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Interacciones ; 9: e278, ene. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517795


Background: Emotion regulation involves the modulation of emotional experiences to facilitate goal attainment. Conversely, emotional difficulties are a pattern of emotional experiences and expressions that interfere with goal-directed behavior. Objectives: Our aim was to determine the relationship between emotional regulation difficulties with procrastination, life satisfaction, and resilience to distress. Methods: The sample consisted of 366 individuals from the general population, with a mean age of 33 years (SD=15) and 62.1% female. Results: Procrastination was positively related to the six emotional distress regulation strategies and negative affect (NA), and negatively related to positive affect (PA). Life satisfaction and distress endurance are negatively related to the identified regulation strategies and NA, and positively related to PA. Procrastination, once NA and PA are controlled is predicted by lack of clarity and lack of goals. Satisfaction with life and resistance to distress are predicted by less lack of strategies. Conclusions: It is concluded that of the sociodemographic variables only age is relevant to procrastination, given that people younger than 21 years score higher on this construct. Procrastination is positively related to the six dimensions of difficulties in emotion regulation, where it is predicted by lack of goals and lack of clarity, however, satisfaction with life and resistance to discomfort by less lack of strategies.

Introducción: La regulación de las emociones implica la modulación de las experiencias de las emociones para facilitar la consecución de los objetivos, por el contrario, las dificultades emocionales son un patrón de experiencias y/o expresiones emocionales que interfieren con el comportamiento dirigido a objetivos. Objetivos: Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la relación entre las dificultades en la regulación emocional con la postergación, la satisfacción con la vida y la resiliencia a la angustia. Método: La muestra consistió en 366 personas de la población general, con una media de edad de 33 años (DE=15) y un 62.1% de mujeres. Resultados: La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis estrategias de dificultades en la regulación de las emociones y el afecto negativo (AN), y negativamente con el afecto positivo (AP), la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia se relacionan negativamente con las estrategias de regulación identificadas y con el afecto negativo, y positivamente con el afecto positivo. La postergación, una vez controlado el AN y el AP se predice por la falta de claridad y la falta de objetivos. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia son predichas por menos falta de estrategias. Conclusiones: Se concluye que de las variables sociodemográficas solo la edad es relevante en la postergación, dado que las personas menores de 21 años puntúan más elevado en este constructo. La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis dimensiones de las dificultades en la regulación de las emociones, en las que es predicha por la falta de objetivos y la falta de claridad, sin embargo, la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia al malestar por menos falta de estrategias.

Interacciones ; 9ene. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448474


Introducción: La regulación de las emociones implica la modulación de las experiencias de las emociones para facilitar la consecución de los objetivos, por el contrario, las dificultades emocionales son un patrón de experiencias y/o expresiones emocionales que interfieren con el comportamiento dirigido a objetivos. Objetivos: Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la relación entre las dificultades en la regulación emocional con la postergación, la satisfacción con la vida y la resiliencia a la angustia. Método: La muestra consistió en 366 personas de la población general, con una media de edad de 33 años (DE=15) y un 62.1% de mujeres. Resultados: La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis estrategias de dificultades en la regulación de las emociones y el afecto negativo (AN), y negativamente con el afecto positivo (AP), la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia se relacionan negativamente con las estrategias de regulación identificadas y con el afecto negativo, y positivamente con el afecto positivo. La postergación, una vez controlado el AN y el AP se predice por la falta de claridad y la falta de objetivos. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia son predichas por menos falta de estrategias. Conclusiones: Se concluye que de las variables sociodemográficas solo la edad es relevante en la postergación, dado que las personas menores de 21 años puntúan más elevado en este constructo. La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis dimensiones de las dificultades en la regulación de las emociones, en las que es predicha por la falta de objetivos y la falta de claridad, sin embargo, la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia al malestar por menos falta de estrategias.

Background: Emotion regulation involves the modulation of emotional experiences to facilitate goal attainment. Conversely, emotional difficulties are a pattern of emotional experiences and expressions that interfere with goal-directed behavior. Objectives: Our aim was to determine the relationship between emotional regulation difficulties with procrastination, life satisfaction, and resilience to distress. Methods: The sample consisted of 366 individuals from the general population, with a mean age of 33 years (SD=15) and 62.1% female. Results: Procrastination was positively related to the six emotional distress regulation strategies and negative affect (NA), and negatively related to positive affect (PA). Life satisfaction and distress endurance are negatively related to the identified regulation strategies and NA, and positively related to PA. Procrastination, once NA and PA are controlled is predicted by lack of clarity and lack of goals. Satisfaction with life and resistance to distress are predicted by less lack of strategies. Conclusions: It is concluded that of the sociodemographic variables only age is relevant to procrastination, given that people younger than 21 years score higher on this construct. Procrastination is positively related to the six dimensions of difficulties in emotion regulation, where it is predicted by lack of goals and lack of clarity, however, satisfaction with life and resistance to discomfort by less lack of strategies.

rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga.2010) ; 13(1): 1-10, 20221213.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1369124


Introducción: Los profesionales del área de odontología se ven expuestos a diferentes tipos de ruidos generados en el ambiente laboral producidos durante el ejercicio de su práctica clínica, originados, entre otros, por el instrumental y los aparatos rotatorios de uso diario. Estos niveles de ruido pueden variar de acuerdo a la especialidad clínica. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de ruido producido durante los procedimientos odontológicos en las clínicas de una facultad de odontología. Material y Métodos: A partir de un estudio de corte transversal analítico y mediante muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia se realizó el reconocimiento de las unidades en las especialidades odontológicas a evaluar. Se usó un sonómetro digital BENETECH GM1352, nivel de frecuencia A, rango 30-130 dB, exactitud más o menos 1,5 dB. Se utilizaron las pruebas U de Mann Whitney y Kruskal Wallis para determinar diferencias en los niveles de ruido entre las especialidades odontológicas. Resultados: La mediana del nivel de ruido medido en general fue de 75,94 dB (RIC 74,12 ­ 77,51), la especialidad clínica en la que mayor ruido se identificó fue la operatoria dental (mediana 77,34 y RIC 76,44 ­79,4 dB). Conclusiones: las áreas clínicas operatoria dental, rehabilitación, endodoncia y odontopediatría corresponden a las especialidades donde los niveles de ruido determinados se ajustan a los límites permitidos por la normatividad vigente en Colombia para el ruido medido en ambiente laboral.

