still exist.

Ecossistema , Extinção Biológica , Animais , Anfíbios , Áreas Alagadas , Mamíferos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Biodiversidade
Conserv Biol ; 38(3): e14230, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111965


Environmental crises, such as wildfires, can cause major losses of human life, infrastructure, biodiversity, and cultural values. In many such situations, incident controllers must make fateful choices about what to protect-and hence what to abandon. With an online representative survey of >2000 adult Australians, we investigated social attitudes to this dilemma. We used best-worst scaling to assess preferences across a set of 11 assets representing human life, infrastructure, biodiversity, and cultural values. Survey respondents overwhelmingly prioritized a single human life (best-worst score of 6647 out of possible score ranging from -10695 to 10695), even if that choice resulted in extinction of other species. Inanimate (replaceable) objects were accorded lowest priority (best-worst scores of -4655 for a shed and -3242 for a house). Among biodiversity assets, respondents prioritized protecting a population of the iconic koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) (best-worst score of 1913) ahead of preventing the extinction of a snail (score -329) and a plant species (-226). These results variably support current policy in that they emphasize the importance the community places on protection of human life, but results diverged from conventional practice in rating some biodiversity assets ahead of infrastructure. The preference for protecting a population of koalas ahead of action taken to prevent the extinction of an invertebrate and plant species corroborates previous research reporting biases in the way people value nature. If noncharismatic species are not to be treated as expendable, then the case for preventing their extinction needs to be better made to the community. Given the increasing global incidence of high-severity wildfires, further sampling of societal preferences among diverse asset types is needed to inform planning, policy, and practice relating to wildfire. Other preemptive targeted management actions (such as translocations) are needed to conserve biodiversity, especially noniconic species, likely to be imperiled by catastrophic events.

Valoración social de la biodiversidad en relación con otros tipos de activos en riesgo durante los incendios Resumen Las crisis ambientales, como los incendios, pueden causar pérdidas mayores de infraestructura, vida humana, biodiversidad y valores culturales. En muchas de estas situaciones, quienes controlan el incidente deben tomar decisiones fatídicas sobre qué proteger y, por lo tanto, qué abandonar. Aplicamos en línea una encuesta representativa a más de 2000 australianos adultos para investigar las actitudes sociales ante este dilema. Usamos la escala de mejor­peor para valorar las preferencias en once activos que representaban la vida humana, infraestructura, biodiversidad y valores culturales. Los encuestados priorizaron de manera abrumadora la vida humana (puntaje de 6647 en la escala de mejor­peor con un puntaje posible entre ­10695 y 10695), incluso si esto implicaba la extinción de otras especies. Los objetos inanimados (reemplazables) fueron los de menor prioridad (puntaje de ­4655 para una choza y ­3242 para una casa). Entre los activos de biodiversidad, los encuestados priorizaron la protección de una población del icónico koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) (puntaje de 1913) por encima de la extinción de una especie de caracol (­329) y una de planta (­226). Estos resultados respaldan de forma variada la política actual pues resaltan la importancia que la comunidad le da a la protección de la vida humana, pero los resultados discreparon de la práctica convencional al puntear a algunos activos de la biodiversidad por encima de la infraestructura. La preferencia por proteger la población de koalas por encima de evitar la extinción de una especie invertebrada y una especie botánica corrobora las investigaciones anteriores que reportan un sesgo en la forma en la que la población valora la naturaleza. Si queremos que las especies carismáticas no sean tratadas como prescindibles, entonces se le debe plantear de mejor manera a la población el caso para prevenir su extinción. Con el aumento en la incidencia mundial de incendios de gravedad, se necesita un mayor muestreo de las preferencias sociales por los diferentes tipos de activos para guiar la planeación, políticas y prácticas en relación con los incendios. Se requieren otras acciones de manejo preventivo enfocado (como las reubicaciones) para conservar la biodiversidad con probabilidad de estar en peligro durante eventos catastróficos, especialmente las especies que no son icónicas.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Incêndios Florestais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Austrália , Humanos , Valores Sociais
Conserv Biol ; 37(2): e14032, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36349543


