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Conserv Biol ; : e14293, 2024 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766900


Despite increasing efforts and investment in mangrove conservation, mangrove cover continues to decline globally. The extent to which protected area (PA) management effectively prevents mangrove loss globally across differing management objectives and governance types is not well understood. We combined remote sensing data with PA information to identify the extent and the drivers of mangrove loss across PAs with distinct governance types and protection levels based on categories developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Mangrove loss due to storms and erosion was prevalent across all governance types and most IUCN categories. However, the extent of human-driven loss differed across governance types and IUCN categories. Loss was highest in national government PAs. Private, local, shared arrangement, and subnational government agencies had low human-driven mangrove loss. Human-driven loss was highest in PAs with the highest level of restrictions on human activities (IUCN category I) due to mangrove conversion to areas for commodity production (e.g., aquaculture), whereas PAs that allowed sustainable resource use (e.g., category VI) experienced low levels of human-driven mangrove loss. Because category I PAs with high human-driven loss were primarily governed by national government agencies, conservation outcomes in highly PAs might depend not only on the level of restrictions, but also on the governance type. Mangrove loss across different governance types and IUCN categories varied regionally. Specific governance types and IUCN categories thus seemed more effective in preventing mangrove loss in certain regions. Overall, we found that natural drivers contributed to global mangrove loss across all PAs, whereas human-driven mangrove loss was lowest in PAs with subnational- to local-level governance and PAs with few restrictions on human activities.

Factores globales en la pérdida de manglares en las áreas protegidas Resumen A pesar del incremento en los esfuerzos e inversión de la conservación de los manglares, su cobertura sigue disminuyendo en todo el mundo. No se conoce muy bien el grado al que el manejo de las áreas protegidas (AP) previene eficientemente la pérdida mundial de los manglares en los diferentes objetivos de manejo y tipos de gestión. Combinamos los datos de teledetección con información de las AP para identificar el grado y los factores de la pérdida de manglares en las AP con tipos de gestión claros y niveles de protección basados en las categorías desarrolladas por la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN). La pérdida por tormentas y erosión fue común en todos los tipos de gestión y en la mayoría de las categorías de la UICN. Sin embargo, el grado de pérdida antropogénica difirió entre los tipos de gestión y las categorías de la UICN. La pérdida fue mayor en las AP de gobiernos nacionales. Las agencias privadas, locales, de acuerdo compartido y las gubernamentales subnacionales tuvieron una pérdida antropogénica baja. La pérdida antropogénica fue mayor en la AP con el nivel más alto de restricción para las actividades humanas (categoría I de la UICN) debido a la conversión del manglar en áreas de producción de mercancía (p. ej.: acuacultura), mientras que las AP que permiten el uso sostenible de los recursos (p. ej.: categoría VI) tuvieron niveles bajos de pérdida antropogénica. Ya que las AP de categoría I con mayor pérdida antropogénica están gestionadas principalmente por agencias gubernamentales, puede que los resultados de conservación en las AP con mayor pérdida dependan no sólo del nivel de restricciones sino también del tipo de gestión. La pérdida del manglar en los diferentes tipos de gestión y en las categorías de la UICN varió en cada región. Por lo tanto, los tipos específicos de gestión y las categorías de la UICN parecen ser más eficientes en la prevención de la pérdida de manglares en ciertas regiones. En general, encontramos que los factores naturales contribuyen a la pérdida mundial del manglar en todas las AP, mientras que la pérdida antropogénica fue más baja en las AP con un nivel de subnacional a local de gestión y en las AP con pocas restricciones para la actividad humana.

Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14286, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38708866


Driven by the United Nations Decade on Restoration and international funding initiatives, such as the Mangrove Breakthrough, investment in mangrove restoration is expected to increase. Yet, mangrove restoration efforts frequently fail, usually because of ad hoc site-selection processes that do not consider mangrove ecology and the socioeconomic context. Using decision analysis, we developed an approach that accounts for socioeconomic and ecological data to identify sites with the highest likelihood of mangrove restoration success. We applied our approach in the Biosphere Reserve Marismas Nacionales Nayarit, Mexico, an area that recently received funding for implementing mangrove restoration actions. We identified 468 potential restoration sites, assessed their restorability potential based on socioeconomic and ecological metrics, and ranked sites for implementation with spatial optimization. The metrics we used included favorable conditions for propagules to establish and survive under sea-level rise, provision of ecosystem services, and community dynamics. Sites that were selected based on socioeconomic or ecological metrics alone had lower likelihood of mangrove restoration success than sites that were selected based on integrated socioeconomic and ecological metrics. For example, selecting sites based on only socioeconomic metrics captured 16% of the maximum attainable value of functioning mangroves able to provide propagules to potential restoration sites, whereas selecting sites based on ecological and socioeconomic metrics captured 46% of functioning mangroves. Our approach was developed as part of a collaboration between nongovernmental organizations, local government, and academics under rapid delivery time lines given preexisting mangrove restoration implementation commitments. The systematic decision process we used integrated socioeconomic and ecological considerations even under short delivery deadlines, and our approach can be adapted to help mangrove restoration site-selection decisions elsewhere.

Integración de datos socioeconómicos y ecológicos en las prácticas de restauración Resumen Se espera que la inversión en la restauración de los manglares incremente debido a la Década de Restauración de las Naciones Unidad y las iniciativas internacionales de financiamiento, como The Mangrove Breakthrough. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos de restauración de manglares fallan con frecuencia, generalmente por los procesos de selección de sitios ad­hoc que no consideran la ecología del manglar y el contexto socioeconómico. Usamos el análisis de decisiones para desarrollar una estrategia que considera los datos socioeconómicos y ecológicos para identificar los sitios con mayor probabilidad de éxito de restauración. Aplicamos nuestra estrategia en la Reserva de la Biósfera Marismas Nacionales Nayarit, México, un área que recibió financiamiento reciente para la restauración del manglar. Identificamos 468 sitios potencialmente restaurables, evaluamos su potencial de restauración con base en medidas ecológicas y socioeconómicas y clasificamos los sitios para la implementación con la optimización espacial. Las medidas que usamos incluían las condiciones favorables para que los propágulos se establezcan y sobrevivan con el incremento en el nivel del mar, el suministro de servicios ambientales y las dinámicas de la comunidad. Los sitios seleccionados sólo con base en las medidas ecológicas o socioeconómicas tuvieron una menor probabilidad de éxito de restauración que los sitios que se seleccionaron con base en medidas socioeconómicas y ecológicas integradas. Por ejemplo, la selección de sitios con base sólo en las medidas socioeconómicas capturó el 16% del máximo valor alcanzable de manglares funcionales capaces de proporcionar propágulos a los sitios potenciales de restauración, mientras que la selección basada en medidas ecológicas y socioeconómicas capturó el 46% de los manglares funcionales. Desarrollamos nuestra estrategia como parte de una colaboración entre organizaciones no gubernamentales, el gobierno local y académicos sujetos a una fecha pronta de entrega debido a los compromisos preexistentes para la restauración de manglares. El proceso de decisión sistemática que usamos integró las consideraciones ecológicas y socioeconómicas incluso con plazos cortos de entrega. Nuestra estrategia puede adaptarse para apoyar en la selección de sitios de restauración de manglares en otros sitios.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Factores Socioeconómicos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/economía , México , Restauración y Remediación Ambiental/economía , Ecosistema , Técnicas de Apoyo para la Decisión
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(10): e2313205121, 2024 Mar 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38408235