Introduction: Dental professionals are exposed to different noise levels in their work environment during their clinical practice, mainly caused by dental instruments and rotary instruments used on a daily basis. Noise levels may vary according to the type of clinical specialty. Objective: To determine noise levels during dental procedures in dental school clinics. Materials and Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted by means of non-probability convenience sampling to determine dental specialties to be evaluated. BENETECH GM1352 30-130dB Digital Sound Level Meter with accuracy +/- 1.5 dB and A weighting was used for measurements. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests were used to identify differences in noise levels among dental specialties. Results: Measured median noise level was 75.94 dB (RCI 74.21 -77.51), dental surgery was identified to have the highest noise among clinical specialties (median 77.34 and RCI 76.44 -79.4 dB). Conclusions: Dental surgery, oral rehabilitation, endodontics and pediatric dentistry were found to be the clinical specialties where noise exposure is within the limits established by Colombian regulations for noise in the workplace.

Introdução: Os profissionais da área da odontologia estão expostos a diferentes tipos de ruído gerado no ambiente de trabalho produzido durante o exercício da sua prática clínica, proveniente, entre outros, de instrumentos e aparelhos rotativos em uso diário. Estes níveis de ruído podem variar de acordo com a especialidade clínica. Objetivo: Determinar o nível de ruído produzido durante procedimentos odontológicos nas clínicas de uma escola de odontologia. Material e Métodos: Com base em um estudo analítico transversal e por meio de amostragem por conveniência não probabilística, foram levantadas as unidades das especialidades odontológicas a serem avaliadas. Foi utilizado um sonómetro digital BENETECH GM1352, nível de frequência A, faixa de medição 30-130 dB, precisão mais ou menos 1,5 dB. Os testes U de Mann Whitney e Kruskal Wallis foram usados para determinar as diferenças nos níveis de ruído entre as especialidades odontológicas. Resultados: O nível de ruído médio medido globalmente foi de 75,94 dB (RIC 74,12 - 77,51), sendo que a especialidade clínica em que foi identificado o maior ruído foi a cirurgia dentária (média 77,34 e RIC 76,44 -79,4 dB). Conclusões: as áreas clínicas de cirurgia dentária, reabilitação, endodontia e odontologia pediátrica correspondem às especialidades onde os níveis de ruído determinados estão de acordo com os limites permitidos pela regulamentação em vigor na Colômbia para o ruído medido no ambiente de trabalho.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Universidades , Salud Laboral , Odontología , Ruido
Univ. salud ; 24(supl.1): 301-307, Sep.-Dec. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1424727


Introduction: Teaching virtually can cause symptoms related to muscle pain due to bad postures when working with computers. Objective: To determine the presence of musculoskeletal disorders in university professors who telework during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: Analytical cross-sectional study in professors from health programs at a northeastern Colombian university. The validated Spanish version of the Nordic Kuorinka questionnaire was used (Cronbach's alpha 0.8-0.9). Using non-probabilistic sampling and an instrument applied virtually, 68 professors were included in the study. The dependent variable was presence of musculoskeletal disorder, whereas the independent ones were the sociodemographic conditions related to telework. The Fisher or were used for qualitative variables. Comparison of means were carried out through Student's t test. p<0.05 values were interpreted as statistical association. Results: 67.7% of participants reported musculoskeletal disorder in at least one anatomical site, being the neck the one mostly affected. Female gender and seniority in teaching practice showed an association with the disorder (p<0.05). Conclusion: Working conditions triggered by teleworking during the pandemic are associated with the presence of musculoskeletal disorders in professors.

Introducción: El ejercicio de la docencia en modalidad virtual puede desencadenar síntomas relacionados con dolor muscular debido a las malas posturas frente al computador. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de trastornos musculoesqueléticos en docentes universitarios que realizan teletrabajo durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico de corte transversal en docentes de programas de salud de una universidad del nororiente colombiano. Se usó el cuestionario Nórdico Kuorinka, validado y adaptado al español Aalfa de Cronbach 0,8-0,9], a partir de muestreo no probabilístico se incluyeron 68 docentes mediante instrumento aplicado en formato virtual. La variable dependiente fue la presencia del trastorno musculoesquelético y variables independientes las sociodemográficas y relacionadas con teletrabajo. Se usó el Test de Fisher en variables cualitativas. La comparación de medias se hizo con prueba t de Student. Se interpretó como asociación estadística valores de p<0,05. Resultados: El 67,6% manifestó trastorno musculoesquelético en al menos un sitio anatómico; el cuello fue el área más afectada. El sexo femenino y la antigüedad en el ejercicio de la docencia mostraron asociación con el trastorno (p<0,05). Conclusión: Las condiciones laborales generadas por el teletrabajo durante la pandemia se asocian con la presencia de trastornos musculoesqueléticos en docentes.

