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ACS Meas Sci Au ; 4(4): 418-431, 2024 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39184357


Fourier-transformed alternating current voltammetry (FTacV) is a technique utilizing a combination of a periodic (frequently sinusoidal) oscillation superimposed onto a staircase or linear potential ramp. The advanced utilization of a large amplitude sine wave induces substantial nonlinear current responses. Subsequent filter processing (via Fourier-transformation, band selection, followed by inverse Fourier-transformation) generates a series of harmonics in which rapid electron transfer processes may be separated from non-Faradaic and competing electron transfer processes with slower kinetics. Thus, FTacV enables the isolation of current associated with redox processes under experimental conditions that would not generate meaningful data using direct current voltammetry (dcV). In this study, the enhanced experimental sensitivity and selectivity of FTacV versus dcV are illustrated in measurements that (i) separate the Faradaic current from background current contributions, (ii) use a low (5 µM) concentration of analyte (exemplified with ferrocene), and (iii) enable discrimination of the reversible [Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+ electron-transfer process from the irreversible reduction of oxygen under a standard atmosphere, negating the requirement for inert gas conditions. The simple, homebuilt check-cell described ensures that modern instruments can be checked for their ability to perform valid FTacV experiments. Detailed analysis methods and open-source data sets that accompany this work are intended to facilitate other researchers in the integration of FTacV into their everyday electrochemical methodological toolkit.

Inorg Chem ; 63(30): 14103-14115, 2024 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38995387


Under voltammetric conditions, the neutral decamethylferrocene ([Me10Fc]) to cationic ([Me10Fc]+) FeII/III process is a well-known reversible outer-sphere reaction. A companion cationic [Me10Fc]+ to dicationic [Me10Fc]2+ FeIII/IV process has been reported under direct current (DC) cyclic voltammetric conditions at highly positive potentials in liquid SO2 at low temperatures and in a 1.5:1.0 AlCl3/1-butylpyridinium chloride melt. This study demonstrates that in room-temperature ionic liquids containing the hard to oxidize and hydrophobic tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate anion, the [Me10Fc]+/2+ process can be detected as a quasi-reversible reaction at glassy carbon (GC) and boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. Large amplitude Fourier-transformed alternating current (FT-AC) voltammetry minimizes background current contributions occurring at potentials similar to those of the FeIII/IV process in the second and higher-order harmonics. This enables a straightforward determination of the thermodynamics and kinetics for both the FeII/III and FeIII/IV processes. Unlike the ideal outer-sphere FeII/III process, the parameters of the FeIII/IV process may be impacted by ion-interaction effects. For the faster FeII/III process, heterogeneous rate constants are approximately 10 times smaller at BDD than those at GC electrodes. This electrode dependence is less pronounced for the slower FeIII/IV process. The slower BDD kinetics may be attributed in part to a density of states lower than that at GC.

Inorg Chem ; 63(1): 117-128, 2024 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38141018


Vanadium is accommodated in both the framework (VoutV) and central positions (VinV) in the Keggin-type polyoxometalates (POMs) [VinVVoutVM11O40]4- (M = Mo, W; VinVVoutVM11) and in the central position in [VinVM12O40]3- (VinVM12). The structures of the VinVVoutVM11 class have been determined by X-ray crystallography and compared to those of VinVM12 reported previously. A major feature of interest with POMs is their capacity for very extensive reduction, particularly when protonation accompanies the electron transfer step. With VinVVoutVM11 and VinVM12 POMs, knowledge as to whether reduction occurs at V or M sites and the concomitant dependence on acidity has been obtained. Frozen solution EPR spectra obtained following bulk electrolysis showed that the one-electron reduction of VinVMo12 occurs at the molybdenum framework site to give VinVMoVMo11. In contrast, EPR spectra of one-electron reduced VinVW12 at <30 K are consistent with the electron being accommodated on the central V atom in a tetrahedral environment to give VinIVW12. In the case of VinVVoutVM11, the initial reduction occurs at the framework VoutV site to give VinVVoutIVM11. The second electron is delocalized over the Mo framework in two-electron reduced VinVVoutIVMoVMo10, whereas it is accommodated on the central V site in VinIVVoutIVW11. The distance between VinIV and VoutIV in VinIVVoutIVW11 estimated as 3.5 ± 0.2 Å from analysis of the EPR spectrum is consistent with that obtained in VinVVoutVW11 from crystallographic data. Simulations of the cyclic voltammograms as a function of CF3SO3H acid concentration for the initial reduction processes provide excellent agreement with experimental data obtained in acetonitrile (0.10 M [n-Bu4N][PF6]) and allowed acid association constants to be estimated and compared with the literature values available for [XVoutVM11O40]n- (X = S (n = 3), P and As (n= 4); M = Mo, W). The interpretation of the voltammetric data is supported by 51V NMR measurements on the oxidized VV forms of the POMs.