Marine protected areas (MPAs) are widely used for ocean conservation, yet the relative impacts of various types of MPAs are poorly understood. We estimated impacts on fish biomass from no-take and multiple-use (fished) MPAs, employing a rigorous matched counterfactual design with a global dataset of >14,000 surveys in and around 216 MPAs. Both no-take and multiple-use MPAs generated positive conservation outcomes relative to no protection (58.2% and 12.6% fish biomass increases, respectively), with smaller estimated differences between the two MPA types when controlling for additional confounding factors (8.3% increase). Relative performance depended on context and management: no-take MPAs performed better in areas of high human pressure but similar to multiple-use in remote locations. Multiple-use MPA performance was low in high-pressure areas but improved significantly with better management, producing similar outcomes to no-take MPAs when adequately staffed and appropriate use regulations were applied. For priority conservation areas where no-take restrictions are not possible or ethical, our findings show that a portfolio of well-designed and well-managed multiple-use MPAs represents a viable and potentially equitable pathway to advance local and global conservation.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Animales , Humanos , Biomasa , Peces , Ecosistema
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14213, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37904666


Monitoring the governance and management effectiveness of area-based conservation has long been recognized as an important foundation for achieving national and global biodiversity goals and enabling adaptive management. However, there are still many barriers that prevent conservation actors, including those affected by governance and management systems from implementing conservation activities and programs and from gathering and using data on governance and management to inform decision-making across spatial scales and through time. We explored current and past efforts to assess governance and management effectiveness and barriers actors face in using the resulting data and insights to inform conservation decision-making. To help overcome these barriers, we developed Elinor, a free and open-source monitoring tool that builds on the work of Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom to facilitate the gathering, storing, sharing, analyzing, and use of data on environmental governance and management across spatial scales and for areas under different governance and management types. We consider the process of codesigning and piloting Elinor with conservation scientists and practitioners and the main components of the assessment and online data system. We also consider how Elinor complements existing approaches by addressing governance and management in a single assessment at a high level for different types of area-based conservation, providing flexible options for data collection, and integrating a data system with an assessment that can support data use and sharing across different spatial scales, including global monitoring of the Global Biodiversity Framework. Although challenges will continue, the process of developing Elinor and the tool itself offer tangible solutions to barriers that prevent the systematic collection and use of governance and management data. With broader uptake, Elinor can play a valuable role in enabling more effective, inclusive, and durable area-based conservation.

Introducción de Elinor para el monitoreo de la gobernanza y la gestión de la conservación con base en zonas geográficas Resumen El monitoreo de la efectividad de la gobernanza y de la gestión de la conservación basada en zonas geográficas ha sido reconocido durante mucho tiempo como una base importante para alcanzar las metas nacionales y mundiales de la biodiversidad y permitir un manejo adaptativo. Sin embargo, todavía existen barreras que evitan que los actores de la conservación, incluidos aquellos afectados por los sistemas de gobernanza y gestión, implementen actividades y programas de conservación y recopilen y usen datos de la gobernanza y la gestión para informar las decisiones a lo largo de las escalas espaciales y a través del tiempo. Exploramos los esfuerzos hechos en la actualidad y en el pasado para evaluar la efectividad de la gobernanza y la gestión así como las barreras que los actores enfrentan al usar los datos y el conocimiento resultantes para informar la toma de decisiones de conservación. Para ayudar a derribar estas barreras desarrollamos Elinor, una herramienta de monitoreo gratuita y de software libre que parte del trabajo de la ganadora del Premio Nobel Elinor Ostrom, para facilitar la recopilación, almacenamiento, divulgación, análisis y uso de los datos sobre la gobernanza y la gestión ambiental en las escalas espaciales y para las zonas con diferentes tipos de gobernanza y gestión. Planteamos co­diseñar y pilotear Elinor con los científicos y practicantes de la conservación y usando los componentes principales del sistema de evaluación y de datos en línea. También planteamos cómo Elinor complementa las estrategias existentes al abordar la gobernanza y la gestión en una sola evaluación a un nivel elevado para diferentes tipos de conservación basada en zonas geográficas, lo que proporciona opciones flexibles para la colecta de datos, e integramos un sistema de datos con una evaluación que soporta el uso y divulgación de datos en diferentes escalas espaciales, incluido el Marco Mundial para la Biodiversidad. Aunque los retos seguirán existiendo, el proceso de desarrollo de Elinor y la propia herramienta ofrecen soluciones tangibles a las barreras que previenen la colecta sistemática y el uso de datos de la gobernanza y la gestión. Con una mayor aceptación, Elinor puede tener un papel importante en el momento de hacer posible una conservación basada en zonas geográficas más eficaz, integradora y duradera.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Política Ambiental , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Toma de Decisiones , Biodiversidad , Recolección de Datos
Sci Total Environ ; 904: 166357, 2023 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595913