Humanos , Educación , Pandemias , Teletrabajo , Salud Laboral , Personal Docente , COVID-19 , Condiciones de Trabajo , Movimiento , Enfermedades Musculares
rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 13(3): 1-18, 20220831.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1402477


Introducción: Las patologías bucales se asocian con las condiciones sociales, materiales y el nivel socioeconómico desfavorables. La salud bucal de las mujeres se ve afectada por aspectos sociales, que marcan inequidades en salud, si se compara con los hombres. Objetivo: Evaluar la influencia del gradiente social sobre la salud bucal de mujeres trabajadoras de una universidad de Santander, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal que involucró a 84 mujeres trabajadoras. Se utilizaron variables sociodemográficas, de condición de salud bucal (presencia de caries dental, enfermedad periodontal y edentulismo) y posición social. Se estableció una relación entre estas. Para ello, se aplicaron las pruebas Chi cuadrado o Exacto de Fisher, t de Student o test de rangos de Wilcoxon, con una significancia α≤0,05. Resultados: Se evidenció una prevalencia de caries dental de un 85,7%, enfermedad periodontal de un 79,8%, y prevalencia de edentulismo de un 40,5%; los factores sociales que se presentaron con mayor frecuencia mostrando alguna relación con las condiciones bucales fueron edad, etnia, estado civil, nivel educativo, la labor que realiza diariamente, estrato socioeconómico, la responsabilidad económica dentro del hogar. Conclusión: El gradiente social no registró diferencias estadísticamente significativas al analizarlo con las patologías orales; sin embargo, se estableció que las mujeres que se ubicaron en la posición social alta tenían menos carga de enfermedades bucales; mientras que las mujeres que se encontraban en la posición social baja tenían mayor prevalencia de caries dental, enfermedad periodontal y edentulismo.

Introduction: Oral diseases are associated with unfavorable social, material, and socioeconomic conditions. Women's oral health is affected by social aspects, which increase health inequalities when compared to men. Objetive: To evaluate the social gradient's influence on the oral health of working women at a university in Santander, Colombia. Materials and Methods: Analytical cross-sectional observational cross-sectional study involving 84 working women. Sociodemographic variables, oral health condition variables (presence of dental caries, periodontal disease, and edentulism), and social status variables were used to establish relationships. Chi-square test or Fisher's Exact test, Student's t-test or Wilcoxon rank test were used, with a significance α≤0.05. Results: The prevalence of dental caries was 85.7%, periodontal disease 79.8%, and edentulism 40.5%. Age, ethnicity, marital status, educational level, work carried out daily, socioeconomic status, and responsibility for household finances were the social factors most frequently related to oral conditions. Conclusions: The social gradient did not register statistically significant differences when analyzed with oral diseases. However, it was established that women with a high social status had a lower burden of oral diseases, while women with a low social status had a higher prevalence of dental caries, periodontal disease, and edentulism.

Introdução: As patologias bucais estão associadas a condições sociais, materiais e socioeconômicas desfavoráveis. A saúde bucal das mulheres é afetada por aspectos sociais, que marcam as iniquidades em saúde, quando comparadas aos homens. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência do gradiente social na saúde bucal de mulheres trabalhadoras de uma universidade em Santander, Colômbia. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo observacional analítico transversal envolvendo 84 mulheres trabalhadoras. Foram utilizadas variáveis sociodemográficas, condição de saúde bucal (presença de cárie dentária, doença periodontal e edentulismo) e posição social. Estabeleceu-se uma relação entre eles. Para isso, foram aplicados os testes Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher, Teste T de Student ou teste de faixas de Wilcoxon, com significância de α≤0,05. Resultados: Evidenciou-se prevalência de cárie dentária de 85,7%, doença periodontal de 79,8% e prevalência de edentulismo de 40,5%; os fatores sociais que apareceram com maior frequência, mostrando alguma relação com as condições bucais, foram idade, etnia, estado civil, escolaridade, trabalho diário, nível socioeconômico, responsabilidade econômica dentro do lar. Conclusões: O gradiente social não registrou diferenças estatisticamente significativas ao analisá-lo com patologias bucais; no entanto, verificou-se que as mulheres que se encontravam em posição social elevada apresentavam menor carga de doenças bucais; enquanto as mulheres que estavam em posição social baixa apresentaram maior prevalência de cárie dentária, doença periodontal e edentulismo.

Factores Socioeconómicos , Mujeres , Salud Bucal
Front Microbiol ; 13: 755014, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35391734


Biological soil crusts (BSC) are considered as pivotal ecological elements among different ecosystems of the world. The effects of these BSC at the micro-site scale have been related to the development of diverse plant species that, otherwise, might be strongly limited by the harsh abiotic conditions found in environments with low water availability. Here, we describe for the first time the bacterial composition of BSCs found in the proximities of Admiralty Bay (Maritime Antarctica) through 16S metabarcoding. In addition, we evaluated their effect on soils (nutrient levels, enzymatic activity, and water retention), and on the fitness and performance of Colobanthus quitensis, one of the two native Antarctic vascular plants. This was achieved by comparing the photochemical performance, foliar nutrient, biomass, and reproductive investment between C. quitensis plants growing with or without the influence of BSC. Our results revealed a high diversity of prokaryotes present in these soil communities, although we found differences in terms of their abundances. We also found that the presence of BSCs is linked to a significant increase in soils' water retention, nutrient levels, and enzymatic activity when comparing with control soils (without BSCs). In the case of C. quitensis, we found that measured ecophysiological performance parameters were significantly higher on plants growing in association with BSCs. Taken together, our results suggest that BSCs in Antarctic soils are playing a key role in various biochemical processes involved in soil development, while also having a positive effect on the accompanying vascular flora. Therefore, BSCs would be effectively acting as ecosystem engineers for the terrestrial Antarctic ecosystem.