Chemphyschem ; 24(20): e202300289, 2023 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37876345


Mechanistic variation in catalysis through substituent-based redox tuning is well established. Fluorination of TCNQ (TCNQ=tetracyanoquinodimethane) provides ~850 mV variation in the redox potentials of the TCNQF n 0 / 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {n}}}^{{\rm {0/1-}}}}$ and TCNQF n 1 - / 2 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {n}}}^{{\rm {1-/2-}}}}$ (n=0, 2, 4) processes. With TCNQF 4 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {4}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ , catalysis of the kinetically very slow ferrocyanide-thiosulfate redox reaction in aqueous solution occurs via a mechanism in which the catalyst TCNQF 4 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {4}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ is reduced to TCNQF 4 2 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {4}}}^{{\rm {2-}}}}$ when reacting with S 2 O 3 2 - ${{{\rm {S}}}_{{\rm {2}}}{{\rm {O}}}_{{\rm {3}}}^{{\rm {2-}}}}$ which is oxidised to S 4 O 6 2 - ${{{\rm {S}}}_{{\rm {4}}}{{\rm {O}}}_{{\rm {6}}}^{{\rm {2-}}}}$ . Subsequently, TCNQF 4 2 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {4}}}^{{\rm {2-}}}}$ reacts with [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - ${{{\rm {[Fe(CN)}}}_{{\rm {6}}}{{\rm {]}}}^{{\rm {3-}}}}$ to form [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 4 - ${{{\rm {[Fe(CN)}}}_{{\rm {6}}}{{\rm {]}}}^{{\rm {4-}}}}$ and reform the TCNQF 4 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {4}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ catalyst, in another thermodynamically favoured process. An analogous mechanism applies with TCNQF 2 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQF}}}_{{\rm {2}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ as a catalyst. In contrast, since the reaction of S 2 O 3 2 - ${{{\rm {S}}}_{{\rm {2}}}{{\rm {O}}}_{{\rm {3}}}^{{\rm {2-}}}}$ with TCNQ 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQ}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ is thermodynamically unfavourable, an alternative mechanism is required to explain the catalytic activity observed in this non-fluorinated system. Here, upon addition of TCNQ 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQ}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ , reduction of [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - ${{{\rm {[Fe(CN)}}}_{{\rm {6}}}{{\rm {]}}}^{{\rm {3-}}}}$ to [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 4 - ${{{\rm {[Fe(CN)}}}_{{\rm {6}}}{{\rm {]}}}^{{\rm {4-}}}}$ occurs with concomitant oxidation of TCNQ 1 - ${{{\rm {TCNQ}}}^{{\rm {1-}}}}$ to TCNQ 0 ${{{\rm {TCNQ}}}^{{\rm {0}}}}$ , which then acts as the catalyst for S 2 O 3 2 - ${{{\rm {S}}}_{{\rm {2}}}{{\rm {O}}}_{{\rm {3}}}^{{\rm {2-}}}}$ oxidation. Thermodynamic data explain the observed differences in the catalytic mechanisms. CuTCNQF n ${{{\rm {CuTCNQF}}}_{{\rm {n}}}}$ (n=0, 4) also act as catalysts for the ferricyanide-thiosulfate reaction in aqueous solution. The present study shows that homogeneous pathways are available following addition of these dissolved materials. Previously, these CuTCNQF n ${{{\rm {CuTCNQF}}}_{{\rm {n}}}}$ (n=0, 4) coordination polymers have been regarded as insoluble in water and proposed as heterogeneous catalysts for the ferricyanide-thiosulfate reaction. Details and mechanistic differences were established using UV-visible spectrophotometry and cyclic voltammetry.