Mangrove forests support unique biodiversity and provide a suite of ecosystem services (ES) that benefit people. Decades of continual mangrove loss and degradation have necessitated global efforts to protect and restore this important ecosystem. Generating and evaluating asset maps of biodiversity and ES is an important precursor to identifying locations that can deliver conservation outcomes across varying scales, such as maximising the co-occurrence of specific ES. We bring together global datasets on mangrove-affiliated biodiversity, carbon stocks, fish and invertebrate production, and coastal protection to provide insight into potential trade-offs, synergies and opportunities from mangrove conservation. We map opportunities where high ES provision co-occurs with these areas that could be leveraged in conservation planning, and identify potential high-value opportunities for single ES that might otherwise be missed with a biodiversity focus. Hotspots of single ES, co-occurrence of multiple ES, and opportunities to simultaneously leverage biodiversity and ES occurred throughout the world. For example, efforts that focus on conserving or restoring mangroves to store carbon can be targed to deliver multiple ES benefits. Some nations, such as Vietnam, Oman, Ecuador and China, showed consistent (although not necessarily strong) correlations between ES pairs. A lack of clear or consistent spatial trends elsewhere suggests that some nations will likely benefit more from complementarity-based approaches that focus on multiple sites with high provision of different services. Individual sites within these nations, however, such as Laguna de Terminos in Mexico still provide valuable opportunities to leverage co-benefits. Ensuring that an ES focused approach is complemented by strategic spatial planning is a priority, and our analyses provide a precursor towards decisions about where and how to invest.

Carbono , Ecosistema , Humanos , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Biodiversidad , Invertebrados
Sci Adv ; 8(18): eabl8929, 2022 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35507668


Accelerating ecosystem degradation has spurred proposals to vastly expand the extent of protected areas (PAs), potentially affecting the livelihoods and well-being of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) worldwide. The benefits of multiuse PAs that elevate the role of IPLCs in management have long been recognized. However, quantitative examinations of how resource governance and the distribution of management rights affect conservation outcomes are vital for long-term sustainability. Here, we use a long-term, quasi-experimental monitoring dataset from four Indonesian marine PAs that demonstrates that multiuse PAs can increase fish biomass, but incorporating multiple governance principles into management regimes and enforcing rules equitably are critical to achieve ecological benefits. Furthermore, we show that PAs predicated primarily on enforcing penalties can be less effective than those where IPLCs have the capacity to engage in management. Our results suggest that well-governed multiuse PAs can achieve conservation objectives without undermining the rights of IPLCs.

Curr Biol ; 32(7): 1641-1649.e3, 2022 04 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35196506


There is an urgent need to halt and reverse loss of mangroves and seagrass to protect and increase the ecosystem services they provide to coastal communities, such as enhancing coastal resilience and contributing to climate stability.1,2 Ambitious targets for their recovery can inspire public and private investment in conservation,3 but the expected outcomes of different protection and restoration strategies are unclear. We estimated potential recovery of mangroves and seagrass through gains in ecosystem extent to the year 2070 under a range of protection and restoration strategies implemented until the year 2050. Under a protection-only scenario, the current trajectories of net mangrove loss slowed, and a minor net gain in global seagrass extent (∼1%) was estimated. Protection alone is therefore unlikely to drive sufficient recovery. However, if action is taken to both protect and restore, net gains of up to 5% and 35% of mangroves and seagrasses, respectively, could be achieved by 2050. Further, protection and restoration can be complementary, as protection prevents losses that would otherwise occur post-2050, highlighting the importance of implementing protection measures. Our findings provide the scientific evidence required for setting strategic and ambitious targets to inspire significant global investment and effort in mangrove and seagrass conservation.