CES odontol ; 34(2): 46-60, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374779


Resumen Introducción y objetivo: La pérdida de capacidad auditiva por exposición a ruido en ambiente laboral es un problema de salud pública que se constituye en la tercera causa de incapacidad mundial por exposición laboral. En el área de odontología, personal en proceso de formación se ve expuesto al ruido del instrumental usado en los procedimientos clínicos lo que puede conducir a pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido. Evaluar la capacidad auditiva de estudiantes de una facultad de odontología en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal, en estudiantes de odontología de sexto a décimo semestre; se hizo encuesta autodiligenciada y valoración clínica audiológica a todos los participantes. La base de datos se consolidó en Microsoft Excel y se analizó en el programa estadístico STATA 14.0. El análisis estadístico incluyó descripción de los datos usando media y desviación estándar (datos cuantitativos) y frecuencias absoluta y relativa (datos cualitativos) los cuales se acompañaron de intervalos de confianza del 95%. El análisis bivariado se realizó con test exacto de Fisher y prueba de Chi cuadrado así como prueba de t de Student y ANOVA. Resultados: Se evidenció una pérdida auditiva de 77,8% para el oído derecho y el 76,2% para el oído izquierdo. Conclusión: Los estudiantes de odontología presentaron alteración en su capacidad auditiva. La edad y el semestre académico se asocian con la pérdida de la capacidad auditiva.

Abstract Introduction and objective: Loss of hearing ability due to exposure to noise in the workplace is a public health problem that constitutes the third cause of disability worldwide due to occupational exposure. In the dental area, personnel are exposed to the noise of the instruments used in clinical procedures, which can lead to noise-induced hearing loss. To evaluate the hearing capacity of students from a dental school in Colombia. Materials and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out in dental students from sixth to tenth semester; the participants' information was obtained through a self-filled survey and clinical audiological evaluation. The database was consolidated in Microsoft Excel and exported to the STATA 14.0 program where the information was processed. The analysis plan included description of the data using mean and standard deviation (quantitative data) and absolute and relative frequencies (qualitative data) which are accompanied by 95% confidence intervals. Bivariate analysis was performed with Fisher's exact test and Chi square test, as well as Student's t-test and ANOVA. Results: A hearing loss of 77.8% was evident for the right ear and 76.2% for the left ear. Conclusion: Dental students presented alteration in their hearing ability. Age and academic semester are associated with loss of hearing ability.

Resumo Introdução e objetivo: A perda da capacidade auditiva devido à exposição ao ruído no local de trabalho é um problema de saúde pública que é a terceira principal causa de incapacidade no mundo devido à exposição ocupacional. Na área de odontologia, o pessoal é exposto ao ruído dos instrumentos utilizados nos procedimentos clínicos, o que pode levar à perda auditiva induzida por ruído. avaliar a capacidade auditiva de estudantes de uma escola de odontologia na Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Um estudo transversal analítico foi realizado em estudantes de odontologia do sexto ao décimo semestre; as informações dos participantes foram obtidas por meio de inquérito auto-preenchido e avaliação audiológica clínica. O banco de dados foi consolidado no Microsoft Excel® e exportado para o programa STATA 14.0, onde as informações foram processadas. O plano de análise incluiu a descrição dos dados usando média e desvio padrão (dados quantitativos) e frequências absolutas e relativas (dados qualitativos) acompanhadas por intervalos de confiança de 95%. A análise bivariada foi realizada com o teste exato de Fisher e qui-quadrado, bem como o teste t de Student e ANOVA. Resultados: Perda auditiva de na orelha direita foi 77,8% na orelha direita e 76,2% na orelha esquerda. Conclusão: Os estudantes de odontologia apresentaram alteração na capacidade auditiva. A idade e o semestre acadêmico estão associados à perda da capacidade auditiva.

Plant Physiol Biochem ; 168: 465-476, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34717178


Expansins are proteins involved in cell wall metabolism that play an important role in plant growth, development, fruit ripening and abiotic stress tolerance. In the present study, we analyzed putative expansins that respond to drought stress. Five expansin genes were identified in cDNA libraries isolated from Colobanthus quitensis gown either with or without endophytic fungi under hydric stress. A differential transcript abundance was observed by qPCR analysis upon drought stress. To compare these expansin genes, and to suggest a possible mechanism of action at the molecular level, the structural model of the deduced proteins was obtained by comparative modeling methodology. The structures showed two domains and an open groove on the surface of the proteins was observed in the five structural models. The proteins were evaluated in terms of their protein-ligand interactions using four different ligands. The results suggested differences in their mode of protein-ligand interaction, in particular concerning the residues involved in the protein-ligand interaction. The presented evidence supports the participation of some members of the expansin multiprotein family in the response to drought stress in C. quitensis and suggest that the response is modulated by endophytic fungi.

Caryophyllaceae , Hongos no Clasificados , Regiones Antárticas , Sequías , Endófitos , Proteínas de Plantas/genética
Front Plant Sci ; 12: 663017, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33936153


Beneficial plant-associated microorganisms, such as fungal endophytes, are key partners that normally improve plant survival under different environmental stresses. It has been shown that microorganisms from extreme environments, like those associated with the roots of Antarctica plants, can be good partners to increase the performance of crop plants and to restore endangered native plants. Nothofagus alessandrii and N. glauca, are among the most endangered species of Chile, restricted to a narrow and/or limited distributional range associated mainly to the Maulino forest in Chile. Here we evaluated the effect of the inoculation with a fungal consortium of root endophytes isolated from the Antarctic host plant Colobanthus quitensis on the ecophysiological performance [photosynthesis, water use efficiency (WUE), and growth] of both endangered tree species. We also, tested how Antarctic root-fungal endophytes could affect the potential distribution of N. alessandrii through niche modeling. Additionally, we conducted a transplant experiment recording plant survival on 2 years in order to validate the model. Lastly, to evaluate if inoculation with Antarctic endophytes has negative impacts on native soil microorganisms, we compared the biodiversity of fungi and bacterial in the rhizospheric soil of transplanted individuals of N. alessandrii inoculated and non-inoculated with fungal endophytes. We found that inoculation with root-endophytes produced significant increases in N. alessandrii and N. glauca photosynthetic rates, water use efficiencies and cumulative growth. In N. alessandrii, seedling survival was significantly greater on inoculated plants compared with non-inoculated individuals. For this species, a spatial distribution modeling revealed that, inoculation with root-fungal endophytes could potentially increase the current distributional range by almost threefold. Inoculation with root-fungal endophytes, did not reduce native rhizospheric microbiome diversity. Our results suggest that the studied consortium of Antarctic root-fungal endophytes improve the ecophysiological performance as well as the survival of inoculated trees and can be used as a biotechnological tool for the restoration of endangered tree species.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 795354, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35058911