Monitoring is critical to assess management effectiveness, but broadscale systematic assessments of monitoring to evaluate and improve recovery efforts are lacking. We compiled 1808 time series from 71 threatened and near-threatened terrestrial and volant mammal species and subspecies in Australia (48% of all threatened mammal taxa) to compare relative trends of populations subject to different management strategies. We adapted the Living Planet Index to develop the Threatened Species Index for Australian Mammals and track aggregate trends for all sampled threatened mammal populations and for small (<35 g), medium (35-5500 g), and large mammals (>5500 g) from 2000 to 2017. Unmanaged populations (42 taxa) declined by 63% on average; unmanaged small mammals exhibited the greatest declines (96%). Populations of 17 taxa in havens (islands and fenced areas that excluded or eliminated introduced red foxes [Vulpes vulpes] and domestic cats [Felis catus]) increased by 680%. Outside havens, populations undergoing sustained predator baiting initially declined by 75% but subsequently increased to 47% of their abundance in 2000. At sites where predators were not excluded or baited but other actions (e.g., fire management, introduced herbivore control) occurred, populations of small and medium mammals declined faster, but large mammals declined more slowly, than unmanaged populations. Only 13% of taxa had data for both unmanaged and managed populations; index comparisons for this subset showed that taxa with populations increasing inside havens declined outside havens but taxa with populations subject to predator baiting outside havens declined more slowly than populations with no management and then increased, whereas unmanaged populations continued to decline. More comprehensive and improved monitoring (particularly encompassing poorly represented management actions and taxonomic groups like bats and small mammals) is required to understand whether and where management has worked. Improved implementation of management for threats other than predation is critical to recover Australia's threatened mammals.

Efectos de diferentes estrategias de manejo sobre las tendencias a largo plazo de los mamíferos amenazados y casi amenazados de Australia Resumen El monitoreo es fundamental para evaluar la efectividad del manejo, aunque faltan evaluaciones sistemáticas y a gran escala de este monitoreo para evaluar y mejorar los esfuerzos de recuperación. Compilamos 1,808 series temporales de 71 especies y subespecies de mamíferos terrestres y voladores amenazadas y casi amenazadas en Australia (48% de todos los taxones de mamíferos amenazados) para comparar las tendencias relativas de las poblaciones sujetas a diferentes estrategias de manejo. Adaptamos el Índice Planeta Vivo para desarrollar el Índice de Especies Amenazadas para los Mamíferos Australianos y así rastrear las tendencias agregadas de todas las poblaciones muestreadas de mamíferos amenazados y de los mamíferos pequeños (<35 g), medianos (35-5,500 g) y grandes (>5,500 g) entre 2000 y 2017. Las poblaciones sin manejo (42 taxones) declinaron en un 63% en promedio; los mamíferos pequeños sin manejo exhibieron las declinaciones más marcadas (96%). Las poblaciones de 17 taxones incrementaron 680% en los refugios (islas o áreas encercadas que excluían o eliminaban al zorro rojo [Vulpes vulpes] y al gato doméstico [Felis catus], especies introducidas) Afuera de los refugios, las poblaciones sometidas al cebado constante de los depredadores en un inicio declinaron en un 75% pero después incrementaron al 47% de su abundancia para el 2000. En los sitios en donde los depredadores no fueron excluidos o cebados sino sometidos a otras acciones (manejo del fuego, control de herbívoros introducidos), las poblaciones de los mamíferos pequeños y medianos declinaron más rápido, pero los mamíferos grandes declinaron de manera más lenta que las poblaciones sin manejo. Sólo el 13% de los taxones contaron con datos para sus poblaciones con y sin manejo; las comparaciones entre índices para este subconjunto mostraron que los taxones con poblaciones en incremento dentro de los refugios declinaron afuera de éstos, pero los taxones con poblaciones sujetas al cebado de depredadores afuera de los refugios declinaron más lentamente que las poblaciones sin manejo y después incrementaron, mientras que las poblaciones sin manejo continuaron su declinación. Se requiere un monitoreo más completo y mejorado (particularmente el que engloba las acciones de manejo mal representadas y los grupos taxonómicos como los murciélagos y los mamíferos pequeños) para entender si ha funcionado el manejo y en dónde. La implementación mejorada del manejo para las amenazas distintas a la depredación es fundamental para recuperar a los mamíferos amenazados de Australia.