Ecosistema , Humedales , Clima , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales
PLoS One ; 15(8): e0236200, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32846430


Indo-Pacific lionfish have become invasive throughout the western Atlantic. Their predatory effects have been the focus of much research and are suggested to cause declines in native fish abundance and diversity across the invaded range. However, little is known about their non-consumptive effects, or their effects on invertebrates. Lionfish use shelters on the reef, thus there is potential for competition with other shelter-dwelling organisms. We demonstrate similar habitat associations between invasive lionfish, native spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) and native long-spined sea urchins (Diadema antillarum), indicating the potential for competition. We then used a laboratory experiment to compare activity and shelter use of each species when alone and when lionfish were paired with each native species. Spiny lobsters increased their activity but did not change their shelter use in the presence of a lionfish, whilst long-spined sea urchins changed neither their activity nor shelter use. However, lionfish reduced their shelter use in the presence of spiny lobsters and long-spined sea urchins. This study highlights the importance not only of testing for the non-consumptive effects of invasive species, but also exploring whether native species exert non-consumptive effects on the invasive.

Peces/fisiología , Fenómenos de Retorno al Lugar Habitual , Especies Introducidas , Palinuridae/fisiología , Erizos de Mar/fisiología , Distribución Animal , Animales , Región del Caribe , Arrecifes de Coral , Dinámica Poblacional
R Soc Open Sci ; 5(10): 180835, 2018 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30473832


Widespread shallow coral reef loss has led to calls for more holistic approaches to coral reef management, requiring inclusion of ecosystems interacting with shallow coral reefs in management plans. Yet, almost all current reef management is biased towards shallow reefs, and overlooks that coral reefs extend beyond shallow waters to mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs; 30-150 m). We present the first detailed quantitative characterization of MCEs off Cozumel, Mexico, on the northern Mesoamerican Reef in the Mexican Caribbean, and provide insights into their general state. We documented MCE biodiversity, and assessed whether MCEs adjacent to a major town and port, where coastal development has caused shallow reef damage, have similar benthic and fish communities to MCEs within a National Park. Our results show that overall MCE communities are similar regardless of protection, though some taxa-specific differences exist in benthic communities between sites within the MPA and areas outside. Regardless of protection and location, and in contrast to shallow reefs, all observed Cozumel MCEs were continuous reefs with the main structural habitat complexity provided by calcareous macroalgae, sponges, gorgonians and black corals. Hard corals were present on MCEs, although at low abundance. We found that 42.5% of fish species recorded on Cozumel could be found on both shallow reefs and MCEs, including 39.6% of commercially valuable fish species. These results suggest that MCEs could play an important role in supporting fish populations. However, regardless of protection and depth, we found few large-body fishes (greater than 500 mm), which were nearly absent at all studied sites. Cozumel MCEs contain diverse benthic and fish assemblages, including commercially valuable fisheries species and ecosystem engineers, such as black corals. Because of their inherent biodiversity and identified threats, MCEs should be incorporated into shallow-reef-focused Cozumel National Park management plan.

PeerJ ; 6: e5129, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30013832


Black corals (Antipatharians) are crucial structural and ecological components of many mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs; reefs 30-150 m depth). In Mexico, black corals are harvested for the jewellery industry, which has historically led to population depletion. Harvesting began in the early 1960s and was concentrated around Cozumel Island until 1995. Since then, harvesting permits have been granted only for the mainland coast. Here we compare Cozumel populations between 1998 and 2016 for the two black coral species targeted by the jewellery industry. We found that densities of Plumapathes pennacea in 2016 were substantially lower than in 1998. However, the 2016 P. pennacea population has shifted to be dominated by larger colonies, suggesting disproportionate juvenile mortality or recruitment failure. Low numbers of Antipathes caribbeana were recorded, and no change in population density or colony size was detected between 1998 and 2016. Despite harvesting occurring for almost 70 years in the Mexican Caribbean, no information on reproduction, recruitment and other dynamics of the targeted species is available. We advocate for harvesting permits to be based on scientific evidence, and for implementation of future restrictions to prevent total depletion of black corals in the area.