Seeds commonly harbour diverse bacterial communities that can enhance the fitness of future plants. The bacterial microbiota associated with mother plant's foliar tissues is one of the main sources of bacteria for seeds. Therefore, any ecological factor influencing the mother plant's microbiota may also affect the diversity of the seed's bacterial community. Grasses form associations with beneficial vertically transmitted fungal endophytes of genus Epichloë. The interaction of plants with Epichloë endophytes and insect herbivores can influence the plant foliar microbiota. However, it is unknown whether these interactions (alone or in concert) can affect the assembly of bacterial communities in the produced seed. We subjected Lolium multiflorum plants with and without its common endophyte Epichloë occultans (E+, E-, respectively) to an herbivory treatment with Rhopalosiphum padi aphids and assessed the diversity and composition of the bacterial communities in the produced seed. The presence of Epichloë endophytes influenced the seed bacterial microbiota by increasing the diversity and affecting the composition of the communities. The relative abundances of the bacterial taxa were more similarly distributed in communities associated with E+ than E- seeds with the latter being dominated by just a few bacterial groups. Contrary to our expectations, seed bacterial communities were not affected by the aphid herbivory experienced by mother plants. We speculate that the enhanced seed/seedling performance documented for Epichloë-host associations may be explained, at least in part, by the Epichloë-mediated increment in the seed-bacterial diversity, and that this phenomenon may be applicable to other plant-endophyte associations.

Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116689


Objetivo. Comprender los factores asociados a la salud bucal y la atención odontológica en el periodo perinatal en las mujeres y sus bebés. Métodos. Soportados en la teoría crítica y la salud colectiva, se realizó un estudio con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo. El cualitativo, sustentado en el interaccionismo simbólico, se hicieron entrevistas en profundidad sobre18 mujeres en postparto. En el cuantitativo mediante un estudio observacional de corte-transversal sobre 40 mujeres. Las variables explicativas y de salida se relacionaron mediante test de Chi2 para variables cualitativas y prueba t de Student para las cuantitativas. Resultados. En el cualitativo las mujeres dan importancia estética a la salud bucal, sin relacionarla con su salud general y del bebé; la atención odontológica es difícil durante el postparto y no la consideran importante para sus bebés. En el cuantitativo, 15% de las mujeres no asistieron a la consulta odontológica durante el embarazo, asociándose con el número de días de nacido del bebé. El 82,5% de las mujeres no asistieron durante el postparto, asociándose con régimen de afiliación en salud. El 72,5% de las mamás no percibía la necesidad de atención en sus bebés, asociándose a carecer de dinero para el transporte. Conclusiones. Los resultados indican la necesidad de promover mejores construcciones sobre salud bucal y atención odontológica en las mujeres evaluadas. Variables sociodemográficas, posición social, salud bucal de las mujeres se asociaron con inasistencia a la consulta odontológica durante el embarazo, el periodo postparto y la percepción de la madre de la necesidad de tratamiento del bebé.

Objective. To understand the factors associated with oral health and dental care in the perinatal period in women and their babies. Methods. Supported in the critical theory and collective health, a qualitative and quantitative study was carried out. In the qualitative one, supported by symbolic interactionism, interviews were conducted on 18 postpartum women. The quantitative one was an observational cross-sectional study on 40 women. The explanatory and output variables for qualitative study were analyzed using Chi2 test and the quantitative using Student's T-test. Results. In the qualitative approach, women give aesthetic importance to oral health, without relating it to their general health and that of the baby; dental care is difficult in postpartum period and they do not consider it important for their babies. In quantitative terms, 15% of women did not attend the dental care during pregnancy, associated with the baby's born days number. 82.5% of the women did not attend it during the postpartum period, being associated it with the health affiliation regime. 72.5% of moms did not perceive the need of attention for their babies, being associated it with a money lack for transportation. Conclusions. The results indicate the need to promote better constructions on oral health and dental care for the evaluated mothers. Sociodemographic variables, social position, and women's oral health were associated with non-attendance of the dental attention during pregnancy, the postpartum period and the mother perception of the baby's need for treatment.

Insects ; 11(4)2020 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32276327


The effects of microorganisms on plant-insect interactions have usually been underestimated. While plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are known to induce plant defenses, endosymbiotic bacteria hosted by herbivorous insects are often beneficial to the host. Here, we aimed to assess whether PGPR-induced defenses in broad bean plants impact the pea aphid, depending on its genotype and the presence of endosymbionts. We estimated aphid reproduction, quantified defense- and growth-related phytohormones by GC-MS, and measured different plant growth and physiology parameters, after PGPR treatment. In addition, we recorded the feeding behavior of aphids by electropenetrography. We found that the PGPR treatment of broad bean plants reduced the reproduction of one of the pea aphid clones. We highlighted a phenomenon of PGPR-induced plant defense priming, but no noticeable plant growth promotion. The main changes in aphid probing behavior were related to salivation events into phloem sieve elements. We suggest that the endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa played a key role in plant-insect interactions, possibly helping aphids to counteract plant-induced resistance and allowing them to develop normally on PGPR-treated plants. Our results imply that plant- and aphid-associated microorganisms add greater complexity to the outcomes of aphid-plant interactions.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 264, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32184767


