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Animals (Basel) ; 14(14)2024 Jul 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39061583


Interest in virtual fencing has increased due to its flexibility for agriculture and rewilding. However, systems like Nofence© require large financial investments, and the need for individual collars complicates large-scale use. If cattle herds maintain cohesive groups around leading individuals, fewer collars could be used, thereby enhancing cost efficiency. This study investigates the pattern in spatial distribution in a herd of 17 Angus cows on Fanø in Denmark with GPS locations, using a Nofence© system. The aim of this paper is to determine how individuals position themselves in a herd, spatially, and identify a pattern in ranks. The method used in this study examines the distances between an individual to the rest of the herdmates using nearest neighbour and descriptive statistics. Contrary to expectations, this study did not reveal a distinct pattern in herd distribution. While some tendencies in spatial distribution patterns were observed, only a low concordance could be found (W=0.15,p<0.001), indicating great variability in the cattle's ranks. A cumulative curve of the ranks estimated over the entire periods, however, allowed a rough estimation of the hierarchy and allowed identification of the highest-ranked cows, making the use of a cumulative curve a possible solution to finding the high-ranked cows. This research underscores the complexity of cattle social structures and highlights the need for extended observation periods and alternative methodologies to enhance the cost-effectiveness and scalability of virtual fencing in agricultural and rewilding contexts.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(10)2024 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791673


Agricultural industries rely on physical fences to manage livestock. However, these present practical, financial, and ecological challenges, which may be solved using virtual fencing. This study aimed to identify how experienced cattle through social facilitation and the introduction method influence inexperienced cattle. Based on three stocks held in Fanø, Denmark, containing 12, 17 and 13 Angus (Bos taurus), we examined the virtual fence learning in three case studies using one gradual introduction with zero experienced cattle (A) and two different instant introductions with one (B) and ten (C) experienced cattle. Gradual introduction had the virtual fence moved 20 m every other day for eleven days, and in the two instant introductions, the physical fence was removed in one day. Warnings and impulses were recorded during an 11-day learning period and a 26-day post-learning period, using the impulses per warning to quantify if the cattle adapted. Case studies A and B showed a significant reduction in the warnings and impulses, but only A showed a significant reduction in the impulses per warning when comparing the learning period to the post-learning period. Due to the non-standardised experiments, it was not possible to conclude if the number of experienced cattle or the introduction method had an effect on the results.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(10)2024 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791723


There has been an increased focus on new technologies to monitor habitat use and behaviour of cattle to develop a more sustainable livestock grazing system without compromising animal welfare. One of the currently used methods for monitoring cattle behaviour is tri-axial accelerometer data from systems such as virtual fencing technology or bespoke monitoring technology. Collection and transmission of high-frequency accelerometer and GNSS data is a major energy cost, and quickly drains the battery in contemporary virtual fencing systems, making it unsuitable for long-term monitoring. In this paper, we explore the possibility of determining habitat preference and habitat utilisation patterns in cattle using low-frequency activity and location data. We achieve this by (1) calculating habitat selection ratios, (2) determining daily activity patterns, and (3) based on those, inferring grazing and resting sites in a group of cattle wearing virtual fencing collars in a coastal setting with grey, wooded, and decalcified dunes, humid dune slacks, and salt meadows. We found that GNSS data, and a measure of activity, combined with accurate mapping of habitats can be an effective tool in assessing habitat preference. The animals preferred salt meadows over the other habitats, with wooded dunes and humid dune slacks being the least preferred. We were able to identify daily patterns in activity. By comparing general trends in activity levels to the existing literature, and using a Gaussian mixture model, it was possible to infer resting and grazing behaviour in the different habitats. According to our inference of behaviour the herd predominantly used the salt meadows for resting and ruminating. The approach used in this study allowed us to use GNSS location data and activity data and combine it with accurate habitat mapping to assess habitat preference and habitat utilisation patterns, which can be an important tool for guiding management decisions.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(5)2023 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36899774


Large grazers are essential for nature conservation. In order to prevent grazers from moving to unintended areas, it may be necessary to keep them inside enclosures. Physical fences present a number of problems, such as fragmenting the landscape. Virtual fencing, however, is a possible replacement for physical fencing, making it possible to enclose grazers without physical boundaries. Virtual fencing systems utilise collars with GPS technology to track animals and deliver auditory warnings and electric impulses to keep animals within predefined boundaries. This study examines how effective the virtual fencing system Nofence© is at enclosing calves in a holistically managed setting. Holistic management is a rotational grazing technique where an enclosure is grazed in small strips at a time. It is investigated whether the calves become habituated to the virtual fence and whether there is a correlation between the number of warnings received by every two calves in order to explore potential herd behaviour. Finally, this study examines which calves interact the most with the virtual fence by investigating the relationship between physical activity and number of interactions. Seventeen calves were fitted with a GPS collar from the company Nofence© and placed in a holistically managed enclosure. Data were gathered from 4 July to 30 September 2022. The study found that virtual fence was able to contain calves inside the designated enclosure, and over time the calves received notably fewer electrical impulses compared to auditory warnings. The results of Pearson's correlation between auditory warnings received by two random calves were inconclusive, but the use of a sliding window analysis should be further explored. Lastly, the most physically active animals were the ones who received the most auditory warnings, but they did not receive more impulses. No significant correlation was found between the number of electric impulses received and the physical activity of the animals.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(7)2022 Mar 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35405832


In modern nature conservation and rewilding there is a need for controlling the movements of large grazers in extensively managed areas. The inflexibility of physical fencing can be a limitation in nature management, and the physical boundaries created by physical fencing can have detrimental effects on wildlife. Virtual fencing systems provide boundaries without physical structures. These systems utilise collars with GPS technology to track animals and deliver auditory or electric cues to encourage the animals to stay within the predefined boundaries. This study aims to assess the use of virtual fencing (Nofence©) to keep twelve Angus cows (Bos taurus) within a virtual enclosure without compromising their welfare. As such, the study examines inter-individual differences between the cows as well as their herd behaviour, when reacting and learning to respond appropriately to virtual fencing. Moreover, the activity of the cows was used as an indicator of welfare. The virtual fencing was successful in keeping the herd within the designated area. Moreover, the cattle learned to avoid the virtual border and respond to auditory cues, where the cows received significantly more auditory warning and electric impulses per week throughout the first 14 days than the remaining 125 days (p < 0.001). The cows were found to express both inter-individual differences (p < 0.001) and herd behaviour. The cattle did not express any significant changes in their activity upon receiving an electrical impulse from the collar. Thus, indicating that there were little to no acute welfare implications associated with the use of virtual fencing in this study. This study clearly supports the potential for virtual fencing as a viable alternative to physical electric fencing. However, it also shows that both individual differences in personality and herd structure should be considered when selecting individuals for virtual fencing.