Molecules ; 28(17)2023 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37687231


PtIV coordination complexes are of interest as prodrugs of PtII anticancer agents, as they can avoid deactivation pathways owing to their inert nature. Here, we report the oxidation of the antitumor agent [PtII(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)], 1 (py = pyridine) to dihydroxidoplatinum(IV) solvate complexes [PtIV{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(OH)2(py)].H2O, 2·H2O with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at room temperature. To optimize the yield, 1 was oxidized in the presence of added lithium chloride with H2O2 in a 1:2 ratio of Pt: H2O2, in CH2Cl2 producing complex 2·H2O in higher yields in both gold and red forms. Despite the color difference, red and yellow 2·H2O have the same structure as determined by single-crystal and X-ray powder diffraction, namely, an octahedral ligand array with a chelating organoamide, pyridine and chloride ligands in the equatorial plane, and axial hydroxido ligands. When tetrabutylammonium chloride was used as a chloride source, in CH2Cl2, another solvate, [PtIV{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(OH)2(py)].0.5CH2Cl2,3·0.5CH2Cl2, was obtained. These PtIV compounds show reductive dehydration into PtII [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH=CHNEt2}Cl(py)], 1H over time in the solid state, as determined by X-ray powder diffraction, and in solution, as determined by 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. 1H contains an oxidized coordinating ligand and was previously obtained by oxidation of 1 under more vigorous conditions. Experimental data suggest that oxidation of the ligand is favored in the presence of excess H2O2 and elevated temperatures. In contrast, a smaller amount (1Pt:2H2O2) of H2O2 at room temperature favors the oxidation of the metal and yields platinum(IV) complexes.

Chemphyschem ; 24(11): e202300323, 2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37264468


The front cover artwork was done by Michelle Farrelly, a member of the Martin group at Monash University. The image represents a perspective of a cuvette in which the catalysis of the thiosulfate-ferricyanide reaction was achieved by a TCNQF4 -based redox reaction in aqueous solution. The primary method used to monitor these reactions was spectrophotometry. Read the full text of the Research Article at 10.1002/cphc.202200942.

Chemphyschem ; 24(11): e202200942, 2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37076946


Published data suggest that sparingly soluble metal complexes of TCNQF n 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{n}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ , where n=0, 1, 2, 4, can act as heterogeneous catalysts for the kinetically very slow [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - / 4 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{3 - /4 - }}} }$ - S 2 O 3 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ / S 4 O 6 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{4}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{6}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ reaction in aqueous solution. This study shows that the coordination polymer CuTCNQF 4 ${{\rm{CuTCNQF}}_{\rm{4}} }$ , participates as a homogeneous catalyst via an extremely small concentration of dissolved TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ . This finding suggests that the generally accepted mechanism of catalysis by TCNQF 4 ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}} }$ based solids needs to be revisited to ascertain the role of homogeneous pathways. In the present study, UV-visible spectrophotometry was used to examine the catalysis of the aqueous redox reaction of [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{3 - }}} }$ (1.0 mM) with S 2 O 3 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ (100 mM) in the presence of (i) a precursor catalyst, TCNQF 4 0 ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{\rm{0}} }$ ; (ii) the catalyst, TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ , as the water soluble Li+ salt; and (iii) CuTCNQF 4 ${{\rm{CuTCNQF}}_{\rm{4}} }$ . A homogeneous reaction scheme that utilises the TCNQF 4 1 - / 2 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - /2 - }}} }$ couple is provided. In the case of TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ derived from highly soluble LiTCNQF 4 ${{\rm{LiTCNQF}}_{\rm{4}} }$ , quantitative conversion of 1.0 mM S 2 O 3 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ to 0.50 mM S 4 O 6 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{4}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{6}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ occurs with complete reduction of [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{3 - }}} }$ to [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 4 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{4 - }}} }$ being rapidly accelerated by sub-micomolar concentrations of TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ . TCNQF 4 2 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ generated in the catalytic cycle, reacts with [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{3 - }}} }$ to reform TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ and produce [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 4 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{4 - }}} }$ . Along with the rapid catalytic reaction, the sluggish competing reaction between TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ and S 2 O 3 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ occurs to give TCNQF 4 2 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ , which is protonated to HTCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{\;HTCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ , along with a trace amount of S 4 O 6 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{4}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{6}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ . On addition of the precursor catalyst, TCNQF 4 0 ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{\rm{0}} }$ , rapid reduction with S 2 O 3 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ occurs to form TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ - the active catalyst. CuTCNQF 4 ${{\rm{CuTCNQF}}_{\rm{4}} }$ added to water is shown to be sufficiently soluble to provide adequate TCNQF 4 1 - ${{\rm{TCNQF}}_{\rm{4}}^{{\rm{1 - }}} }$ to act as the catalyst for the [ Fe ( CN ) 6 ]​ 3 - / 4 - ${{\rm{[Fe(CN)}}_{\rm{6}} {\rm{]}}^{{\rm{3 - /4 - }}} }$ - S 2 O 3 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ / S 4 O 6 2 - ${{\rm{S}}_{\rm{4}} {\rm{O}}_{\rm{6}}^{{\rm{2 - }}} }$ reaction.

