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Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 11(2): 301-8, 1981.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-50513


The duodenal diverticulum, except for occasional findings, are diagnosed by their complications, these are found in 10

of the cases and they are: 1) diverticulitis 2) haemorrhage 3) mechanic disturbances 4) perforation 5) obstruction 6) malabsorption syndrome. The case that motivated our communication appeared as a massive haemorrhage, that was medically treated considering the high mortality, rate of the surgical procedures. As the duodenal diverticuli can be cause of acute or chronic digestive haemorrhage, and this is frequently due to the erosion produced, by the heterotopic gastric mucosae, we consider that its demonstration with technetium 99 can be a valuable diagnostic method, as has already been demonstrated in other pathologies that present heterotopic mucosae, and as has been demonstrated in our case.

Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 13(1): 45-52, 1983.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-50001


8.304 patients have been examined endoscopically in a period of time of eleven years. We found 412 with gastric cancer, a 4.96

of the total research. In 1970 we had the upper point with 8.71

and the lower point with 3.14

, in 1980. The 89.56

were advanced gastric cancer and the 1.95

were early gastric cancer. According to Borrmann classification, from advanced gastric cancer, 18 were mixed types. Because of technics reasons or lost controls, in 8.49

of the cases the real origin, could not be confirmed. In our hospital, between 1970 and 1980. We have found a diminution of the incidence of cancer.

Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 14(4): 295-302, 1984.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-49535


25 patients with clinical, radiological and manometrical features of PSS in the gastrointestinal tract were reviewed, looking mainly for the esophageal involvement. All of the data obtained in our serie agreed with those of most of the authors. Outlining: The lack of relationship between the evolution of the skin involvement and GI tract involvement. The high incidence of esophageal involvement, especially functional alterations even in the absence of clinical and/or radiological symptomatology. The usefulness of manometric method in the diagnosis of motor involvement of esophages, especially for the evaluation of lower esophageal esphincter. Although the esophageal and intestinal involvement are more frequent and well known, any area of the GI tract may be damaged during the course of this disease. Since up to now, an ethiological therapy to stop the course of the disease is not known, its important to search for earlier alterations in order to start with a pathophysiological and symptomatic treatment to avoid complications.

Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 24(1): 31-5, 1994.
Artículo en Inglés | BINACIS | ID: bin-37580


It is possible that the mucosal damage in congestive gastropathy of portal hypertensive patients may have an ischemic basis, since rewarming time in other sites correlates with local blood flow, a method was designed to assess the capacity of the gastric mucosa to rewarm the stomach after a cold challenge, as an index of ischemia. Eleven control subjects and 15 patients with portal hypertension (10 treated with sclerotherapy) were studied with an integrated circuit temperature transducer connected to a digital display. A balloon containing the temperature transducer inside was reversibly fixed 10 cm. proximally to the distal end of a panendoscope. Once upper endoscopy was completed, the balloon placed in the antrum was infused with cooled water (2 degrees C) through a polyethylene tube. The time elapsed for the water to be rewarmed from 20 degrees C to 25 degrees C to 30 degrees C and 20 degrees C to 30 degrees C was measured. Reproducibility of repeated measurements, gave a coefficient of variation of 6

. Total rewarming time was (-mean +/- SD) 178 +/- 51.3 seconds, significantly higher in Portal hypertensive patients as compared to 114 +/- 34.7 seconds in Controls (P < 0.001). (95

Confidence Interval: -X = 63.4 seconds Cl 45.02 to 81.78). 60

of Sensitivity and 100

of Specificity The slower rewarming time in patients with portal hypertension may be the result of mucosal ischaemia, but oedema and cellular infiltration could also affect the heat flow.

Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 11(2): 301-8, 1981.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-36760


Los diverticulos duodenales, salvo por hallazgos ocasionales son diagnosticados por algunas de sus complicaciones. Estas ocurren en el 10% de los casos y son: 1) diverticulitis, 2) hemorragia, 3) disturbios mecanicos, 4) perforacion, 5) obstruccion y 6) sindrome de malabsorcion. El caso que motivo esta actualizacion, se presento como una hemorragia masiva, que se yugulo con tratamiento medico, dada la alta mortalidad del tratamiento quirurgico. Dado que los diverticulos duodenales pueden ser causa de hemorragia digestiva aguda o cronica, y que esta es debida a un alto porcentaje a la erosion producida por mucosa gastrica heterotopica, consideramos que su demostracion con tecnecio 99 puede ser un metodo diagnostico de valor, como ya se ha demostrado en otras patologias que cursan con mucosa aberrante, y como ocurrio en nuestro caso

