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CJC Open ; 5(12): 907-915, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38204853


Background: The hypertension specialist often receives referrals of patients with young-onset, severe, difficult-to-control hypertension, patients with hypertensive emergencies, and patients with secondary causes of hypertension. Specialist hypertension care compliments primary care for these complex patients and contributes to an overall hypertension control strategy. The objective of this study was to characterize hypertension centres and the practice patterns of Canadian hypertension specialists. Methods: Adult hypertension specialists across Canada were surveyed to describe hypertension centres and specialist practice in Canada, including the following: the patient population managed by hypertension specialists; details on how care is provided; practice pattern variations; and differences in access to specialized hypertension resources across the country. Results: The survey response rate was 73.5% from 25 hypertension centres. Most respondents were nephrologists and general internal medicine specialists. Hypertension centres saw between 50 and 2500 patients yearly. A mean of 17% (± 15%) of patients were referred from the emergency department and a mean of 52% (± 24%) were referred from primary care. Most centres had access to specialized testing (adrenal vein sampling, level 1 sleep studies, autonomic testing) and advanced therapies for resistant hypertension (renal denervation). Considerable heterogeneity was present in the target blood pressure in young people with low cardiovascular risk and in the diagnostic algorithms for investigating secondary causes of hypertension. Conclusions: These results summarize the current state of hypertension specialist care and highlight opportunities for further collaboration among hypertension specialists, including standardization of the approach to specialist care for patients with hypertension.

Contexte: Le spécialiste de l'hypertension reçoit souvent des patients orientés pour une hypertension sévère, d'apparition précoce et difficile à maîtriser, pour une urgence hypertensive ou pour des causes secondaires de l'hypertension. Les soins spécialisés de l'hypertension complètent les soins primaires pour ces cas complexes et font partie d'une stratégie globale de maîtrise de l'hypertension. Cette étude avait pour objectif de caractériser les centres de traitement de l'hypertension et les habitudes de pratique des spécialistes canadiens qui traitent l'hypertension. Méthodologie: Un sondage a été mené auprès de spécialistes de l'hypertension adulte de l'ensemble du Canada afin de décrire les centres de traitement de l'hypertension et la pratique des spécialistes au Canada, notamment les éléments suivants : la population de patients prise en charge par des spécialistes de l'hypertension, les renseignements sur la façon dont les soins sont prodigués, les variations dans les habitudes de pratique ainsi que les différences relatives à l'accès aux ressources spécialisées en hypertension à l'échelle du pays. Résultats: Le taux de réponse au sondage a été de 73,5 % dans 25 centres de l'hypertension. La plupart des répondants étaient des néphrologues et des spécialistes en médecine interne générale. Les centres de l'hypertension recevaient entre 50 et 2500 patients par année. En moyenne, 17 % (± 15 %) des patients provenaient du service des urgences et 52 % (± 24 %) provenaient d'une unité de soins primaires. La plupart des centres avaient accès à des tests spécialisés (prélèvements veineux surrénaliens, études du sommeil de niveau 1, tests autonomes) et à des traitements avancés pour l'hypertension résistante (dénervation rénale). Une hétérogénéité considérable a été constatée en ce qui concerne la pression artérielle cible chez les jeunes présentant un faible risque cardiovasculaire et les algorithmes diagnostiques pour étudier les causes secondaires de l'hypertension. Conclusions: Ces résultats résument la situation actuelle des soins spécialisés de l'hypertension et font ressortir des occasions d'accroître la collaboration entre les spécialistes de l'hypertension, notamment en ce qui concerne une normalisation de l'approche des soins spécialisés pour les patients hypertendus.

J Can Assoc Gastroenterol ; 3(4): 169-176, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32671326


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Rates and predictors of complications among hospitalized ulcerative colitis (UC) patients requiring high-dose corticosteroids have not been well-characterized, especially in the era of biologics. METHODS: We retrospectively studied consecutive UC admitted for a colitis flare requiring high-dose corticosteroids between April 2006 and December 2016. We evaluated rates and determinants of serious in-hospital complications (colitis-related complications, systemic complications, peri-operative complications and death) and colectomy. We performed multivariable logistic regression analysis to assess the independent association between day 3 steroid response and the risk of incurring in-hospital complications and colectomy. RESULTS: Of 427 consecutive admissions, serious in-hospital complications occurred in 87 cases (20%), while colitis-related complications occurred in 47 cases (11%). There were significantly fewer colitis-related complications during the 2012 to 2016 period as compared to the 2006 to 2011 period (7% versus 16%, P < 0.01), but significantly more systemic complications (16% versus 5%, P = 0.001). In-hospital colectomy occurred in 50 hospitalizations (12%). Day 3 steroid response was achieved in 167 hospitalizations (39%). Day 3 steroid nonresponse was significantly associated with colitis-related complications among males (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 8.22, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.77 to 38.17), but not among females (aOR 1.39, 95% CI 0.54 to 3.60). Older age, C. difficile infection and admission to a non-gastroenterology service were also associated with a higher risk of in-hospital complications. Day 3 steroid nonresponse was significantly associated with in-hospital colectomy (aOR 10.10, 95% CI 3.56 to 28.57). CONCLUSION: In our series of UC hospitalizations for a colitis flare, absence of day 3 steroid response was associated with an increased risk of colitis-related complications among males and of in-hospital colectomy. Clinicians should recognize the importance of early steroid response as a marker to guide the need for treatment optimization.