Quirópteros , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Gatos , Animais , Austrália , Mamíferos , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Raposas , Biodiversidade
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(6): 2053-2065, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34989061


Earth's rapidly warming climate is propelling us towards an increasingly fire-prone future. Currently, knowledge of the extent and characteristics of animal mortality rates during fire remains rudimentary, hindering our ability to predict how animal populations may be impacted in the future. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a global systematic review of the direct effects of fire on animal mortality rates, based on studies that unequivocally determined the fate of animals during fire. From 31 studies spanning 1984-2020, we extracted data on the direct impacts of fire on the mortality of 31 species from 23 families. From these studies, there were 43 instances where direct effects were measured by reporting animal survival from pre- to post-fire. Most studies were conducted in North America (52%) and Oceania (42%), focused largely on mammals (53%) and reptiles (30%), and reported mostly on animal survival in planned (82%) and/or low severity (70%) fires. We found no studies from Asia, Europe or South America. Although there were insufficient data to conduct a formal meta-analysis, we tested the effect of fire type, fire severity, fire regime, animal body mass, ecological attributes and class on survival. Only fire severity affected animal mortality, with a higher proportion of animals being killed by high than low severity fires. Recent catastrophic fires across the globe have drawn attention to the plight of animals exposed to wildfire. Yet, our systematic review suggests that a relatively low proportion of animals (mean predicted mortality [95% CI] = 3% [1%-9%]) are killed during fire. However, our review also underscores how little we currently know about the direct effects of fire on animal mortality, and highlights the critical need to understand the effects of high severity fire on animal populations.

Incêndios , Incêndios Florestais , Animais , Clima , Ecossistema , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Mamíferos
Environ Monit Assess ; 194(10): 701, 2022 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35995962


Monitoring is critical to gauge the effect of environmental management interventions as well as to measure the effects of human disturbances such as climate change. Recognition of the critical need for monitoring means that, at irregular intervals, recommendations are made for new government-instigated programs or to revamp existing ones. Using insights from past well-intentioned (but sadly also often failed) attempts to establish and maintain government-instigated monitoring programs in Australia, we outline eight things that should never be done in environmental monitoring programs (if they aim to be useful). These are the following: (1) Never commence a new environmental management initiative without also committing to a monitoring program. (2) Never start a monitoring program without clear questions. (3) Never implement a monitoring program without first doing a proper experimental design. (4) Never ignore the importance of matching the purpose and objectives of a monitoring program to the design of that program. (5) Never change the way you monitor something without ensuring new methods can be calibrated with the old ones. (6) Never try to monitor everything. (7) Never collect data without planning to curate and report on it. (8) If possible, avoid starting a monitoring program without the necessary resources secured. To balance our "nevers", we provide a checklist of actions that will increase the chances a monitoring program will actually measure the effectiveness of environmental management. Scientists and resource management practitioners need to be part of a stronger narrative for, and key participants in, well-designed, implemented, and maintained government-led monitoring programs. We argue that monitoring programs should be mandated in threatened species conservation programs and all new environmental management initiatives.

Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Monitoramento Ambiental , Animais , Austrália , Mudança Climática , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos
Glob Chang Biol ; 27(24): 6551-6567, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34592040


The 2019-2020 Australian Black Summer wildfires demonstrated that single events can have widespread and catastrophic impacts on biodiversity, causing a sudden and marked reduction in population size for many species. In such circumstances, there is a need for conservation managers to respond rapidly to implement priority remedial management actions for the most-affected species to help prevent extinctions. To date, priority responses have been biased towards high-profile taxa with substantial information bases. Here, we demonstrate that sufficient data are available to model the extinction risk for many less well-known species, which could inform much broader and more effective ecological disaster responses. Using publicly available collection and GIS datasets, combined with life-history data, we modelled the extinction risk from the 2019-2020 catastrophic Australian wildfires for 553 Australian native bee species (33% of all described Australian bee taxa). We suggest that two species are now eligible for listing as Endangered and nine are eligible for listing as Vulnerable under IUCN criteria, on the basis of fire overlap, intensity, frequency, and life-history traits: this tally far exceeds the three Australian bee species listed as threatened prior to the wildfire. We demonstrate how to undertake a wide-scale assessment of wildfire impact on a poorly understood group to help to focus surveys and recovery efforts. We also provide the methods and the script required to make similar assessments for other taxa or in other regions.

Incêndios , Incêndios Florestais , Animais , Austrália , Abelhas , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Medição de Risco
J Environ Manage ; 262: 110312, 2020 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32250795


Monitoring of threatened species and threatened ecosystems is critical for determining population trends, identifying urgency of management responses, and assessing the efficacy of management interventions. Yet many threatened species and threatened ecosystems are not monitored and for those that are, the quality of the monitoring is often poor. Here we provide a checklist of factors that need to be considered for inclusion in robust monitoring programs for threatened species and threatened ecosystems. These factors can be grouped under four broad themes - the design of monitoring programs, the structure and governance of monitoring programs, data management and reporting, and appropriate funding and legislative support. We briefly discuss key attributes of our checklist under these themes. Key topics in our first theme of the design of monitoring programs include appropriate objective setting, identification of the most appropriate entities to be measured, consistency in methodology and protocols through time, ensuring monitoring is long-term, and embedding monitoring into management. Under our second theme which focuses on the structure and governance of monitoring programs for threatened species and ecosystems, we touch on the importance of adopting monitoring programs that: test the effectiveness of management interventions, produce results that are relevant to management, and engage with (and are accepted by) the community. Under Theme 3, we discuss why data management is critical and highlight that the costs of data curation, analysis and reporting need to be factored into budgets for monitoring programs. This requires that appropriate levels of funding are made available for monitoring programs, beyond just the cost of data collection - a key topic examined in Theme 4. We provide examples, often from Australia, to highlight the importance of each of the four themes. We recognize that these themes and topics in our checklist are often closely inter-related and therefore provide a conceptual model highlighting these linkages. We suggest that our checklist can help identify the parts of existing monitoring programs for threatened species and threatened ecosystems that are adequate for the purpose or may be deficient and need to be improved.

Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Animais , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Lista de Checagem , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Conserv Biol ; 33(2): 319-328, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30047186


Human modification of the environment is driving declines in population size and distributional extent of much of the world's biota. These declines extend to many of the most abundant and widespread species, for which proportionally small declines can result in the loss of vast numbers of individuals, biomass, and interactions. These losses could have major localized effects on ecological and cultural processes and services without elevating a species' global extinction risk. Although most conservation effort is directed at species threatened with extinction in the very near term, the value of retaining abundance regardless of global extinction risk is justifiable based on many biodiversity or ecosystem service metrics, including cultural services, at scales from local to global. The challenges of identifying conservation priorities for widespread and abundant species include quantifying the effects of species' abundance on services and understanding how these effects are realized as populations decline. Negative effects of population declines may be disconnected from the threat processes driving declines because of species movements and environment flows (e.g., hydrology). Conservation prioritization for these species shares greater similarity with invasive species risk assessments than extinction risk assessments because of the importance of local context and per capita effects of abundance on other species. Because conservation priorities usually focus on preventing the extinction of threatened species, the rationale and objectives for incorporating declines of nonthreatened species must be clearly articulated, going beyond extinction risk to encompass the range of likely harmful effects (e.g., secondary extinctions, loss of ecosystem services) if declines persist or are not reversed. Research should focus on characterizing the effects of local declines in species that are not threatened globally across a range of ecosystem services and quantifying the spatial distribution of these effects through the distribution of abundance. The case for conserving abundance in nonthreatened species can be made most powerfully when the costs of losing this abundance are better understood.

