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J Org Chem ; 66(7): 2240-5, 2001 Apr 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11281762


A new "safety catch" linker for esters has been synthesized on polystyrene resin. This 2-tert-butoxyphenol resin 10 may be acylated to give a relatively stable ester that will allow nucleophilic chemistry without reaction at the linking ester group. Removal of the tert-butyl group with acid unmasks a highly reactive 2-hydroxyphenyl ester that reacts readily with nucleophiles to cause release of the product from the resin. This sequence has been exemplified by acylating the resin with various bromo acids, carrying out nucleophilic displacements with thiols, phenols, or amines, activating the ester with trifluoroacetic acid and cleaving from the resin with amines to give the (nucleophile) substituted carboxamides in high yield and purity. Kinetic studies with a model ester revealed half-lives for reaction with morpholine of 119 h for the tert-butoxyphenyl ester and 1 min for the corresponding phenol.

Talanta ; 33(7): 601-6, 1986 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18964148


The abundance of rare-earth elements (REE) and yttrium in geological materials is generally low, and most samples contain elements that interfere in the determination of the REE and Y, so a separation and/or preconcentration step is often necessary. This is often achieved by ion-exchange chromatography with either nitric or hydrochloric acid. It is advantageous, however, to use both acids sequentially. The final solution thus obtained contains only the REE and Y, with minor amounts of Al, Ba, Ca, Sc, Sr and Ti. Elements that potentially interfere, such as Be, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Th, U, V and Zr, are virtually eliminated. Inductively-coupled argon plasma atomic-emission spectroscopy can then be used for a final precise and accurate measurement. The method can also be used with other instrumental methods of analysis.
