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Pharmacognosy Res ; 10(1): 49-54, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29568187


BACKGROUND: Musa sapientum (banana) plant extract has been shown to possess antioxidant activity in previous studies. Neuronal injury resulting from oxidative stress is an important factor involved in pathogenesis of epilepsy. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the anticonvulsant activity of M. sapientum stem extract (MSSE) in acute and chronic experimental models in mice and its effects on various markers of oxidative stress in the brain of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-kindled animals. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Maximal electroshock seizures (MES) and PTZ-induced convulsion models were used for acute studies. For the chronic study, the effect of MSSE on the development of kindling was studied. For the evaluation of the effects of MSSE on oxidative stress in brain, malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels were estimated in the brains of the kindled animals. RESULTS: MSSE significantly increased the latency to onset of myoclonic jerks and the duration of clonic convulsions following PTZ administration. The MSSE pretreated group showed significantly reduced mean seizure score on PTZ-induced kindling. There was a significant increase in the brain MDA levels and decrease in GSH levels in response to PTZ-induced kindling. On MSSE pretreatment, there was a significant decrease in the MDA levels in the brains, though the increase in the GSH levels was not significant. CONCLUSION: The results from this study suggest the presence of significant anticonvulsant activity in MSSE, in both acute and chronic PTZ-induced seizure models, which could be due to its antioxidant activity, as is reflected by the change in oxidative stress markers in brain. SUMMARY: Evaluation of the anticonvulsant activity of Musa sapientum and its effects on various markers of oxidative stress in the brain has not been done previously to the best of our knowledgeM. sapientum stem extract (MSSE) significantly increased the latency to onset of myoclonic jerks and the duration of clonic convulsions in the experimental modelsThe MSSE pretreated group showed significantly reduced mean seizure score on pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced kindlingThere was significant increase in the brain malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and decrease in glutathione (GSH) levels in response to PTZ-induced kindlingOn MSSE pretreatment, there was a significant decrease in the MDA levels in the brain, though the increase in the GSH levels was not significant. Abbreviations Used: MSSE: Musa sapientum stem extract, PTZ: Pentylenetetrazole, MES: Maximal electroshock seizures, MDA: Malondialdehyde, GSH: Glutathione, SOD: Superoxide dismutase, THLE: Tonic hindlimb extension.

Anc Sci Life ; 36(4): 215-219, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29269974


BACKGROUND: Presence of free radical scavenging activity in Murrayakoenigii, commonly known as Curry leaves, has been shown in previous studies. Oxidative stress plays an important role in the development of various neurobehavioral disorders including anxiety and depression. AIM: The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of Murraya koenigii in animal models of depression and anxiety. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The effect of incremental doses of Murraya koenigii aqueous leaf extract was evaluated on spontaneous motor activity (SMA), open arm incursions in elevated plus maze, and despair behaviour in forced swim (FST) and tail suspension (TST) tests as compared to control groups in Swiss albino mice. RESULTS: Murraya koenigii 300 mg/kg, p.o. (MK300) and 400 mg/kg, p.o. (MK400) reduced the SMA count from 754 ± 64.9 to 540 ± 29 and 295 ± 34 respectively, which was statistically significant. MK300 and MK400 reduced significantly the open arm count from 29 ± 8.6 to 16 ± 7 and 10 ± 3.9, respectively. On FST, MK400 reduced the duration of immobility from 145.5 ± 29 to 91 ± 17.3, which was statistically significant. On TST, MK produced a dose-dependent decrease in the duration of immobility; however, it was statistically significant only with MK400. CONCLUSION: Murraya koenigii aqueous leaf extract reduced the despair behavior in experimental animal models, suggesting an anti-depressant like activity. Murraya koenigii extract also reduced spontaneous locomotor activity in a dose-dependent manner suggesting a sedative and/or anxiolytic effect though there wasn't any anxiolytic effect in the elevated plus maze test.

Pharmacognosy Res ; 8(4): 249-252, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27695263


BACKGROUND: Musa sapientum, the banana plant, has shown to possess antioxidant activity in previous studies. Oxidative stress has been linked to the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder (MDD) with evidence of increased serum levels of oxidative stress biomarkers in MDD patients. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the antidepressant activity of M. sapientum stem extract (MSSE) in experimental models in mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forced swim test (FST) and tail suspension test (TST) were carried out in five different groups (n = 6/group) of mice. The vehicle, standard drug, and the three test groups were orally administered distilled water (10 mL/kg), fluoxetine (25 mg/kg), and incremental doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg of MSSE, respectively, 45 min prior to the experiment. RESULTS: On FST, the duration of immobility in control group, which was 161.5 ± 6.78 (in seconds, mean ± standard error of mean [SEM]), decreased to 149.33 ± 2.70 (25 mg/kg MSSE), 120.17 ± 8.35 (50 mg/kg MSSE), and 45.17 ± 4.11 (100 mg/kg MSSE) in the treated groups. On TST, the duration of immobility in control group, which was 173.83 ± 12.65 (mean ± SEM), decreased to 163.17 ± 6.91 (25 mg/kg MSSE), 139.0 ± 5.9 (50 mg/kg MSSE), and 124.0 ± 4.42 (100 mg/kg MSSE) in the treated groups. The difference in the duration of immobility was statistically significant at middle and higher doses, i.e. 50 and 100 mg/kg MSSE (P < 0.05) respectively, when compared with the control group in both the tests. CONCLUSION: A significant antidepressant-like activity was found in MSSE, which could be a potential natural compound for use in depression. SUMMARY: The five groups - vehicle, standard drug, and the three test groups were administered distilled water (10 mL/kg), fluoxetine (25 mg/kg), and incremental doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg of Musa sapientum stem extract (MSSE), respectivelyThe duration of immobility decreased in the treated groups as compared to the control group on both, forced swim and tail suspension, testsThe difference in the duration of immobility was statistically significant at middle and higher doses, i.e., 50 and 100 mg/kg MSSE (P < 0.05), when compared with the control group in both the tests. Abbreviations Used: MDD: Major depressive disorder; MSSE: Musa sapientum stem extract; FST: Forced swim test; TST: Tail suspension test; GSH: Glutathione, MDA: Malondialdehyde; SOD: Superoxide dismutase.
