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Zookeys ; 1194: 1-981, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38523865


More than 4700 nominal family-group names (including names for fossils and ichnotaxa) are nomenclaturally available in the order Coleoptera. Since each family-group name is based on the concept of its type genus, we argue that the stability of names used for the classification of beetles depends on accurate nomenclatural data for each type genus. Following a review of taxonomic literature, with a focus on works that potentially contain type species designations, we provide a synthesis of nomenclatural data associated with the type genus of each nomenclaturally available family-group name in Coleoptera. For each type genus the author(s), year of publication, and page number are given as well as its current status (i.e., whether treated as valid or not) and current classification. Information about the type species of each type genus and the type species fixation (i.e., fixed originally or subsequently, and if subsequently, by whom) is also given. The original spelling of the family-group name that is based on each type genus is included, with its author(s), year, and stem. We append a list of nomenclaturally available family-group names presented in a classification scheme. Because of the importance of the Principle of Priority in zoological nomenclature, we provide information on the date of publication of the references cited in this work, when known. Several nomenclatural issues emerged during the course of this work. We therefore appeal to the community of coleopterists to submit applications to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (henceforth "Commission") in order to permanently resolve some of the problems outlined here. The following changes of authorship for type genera are implemented here (these changes do not affect the concept of each type genus): CHRYSOMELIDAE: Fulcidax Crotch, 1870 (previously credited to "Clavareau, 1913"); CICINDELIDAE: Euprosopus W.S. MacLeay, 1825 (previously credited to "Dejean, 1825"); COCCINELLIDAE: Alesia Reiche, 1848 (previously credited to "Mulsant, 1850"); CURCULIONIDAE: Arachnopus Boisduval, 1835 (previously credited to "Guérin-Méneville, 1838"); ELATERIDAE: Thylacosternus Gemminger, 1869 (previously credited to "Bonvouloir, 1871"); EUCNEMIDAE: Arrhipis Gemminger, 1869 (previously credited to "Bonvouloir, 1871"), Mesogenus Gemminger, 1869 (previously credited to "Bonvouloir, 1871"); LUCANIDAE: Sinodendron Hellwig, 1791 (previously credited to "Hellwig, 1792"); PASSALIDAE: Neleides Harold, 1868 (previously credited to "Kaup, 1869"), Neleus Harold, 1868 (previously credited to "Kaup, 1869"), Pertinax Harold, 1868 (previously credited to "Kaup, 1869"), Petrejus Harold, 1868 (previously credited to "Kaup, 1869"), Undulifer Harold, 1868 (previously credited to "Kaup, 1869"), Vatinius Harold, 1868 (previously credited to "Kaup, 1869"); PTINIDAE: Mezium Leach, 1819 (previously credited to "Curtis, 1828"); PYROCHROIDAE: Agnathus Germar, 1818 (previously credited to "Germar, 1825"); SCARABAEIDAE: Eucranium Dejean, 1833 (previously "Brullé, 1838"). The following changes of type species were implemented following the discovery of older type species fixations (these changes do not pose a threat to nomenclatural stability): BOLBOCERATIDAE: Bolbocerusbocchus Erichson, 1841 for Bolbelasmus Boucomont, 1911 (previously Bolbocerasgallicum Mulsant, 1842); BUPRESTIDAE: Stigmoderaguerinii Hope, 1843 for Neocuris Saunders, 1868 (previously Anthaxiafortnumi Hope, 1846), Stigmoderaperoni Laporte & Gory, 1837 for Curis Laporte & Gory, 1837 (previously Buprestiscaloptera Boisduval, 1835); CARABIDAE: Carabuselatus Fabricius, 1801 for Molops Bonelli, 1810 (previously Carabusterricola Herbst, 1784 sensu Fabricius, 1792); CERAMBYCIDAE: Prionuspalmatus Fabricius, 1792 for Macrotoma Audinet-Serville, 1832 (previously Prionusserripes Fabricius, 1781); CHRYSOMELIDAE: Donaciaequiseti Fabricius, 1798 for Haemonia Dejean, 1821 (previously Donaciazosterae Fabricius, 1801), Eumolpusruber Latreille, 1807 for Euryope Dalman, 1824 (previously Cryptocephalusrubrifrons Fabricius, 1787), Galerucaaffinis Paykull, 1799 for Psylliodes Latreille, 1829 (previously Chrysomelachrysocephala Linnaeus, 1758); COCCINELLIDAE: Dermestesrufus Herbst, 1783 for Coccidula Kugelann, 1798 (previously Chrysomelascutellata Herbst, 1783); CRYPTOPHAGIDAE: Ipscaricis G.-A. Olivier, 1790 for Telmatophilus Heer, 1841 (previously Cryptophagustyphae Fallén, 1802), Silphaevanescens Marsham, 1802 for Atomaria Stephens, 1829 (previously Dermestesnigripennis Paykull, 1798); CURCULIONIDAE: Bostrichuscinereus Herbst, 1794 for Crypturgus Erichson, 1836 (previously Bostrichuspusillus Gyllenhal, 1813); DERMESTIDAE: Dermestestrifasciatus Fabricius, 1787 for Attagenus Latreille, 1802 (previously Dermestespellio Linnaeus, 1758); ELATERIDAE: Elatersulcatus Fabricius, 1777 for Chalcolepidius Eschscholtz, 1829 (previously Chalcolepidiuszonatus Eschscholtz, 1829); ENDOMYCHIDAE: Endomychusrufitarsis Chevrolat, 1835 for Epipocus Chevrolat, 1836 (previously Endomychustibialis Guérin-Méneville, 1834); EROTYLIDAE: Ipshumeralis Fabricius, 1787 for Dacne Latreille, 1797 (previously Dermestesbipustulatus Thunberg, 1781); EUCNEMIDAE: Fornaxaustrocaledonicus Perroud & Montrouzier, 1865 for Mesogenus Gemminger, 1869 (previously Mesogenusmellyi Bonvouloir, 1871); GLAPHYRIDAE: Melolonthaserratulae Fabricius, 1792 for Glaphyrus Latreille, 1802 (previously Scarabaeusmaurus Linnaeus, 1758); HISTERIDAE: Histerstriatus Forster, 1771 for Onthophilus Leach, 1817 (previously Histersulcatus Moll, 1784); LAMPYRIDAE: Ototretafornicata E. Olivier, 1900 for Ototreta E. Olivier, 1900 (previously Ototretaweyersi E. Olivier, 1900); LUCANIDAE: Lucanuscancroides Fabricius, 1787 for Lissotes Westwood, 1855 (previously Lissotesmenalcas Westwood, 1855); MELANDRYIDAE: Nothusclavipes G.-A. Olivier, 1812 for Nothus G.-A. Olivier, 1812 (previously Nothuspraeustus G.-A. Olivier, 1812); MELYRIDAE: Lagriaater Fabricius, 1787 for Enicopus Stephens, 1830 (previously Dermesteshirtus Linnaeus, 1767); NITIDULIDAE: Sphaeridiumluteum Fabricius, 1787 for Cychramus Kugelann, 1794 (previously Strongylusquadripunctatus Herbst, 1792); OEDEMERIDAE: Helopslaevis Fabricius, 1787 for Ditylus Fischer, 1817 (previously Ditylushelopioides Fischer, 1817 [sic]); PHALACRIDAE: Sphaeridiumaeneum Fabricius, 1792 for Olibrus Erichson, 1845 (previously Sphaeridiumbicolor Fabricius, 1792); RHIPICERIDAE: Sandalusniger Knoch, 1801 for Sandalus Knoch, 1801 (previously Sandaluspetrophya Knoch, 1801); SCARABAEIDAE: Cetoniaclathrata G.