PeerJ ; 5: e3683, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28828275


Non-native lionfish have been recorded throughout the western Atlantic on both shallow and mesophotic reefs, where they have been linked to declines in reef health. In this study we report the first lionfish observations from the deep sea (>200 m) in Bermuda and Roatan, Honduras, with lionfish observed to a maximum depth of 304 m off the Bermuda platform, and 250 m off West End, Roatan. Placed in the context of other deeper lionfish observations and records, our results imply that lionfish may be present in the 200-300 m depth range of the upper-bathyal zone across many locations in the western Atlantic, but currently are under-sampled compared to shallow habitats. We highlight the need for considering deep-sea lionfish populations in future invasive lionfish management.

PLoS One ; 12(8): e0183075, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28809933


Shallow water zooxanthellate coral reefs grade into ecologically distinct mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) deeper in the euphotic zone. MCEs are widely considered to start at an absolute depth limit of 30m deep, possibly failing to recognise that these are distinct ecological communities that may shift shallower or deeper depending on local environmental conditions. This study aimed to explore whether MCEs represent distinct biological communities, the upper boundary of which can be defined and whether the depth at which they occur may vary above or below 30m. Mixed-gas diving and closed-circuit rebreathers were used to quantitatively survey benthic communities across shallow to mesophotic reef gradients around the island of Utila, Honduras. Depths of up to 85m were sampled, covering the vertical range of the zooxanthellate corals around Utila. We investigate vertical reef zonation using a variety of ecological metrics to identify community shifts with depth, and the appropriateness of different metrics to define the upper MCE boundary. Patterns observed in scleractinian community composition varied between ordination analyses and approaches utilising biodiversity indices. Indices and richness approaches revealed vertical community transition was a gradation. Ordination approaches suggest the possibility of recognising two scleractinian assemblages. We could detect a mesophotic and shallow community while illustrating that belief in a static depth limit is biologically unjustified. The switch between these two communities occurred across bathymetric gradients as small as 10m and as large as 50m in depth. The difference between communities appears to be a loss of shallow specialists and increase in depth-generalist taxa. Therefore, it may be possible to define MCEs by a loss of shallow specialist species. To support a biological definition of mesophotic reefs, we advocate this analytical framework should be applied around the Caribbean and extended into other ocean basins where MCEs are present.

Antozoos/efectos de la radiación , Ecosistema , Luz , Animales , Antozoos/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Honduras
R Soc Open Sci ; 4(5): 170027, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28573007


Invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) have spread widely across the western Atlantic and are recognized as a major threat to native marine biodiversity. Although lionfish inhabit both shallow reefs and mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs; reefs from 30 to 150 m depth), the primary management response implemented by many countries has been diver-led culling limited to reefs less than 30 m. However, many reef fish undergo ontogenetic migrations, with the largest and therefore most fecund individuals found at greatest depths. Here, we study lionfish density, body size, maturity and dietary patterns across the depth gradient from the surface down to 85 m on heavily culled reefs around Utila, Honduras. We found lionfish at increased densities, body size and weight on MCEs compared with shallow reefs, with MCEs also containing the greatest proportion of actively spawning females, while shallow reefs contained the greatest proportion of immature lionfish. We then compared lionfish behaviour in response to divers on shallow culled and mesophotic unculled Utilan reefs, and on shallow unculled reefs in Tela Bay, on the Honduran mainland. We found that mesophotic lionfish exhibited high alert distances, consistent with individuals previously exposed to culling despite being below the depth limits of removal. In addition, when examining stomach content, we found that fish were the major component of lionfish diets across the depth gradient. Importantly, our results suggest that despite adjacent shallow culling, MCEs retain substantial lionfish populations that may be disproportionately contributing towards continued lionfish recruitment onto the shallow reefs of Utila, potentially undermining current culling-based management.