Parasite ; 30: 6, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36920277


A literature review for a recent ultrastructural study of a trichinelloid eggshell revealed consistently occurring errors in the literature on nematode eggshell anatomy. Examples included nematodes of medical, veterinary, and agricultural importance in several orders. Previous researchers had warned of some of these errors decades ago, but a comprehensive solution was not offered until 2012 when a clarifying new anatomical and developmental interpretation of nematode eggshells was proposed by members of the Caenorhabditis elegans Research Community. However, their findings were explained using arcane acronyms and technical jargon intended for an audience of experimental molecular geneticists, and so their papers have rarely been cited outside the C. elegans community. Herein we (1) provide a critical review of nematode eggshell literature in which we correct errors and relabel imagery in important historical reports; (2) describe common reporting errors and their causes using language familiar to researchers having a basic understanding of microscopy and nematode eggs; (3) recommend a new hexalaminar anatomical and terminological framework for nematode eggshells based on the 2012 C. elegans framework; and (4) recommend new unambiguous terms appropriate for the embryonated/larvated eggs regularly encountered by practicing nematodologists to replace ambiguous or ontogenetically restricted terms in the 2012 C. elegans framework. We also (5) propose a resolution to conflicting claims made by the C. elegans team versus classical literature regarding Layer #3, (6) extend the C. elegans hexalaminar framework to include the polar plugs of trichinelloids, and (7) report new findings regarding trichinelloid eggshell structure.

Title: La coque des œufs des nématodes : un nouveau cadre anatomique et terminologique, avec une revue critique de la littérature pertinente et des lignes directrices suggérées pour l'interprétation et la communication de l'imagerie des coques des œufs. Abstract: Une revue de la littérature pour une étude ultrastructurale récente de la coque de l'œuf d'un trichinelloïde a révélé des erreurs récurrentes dans la littérature sur l'anatomie de la coque de l'œuf des nématodes. Les exemples comprenaient des nématodes d'importance médicale, vétérinaire et agricole dans plusieurs ordres. Des chercheurs avaient mis en garde contre certaines de ces erreurs il y a des décennies, mais une solution complète n'a été proposée qu'en 2012, lorsqu'une nouvelle interprétation anatomique et développementale clarifiant la structure des coques des œufs de nématodes a été proposée par des membres de la communauté de recherche de Caenorhabditis elegans. Cependant, leurs découvertes ont été expliquées à l'aide d'acronymes mystérieux et d'un jargon technique destiné à un public de généticiens moléculaires expérimentaux, et leurs articles ont donc rarement été cités en dehors de la communauté de C. elegans. Ici, nous (1) fournissons une revue critique de la littérature sur les coques des œufs de nématodes dans laquelle nous corrigeons les erreurs et réétiquetons les images dans des rapports historiques importants; (2) décrivons les erreurs de description courantes et leurs causes en utilisant un langage familier aux chercheurs ayant une compréhension de base de la microscopie et des œufs de nématodes; (3) recommandons un nouveau cadre anatomique et terminologique hexalaminaire pour les coques des œufs de nématodes basé sur le cadre de C. elegans de 2012; et (4) recommandons de nouveaux termes non ambigus appropriés pour les œufs embryonnés/larvés régulièrement rencontrés par les spécialistes de nématodes en exercice pour remplacer les termes ambigus ou à restriction ontogénétique dans le cadre de C. elegans de 2012. Nous proposons également (5) une résolution des affirmations contradictoires de l'équipe C. elegans par rapport à la littérature classique concernant la couche 3, (6) étendons le cadre hexalaminaire de C. elegans pour inclure les bouchons polaires des trichinelloïdes, et (7) signalons de nouvelles découvertes concernant la structure de la coque des œufs des trichinelloïdes.