-A. Olivier, 1792 for Inca Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1828 (previously Cetoniaynca Weber, 1801); Gnathoceravitticollis W. Kirby, 1825 for Gnathocera W. Kirby, 1825 (previously Gnathoceraimmaculata W. Kirby, 1825); Melolonthavillosula Illiger, 1803 for Chasmatopterus Dejean, 1821 (previously Melolonthahirtula Illiger, 1803); STAPHYLINIDAE: Staphylinuspolitus Linnaeus, 1758 for Philonthus Stephens, 1829 (previously Staphylinussplendens Fabricius, 1792); ZOPHERIDAE: Hispamutica Linnaeus, 1767 for Orthocerus Latreille, 1797 (previously Tenebriohirticornis DeGeer, 1775). The discovery of type species fixations that are older than those currently accepted pose a threat to nomenclatural stability (an application to the Commission is necessary to address each problem): CANTHARIDAE: Malthinus Latreille, 1805, Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852; CARABIDAE: Bradycellus Erichson, 1837, Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810, Harpalus Latreille, 1802, Lebia Latreille, 1802, Pheropsophus Solier, 1834, Trechus Clairville, 1806; CERAMBYCIDAE: Callichroma Latreille, 1816, Callidium Fabricius, 1775, Cerasphorus Audinet-Serville, 1834, Dorcadion Dalman, 1817, Leptura Linnaeus, 1758, Mesosa Latreille, 1829, Plectromerus Haldeman, 1847; CHRYSOMELIDAE: Amblycerus Thunberg, 1815, Chaetocnema Stephens, 1831, Chlamys Knoch, 1801, Monomacra Chevrolat, 1836, Phratora Chevrolat, 1836, Stylosomus Suffrian, 1847; COLONIDAE: Colon Herbst, 1797; CURCULIONIDAE: Cryphalus Erichson, 1836, Lepyrus Germar, 1817; ELATERIDAE: Adelocera Latreille, 1829, Beliophorus Eschscholtz, 1829; ENDOMYCHIDAE: Amphisternus Germar, 1843, Dapsa Latreille, 1829; GLAPHYRIDAE: Anthypna Eschscholtz, 1818; HISTERIDAE: Hololepta Paykull, 1811, Trypanaeus Eschscholtz, 1829; LEIODIDAE: Anisotoma Panzer, 1796, Camiarus Sharp, 1878, Choleva Latreille, 1797; LYCIDAE: Calopteron Laporte, 1838, Dictyoptera Latreille, 1829; MELOIDAE: Epicauta Dejean, 1834; NITIDULIDAE: Strongylus Herbst, 1792; SCARABAEIDAE: Anisoplia Schönherr, 1817, Anticheira Eschscholtz, 1818, Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821, Glycyphana Burmeister, 1842, Omaloplia Schönherr, 1817, Oniticellus Dejean, 1821, Parachilia Burmeister, 1842, Xylotrupes Hope, 1837; STAPHYLINIDAE: Batrisus Aubé, 1833, Phloeonomus Heer, 1840, Silpha Linnaeus, 1758; TENEBRIONIDAE: Bolitophagus Illiger, 1798, Mycetochara Guérin-Méneville, 1827. Type species are fixed for the following nominal genera: ANTHRIBIDAE: Decataphanesgracilis Labram & Imhoff, 1840 for Decataphanes Labram & Imhoff, 1840; CARABIDAE: Feroniaerratica Dejean, 1828 for Loxandrus J.L. LeConte, 1853; CERAMBYCIDAE: Tmesisternusoblongus Boisduval, 1835 for Icthyosoma Boisduval, 1835; CHRYSOMELIDAE: Brachydactylaannulipes Pic, 1913 for Pseudocrioceris Pic, 1916, Cassidaviridis Linnaeus, 1758 for Evaspistes Gistel, 1856, Ocnosceliscyanoptera Erichson, 1847 for Ocnoscelis Erichson, 1847, Promecothecapetelii Guérin-Méneville, 1840 for Promecotheca Guérin- Méneville, 1840; CLERIDAE: Attelabusmollis Linnaeus, 1758 for Dendroplanetes Gistel, 1856; CORYLOPHIDAE: Corylophusmarginicollis J.L. LeConte, 1852 for Corylophodes A. Matthews, 1885; CURCULIONIDAE: Hoplorhinusmelanocephalus Chevrolat, 1878 for Hoplorhinus Chevrolat, 1878; SonnetiusbinariusCasey, 1922 for Sonnetius Casey, 1922; ELATERIDAE: Pyrophorusmelanoxanthus Candèze, 1865 for Alampes Champion, 1896; PHYCOSECIDAE: Phycosecislitoralis Pascoe, 1875 for Phycosecis Pascoe, 1875; PTILODACTYLIDAE: Aploglossasallei Guérin-Méneville, 1849 for Aploglossa Guérin-Méneville, 1849, Coloboderaovata Klug, 1837 for Colobodera Klug, 