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Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(11)2024 May 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38891146


BACKGROUND: Music Therapy (MT) is a non-pharmacological, art-based intervention that employs music experiences within a therapeutic alliance to attend to clients' physical, emotional, cognitive, and social requirements. This is the first study aiming at investigating the impact of MT on the psychological facets of children suffering from cancer. METHODS: The study, combining the AQR and m-YPAS assessment tools, evaluated behavioral, sound-musical, and interactive parameters in pediatric oncology patients undergoing MT sessions during hospitalization. Fifty patients admitted to the Paediatric Oncology and Haematology Unit at Policlinico S. Orsola Hospital in Bologna, Italy, were enrolled, irrespective of their treatment regimen. Data collection occurred on the first day of the MT session between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., with observations conducted by independent observers. In addition to traditional statistical analysis, network analysis was used to explore the combined interactions of all parameters, effectively discerning the distinctive roles played by each one during therapy sessions and their influence on all others. RESULTS: Network analysis highlighted distinct patterns of interactions among parameters during the various sessions, emphasizing the role of positive emotions and a calm setting, the child's ability to take the initiative in sessions, their sense of agency, and the parent's role in guiding them. Significant differences were recorded at each time point between all variables considered. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this innovative study may pave the way for future multicenter studies aimed at further exploring the role of MT in children undergoing both curative and palliative treatments for cancer.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 18(43): 543-556, set.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004459


Como teórico queer me sinto implicado em primeira pessoa na frente de resistência contra a cruzada católica "anti-gender". Consequentemente, neste artigo não assumirei uma posição neutra, mas sim, assumirei uma posição política. Durante minhas intervenções públicas na Itália, diante de padres e professores alarmados, ou estudantes e eleitores confusos, trato de esclarecer sobre o pânico criado ao redor do conceito de gênero e, deste modo, convido as pessoas a tomarem consciência sobre a radicalidade do conflito e a se posicionarem sobre isso. Com este objetivo, nas páginas seguintes trato principalmente das seguintes questões: "O que é a teoria do gender"? Por que os estudos contemporâneos e as teorias queer não são "teoria do gender"?

As a queer scholar, I consider myself personally involved in the Italian LGBTQI+ field of resistance against the Catholic "anti-gender" crusade. As a consequence, I will not keep a neutral stand-point throughout this article, but I am going to assume a partisan position. In my public speeches in Italy, when I am confronted with over-concerned parents and teachers, or equally confused students and voters, I try to clear away the panic around the concept of gender, and at the same time I invite people to become aware of how radical the conflict is, and to take a stance on it. With these goals in mind, I generally tackle two issues, each of which can be put into a question: what is "teoria del gender"? and why are current gender studies and queer theories different from "teoria del gender"? In these pages, once again, I am going to attempt to answer these questions.

Como teórico queer me siento implicado em primera persona em el bloque de resistencia contra la cruzada católica "anti-gender". Em consecuencia, en este artículo no asumiré una actitud neutral, sino um posicionamento partisano. Durante mis intervenciones públicas em Italia, frente a padres y a profesores alarmados o a estudiantes y votantes confundidos, trato de despejar el campo del pánico que se ha creado entorno al concepto de género y, a su vez, invito a las personas a tomar conciencia acerca de em qué medida el conflicto es radical, y a posicionarse al respecto. Con tal finalidad, afronto principalmente dos cuestiones, cada una de las cuales puede ser resumida en una pregunta. ¿Qué es la "teoria del gender"? ¿Y por qué los estúdios contemporáneos y las teorías que-er no son "teoria del gender"? Trataré de responder a estas preguntas también em las páginas que siguen.

En tant que chercheur queer, je me considère personnellement engagé dans le champ de la résistance LGBTQI+ contre la croisade catholique "anti-genre". Ainsi, dans cet article, je n'assumerai pas une position neutre, mais bien une position partisane. Lors de mes interventions publiques en Italie, lors-que je suis interpellé par des parents ou des enseignants hyper-inquiets, des étudiants ou des électeurs tout aussi confus, je tâche de balayer toute cette panique autour du concept de genre et, en mê-me temps, j'invite les gens à prendre conscience du conflit et de sa radicalité, et aussi à prendre position. Ayant en tête ces objectifs, généralement j'aborde deux problématiques, chacune pouvant être formulée dans les termes d'une question : qu'est-ce que la "théorie du genre" ? Et pourquoi les études de genre et les théories queer actuelles ne sont pas la "théorie du genre" ? Dans les pages qui suivent, encore une fois, j'essaierai de répondre à ces questions.