Nematodos , Terminología como Asunto , Cigoto , Animales , Caenorhabditis elegans/ultraestructura , Nematodos/ultraestructura , Cigoto/ultraestructura , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Embrión no Mamífero/ultraestructura
Nanoscale ; 14(42): 15560-15585, 2022 Nov 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36254597


Excessive reliance on fossil fuels has led to the release and accumulation of large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere which has raised serious concerns related to environmental pollution and global warming. One way to mitigate this problem is to electrochemically recycle CO2 to value-added chemicals or fuels using electricity from renewable energy sources. Cu is the only metallic electrocatalyst that has been shown to produce a wide range of industrially important chemicals at appreciable rates. However, low product selectivity is a fundamental issue limiting commercial applications of electrochemical CO2 reduction over Cu catalysts. Combining copper with other metals that actively contribute to the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction process can selectively facilitate generation of desirable products. Alloying Cu can alter surface binding strength through electronic and geometric effects, enhancing the availability of surface confined carbon species, and stabilising key reduction intermediates. As a result, significant research has been undertaken to design and fabricate copper-based alloy catalysts with structures that can enhance the selectivity of targeted products. In this article, progress with use of alloying strategies for development of Cu-alloy catalysts are reviewed. Challenges in achieving high selectivity and possible future directions for development of new copper-based alloy catalysts are considered.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 61(39): e202208534, 2022 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35927219


To mitigate flooding associated with the gas diffusion layer (GDL) during electroreduction of CO2 , we report a hydrophobicity-graded hydrophobic GDL (HGGDL). Coating uniformly dispersed polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) binders on the carbon fiber skeleton of a hydrophilic GDL uniformizes the hydrophobicity of the GDL and also alleviates the gas blockage of pore channels. Further adherence of the PTFE macroporous layer (PMPL) to one side of the hydrophobic carbon fiber skeleton was aided by sintering. The introduced PMPL shows an appropriate pore size and enhanced hydrophobicity. As a result, the HGGDL offers spatial control of the hydrophobicity and hence water and gas transport over the GDL. Using a nickel-single-atom catalyst, the resulting HGGDL electrode provided a CO faradaic efficiency of over 83 % at a constant current density of 75 mA cm-2 for 103 h operation in a membrane electrode assembly, which is more than 16 times that achieved with a commercial GDL.

Acc Chem Res ; 55(3): 241-251, 2022 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35020363


ConspectusElectrochemical reduction of the greenhouse gas CO2 offers prospects for the sustainable generation of fuels and industrially useful chemicals when powered by renewable electricity. However, this electrochemical process requires the use of highly stable, selective, and active catalysts. The development of such catalysts should be based on a detailed kinetic and mechanistic understanding of the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (eCO2RR), ideally through the resolution of active catalytic sites in both time (i.e., temporally) and space (i.e., spatially). In this Account, we highlight two advanced spatiotemporal voltammetric techniques for electrocatalytic studies and describe the considerable insights they provide on the eCO2RR. First, Fourier transformed large-amplitude alternating current voltammetry (FT ac voltammetry), as applied by the Monash Electrochemistry Group, enables the resolution of rapid underlying electron-transfer processes in complex reactions, free from competing processes, such as the background double-layer charging current, slow catalytic reactions, and solvent/electrolyte electrolysis, which often mask conventional voltammetric measurements of the eCO2RR. Crucially, FT ac voltammetry allows details of the catalytically active sites or the rate-determining step to be revealed under catalytic turnover conditions. This is well illustrated in investigations of the eCO2RR catalyzed by Bi where formate is the main product. Second, developments in scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) by the Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group provide powerful methods for obtaining high-resolution activity maps and potentiodynamic movies of the heterogeneous surface of a catalyst. For example, by coupling SECCM data with colocated microscopy from electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) or atomic force microscopy, it is possible to develop compelling correlations of (precatalyst) structure-activity at the nanoscale level. This correlative electrochemical multimicroscopy strategy allows the catalytically more active region of a catalyst, such as the edge plane of two-dimensional materials and the grain boundaries between facets in a polycrystalline metal, to be highlighted. The attributes of SECCM-EBSD are well-illustrated by detailed studies of the eCO2RR on polycrystalline gold, where carbon monoxide is the main product. Comparing SECCM maps and movies with EBSD images of the same region reveals unambiguously that the eCO2RR is enhanced at surface-terminating dislocations, which accumulate at grain boundaries and slip bands. Both FT ac voltammetry and SECCM techniques greatly enhance our understanding of the eCO2RR, significantly boosting the electrochemical toolbox and the information available for the development and testing of theoretical models and rational catalyst design. In the future, it may be possible to further enhance insights provided by both techniques through their integration with in situ and in operando spectroscopy and microscopy methods.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(3): 4022-4034, 2022 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35019264