Conservación de la Abundancia de Especies No Amenazadas Resumen La modificación del ambiente causada por los humanos está resultando en la declinación del tamaño poblacional y de la extensión de la distribución de la mayor parte de la biota mundial. Estas declinaciones llegan hasta muchas de las especies más abundantes y con mayor distribución, para las cuales una declinación proporcionalmente pequeña puede resultar en la pérdida de un número extenso de individuos, biomasa e interacciones. Estas pérdidas podrían tener mayores efectos localizados sobre los procesos y servicios ecológicos y culturales sin elevar el riesgo de extinción mundial de la especie. Aunque casi todos los esfuerzos de conservación están dirigidos hacia especies bajo amenaza de extinción a corto plazo, el valor de mantener la abundancia sin importar el riesgo de extinción mundial es justificable con base en muchas medidas de biodiversidad o de servicios ambientales, incluyendo los servicios culturales, a escalas desde lo local hasta lo global. El reto de identificar prioridades de conservación para especies abundantes y de distribución extensa incluye la cuantificación de los efectos que la abundancia de la especie tiene sobre los servicios y el entendimiento de cómo estos efectos ocurren conforme las poblaciones declinan. Los efectos negativos de la declinación poblacional pueden estar desconectados del proceso que ocasiona la declinación por causa del movimiento de las especies y los flujos ambientales (p. ej.: la hidrología). La priorización de la conservación de estas especies comparte muchas más similitudes con la evaluación de riesgo de las especies invasoras que las evaluaciones de extinción de riesgo debido a la importancia del contexto local y los efectos per cápita de la abundancia sobre otras especies. Ya que los esfuerzos de conservación generalmente se enfocan en la prevención de la extinción de las especies amenazadas, la lógica y los objetivos detrás de la incorporación de las declinaciones de las especies no amenazadas deben estar articulados claramente, llegando más allá del riesgo de extinción para englobar la gama de efectos dañinos probables (p. ej.: extinciones secundarias, pérdida de servicios ambientales) en el caso de que las declinaciones persistan o no sean revertidas. La investigación debería enfocarse en la caracterización de los efectos de las declinaciones locales de especies que no estén amenazadas mundialmente a lo largo de una gama de servicios ambientales y en la cuantificación de la distribución espacial de estos efectos por medio de la distribución de la abundancia. Se puede argumentar de manera más poderosa el caso para la conservación de la abundancia de especies no amenazadas cuando se entienden mejor los costos de la pérdida de esta abundancia.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Biodiversidade , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Extinção Biológica , Humanos
Biol Lett ; 14(6)2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29899126


Striking faunal turnover across Asia and Australasia, most famously along the eastern edge of the Sunda Shelf or 'Wallace's Line', has been a focus of biogeographic research for over 150 years. Here, we investigate the origins of a highly threatened endemic lizard fauna (four species) on Christmas Island. Despite occurring less 350 km south of the Sunda Shelf, this fauna mostly comprises species from clades centred on the more distant regions of Wallacea, the Pacific and Australia (more than 1000 km east). The three most divergent lineages show Miocene (approx. 23-5 Ma) divergences from sampled relatives; and have recently become extinct or extinct in the wild, likely owing to the recent introduction of a southeast Asian snake (Lycodon capucinus). Insular distributions, deep phylogenetic divergence and recent decline suggest that rather than dispersal ability or recent origins, environmental and biotic barriers have impeded these lineages from diversifying on the continental Sunda Shelf, and thereby, reinforced faunal differentiation across Wallace's Line. Our new phylogenetically informed perspective further highlights the rapid loss of ancient lineages that has occurred on Christmas Island, and underlines how the evolutionary divergence and vulnerability of many island-associated lineages may continue to be underestimated.