1837; PTINIDAE: Dryophilusanobioides Chevrolat, 1832 for Dryobia Gistel, 1856; SCARABAEIDAE: Achloahelvola Erichson, 1840 for Achloa Erichson, 1840, Camentaobesa Burmeister, 1855 for Camenta Erichson, 1847, Pinotustalaus Erichson, 1847 for Pinotus Erichson, 1847, Psilonychusecklonii Burmeister, 1855 for Psilonychus Burmeister, 1855. New replacement name: CERAMBYCIDAE: Basorus Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. for Sobarus Harold, 1879. New status: CARABIDAE: KRYZHANOVSKIANINI Deuve, 2020, stat. nov. is given the rank of tribe instead of subfamily since our classification uses the rank of subfamily for PAUSSINAE rather than family rank; CERAMBYCIDAE: Amymoma Pascoe, 1866, stat. nov. is used as valid over Neoamymoma Marinoni, 1977, Holopterus Blanchard, 1851, stat. nov. is used as valid over Proholopterus Monné, 2012; CURCULIONIDAE: Phytophilus Schönherr, 1835, stat. nov. is used as valid over the unnecessary new replacement name Synophthalmus Lacordaire, 1863; EUCNEMIDAE: Nematodinus Lea, 1919, stat. nov. is used as valid instead of Arrhipis Gemminger, 1869, which is a junior homonym. Details regarding additional nomenclatural issues that still need to be resolved are included in the entry for each of these type genera: BOSTRICHIDAE: Lyctus Fabricius, 1792; BRENTIDAE: Trachelizus Dejean, 1834; BUPRESTIDAE: Pristiptera Dejean, 1833; CANTHARIDAE: Chauliognathus Hentz, 1830, Telephorus Schäffer, 1766; CARABIDAE: Calathus Bonelli, 1810, Cosnania Dejean, 1821, Dicrochile Guérin-Méneville, 1847, Epactius D.H. Schneider, 1791, Merismoderus Westwood, 1847, Polyhirma Chaudoir, 1850, Solenogenys Westwood, 1860, Zabrus Clairville, 1806; CERAMBYCIDAE: Ancita J. Thomson, 1864, Compsocerus Audinet-Serville, 1834, Dorcadodium Gistel, 1856, Glenea Newman, 1842; Hesperophanes Dejean, 1835, Neoclytus J. Thomson, 1860, Phymasterna Laporte, 1840, Tetrops Stephens, 1829, Zygocera Erichson, 1842; CHRYSOMELIDAE: Acanthoscelides Schilsky, 1905, Corynodes Hope, 1841, Edusella Chapuis, 1874; Hemisphaerota Chevrolat, 1836; Physonota Boheman, 1854, Porphyraspis Hope, 1841; CLERIDAE: Dermestoides Schäffer, 1777; COCCINELLIDAE: Hippodamia Chevrolat, 1836, Myzia Mulsant, 1846, Platynaspis L. Redtenbacher, 1843; CURCULIONIDAE: Coeliodes Schönherr, 1837, Cryptoderma Ritsema, 1885, Deporaus Leach, 1819, Epistrophus Kirsch, 1869, Geonemus Schönherr, 1833, Hylastes Erichson, 1836; DYTISCIDAE: Deronectes Sharp, 1882, Platynectes Régimbart, 1879; EUCNEMIDAE: Dirhagus Latreille, 1834; HYBOSORIDAE: Ceratocanthus A. White, 1842; HYDROPHILIDAE: Cyclonotum Erichson, 1837; LAMPYRIDAE: Luciola Laporte, 1833; LEIODIDAE: Ptomaphagus Hellwig, 1795; LUCANIDAE: Leptinopterus Hope, 1838; LYCIDAE: Cladophorus Guérin-Méneville, 1830, Mimolibnetis Kazantsev, 2000; MELOIDAE: Mylabris Fabricius, 1775; NITIDULIDAE: Meligethes Stephens, 1829; PTILODACTYLIDAE: Daemon Laporte, 1838; SCARABAEIDAE: Allidiostoma Arrow, 1940, Heterochelus Burmeister, 1844, Liatongus Reitter, 1892, Lomaptera Gory & Percheron, 1833, Megaceras Hope, 1837, Stenotarsia Burmeister, 1842; STAPHYLINIDAE: Actocharis Fauvel, 1871, Aleochara Gravenhorst, 1802; STENOTRACHELIDAE: Stenotrachelus Berthold, 1827; TENEBRIONIDAE: Cryptochile Latreille, 1828, Heliopates Dejean, 1834, Helops Fabricius, 1775. First Reviser actions deciding the correct original spelling: CARABIDAE: Aristochroodes Marcilhac, 1993 (not Aritochroodes); CERAMBYCIDAE: Dorcadodium Gistel, 1856 (not