Divertículo , Enfermedades Duodenales , Tecnecio
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 25(5): 287-90, 1994.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1157281


This study was performed in 15 healthy control subjects (8 males- age 23-70 and 7 females age 20-74) as a way to compare the total and segmental colonic transit time with two different type of radiopaque markers. One type of markers was 3 mm cut sections of a radiopaque polietilene 14 French Levine tube, with a medium weight of 64.3 mg and a specific gravity (SG) of 1.28. The other type were 7 mm lenticular insoluble barium (lentils) with medium weight of 231 mg and a SG of 1.87. Each subject ingested 20 markers of each type with the breakfast and front and profile plain films of the abdomen were taken 24 and 48 hs after. The total colonic transit time for the polietilene markers was 17.7 hs and 27.3 hs for the barium type (BM) (p < 0.001). The segmental transit time for right colon was 2.4 hs (PM) and 9.7 hs (PM) and 9.7 hs (BM) (p < 0.001) in the left colon 9.5 hs (PM) and 11.3 hs (BM) and in rectoanun 5.9 hs (BM) with no statistical significance. Conclusion: the physical characteristics of the radiopaque markers can modify the results of the colonic transit times.

Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 24(5): 287-90, 1994. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-24122


El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar en sujetos controles sanos el tiempo de tránsito colónico total y segmentario con dos tipos de marcadores radiopacos utilizados en nuestro medio. Se estudiaron 16 personas sanas, 8 varones de 23 a 70 años de edad y 7 mujeres de 20 a 74 años con dieta habitual. Un tipo de marcadores corresponde a cilindros huecos de 3 mm de longitud onbtenidos de sondas de Levine 14 French con un peso medio de 64.3 mg y una gravedad específica (GE) de 1.28, el otro tipo de marcadores corresponde a grageas lenticulares indisolubles de bario, de 7 mm de diámetro, 231 mg de peso y GE específica de 1.87. Cada individuo ingirió luego del desayuno 20 marcadores de cada tipo y se obtuvieron radiografías simples de abdomen en decúbito dorsal y lateral izquierdo de pelvis a las 24 hs y 48 hs. El tiempo de tránsito colónico total para marcadores de polietileno fue de 17.7 hs. y para los de bario 27.3 hs. (p < 0.001). En el colon derecho fue respectivamente de 2,4 y 9,7 hs. (p < 0.001) en el izquierdo de 9,5 y 11,3 y en el recto ano de 5,9 y 6,3 (sin significancia estadística). Concluimos que los caracteres físicos de los marcadores radioopacos modifican los resultados del tiempo de tránsito colónico (AU)

Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Tránsito Gastrointestinal/fisiología , Estreñimiento/diagnóstico por imagen , Colon/fisiopatología , Estreñimiento/fisiopatología , Estreñimiento/diagnóstico , Colon/diagnóstico por imagen , Medios de Contraste , Biomarcadores , Abdomen/diagnóstico por imagen , Factores de Tiempo , Polietilenos/diagnóstico , Bario/diagnóstico , Estudios Prospectivos
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 25(5): 287-90, 1994.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-37423


This study was performed in 15 healthy control subjects (8 males- age 23-70 and 7 females age 20-74) as a way to compare the total and segmental colonic transit time with two different type of radiopaque markers. One type of markers was 3 mm cut sections of a radiopaque polietilene 14 French Levine tube, with a medium weight of 64.3 mg and a specific gravity (SG) of 1.28. The other type were 7 mm lenticular insoluble barium (lentils) with medium weight of 231 mg and a SG of 1.87. Each subject ingested 20 markers of each type with the breakfast and front and profile plain films of the abdomen were taken 24 and 48 hs after. The total colonic transit time for the polietilene markers was 17.7 hs and 27.3 hs for the barium type (BM) (p < 0.001). The segmental transit time for right colon was 2.4 hs (PM) and 9.7 hs (PM) and 9.7 hs (BM) (p < 0.001) in the left colon 9.5 hs (PM) and 11.3 hs (BM) and in rectoanun 5.9 hs (BM) with no statistical significance. Conclusion: the physical characteristics of the radiopaque markers can modify the results of the colonic transit times.

Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 22(2): 135-40, 1992.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-51146
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 22(2): 135-40, 1992.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-38049