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Homeopathy ; 2024 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38547920


BACKGROUND: The blowfly Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) causes traumatic myiasis in farm animals, with deeply embedded larvae that lead to serious tissue damage and sometimes death. Treating this form of myiasis is difficult, often resulting in poor outcomes. As a homeopathic preparation that can mimic traumatic myiasis symptoms, Pyrogenium could potentially supplement treatment. This study aimed to describe the adjuvant effect that a Pyrogenium ointment might have in the treatment of sheep with traumatic myiasis. PATIENTS: The study reports a homeopathic adjuvant treatment with Pyrogenium 12cH ointment in six sheep with traumatic and infected myiasis. Daily clinical examinations were performed to monitor the evolution of the health of animals. Pyrogenium 12cH ointment was applied topically on the wounds, after cleaning and mechanical removal of the larvae from the lesion. Blood samples were collected for blood counts, and wound exudate samples were obtained for bacteriological examination before and after wound treatment. RESULTS: The ointment of Pyrogenium 12cH limited the development of parasitic larvae and was associated with the repair of tissue losses resulting from the myiases and with subsequent wound healing, together with control of fever and local inflammation. CONCLUSION: Homeopathic Pyrogenium 12cH, formulated as an ointment, may be a useful new and adjuvant therapeutic option for treating traumatic and infected myiasis in animals.

Homeopathy ; 2023 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37758190


BACKGROUND: Myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a serious problem in animal health. Homeopathic Sulphur presents similarity with the clinical presentation verified in these cases and has already shown in vitro efficacy on the blowfly that causes this pathology. This article presents the report of a series of clinical cases of myiasis by C. hominivorax in sheep that underwent adjuvant treatment with homeopathic Sulphur and presents a theoretical-scientific discussion of biological events related to the clinical treatment of the condition. PATIENTS: Seven naturally occurring myiases affecting sheep from an experimental farm were treated by an ointment impregnated with the homeopathic medicine Sulph 12cH, used as adjuvant after the manual removal of accessible larvae from the wound during wound cleaning. The animals were treated daily and evaluated clinically until complete healing of the lesions. Clinical information on the evolution of the inflammatory and scarring process was collected. Blood counts and bacteriological examinations were performed before and after topical homeopathic treatment. RESULTS: The homeopathic ointment Sulph 12cH was able to inhibit the development of parasitic C. hominivorax larvae and promote tissue repair and healing in naturally occurring myiasis in the sheep of this study. CONCLUSION: The homeopathic medicine Sulphur, formulated as an ointment, may be a useful new and adjuvant therapeutic option for treating myiasis in animals.

Homeopathy ; 111(4): 271-277, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35259770


BACKGROUND: Myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a serious problem in animal health in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Ointment-type preparations are a good option of formulation in cases of myiasis in farm and pet animals. Sulphur and Pyrogenium have already shown in-vitro efficacy on C. hominivorax. This article describes an in-vitro experiment to test the inhibition of development from exposing larvae of C. hominivorax to two homeopathic ointments (prepared individually with Sulphur or Pyrogenium). METHODS: The homeopathic ointments were produced by mixing sterile lanolin, tocopherol and homeopathic medicine on a hydroalcoholic basis according to the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Larvae were obtained from naturally occurring myiases in sheep (wild larvae) or from a laboratory colony. The test consisted of exposing a group of 10 third-stage C. hominivorax wild larvae in contact with Sulphur or Pyrogenium ointment, or a group of 15 laboratory-propagated larvae in contact with the alcoholic vehicle of the ointment or homeopathic medicines prepared in sterile water (Sulphur or Pyrogenium), and observing the effect on the development, longevity and fertility of the blow-fly specimens. RESULTS: The C. hominivorax larval inhibition rate was 90.0% for the Sulphur ointment group and was 86.0% for the Pyrogenium ointment group. The non-alcoholic vehicle and the alcoholic vehicle inhibited the development of 24.0% and 22.08% of the larvae respectively. Sulphur prepared in sterile water inhibited the development of 74.67% and Pyrogenium in sterile water inhibited 73.33% of larvae. Specimens that survived contact with homeopathic ointments had their longevity decreased and did not reproduce. CONCLUSION: Ointments of Sulphur or Pyrogenium were able to inhibit the development of C. hominivorax larvae. The ointment vehicle was harmless.

Dípteros , Homeopatía , Materia Medica , Miasis , Animales , Ovinos , Calliphoridae , Larva , Pomadas/farmacología , Miasis/veterinaria , Azufre/farmacología , Materia Medica/farmacología , Agua
Saúde debate ; 46(spe2): 438-454, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390414


RESUMO A industrialização da agricultura e da pecuária, além de gerar um ambiente propício à disseminação de agentes infecciosos, é responsável pelo uso generalizado de diversas substâncias tóxicas que afetam a saúde humana, animal e ambiental. O objetivo deste estudo foi promover a reflexão sobre o uso de agrotóxicos e medicamentos veterinários como elementos de debate na construção da Saúde Única. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão exploratória literária de artigos, livros e documentos oficiais disponíveis em plataformas de banco de dados. A discussão inclui as problemáticas do uso de substâncias tóxicas em plantas e animais. Aborda, também, como os resíduos oriundos de sua utilização impactam a qualidade de alimentos, ar, solo, água com consequências à saúde humana. Embora essa discussão seja escassa na temática de Saúde Única, é fundamental que, além da participação da sociedade civil organizada, gestores públicos assegurem, por meio de políticas públicas, maior segurança e controle na utilização de substâncias tóxicas na agricultura e na pecuária.

ABSTRACT The industrialization of agriculture and livestock, in addition to generating an environment conducive to the spread of infectious agents, is responsible for the widespread use of various toxic substances that affect human, animal, and environmental health. This study aims to promote reflections on the use of pesticides and veterinary drugs as elements of debate in the construction of One Health. For that, an exploratory literature review of articles, books, and official documents available on database platforms was carried out. The discussion includes the problems of the use of toxic substances in plants and animals. It also addresses how the waste arising from its use impacts the quality of food, air, soil, and water, with consequences for human health. Although this discussion is scarce on the theme of One Health, it is essential that, in addition to the participation of organized civil society, public managers ensure, through public policies, greater security and control in the use of toxic substances in agriculture and livestock.

Data Brief ; 38: 107391, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34604482


Cochliomyia hominivorax is the dipteran that causes the worst and most serious types of myiasis in animals and humans in the Americas. The data described here show the effects of a commercial product formulated on the basis of citronella essential oil nanoemulsified (Nano Citronela Plus®) directly on eggs, first, second and third stage larvae of the C. hominivorax blowfly, in addition to the indirect effect on the oviposition of adult flies. These data make up the gross base that was used in the preparation of the article "Repellent, ovicidal, larvicidal and adulticidal action of a nanoemulsion of Citronella essential oil (Cymbopogon winterianus) on Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae)" Bricarello et al., 2021. Counting data of larvae, eggs and adult flies live and dead after contact with the product, data on weighing and counting of eggs from the repellency test are available, as well as photos of cuticular changes that occurred in the larvae and malformations observed after contact with Nano Citronela Plus®.