Dorcadodion), EVODININI Zamoroka, 2022 (not EVODINIINI); CHRYSOMELIDAE: Caryopemon Jekel, 1855 (not Carpopemon), Decarthrocera Laboissière, 1937 (not Decarthrocerina); CICINDELIDAE: Odontocheila Laporte, 1834 (not Odontacheila); CLERIDAE: CORMODINA Bartlett, 2021 (not CORMODIINA), Orthopleura Spinola, 1845 (not Orthoplevra, not Orthopleuva); CURCULIONIDAE: Arachnobas Boisduval, 1835 (not Arachnopus), Palaeocryptorhynchus Poinar, 2009 (not Palaeocryptorhynus); DYTISCIDAE: Ambarticus Yang et al., 2019 and AMBARTICINI Yang et al., 2019 (not Ambraticus, not AMBRATICINI); LAMPYRIDAE: Megalophthalmus G.R. Gray, 1831 (not Megolophthalmus, not Megalopthalmus); SCARABAEIDAE: Mentophilus Laporte, 1840 (not Mintophilus, not Minthophilus), Pseudadoretusdilutellus Semenov, 1889 (not P.ditutellus). While the correct identification of the type species is assumed, in some cases evidence suggests that species were misidentified when they were fixed as the type of a particular nominal genus. Following the requirements of Article 70.3.2 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature we hereby fix the following type species (which in each case is the taxonomic species actually involved in the misidentification): ATTELABIDAE: Rhynchitescavifrons Gyllenhal, 1833 for Lasiorhynchites Jekel, 1860; BOSTRICHIDAE: Ligniperdaterebrans Pallas, 1772 for Apate Fabricius, 1775; BRENTIDAE: Ceocephalusappendiculatus Boheman, 1833 for Uroptera Berthold, 1827; BUPRESTIDAE: Buprestisundecimmaculata Herbst, 1784 for Ptosima Dejean, 1833; CARABIDAE: Amaralunicollis Schiødte, 1837 for Amara Bonelli, 1810, Buprestisconnexus Geoffroy, 1785 for Polistichus Bonelli, 1810, Carabusatrorufus Strøm, 1768 for Patrobus Dejean, 1821, Carabusgigas Creutzer, 1799 for Procerus Dejean, 1821, Carabusteutonus Schrank, 1781 for Stenolophus Dejean, 1821, Carenumbonellii Westwood, 1842 for Carenum Bonelli, 1813, Scaritespicipes G.-A. Olivier, 1795 for Acinopus Dejean, 1821, Trigonotomaindica Brullé, 1834 for Trigonotoma Dejean, 1828; CERAMBYCIDAE: Cerambyxlusitanus Linnaeus, 1767 for Exocentrus Dejean, 1835, Clytussupernotatus Say, 1824 for Psenocerus J.L. LeConte, 1852; CICINDELIDAE: Ctenostomajekelii Chevrolat, 1858 for Ctenostoma Klug, 1821; CURCULIONIDAE: Cnemogonuslecontei Dietz, 1896 for Cnemogonus J.L. LeConte, 1876; Phloeophagusturbatus Schönherr, 1845 for Phloeophagus Schönherr, 1838; GEOTRUPIDAE: Lucanusapterus Laxmann, 1770 for Lethrus Scopoli, 1777; HISTERIDAE: Histerrugiceps Duftschmid, 1805 for Hypocaccus C.G. Thomson, 1867; HYBOSORIDAE: Hybosorusilligeri Reiche, 1853 for Hybosorus W.S. MacLeay, 1819; HYDROPHILIDAE: Hydrophilusmelanocephalus G.-A. Olivier, 1793 for Enochrus C.G. Thomson, 1859; MYCETAEIDAE: Dermestessubterraneus Fabricius, 1801 for Mycetaea Stephens, 1829; SCARABAEIDAE: Aulaciumcarinatum Reiche, 1841 for Mentophilus Laporte, 1840, Phanaeusvindex W.S. MacLeay, 1819 for Phanaeus W.S. MacLeay, 1819, Ptinusgermanus Linnaeus, 1767 for Rhyssemus Mulsant, 1842, Scarabaeuslatipes Guérin-Méneville, 1838 for Cheiroplatys Hope, 1837; STAPHYLINIDAE: Scydmaenustarsatus P.W.J. Müller & Kunze, 1822 for Scydmaenus Latreille, 1802. New synonyms: CERAMBYCIDAE: CARILIINI Zamoroka, 2022, syn. nov. of ACMAEOPINI Della Beffa, 1915, DOLOCERINI Özdikmen, 2016, syn. nov. of BRACHYPTEROMINI Sama, 2008, PELOSSINI Tavakilian, 2013, syn. nov. of LYGRINI Sama, 2008, PROHOLOPTERINI Monné, 2012, syn. nov. of HOLOPTERINI Lacordaire, 1868.

