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J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(10): 2518-2525, 2023 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36876913


The Posner molecule (calcium phosphate trimer, Ca9(PO4)6) has been hypothesized to function as a biological quantum information processor due to its supposedly long-lived entangled 31P nuclear spin states. This hypothesis was challenged by our recent finding that the molecule lacks a well-defined rotational axis of symmetry─an essential assumption in the proposal for Posner-mediated neural processing─and exists as an asymmetric dynamical ensemble. Following up, we investigate here the spin dynamics of the molecule's entangled 31P nuclear spins within the asymmetric ensemble. Our simulations show that entanglement between two nuclear spins prepared in a Bell state in separate Posner molecules decays on a subsecond time scale─much faster than previously hypothesized, and not long enough for supercellular neuronal processing. Calcium phosphate dimers (Ca6(PO4)4) however, are found to be surprisingly resilient to decoherence and are able to preserve entangled nuclear spins for hundreds of seconds, suggesting that neural processing might occur through them instead.

Fosfatos de Calcio , Polímeros
ACS Nano ; 16(4): 4989-5035, 2022 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35318848


There is increasing interest in the study of chiral degrees of freedom occurring in matter and in electromagnetic fields. Opportunities in quantum sciences will likely exploit two main areas that are the focus of this Review: (1) recent observations of the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect in chiral molecules and engineered nanomaterials and (2) rapidly evolving nanophotonic strategies designed to amplify chiral light-matter interactions. On the one hand, the CISS effect underpins the observation that charge transport through nanoscopic chiral structures favors a particular electronic spin orientation, resulting in large room-temperature spin polarizations. Observations of the CISS effect suggest opportunities for spin control and for the design and fabrication of room-temperature quantum devices from the bottom up, with atomic-scale precision and molecular modularity. On the other hand, chiral-optical effects that depend on both spin- and orbital-angular momentum of photons could offer key advantages in all-optical and quantum information technologies. In particular, amplification of these chiral light-matter interactions using rationally designed plasmonic and dielectric nanomaterials provide approaches to manipulate light intensity, polarization, and phase in confined nanoscale geometries. Any technology that relies on optimal charge transport, or optical control and readout, including quantum devices for logic, sensing, and storage, may benefit from chiral quantum properties. These properties can be theoretically and experimentally investigated from a quantum information perspective, which has not yet been fully developed. There are uncharted implications for the quantum sciences once chiral couplings can be engineered to control the storage, transduction, and manipulation of quantum information. This forward-looking Review provides a survey of the experimental and theoretical fundamentals of chiral-influenced quantum effects and presents a vision for their possible future roles in enabling room-temperature quantum technologies.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(42): 10372-10379, 2021 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34668712


The Posner molecule, Ca9(PO4)6, has long been recognized to have biochemical relevance in various physiological processes. It has found recent attention for its possible role as a biological quantum information processor, whereby the molecule purportedly maintains long-lived nuclear spin coherences among its 31P nuclei (presumed to be symmetrically arranged), allowing it to function as a room temperature qubit. The structure of the molecule has been of much dispute in the literature, although the S6 point group symmetry has often been assumed and exploited in calculations. Using a variety of simulation techniques (including ab initio molecular dynamics and structural relaxation), rigorous data analysis tools, and by exploring thousands of individual configurations, we establish that the molecule predominantly assumes low-symmetry structures (Cs and Ci) at room temperature, as opposed to the higher-symmetry configurations explored previously. Our findings have important implications for the viability of this molecule as a qubit.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(7): 2624-2629, 2020 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32191469


Mn2+ doping of lead halide perovskites has garnered recent interest because it produces stable orange luminescence in tandem with perovskite emission. Here, we observe enhanced Mn2+ luminescence at the edges of Mn2+-doped CsPbCl3 perovskite microplates and suggest an explanation for its origin using the high spatiotemporal resolution of time-resolved cathodoluminescence (TRCL) imaging. We reveal two luminescent decay components that we attribute to two different Mn2+ populations. While each component appears to be present both near the surface and in the bulk, the origin of the intensity variation stems from a higher proportion of the longer lifetime component near the perovskite surface. We suggest that this higher emission is caused by an increased probability of electron-hole recombination on Mn2+ near the perovskite surface due to an increased trap concentration there. This observation suggests that such surface features have yet untapped potential to enhance emissive properties via control of surface-to-volume ratio.

Science ; 367(6476): 368, 2020 01 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31974236
ACS Nano ; 11(10): 10583-10590, 2017 10 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28956598


In situ electron microscopy provides remarkably high spatial resolution, yet electron beam irradiation often damages soft materials and perturbs dynamic processes, requiring samples to be very robust. Here, we instead noninvasively image the dynamics of metal and polymer nanoparticles in a liquid environment with subdiffraction resolution using cathodoluminescence-activated imaging by resonant energy transfer (CLAIRE). In CLAIRE, a free-standing scintillator film serves as a nanoscale optical excitation source when excited by a low energy, focused electron beam. We capture the nanoscale dynamics of these particles translating along and desorbing from the scintillator surface and demonstrate 50 ms frame acquisition and a range of imaging of at least 20 nm from the scintillator surface. Furthermore, in contrast with in situ electron microscopy, CLAIRE provides spectral selectivity instead of relying on scattering alone. We also demonstrate through quantitative modeling that the CLAIRE signal from metal nanoparticles is impacted by multiplasmonic mode interferences. Our findings demonstrate that CLAIRE is a promising, noninvasive approach for super-resolution imaging for soft and fluid materials with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Nat Commun ; 4: 1419, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23361010


The sensitivity of quantum magnetometer is challenged by control errors and, especially in the solid state, by their short coherence times. Refocusing techniques can overcome these limitations and improve the sensitivity to periodic fields, but they come at the cost of reduced bandwidth and cannot be applied to sense static or aperiodic fields. Here we experimentally demonstrate that continuous driving of the sensor spin by a composite pulse known as rotary-echo yields a flexible magnetometry scheme, mitigating both driving power imperfections and decoherence. A suitable choice of rotary-echo parameters compensates for different scenarios of noise strength and origin. The method can be applied to nanoscale sensing in variable environments or to realize noise spectroscopy. In a room-temperature implementation, based on a single electronic spin in diamond, composite-pulse magnetometry provides a tunable trade-off between sensitivities in the µTHz(-1/2) range, comparable with those obtained with Ramsey spectroscopy, and coherence times approaching T(1).
