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Nano Lett ; 23(3): 1017-1022, 2023 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36668997


The silicon vacancy (SiV) center in diamond is typically found in three stable charge states, SiV0, SiV-, and SiV2-, but studying the processes leading to their formation is challenging, especially at room temperature, due to their starkly different photoluminescence rates. Here, we use confocal fluorescence microscopy to activate and probe charge interconversion between all three charge states under ambient conditions. In particular, we witness the formation of SiV0 via the two-step capture of diffusing, photogenerated holes, a process we expose both through direct SiV0 fluorescence measurements at low temperatures and confocal microscopy observations in the presence of externally applied electric fields. In addition, we show that continuous red illumination induces the converse process, first transforming SiV0 into SiV- and then into SiV2-. Our results shed light on the charge dynamics of SiV and promise opportunities for nanoscale sensing and quantum information processing.

Nano Lett ; 23(7): 2557-2562, 2023 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36988192


Color centers in diamond are promising platforms for quantum technologies. Most color centers in diamond discovered thus far emit in the visible or near-infrared wavelength range, which are incompatible with long-distance fiber communication and unfavorable for imaging in biological tissues. Here, we report the experimental observation of a new color center that emits in the telecom O-band, which we observe in silicon-doped bulk single crystal diamonds and microdiamonds. Combining absorption and photoluminescence measurements, we identify a zero-phonon line at 1221 nm and phonon replicas separated by 42 meV. Using transient absorption spectroscopy, we measure an excited state lifetime of around 270 ps and observe a long-lived baseline that may arise from intersystem crossing to another spin manifold.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(16): 166902, 2023 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37154648


Neutral silicon vacancy centers (SiV^{0}) in diamond are promising candidates for quantum applications; however, stabilizing SiV^{0} requires high-purity, boron-doped diamond, which is not a readily available material. Here, we demonstrate an alternative approach via chemical control of the diamond surface. We use low-damage chemical processing and annealing in a hydrogen environment to realize reversible and highly stable charge state tuning in undoped diamond. The resulting SiV^{0} centers display optically detected magnetic resonance and bulklike optical properties. Controlling the charge state tuning via surface termination offers a route for scalable technologies based on SiV^{0} centers, as well as charge state engineering of other defects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(23): 237402, 2020 Dec 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33337180


Neutral silicon vacancy (SiV^{0}) centers in diamond are promising candidates for quantum networks because of their excellent optical properties and long spin coherence times. However, spin-dependent fluorescence in such defects has been elusive due to poor understanding of the excited state fine structure and limited off-resonant spin polarization. Here we report the realization of optically detected magnetic resonance and coherent control of SiV^{0} centers at cryogenic temperatures, enabled by efficient optical spin polarization via previously unreported higher-lying excited states. We assign these states as bound exciton states using group theory and density functional theory. These bound exciton states enable new control schemes for SiV^{0} as well as other emerging defect systems.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 93, 2018 01 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29311543


Improving the precision of measurements is a significant scientific challenge. Previous works suggest that in a photon-coupling scenario the quantum fisher information shows a quantum-enhanced scaling of N2, which in theory allows a better-than-classical scaling in practical measurements. In this work, utilizing mixed states with a large uncertainty and a post-selection of an additional pure system, we present a scheme to extract this amount of quantum fisher information and experimentally attain a practical Heisenberg scaling. We performed a measurement of a single-photon's Kerr non-linearity with a Heisenberg scaling, where an ultra-small Kerr phase of ≃6 × 10-8 rad was observed with a precision of ≃3.6 × 10-10 rad. From the use of mixed states, the upper bound of quantum fisher information is improved to 2N2. Moreover, by using an imaginary weak-value the scheme is robust to noise originating from the self-phase modulation.

Science ; 361(6397): 60-63, 2018 07 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29976820


Engineering coherent systems is a central goal of quantum science. Color centers in diamond are a promising approach, with the potential to combine the coherence of atoms with the scalability of a solid-state platform. We report a color center that shows insensitivity to environmental decoherence caused by phonons and electric field noise: the neutral charge state of silicon vacancy (SiV0). Through careful materials engineering, we achieved >80% conversion of implanted silicon to SiV0 SiV0 exhibits spin-lattice relaxation times approaching 1 minute and coherence times approaching 1 second. Its optical properties are very favorable, with ~90% of its emission into the zero-phonon line and near-transform-limited optical linewidths. These combined properties make SiV0 a promising defect for quantum network applications.

Sci Rep ; 6: 26680, 2016 05 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27225881


Quantum emitters generating individual entangled photon pairs (IEPP) have significant fundamental advantages over schemes that suffer from multiple photon emission, or schemes that require post-selection techniques or the use of photon-number discriminating detectors. Quantum dots embedded within nanowires (QD-NWs) represent one of the most promising candidate for quantum emitters that provide a high collection efficiency of photons. However, a quantum emitter that generates IEPP in the telecom band is still an issue demanding a prompt solution. Here, we demonstrate in principle that IEPPs in the telecom band can be created by combining a single QD-NW and a nonlinear crystal waveguide. The QD-NW system serves as the single photon source, and the emitted visible single photons are split into IEPPs at approximately 1.55 µm through the process of spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) in a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide. The compatibility of the QD-PPLN interface is the determinant factor in constructing this novel hybrid-quantum-emitter (HQE). Benefiting from the desirable optical properties of QD-NWs and the extremely high nonlinear conversion efficiency of PPLN waveguides, we successfully generate IEPPs in the telecom band with the polarization degree of freedom. The entanglement of the generated photon pairs is confirmed by the entanglement witness. Our experiment paves the way to producing HQEs inheriting the advantages of multiple systems.