A series of hybrid electrolytes composed of diglyme and ionic liquids (ILs) have been investigated for Na-O2 batteries, as a strategy to control the growth and purity of the discharge products during battery operation. The dependence of chemical composition of the ILs on the size, purity, and distribution of the discharge products has been evaluated using a wide range of experimental and spectroscopic techniques. The morphology and composition of the discharge products found in the Na-O2 cells have a complex dependence on the physicochemical properties of the electrolyte as well as the speciation of the Na+ and superoxide radical anion. All of these factors control the nucleation and growth phenomena as well as electrolyte stability. Smaller discharge particle sizes and largely homogeneous (2.7 ± 0.5 µm) sodium superoxide (NaO2) crystals with only 9% of side products were found in the hybrid electrolyte containing the pyrrolidinium IL with a linear alkyl chain. The long-term cyclability of Na-O2 batteries with high Coulombic efficiency (>90%) was obtained for this electrolyte with fewer side products (20 cycles at 0.5 mA h cm-2). In contrast, rapid failure was observed with the use of the phosphonium-based electrolyte, which strongly stabilizes the superoxide anion. A high discharge capacity (4.46 mA h cm-2) was obtained for the hybrid electrolyte containing the pyrrolidinium-based IL bearing a linear alkyl chain with a slightly lower value (3.11 mA h cm-2) being obtained when the hybrid electrolyte contained similar pyrrolidinium-based IL bearing an alkoxy chain.

Faraday Discuss ; 233(0): 44-57, 2022 04 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34901986


The use of deep neural networks (DNNs) for the classification of electrochemical mechanisms using simulated voltammograms with one cycle of potential for training has previously been reported. In this paper, it is shown how valuable additional patterns for mechanism distinction become available when a new DNN is trained simultaneously on images obtained from three cycles of potential using tensor inputs. Significant improvements, relative to the single cycle training, in achieving the correct classification of E, EC1st and EC2nd mechanisms (E = electron transfer step and C1st and C2nd are first and second order follow up chemical reactions, respectively) are demonstrated with noisy simulated data for conditions where all mechanisms are close to chemically reversible and hence difficult to distinguish, even by an experienced electrochemist. Challenges anticipated in applying the new DNN to the classification of experimental data are highlighted. Directions for future development are also discussed.

Redes Neurales de la Computación
Inorg Chem ; 60(24): 18899-18911, 2021 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34851646


[Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH═C(Cl)NEt2}Cl(py)] (1Cl) is the product of the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of the PtII anticancer agent [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)] (1). Insights into electron delocalization and bonding in [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH═C(Cl)NEt2}Cl(py)]+ (1Cl+) obtained by electrochemical oxidation of 1Cl have been gained by spectroscopic and computational studies. The 1Cl/1Cl+ process is chemically and electrochemically reversible on the short time scale of voltammetry in dichloromethane (0.10 M [Bu4N][PF6]). Substantial stability is retained on longer time scales enabling a high yield of 1Cl+ to be generated by bulk electrolysis. In situ IR and visible spectroelectrochemical studies on the oxidation of 1Cl to 1Cl+ and the reduction of 1Cl+ back to 1Cl confirm the long-term chemical reversibility. DFT calculations indicate only a minor contribution to the electron density (13%) resides on the Pt metal center in 1Cl+, indicating that the 1Cl/1Cl+ oxidation process is extensively ligand-based. Published X-ray crystallographic data show that 1Cl is present in only one structural form, while NMR data on the dissolved crystals revealed the presence of two closely related structural forms in an almost equimolar ratio. Solution-phase EPR spectra of 1Cl+ are consistent with two closely related structural forms in a ratio of about 90:10. The average g value for the frozen solution spectra (2.0567 for the major species) is significantly greater than the 2.0023 expected for a free radical. Crystal field analysis of the EPR spectra leads to an estimate of the 5d(xz) character of around 10% in 1Cl+. Analysis of X-ray absorption fine structure derived from 1Cl+ also supports the presence of a delocalized singly occupied metal molecular orbital with a spin density of approximately 17% on Pt. Accordingly, the considerably larger electron density distribution on the ligand framework (diminished PtIII character) is proposed to contribute to the increased stability of 1Cl+ compared to that of 1+.

Front Chem ; 9: 672831, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34195174


This paper explores the impact of pH on the mechanism of reversible disulfide bond (CysS-SCys) reductive breaking and oxidative formation in Escherichia coli hydrogenase maturation factor HypD, a protein which forms a highly stable adsorbed film on a graphite electrode. To achieve this, low frequency (8.96 Hz) Fourier transformed alternating current voltammetric (FTACV) experimental data was used in combination with modelling approaches based on Butler-Volmer theory with a dual polynomial capacitance model, utilizing an automated two-step fitting process conducted within a Bayesian framework. We previously showed that at pH 6.0 the protein data is best modelled by a redox reaction of two separate, stepwise one-electron, one-proton transfers with slightly "crossed" apparent reduction potentials that incorporate electron and proton transfer terms ( E app 2 0 > E app 1 0 ). Remarkably, rather than collapsing to a concerted two-electron redox reaction at more extreme pH, the same two-stepwise one-electron transfer model with E app 2 0 > E app 1 0 continues to provide the best fit to FTACV data measured across a proton concentration range from pH 4.0 to pH 9.0. A similar, small level of crossover in reversible potentials is also displayed in overall two-electron transitions in other proteins and enzymes, and this provides access to a small but finite amount of the one electron reduced intermediate state.

ChemSusChem ; 14(14): 2924-2934, 2021 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34021532


The development of Cu-based catalysts for the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (eCO2 RR) is of major interest for generating commercially important C2 liquid products such as ethanol. Cu is exclusive among the eCO2 RR metallic catalysts in that it facilitates the formation of a range of highly reduced C2 products, with a reasonable total faradaic efficiency but poor product selectivity. Here, a series of new sulfide-derived copper-cadmium catalysts (SD-Cux Cdy ) was developed. An excellent faradaic efficiency of around 32 % but with a relatively low current density of 0.6 mA cm-2 for ethanol was obtained using the SD-CuCd2 catalyst at the relatively low overpotential of 0.89 V in a CO2 -saturated aqueous 0.10 m KHCO3 solution with an H-cell. The current density increased by an order of magnitude under similar conditions using a flow cell where the mass transport rate for CO2 was greatly enhanced. Ex situ spectroscopic and microscopic, and voltammetric investigations pointed to the role of abundant phase boundaries between CdS and Cu+ /Cu sites in the SD-CuCd2 catalyst in enhancing the selectivity and efficiency of ethanol formation at low potentials.

J Inorg Biochem ; 218: 111360, 2021 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33711633


