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Materials (Basel) ; 15(6)2022 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35329774


To improve the safety of nuclear power plants, a Cr protective layer is deposited on zirconium alloys to enhance oxidation resistance of the nuclear fuel cladding during both in-service and hypothetical accidental transients at High Temperature (HT) in Light Water Reactors. The formation of the Cr2O3 film on the coating surface considerably helps in reducing the oxidation kinetics of the zirconium alloy, especially during hypothetic Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). However, if the Cr coating is successful to increase the oxidation resistance at HT of the zirconium substrate, for in-service conditions, under neutron irradiation, Cr desquamation has to be avoided to guarantee a safe use of the Cr-coated zirconium alloys. Therefore, the adhesion properties have to be maintained despite the structural defects created by sustained neutron irradiation in the reactor environment. This paper proposes to study the behavior of the Zircaloy-Cr interface of a first generation Cr-coated material during a specific in situ ion irradiation. As deposited, the Cr-coated sample presents a f.c.c. C15 Laves-type intermetallic phase at the interface with off-stoichiometric composition. After irradiation and for the specific conditions applied, this interfacial phase has significantly dissolved. Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy revealed that the dissolution was accompanied by a counterintuitive "sharpening" effect.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(10)2021 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34685031


Oxide dispersion-strengthened materials are reinforced by a (Y, Ti, O) nano-oxide dispersion and thus can be considered as nanostructured materials. In this alloy, most of the nanoprecipitates are (Y, Ti, O) nano-oxides exhibiting a Y2Ti2O7 pyrochlore-like structure. However, the lattice structure of the smallest oxides is difficult to determine, but it is likely to be close to the atomic structure of the host matrix. Designed to serve in extreme environments-i.e., a nuclear power plant-the challenge for ODS steels is to preserve the nano-oxide dispersion under irradiation in order to maintain the excellent creep properties of the alloy in the reactor. Under irradiation, the nano-oxides exhibit different behaviour as a function of the temperature. At low temperature, the nano-oxides tend to dissolve owing to the frequent ballistic ejection of the solute atoms. At medium temperature, the thermal diffusion balances the ballistic dissolution, and the nano-oxides display an apparent stability. At high temperature, the nano-oxides start to coarsen, resulting in an increase in their size and a decrease in their number density. If the small nano-oxides coarsen through a radiation-enhanced Ostwald ripening mechanism, some large oxides disappear to the benefit of the small ones through a radiation-induced inverse Ostwald ripening. In conclusion, it is suggested that, under irradiation, the nano-oxide dispersion prevails over dislocations, grain boundaries and free surfaces to remove the point defects created by irradiation.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 24(Pt 4): 886-897, 2017 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28664896


The SOLEIL synchrotron radiation source is regularly operated in special filling modes dedicated to pump-probe experiments. Among others, the low-α mode operation is characterized by shorter pulse duration and represents the natural bridge between 50 ps synchrotron pulses and femtosecond experiments. Here, the capabilities in low-α mode of the experimental set-ups developed at the TEMPO beamline to perform pump-probe experiments with soft X-rays based on photoelectron or photon detection are presented. A 282 kHz repetition-rate femtosecond laser is synchronized with the synchrotron radiation time structure to induce fast electronic and/or magnetic excitations. Detection is performed using a two-dimensional space resolution plus time resolution detector based on microchannel plates equipped with a delay line. Results of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, circular dichroism and magnetic scattering experiments are reported, and their respective advantages and limitations in the framework of high-time-resolution pump-probe experiments compared and discussed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(4): 043108, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24784594


A soft x-ray spectrometer based on the use of an elliptical focusing mirror and a plane varied line spacing grating is described. It achieves both high resolution and high overall efficiency while remaining relatively compact. The instrument is dedicated to resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studies. We set out how this optical arrangement was judged best able to guarantee performance for the 50 - 1000 eV range within achievable fabrication targets. The AERHA (adjustable energy resolution high acceptance) spectrometer operates with an effective angular acceptance between 100 and 250 µsr (energy dependent) and a resolving power well in excess of 5000 according to the Rayleigh criterion. The high angular acceptance is obtained by means of a collecting pre-mirror. Three scattering geometries are available to enable momentum dependent measurements with 135°, 90°, and 50° scattering angles. The instrument operates on the Synchrotron SOLEIL SEXTANTS beamline which serves as a high photon flux 2 × 200 µm(2) focal spot source with full polarization control.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(26): 267403, 2012 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23005013


We present the first single-shot images of ferromagnetic, nanoscale spin order taken with femtosecond x-ray pulses. X-ray-induced electron and spin dynamics can be outrun with pulses shorter than 80 fs in the investigated fluence regime, and no permanent aftereffects in the samples are observed below a fluence of 25 mJ/cm(2). Employing resonant spatially muliplexed x-ray holography results in a low imaging threshold of 5 mJ/cm(2). Our results open new ways to combine ultrafast laser spectroscopy with sequential snapshot imaging on a single sample, generating a movie of excited state dynamics.