PeerJ ; 5: e2853, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28168098


Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs, reefs 30-150 m) are understudied, yet the limited research conducted has been biased towards large sessile taxa, such as scleractinian corals and sponges, or mobile taxa such as fishes. Here we investigate zooplankton communities on shallow reefs and MCEs around Utila on the southern Mesoamerican Barrier Reef using planktonic light traps. Zooplankton samples were sorted into broad taxonomic groups. Our results indicate similar taxonomic zooplankton richness and overall biomass between shallow reefs and MCEs. However, the abundance of larger bodied (>2 mm) zooplanktonic groups, including decapod crab zoea, mysid shrimps and peracarid crustaceans, was higher on MCEs than shallow reefs. Our findings highlight the importance of considering zooplankton when identifying broader reef community shifts across the shallow reef to MCE depth gradient.

PLoS One ; 11(12): e0168235, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27959907


Fish surveys form the backbone of reef monitoring and management initiatives throughout the tropics, and understanding patterns in biases between techniques is crucial if outputs are to address key objectives optimally. Often biases are not consistent across natural environmental gradients such as depth, leading to uncertainty in interpretation of results. Recently there has been much interest in mesophotic reefs (reefs from 30-150 m depth) as refuge habitats from fishing pressure, leading to many comparisons of reef fish communities over depth gradients. Here we compare fish communities using stereo-video footage recorded via baited remote underwater video (BRUV) and diver-operated video (DOV) systems on shallow and mesophotic reefs in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Caribbean. We show inconsistent responses across families, species and trophic groups between methods across the depth gradient. Fish species and family richness were higher using BRUV at both depth ranges, suggesting that BRUV is more appropriate for recording all components of the fish community. Fish length distributions were not different between methods on shallow reefs, yet BRUV recorded more small fish on mesophotic reefs. However, DOV consistently recorded greater relative fish community biomass of herbivores, suggesting that studies focusing on herbivores should consider using DOV. Our results highlight the importance of considering what component of reef fish community researchers and managers are most interested in surveying when deciding which survey technique to use across natural gradients such as depth.

Arrecifes de Coral , Peces , Densidad de Población , Grabación en Video , Animales , Biodiversidad , Biomasa , Tamaño Corporal , Calibración , Región del Caribe , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Geografía
PLoS One ; 11(6): e0156641, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27332811


Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs; reefs 30-150m depth) are of increased research interest because of their potential role as depth refuges from many shallow reef threats. Yet few studies have identified patterns in fish species composition and trophic group structure between MCEs and their shallow counterparts. Here we explore reef fish species and biomass distributions across shallow to upper-MCE Caribbean reef gradients (5-40m) around Utila, Honduras, using a diver-operated stereo-video system. Broadly, we found reef fish species richness, abundance and biomass declining with depth. At the trophic group level we identified declines in herbivores (both total and relative community biomass) with depth, mostly driven by declines in parrotfish (Scaridae). Piscivores increased as a proportion of the community with increased depth while, in contrast to previous studies, we found no change in relative planktivorous reef fish biomass across the depth gradient. In addition, we also found evidence of ontogenetic migrations in the blue tang (Acanthurus coeruleus), striped parrotfish (Scarus iserti), blue chromis (Chromis cyanea), creole wrasse (Clepticus parrae), bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) and yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus), with a higher proportion of larger individuals at mesophotic and near-mesophotic depths than on shallow reefs. Our results highlight the importance of using biomass measures when considering fish community changes across depth gradients, with biomass generating different results to simple abundance counts.

Biomasa , Arrecifes de Coral , Ecosistema , Peces/fisiología , Animales , Biodiversidad , Región del Caribe , Peces/anatomía & histología , Geografía , Especificidad de la Especie