Oxidation of the anti-tumour agent [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)], 1 (py = pyridine) with hydrogen peroxide under a variety of conditions yields a range of organoenamineamidoplatinum(II) compounds [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH=C(X)NEt2}Cl(py)] (X = H, Cl, Br) as well as species with shared occupancy involving H, Cl and Br. Thus, oxidation of the -CH2-CH2- backbone (dehydrogenation) occurs, often accompanied by substitution. Oxidation of 1 with H2O2 in acetone yielded 1:1 co-crystallized [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH=CHNEt2}Cl(py)], 1H and [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH=C(Cl)NEt2}Cl(py)], 1Cl. The former was obtained pure in low yield from the oxidation of 1 with (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] in acetone, and the latter was obtained from 1 and H2O2 in CH2Cl2 at near reflux. From the latter reaction under vigorous refluxing [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH=C(Br)NEt2}Cl(py)], 1Br was isolated. In refluxing acetonitrile, oxidation of 1 with H2O2 yielded [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH=C(H0.25Br0.75)NEt2}Cl(py)], 1H0.25Br0.75, in which the alkene is mainly substituted by Br in a dual occupancy. Treatment of 1 with H2O2 and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in acetone at room temperature formed [Pt{(p-HC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)], 2. Oxidation of [Pt{(p-HC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Br(py)], 3 with H2O2 in boiling acetonitrile gave the ligand oxidation product [Pt{(p-HC6F4)NCH=C(Br)NEt2}Br(py)], 3Br. All major products were identified by X-ray crystallography as well as by 1H and 19F NMR spectra. In cases of mixed crystals or dual occupancy compounds, the 19F and 1H NMR spectra showed dissociation into the components in the solution in the same proportions as in isolated crystalline material.

Antineoplásicos/química , Peróxido de Hidrógeno/química , Modelos Moleculares , Compuestos Organoplatinos/química , Oxidantes/química , Cristalografía por Rayos X , Estructura Molecular , Oxidación-Reducción
Chem Commun (Camb) ; 57(15): 1855-1870, 2021 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33529293


Advanced data analysis tools such as mathematical optimisation, Bayesian inference and machine learning have the capability to revolutionise the field of quantitative voltammetry. Nowadays such approaches can be implemented routinely with widely available, user-friendly modern computing languages, algorithms and high speed computing to provide accurate and robust methods for quantitative comparison of experimental data with extensive simulated data sets derived from models proposed to describe complex electrochemical reactions. While the methodology is generic to all forms of dynamic electrochemistry, including the widely used direct current cyclic voltammetry, this review highlights advances achievable in the parameterisation of large amplitude alternating current voltammetry. One significant advantage this technique offers in terms of data analysis is that Fourier transformation provides access to the higher order harmonics that are almost devoid of background current. Perspectives on the technical advances needed to develop intelligent data analysis strategies and make them generally available to users of voltammetry are provided.

Anal Chem ; 93(4): 2062-2071, 2021 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33417431


Alternating current (AC) voltammetric techniques are experimentally powerful as they enable Faradaic current to be isolated from non-Faradaic contributions. Finding the best global fit between experimental voltammetric data and simulations based on reaction models requires searching a substantial parameter space at high resolution. In this paper, we estimate parameters from purely sinusoidal voltammetry (PSV) experiments, investigating the redox reactions of a surface-confined ferrocene derivative. The advantage of PSV is that a complete experiment can be simulated relatively rapidly, compared to other AC voltammetric techniques. In one example involving thermodynamic dispersion, a PSV parameter inference effort requiring 7,500,000 simulations was completed in 7 h, whereas the same process for our previously used technique, ramped Fourier transform AC voltammetry (ramped FTACV), would have taken 4 days. Using both synthetic and experimental data with a surface confined diazonium substituted ferrocene derivative, it is shown that the PSV technique can be used to recover the key chemical and physical parameters. By applying techniques from Bayesian inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, the confidence, distribution, and degree of correlation of the recovered parameters was visualized and quantified.

Environ Manage ; 67(2): 424-435, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33481092


Biodiversity offsets have become a widely accepted means of attempting to compensate for biodiversity loss from development, and are applied in planning and decision-making processes at many levels. Yet their use is contentious, and numerous problems with both the concept and the practice have been identified in the literature. Our starting point is the understanding that offsets are a kind of biodiversity compensation measure through which the goal of no net loss (or net gain) of biodiversity can be at least theoretically achieved. Based on a typology of compensation measures distinguishing between habitat protection, improvement (including restoration, habitat creation and improved management practices) and other compensation, we review the literature to develop a framework of conditions that must be met if habitat protection and improvement initiatives can be truly considered offsets and not merely a lesser form of compensation. It is important that such conceptual clarity is reflected in offset policy and guidance, if offsets are to be appropriately applied and to have any chance of fully compensating for biodiversity loss. Our framework can be used to support the review and ongoing development of biodiversity offset policy and guidance, with the aim of improving clarity, rigour and therefore the chances that good biodiversity outcomes can be achieved.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema