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Science ; 367(6482): 1120-1124, 2020 03 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32139540


Topological structures are effective descriptors of the nonequilibrium dynamics of diverse many-body systems. For example, motile, point-like topological defects capture the salient features of two-dimensional active liquid crystals composed of energy-consuming anisotropic units. We dispersed force-generating microtubule bundles in a passive colloidal liquid crystal to form a three-dimensional active nematic. Light-sheet microscopy revealed the temporal evolution of the millimeter-scale structure of these active nematics with single-bundle resolution. The primary topological excitations are extended, charge-neutral disclination loops that undergo complex dynamics and recombination events. Our work suggests a framework for analyzing the nonequilibrium dynamics of bulk anisotropic systems as diverse as driven complex fluids, active metamaterials, biological tissues, and collections of robots or organisms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(26): 268003, 2020 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449756


Two dimensional active fluids display a transition from turbulent to coherent flow upon decreasing the size of the confining geometry. A recent experiment suggests that the behavior in three dimensions is remarkably different; emergent flows transition from turbulence to coherence upon increasing the confinement height to match the width. Using a simple hydrodynamic model of a suspension of extensile rodlike units, we provide the theoretical explanation for this puzzling behavior. Furthermore, using extensive numerical simulations supported by theoretical arguments, we map out the conditions that lead to coherent flows and elucidate the critical role played by the aspect ratio of the confining channel. The mechanism that we identify applies to a large class of symmetries and propulsion mechanisms, leading to a unified set of design principles for self-pumping 3D active fluids.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(32): 15792-15801, 2019 08 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31320590


Membrane-mediated particle interactions depend both on the properties of the particles themselves and the membrane environment in which they are suspended. Experiments have shown that chiral rod-like inclusions dissolved in a colloidal membrane of opposite handedness assemble into colloidal rafts, which are finite-sized reconfigurable droplets consisting of a large but precisely defined number of rods. We systematically tune the chirality of the background membrane and find that, in the achiral limit, colloidal rafts acquire complex structural properties and interactions. In particular, rafts can switch between 2 chiral states of opposite handedness, which alters the nature of the membrane-mediated raft-raft interactions. Rafts with the same chirality have long-ranged repulsions, while those with opposite chirality acquire attractions with a well-defined minimum. Both attractive and repulsive interactions are qualitatively explained by a continuum model that accounts for the coupling between the membrane thickness and the local tilt of the constituent rods. These switchable interactions enable assembly of colloidal rafts into intricate higher-order architectures, including stable tetrameric clusters and "ionic crystallites" of counter-twisting domains organized on a binary square lattice. Furthermore, the properties of individual rafts, such as their sizes, are controlled by their complexation with other rafts. The emergence of these complex behaviors can be rationalized purely in terms of generic couplings between compositional and orientational order of fluids of rod-like elements. Thus, the uncovered principles might have relevance for conventional lipid bilayers, in which the assembly of higher-order structures is also mediated by complex membrane-mediated interactions.

Phys Rev E ; 97(1-1): 012702, 2018 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29448352


Confining a liquid crystal imposes topological constraints on the orientational order, allowing global control of equilibrium systems by manipulation of anchoring boundary conditions. In this article, we investigate whether a similar strategy allows control of active liquid crystals. We study a hydrodynamic model of an extensile active nematic confined in containers, with different anchoring conditions that impose different net topological charges on the nematic director. We show that the dynamics are controlled by a complex interplay between topological defects in the director and their induced vortical flows. We find three distinct states by varying confinement and the strength of the active stress: A topologically minimal state, a circulating defect state, and a turbulent state. In contrast to equilibrium systems, we find that anchoring conditions are screened by the active flow, preserving system behavior across different topological constraints. This observation identifies a fundamental difference between active and equilibrium materials.

Phys Rev E ; 96(1-1): 012704, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29347212


We present a Ginzburg-Landau theory of microphase separation in a bidisperse chiral membrane consisting of rods of opposite handedness. This model system undergoes a phase transition from an equilibrium state where the two components are completely phase separated to a state composed of microdomains of a finite size comparable to the twist penetration depth. Characterizing the phenomenology using linear stability analysis and numerical studies, we trace the origin of the discontinuous change in microdomain size that occurs during this phase transition to a competition between the cost of creating an interface and the gain in twist energy for small microdomains in which the twist penetrates deep into the center of the domain.

Soft Matter ; 12(17): 3854-9, 2016 05 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26983376


We consider a phenomenological continuum theory for an extensile, overdamped active nematic liquid crystal, applicable in the dense regime. Constructed from general principles, the theory is universal, with parameters independent of any particular microscopic realization. We show that it exhibits two distinct instabilities, one of which arises due to shear forces, and the other due to active torques. Both lead to the proliferation of defects. We focus on the active torque bend instability and find three distinct nonequilibrium steady states including a defect-ordered nematic in which +½ disclinations develop polar ordering. We characterize the phenomenology of these phases and identify the relationship of this theoretical description to experimental realizations and other theoretical models of active nematics.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26764702


Some issues that arise when modeling elastic energy for binary alloys are discussed within the context of a Keating model and density-functional calculations. The Keating model is a simplified atomistic formulation based on modeling elastic interactions of a binary alloy with harmonic springs whose equilibrium length is species dependent. It is demonstrated that the continuum limit for the strain field are the usual equations of linear elasticity for alloys and that they correctly capture the coarse-grained behavior of the displacement field. In addition, it is established that Euler-Lagrange equation of the continuum limit of the elastic energy will yield the same strain field equation. This is the same energy functional that is often used to model elastic effects in binary alloys. However, a direct calculation of the elastic energy atomistic model reveals that the continuum expression for the elastic energy is both qualitatively and quantitatively incorrect. This is because it does not take atomistic scale compositional nonuniformity into account. Importantly, this result also shows that finely mixed alloys tend to have more elastic energy than segregated systems, which is the exact opposite of predictions made by some continuum theories. It is also shown that for strained thin films the traditionally used effective misfit for alloys systematically underestimate the strain energy. In some models, this drawback is handled by including an elastic contribution to the enthalpy of mixing, which is characterized in terms of the continuum concentration. The direct calculation of the atomistic model reveals that this approach suffers serious difficulties. It is demonstrated that elastic contribution to the enthalpy of mixing is nonisotropic and scale dependent. It is also shown that such effects are present in density-functional theory calculations for the Si-Ge system. This work demonstrates that it is critical to include the microscopic arrangements in any elastic model to achieve even qualitatively correct behavior.

J Chem Phys ; 141(17): 174506, 2014 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25381530


A theory of freezing of a dense hard sphere gas is presented. Starting from a revised Enskog theory, hydrodynamic equations that account for non-local variations in the density but local variations in the flow field are derived using a modified Chapman Enskog procedure. These hydrodynamic equations, which retain structural correlations, are shown to be effectively a time dependent density functional theory. The ability of this theory to capture the solid liquid phase transition is established through analysis and numerical simulations.