Distribuição Animal , Lagartos/classificação , Filogeografia , Animais , Austrália , Evolução Biológica , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Ilhas
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(15): 4531-40, 2015 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25675493


The highly distinctive and mostly endemic Australian land mammal fauna has suffered an extraordinary rate of extinction (>10% of the 273 endemic terrestrial species) over the last ∼200 y: in comparison, only one native land mammal from continental North America became extinct since European settlement. A further 21% of Australian endemic land mammal species are now assessed to be threatened, indicating that the rate of loss (of one to two extinctions per decade) is likely to continue. Australia's marine mammals have fared better overall, but status assessment for them is seriously impeded by lack of information. Much of the loss of Australian land mammal fauna (particularly in the vast deserts and tropical savannas) has been in areas that are remote from human population centers and recognized as relatively unmodified at global scale. In contrast to general patterns of extinction on other continents where the main cause is habitat loss, hunting, and impacts of human development, particularly in areas of high and increasing human population pressures, the loss of Australian land mammals is most likely due primarily to predation by introduced species, particularly the feral cat, Felis catus, and European red fox, Vulpes vulpes, and changed fire regimes.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecossistema , Extinção Biológica , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Animais , Austrália , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/estatística & dados numéricos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/tendências , Felis/fisiologia , Raposas/fisiologia , Humanos , Mamíferos/classificação , América do Norte , Dinâmica Populacional , Especificidade da Espécie
Conserv Biol ; 31(1): 13-23, 2017 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27704619


Extinctions typically have ecological drivers, such as habitat loss. However, extinction events are also influenced by policy and management settings that may be antithetical to biodiversity conservation, inadequate to prevent extinction, insufficiently resourced, or poorly implemented. Three endemic Australian vertebrate species-the Christmas Island pipistrelle (Pipistrellus murrayi), Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola), and Christmas Island forest skink (Emoia nativitatis)-became extinct from 2009 to 2014. All 3 extinctions were predictable and probably preventable. We sought to identify the policy, management, research, and other shortcomings that contributed to their extinctions or failed to prevent them. These included a lack within national environmental legislation and policy of explicit commitment to the prevention of avoidable extinctions, lack of explicit accountability, inadequate resources for conservation (particularly for species not considered charismatic or not of high taxonomic distinctiveness), inadequate biosecurity, a slow and inadequate process for listing species as threatened, recovery planning that failed to consider the need for emergency response, inability of researchers to identify major threatening factors, lack of public engagement and involvement in conservation decisions, and limited advocacy. From these 3 cases, we recommend: environmental policy explicitly seeks to prevent extinction of any species and provides a clear chain of accountability and an explicit requirement for public inquiry following any extinction; implementation of a timely and comprehensive process for listing species as threatened and for recovery planning; reservation alone not be assumed sufficient to maintain species; enhancement of biosecurity measures; allocation of sufficient resources to undertake actions necessary to prevent extinction; monitoring be considered a pivotal component of the conservation response; research provides timely identification of factors responsible for decline and of the risk of extinction; effective dissemination of research results; advocacy by an informed public for the recovery of threatened species; and public involvement in governance of the recovery process. These recommendations should be applicable broadly to reduce the likelihood and incidence of extinctions.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Vertebrados , Animais , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Extinção Biológica
Annu Rev Anim Biosci ; 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39353087


Most conservation programs and laws aim to prevent extinction. However, there is a gulf between such aspirations and the current reality of escalating biodiversity loss. This review focuses on efforts to prevent extinctions in Australia, but much of this consideration is likely to apply globally. As context, we consider the reasons for trying to prevent extinction, review Australia's extinction record, and note that there are likely to be many more extinctions than formally recognized. We describe recent cases where conservation actions have prevented extinction. We note that extinction is a pathway rather than solely an endpoint, and many decisions made or not made on that pathway can determine the fate of species. We conclude that all looming extinctions can and should be prevented. This will require transformational change in legislation, increased resourcing, more consideration of poorly known species, and increased societal recognition of the need to be responsible for the care of country.

Science ; 381(6658): 622-631, 2023 08 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37561866


Australia's biota is species rich, with high rates of endemism. This natural legacy has rapidly diminished since European colonization. The impacts of invasive species, habitat loss, altered fire regimes, and changed water flows are now compounded by climate change, particularly through extreme drought, heat, wildfire, and flooding. Extinction rates, already far exceeding the global average for mammals, are predicted to escalate across all taxa, and ecosystems are collapsing. These losses are symptomatic of shortcomings in resourcing, law, policy, and management. Informed by examples of advances in conservation practice from invasive species control, Indigenous land management, and citizen science, we describe interventions needed to enhance future resilience. Many characteristics of Australian biodiversity loss are globally relevant, with recovery requiring society to reframe its relationship with the environment.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Espécies Introduzidas , Mamíferos
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7809, 2023 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38086838


Free-ranging cats (Felis catus) are globally distributed invasive carnivores that markedly impact biodiversity. Here, to evaluate the potential threat of cats, we develop a comprehensive global assessment of species consumed by cats. We identify 2,084 species eaten by cats, of which 347 (16.65%) are of conservation concern. Islands contain threefold more species of conservation concern eaten by cats than continents do. Birds, reptiles, and mammals constitute ~90% of species consumed, with insects and amphibians being less frequent. Approximately 9% of known birds, 6% of known mammals, and 4% of known reptile species are identified in cat diets. 97% of species consumed are <5 kg in adult body mass, though much larger species are also eaten. The species accumulation curves are not asymptotic, indicating that our estimates are conservative. Our results demonstrate that cats are extreme generalist predators, which is critical for understanding their impact on ecological systems and developing management solutions.

Biodiversidade , Mamíferos , Animais , Gatos , Ecossistema , Dieta , Répteis , Aves
Ecol Evol ; 12(7): e9114, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35898424


The delineation of subspecies is important in the evaluation and protection of biodiversity. Subspecies delineation is hampered by inconsistently applied criteria and a lack of agreement and shifting standards on how a subspecies should be defined. The Australian endemic Yellow Chat (Epthianura crocea) is split into three subspecies (E. c. crocea, E. c. tunneyi, and E. c. macgregori) based on minor plumage differences and geographical isolation. Both E. c. tunneyi (Endangered) and E. c. macgregori (Critically Endangered) are recognized under Australian legislation as threatened and are the subject of significant conservation effort. We used mitochondrial DNA to evaluate the phylogeny of the Yellow Chat and determine how much genetic variation is present in each of the three subspecies. We found no significant difference in the cytochrome b sequences (833 base pairs) of E. c. crocea and E. c. tunneyi, but approximately 0.70% or 5.83 bp difference between E. c macgregori and both E. c. crocea and E. c. tunneyi. This analysis supports the delineation of E. c. macgregori as a valid subspecies but does not support separation of E. c. crocea from E. c. tunneyi. We also found very low levels of genetic variation within the Yellow Chat, suggesting it may be vulnerable to environmental change. Our results cast doubt upon the geographic isolation of E. c. crocea from E. c. tunneyi, but more advanced genetic sequencing and a robust comparison of plumage are needed to fully resolve taxonomy.

R Soc Open Sci ; 9(10): 220792, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36312571


Introduction of the domestic cat and red fox has devastated Australian native fauna. We synthesized Australian diet analyses to identify traits of prey species in cat, fox and dingo diets, which prey were more frequent or distinctive to the diet of each predator, and quantified dietary overlap. Nearly half (45%) of all Australian terrestrial mammal, bird and reptile species occurred in the diets of one or more predators. Cat and dingo diets overlapped least (0.64 ± 0.27, n = 24 location/time points) and cat diet changed little over 55 years of study. Cats were more likely to have eaten birds, reptiles and small mammals than foxes or dingoes. Dingo diet remained constant over 53 years and constituted the largest mammal, bird and reptile prey species, including more macropods/potoroids, wombats, monotremes and bandicoots/bilbies than cats or foxes. Fox diet had greater overlap with both cats (0.79 ± 0.20, n = 37) and dingoes (0.73 ± 0.21, n = 42), fewer distinctive items (plant material, possums/gliders) and significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity over 69 years, suggesting the opportunity for prey switching (especially of mammal prey) to mitigate competition. Our study reinforced concerns about mesopredator impacts upon scarce/threatened species and the need to control foxes and cats for fauna conservation. However, extensive dietary overlap and opportunism, as well as low incidence of mesopredators in dingo diets, precluded resolution of the debate about possible dingo suppression of foxes and cats.

Ecol Evol ; 11(17): 11749-11761, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34522338


Australia is in the midst of an extinction crisis, having already lost 10% of terrestrial mammal fauna since European settlement and with hundreds of other species at high risk of extinction. The decline of the nation's biota is a result of an array of threatening processes; however, a comprehensive taxon-specific understanding of threats and their relative impacts remains undocumented nationally. Using expert consultation, we compile the first complete, validated, and consistent taxon-specific threat and impact dataset for all nationally listed threatened taxa in Australia. We confined our analysis to 1,795 terrestrial and aquatic taxa listed as threatened (Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered) under Australian Commonwealth law. We engaged taxonomic experts to generate taxon-specific threat and threat impact information to consistently apply the IUCN Threat Classification Scheme and Threat Impact Scoring System, as well as eight broad-level threats and 51 subcategory threats, for all 1,795 threatened terrestrial and aquatic threatened taxa. This compilation produced 4,877 unique taxon-threat-impact combinations with the most frequently listed threats being Habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation (n = 1,210 taxa), and Invasive species and disease (n = 966 taxa). Yet when only high-impact threats or medium-impact threats are considered, Invasive species and disease become the most prevalent threats. This dataset provides critical information for conservation action planning, national legislation and policy, and prioritizing investments in threatened species management and recovery.

Trends Ecol Evol ; 35(9): 753-757, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32680597


The 2019-2020 megafires in Australia brought a tragic loss of human life and the most dramatic loss of habitat for threatened species and devastation of ecological communities in postcolonial history. What must be done now to keep impacted species from extinction? What can be done to avoid a repeat of the impacts of such devastating bushfires? Here, we describe hard-won lessons that may also be of global relevance.

Animais Selvagens , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Animais , Austrália , Ecossistema , Humanos
Nat Commun ; 11(1): 2840, 2020 06 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32504033


Understanding changes in species distributions is essential to disentangle the mechanisms that drive their responses to anthropogenic habitat modification. Here we analyse the past (1970s) and current (2017) distribution of 204 species of terrestrial non-volant mammals to identify drivers of recent contraction and expansion in their range. We find 106 species lost part of their past range, and 40 of them declined by >50%. The key correlates of this contraction are large body mass, increase in air temperature, loss of natural land, and high human population density. At the same time, 44 species have some expansion in their range, which correlates with small body size, generalist diet, and high reproductive rates. Our findings clearly show that human activity and life history interact to influence range changes in mammals. While the former plays a major role in determining contraction in species' distribution, the latter is important for both contraction and expansion.

Distribuição Animal , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Monitorização de Parâmetros Ecológicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Mamíferos , Densidade Demográfica , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Mudança Climática , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Dinâmica Populacional , Temperatura