Functional symbiosis is considered one of the successful mechanisms by which plants that inhabit extreme environment improve their ability to tolerate different types of stress. One of the most conspicuous type of symbiosis is the endophyticism. This interaction has been noted to play a role in the adaptation of the native vascular plant Colobanthus quitensis to the stressful environments of Antarctica, characterized by low temperatures and extreme aridity. Projections of climate change for this ecosystem indicate that abiotic conditions will be less limiting due to an increase in temperature and water availability in the soil. Due to this decrease in stress induced by the climate change, it has been suggested that the positive role of fungal endophytes on performance of C. quitensis plants would decrease. In this study, we evaluated the role of endophytic fungi on osmoprotective molecules (sugar production, proline, oxidative stress) and gene expression (CqNCED1, CqABCG25, and CqRD22) as well as physiological traits (stomatal opening, net photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance) in individuals of C. quitensis. Individual plants of C. quitensis with (E+) and without (E-) endophytic fungi were exposed to simulated conditions of increased water availability (W+), having the current limiting water condition (W-) in Antarctica as control. The results reveal an endophyte-mediated lower oxidative stress, higher production of sugars and proline in plants. In addition, E+ plants showed differential expressions in genes related with drought stress response, which was more evident in W- than in W+. These parameters corresponded with increased physiological mechanisms such as higher net photosynthesis, stomatal opening and conductance under presence of endophytes (E+) as well as the projected water condition (W+) for Antarctica. These results suggest that the presence of fungal endophytes plays a positive role in favoring tolerance to drought in C. quitensis. However, this positive role would be diminished if the stress factor is relaxed, suggesting that the role of endophytes could be less important under a future scenario of climate change in Antarctica with higher soil water availability.

Gesundheitswesen ; 82(6): 559-567, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30802923


BACKGROUND: In Germany a new reimbursement system for psychiatric clinics was proposed in 2009 based on the § 17d KHG Psych-Entgeltsystem. The system can be voluntary implemented by clinics since 2013 but therapists are frequently afraid it might affect treatment negatively. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether the new system has a negative impact on treatment success by analysing routinely collected data in a Bavarian clinic. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Aggregated data of 1760 patients treated in the years 2007-2016 was analysed with segmented regression analysis of interrupted time series to assess the effects of the system on treatment success, operationalized with three outcome variables. A negative change in level after a lag period was hypothesized. The robustness of results was tested by sensitivity analyses. RESULTS: The percentage of patients with treatment success tends to increase after the new system but no significant change in level was observed. The sensitivity analyses corroborate results for 2 outcomes but when the intervention point was shifted, the positive change in level for the third outcome became significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our initial hypothesis is not supported. However, the sensitivity analyses disclosed uncertainties and our study has limitations, such as a short observation time post intervention. Results are not generalizable as data of a single clinic was analysed. Nevertheless, we show the importance of collecting and analysing routine data to assess the impact of policy changes on patient outcomes.

Instituciones de Atención Ambulatoria , Servicios de Salud Mental , Alemania , Humanos , Análisis de Series de Tiempo Interrumpido , Trastornos Mentales , Servicios de Salud Mental/economía , Análisis de Regresión , Mecanismo de Reembolso , Resultado del Tratamiento
Rev. costarric. salud pública ; 28(1): 25-35, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013973


Resumen Introducción: El análisis del comportamiento de la dinámica de epidemia como son el dengue y malaria en Colombia ha llevado al diseño de nueva metodología de carácter predictivo, las cuales establecen órdenes matemáticos subyacentes ante una aparente impredecibilidad de estos comportamientos. Objetivo: Confirmar la aplicabilidad de la metodología desarrollada para predecir la dinámica de la tasa de muertes por lesiones de tránsito en Ibagué Colombia para el año 2010, a partir de la caminata al azar probabilista. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis físico y matemático del de la dinámica de la tasa muertes por lesiones de tránsito en Ibagué, a partir del establecimiento de un espacio total de probabilidades con el cual se puede establecer el evento más probable en relación a los aumentos y disminuciones consecutivas anuales. Finalmente, el análisis geométrico y probabilista de esta dinámica permitió predecir la tasa del número de muertes por lesiones de tránsito para el año 2010 en Ibagué. Resultados: Para el año 2010 el DANE reporto que el número de muertes por lesiones causadas por el tránsito representa una tasa de 20,9 por cada 100.000 habitantes, el valor predicho fue de 23,2, presentado un porcentaje de acierto con la aplicación de la metodología del 90,2 %. Conclusiones: Se estableció un orden acausal probabilista para el comportamiento de la dinámica de muertes por lesiones causadas por el tránsito en Ibagué, con lo cual fue posible confirmar la aplicabilidad de la metodología y predecir el número de estas muertes para el año 2010.

Abstract Introduction: Behavioral analysis of the dynamics of epidemics such as dengue and malaria in Colombia has led to the design of new methodology of predictive character, which provides underlying mathematical commands to an apparent unpredictability of these behaviors. Objective: To confirm applicability of the methodology developed to predict the dynamics of death rate from road traffic injuries in Ibague Colombia for 2010, from the probabilistic random walk. Methodology: A physicist and mathematician of the dynamics of the death rate from road traffic injuries in Ibague, from the establishment of a complete probability space with which to establish the most probable event related to increases and consecutive declines analysis was performed annually. Finally, the geometric and probabilistic analysis of this dynamic allowed predicting the rate of deaths from road traffic injuries in 2010 in Ibague. Results: For 2010, the DANE reported that the number of deaths from road traffic injuries represents a rate of 20.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, the predicted value was 23.2, showing a success rate with implementing the methodology of 90,2 %. Conclusions: A probabilistic acausal order for the dynamic behavior of deaths from road traffic injuries in Ibague, which was possible to confirm the applicability of the methodology and predict the number of such deaths for 2010 was established.

Accidentes de Tránsito/mortalidad , Accidentes de Tránsito/estadística & datos numéricos , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Salud Pública , Colombia
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res ; 20(3): 360-367, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29446238


INTRODUCTION: In implant rehabilitation, a microspace is created at the abutment-implant interface (AII). Previous research has shown that oral microbiome can proliferate in this microspace and affect periimplant tissues, causing inflammation in peri-implant tissues. Preventing microbial leakages through the AII is therefore an important goal in implantology. OBJECTIVE: To determine the presence of marginal bacterial microleakage at the AII according to the torque applied to the prosthetic implant in vitro. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-five Ticare Inhex internal conical implants (MG Mozo-Grau, Valladolid, España) were connected to a prosthetic abutment using torques of <10, 10, 20, 30, and 30 N and then sealed. The samples were submitted to cycles of occlusal loads and thermocycling, then one sample of each group was observed by micro TC, while the rest were mounted on devices according to the bacterial leakage model with Porphyromonas gingivalis. RESULTS: Bacterial leakage was observed only in the <10 and 10 N torque samples, and the same groups presented poor abutment/implant adjustment as determined by micro-CT. CONCLUSION: The different torques applied to the abutment-implant system condition the bacterial leakage at the implant interface. No microleakage was observed at 20 and 30 N.

Pilares Dentales/microbiología , Implantes Dentales/microbiología , Filtración Dental/microbiología , Diseño de Implante Dental-Pilar , Adaptación Marginal Dental , Diseño de Prótesis Dental , Ensayo de Materiales , Microbiota , Porphyromonas gingivalis/aislamiento & purificación , Prótesis e Implantes/microbiología , Propiedades de Superficie , Torque , Microtomografía por Rayos X
Acta colomb. psicol ; 20(2): 42-52, May-Aug. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886305


Abstract This research presents the relationship between the cognitive processes of negative problem orientation, trait worry and rumination, with anxious and depressive symptomatology and difficulties in eating behavior. The study was conducted with a non-clinical and intentional sample of 176 adults from the island of Tenerife. Data were analyzed using the Pearson Chi-square coefficient, Student's t, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regressions. Results confirm that negative problem orientation and trait worry are transdiagnostic factors for panic symptoms and agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia and behavioral eating, whereas brooding is a transdiagnostic factor for depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and behavioral eating. Reflection has a relationship with social phobia. Results are discussed on the basis of the theoretical model of social phobia and posttraumatic stress. Future investigation on brooding and reflection according to the theory of cognitive avoidance is proposed.

Resumo Este estudo apresenta as relações existentes entre os processos cognitivos de orientação negativa ao problema, preocupação e ruminação, com a sintomatologia ansiosa, depressiva e a presente em dificuldades no comportamento alimentar. Utilizou-se uma amostra não clínica e intencionada de 176 pessoas adultas da ilha de Tenerife (Espanha[RD2] ). Os dados foram analisados mediante o coeficiente de Qui-quadrado de Pearson (c2), o t de Student, o coeficiente de correlação r de Pearson e regressões hierárquicas. Constata-se que a orientação negativa ao problema e a preocupação são transdiagnósticos para os sintomas de agorafobia e pânico, ansiedade generalizada, fobia social e controle da comida; enquanto a rejeição é comum à sintomatologia depressiva, ao estresse pós-traumático e ao regime. A fobia social também se relaciona com o processo reflexivo. Os resultados são discutidos a partir do [RD3] modelo teórico da fobia social e do estresse pós-traumático, e propõe-se a pesquisa futura das rejeições e da reflexão, atendendo à teoria da evitação cognitiva.

Resumen Este estudio presenta las relaciones existentes entre los procesos cognitivos de orientación negativa al problema, preocupación y rumiación, con la sintomatologia ansiosa, depresiva y la presente en dificultades en la conducta alimentaria. Se utilizó una muestra no clínica e intencionada de 176 personas adultas de la isla de Tenerife. Los datos se analizan mediante el coeficiente de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson (x2), la t de Student, el coeficiente de correlación r de Pearson y regresiones jerárquicas. Se constata que la orientación negativa al problema y la preocupación son transdiagnósticos para los síntomas de agorafobia y pánico, ansiedad generalizada, fobia social y control de la comida; mientras que los reproches son comunes a la sintomatología depresiva, el estrés postraumático y la dieta, y que la fobia social también se relaciona con el proceso reflexivo. Los resultados se discuten a partir el modelo teórico de la fobia social y el estrés postraumático, y se propone la investigación futura de los reproches y la reflexión, atendiendo a la teoría de la evitación cognitiva.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Diagnóstico , Conducta Alimentaria , Rumiación Digestiva
Ital J Food Saf ; 6(2): 6240, 2017 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28713788


The objective was to analyse the antibacterial ability of members of the intestinal microbiota of Oncorhynchus mykiss specimens on several bacterial target strains that contaminate food and cause disease in humans. Bacterial colonies from an intestinal portion of the 20 specimens of O. mykiss were obtained in different culture media. Several of the colonies showed antibacterial action on different target strains. The bacterial species with the highest antagonistic capacity were Hafnia alvei and Lactococcus lactis and the more susceptible target strains were Aeromonas hydrophila, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli. Moreover, it was shown that all the antibacterial substances were susceptible to the action of various proteolytic enzymes. The detection of substances of a proteinaceous nature, possibly bacteriocins produced by bacteria of the intestinal microbiota of O. mykiss, allows further study of these products to establish biotechnological developments in the area of health protection and food biopreservation.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 28(2): 374-407, Jan.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-957245


ABSTRACT. Introduction: the oral condition of pregnant women and the attention it needs affect the overall health of these women and their children. A variety of perspectives have been used to understand and approach research on this field. The objectives of this study were: conduct a bibliometric analysis, assess the quality of the available evidence, and conduct content analysis of articles related to the topics. Methodology: publications related to the topics were identified through a systematic search of the literature, identifying authors, years, and countries with the most publications; in addition, quality of the reports was assessed through the STROBE Guide on the studies that were retrieved in full text, conducting content analysis on thematic, methodological, and epistemological aspects. Results: the systematic review was conducted in three databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science). Institutions, authors, institutional affiliation, and co-authorship networks were identified with the bibliometric analysis. The systematic review showed predominance of cross-sectional observational studies; there were few controlled clinical trials and they generally emphasized treatments for periodontal disease in pregnant women. The evidence on this subject tends to be low. Content analysis showed that, in ontological terms, research focuses on three main areas: a) biological differences between men and women; b) impact of pregnant women's oral health on the oral and overall health of their babies, c) relationship between pregnancy, oral health, and its impact on the oral and overall health of women. Few studies explore social determinants. In epistemological terms, studies from positivist perspectives were predominant. In methodological terms, the emphasis is placed on research with quantitative approaches. Conclusion: it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between biological and social aspects of pregnant women's oral health and dental care from different epistemological perspectives, seeking a comprehensive view of these aspects and improving dental care in pregnant women.

RESUMEN. Introducción: la condición bucal y su atención en las embarazadas tienen repercusiones sobre la salud de las mujeres y sus hijos. La investigación relacionada con la temática se comprende y se aborda desde diferentes perspectivas. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: realizar un análisis bibliométrico, una revisión sistemática y análisis de contenido de los artículos encontrados asociados a estas temáticas. Metodología: Mediante una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura se identificaron las publicaciones relacionadas con los tópicos, y se identificaron autores, años y países que más publican; se evaluó además la calidad del reporte mediante la Guía STROBE en las investigaciones que se recuperaron en texto completo, y a estas se les efectuó análisis de contenido sobre aspectos temáticos, metodológicos y epistemológicos. Resultados: la revisión sistemática se llevó a cabo en tres bases de datos (PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science). Con el análisis bibliométrico se identificaron instituciones, autores, filiación institucional y redes de coautoría. La revisión sistemática mostró el predominio de estudios observacionales de corte transversal, en los que la evidencia sobre la temática tiende a ser baja. En el análisis de contenido se observó que, en términos ontológicos, las investigaciones profundizaron en tres ejes centrales: a) diferencias biológicas entre hombres y mujeres; b) impacto de la salud bucal de la embarazada sobre la salud general y oral de su bebé, y c) relación entre embarazo, salud bucal y su repercusión sobre la salud general y oral de estas mujeres; pocos estudios exploran los determinantes sociales. En términos epistemológicos, predominaron las investigaciones desde las perspectivas positivistas. En términos metodológicos, hay énfasis en la investigación con abordajes cuantitativos. Conclusión: es necesario fortalecer la relación de lo biológico con lo social de la salud bucal y la atención odontológica de las mujeres embarazadas, a partir de diferentes perspectivas epistemológicas, con miras a alcanzar una visión integral y una mejor atención odontológica de las embarazadas.

Atención Odontológica , Bibliometría , Salud Bucal , Mujeres Embarazadas
Medwave ; 17(1): e6859, 2017 Jan 31.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28241003


Duodenal atresia is the third cause of intrinsic intestinal obstruction in the neonatal period. Typical presentation includes early-onset vomiting of gastric or bilious content, abdominal distension and poor weight gain. If the obstruction is incomplete, as in a perforated duodenal diaphragm, presenting symptoms tend to appear later and be nonspecific, so diagnosis is usually delayed. We present the case of a 9-year-old girl with a history of biliary postprandial vomiting from the infancy period, without any impact on the nutritional status, managed symptomatically. At two years of age, an upper digestive endoscopy was performed, which was frustrated by an abundance of gastric contents. She is again studied at nine years of age with contrasting upper digestive tract and upper digestive endoscopy, which suggest the diagnosis of fenestrated duodenal membrane. Duodeno-jejunum anastomosis is performed in Roux-en-Y, with a good postoperative outcome.

La atresia duodenal corresponde a la tercera causa de obstrucción intestinal intrínseca en período neonatal. El cuadro típico corresponde a vómitos de contenido gástrico o bilioso, de inicio temprano, distensión abdominal y mal incremento ponderal. En caso de que la obstrucción sea incompleta, como ocurre con el diafragma duodenal perforado, las manifestaciones suelen ser más tardías e inespecíficas, por lo que el diagnóstico suele retrasarse. Se presenta el caso de una escolar de nueve años, con antecedente de vómitos postprandiales biliosos desde el período de lactante, sin repercusión en estado nutricional, manejada sintomáticamente. Previamente, se realizó estudio a los dos años con endoscopía digestiva alta, la cual resultó frustra por abundante contenido gástrico. Se estudia nuevamente a los nueve años de edad con tránsito digestivo superior contrastado y endoscopía digestiva alta, los que sugieren el diagnóstico de membrana duodenal fenestrada. Se realiza duodeno-yeyuno anastomosis en Y de Roux, evolucionando favorablemente.

Anastomosis en-Y de Roux/métodos , Obstrucción Duodenal/diagnóstico , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Mínimamente Invasivos/métodos , Niño , Obstrucción Duodenal/cirugía , Endoscopía del Sistema Digestivo/métodos , Femenino , Humanos , Atresia Intestinal , Yeyuno/cirugía , Vómitos/etiología