Zookeys ; 1050: 1-633, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34385881


A review of genus-group names for darkling beetles in the family Tenebrionidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) is presented. A catalogue of 4122 nomenclaturally available genus-group names, representing 2307 valid genera (33 of which are extinct) and 761 valid subgenera, is given. For each name the author, date, page number, gender, type species, type fixation, current status, and first synonymy (when the name is a synonym) are provided. Genus-group names in this family are also recorded in a classification framework, along with data on the distribution of valid genera and subgenera within major biogeographical realms. A list of 535 unavailable genus-group names (e.g., incorrect subsequent spellings) is included. Notes on the date of publication of references cited herein are given, when known. The following genera and subgenera are made available for the first time: Anemiadena Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Cheirodes Gené, 1839), Armigena Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Nesogena Mäklin, 1863), Debeauxiella Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Hyperops Eschscholtz, 1831), Hyperopsis Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Hyperops Eschscholtz, 1831), Linio Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Nilio Latreille, 1802), Matthewsotys Bouchard & Bousquet, gen. nov., Neosolenopistoma Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Eurynotus W. Kirby, 1819), Paragena Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Nesogena Mäklin, 1863), Paulianaria Bouchard & Bousquet, gen. nov., Phyllechus Bouchard & Bousquet, gen. nov., Prorhytinota Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Rhytinota Eschscholtz, 1831), Pseudorozonia Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Rozonia Fairmaire, 1888), Pseudothinobatis Bouchard & Bousquet, gen. nov., Rhytinopsis Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Thalpophilodes Strand, 1942), Rhytistena Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Rhytinota Eschscholtz, 1831), Spinosdara Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Osdara Walker, 1858), Spongesmia Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Adesmia Fischer, 1822), and Zambesmia Bouchard & Bousquet, subgen. nov. (in Adesmia Fischer, 1822). The names Adeps Gistel, 1857 and Adepsion Strand, 1917 syn. nov. [= Tetraphyllus Laporte & Brullé, 1831], Asyrmatus Canzoneri, 1959 syn. nov. [= Pystelops Gozis, 1910], Euzadenos Koch, 1956 syn. nov. [= Selenepistoma Dejean, 1834], Gondwanodilamus Kaszab, 1969 syn. nov. [= Conibius J.L. LeConte, 1851], Gyrinodes Fauvel, 1897 syn. nov. [= Nesotes Allard, 1876], Helopondrus Reitter, 1922 syn. nov. [= Horistelops Gozis, 1910], Hybonotus Dejean, 1834 syn. nov. [= Damatris Laporte, 1840], Iphthimera Reitter, 1916 syn. nov. [= Metriopus Solier, 1835], Lagriomima Pic, 1950 syn. nov. [= Neogria Borchmann, 1911], Orphelops Gozis, 1910 syn. nov. [= Nalassus Mulsant, 1854], Phymatium Billberg, 1820 syn. nov. [= Cryptochile Latreille, 1828], Prosoblapsia Skopin & Kaszab, 1978 syn. nov. [= Genoblaps Bauer, 1921], and Pseudopimelia Gebler, 1859 syn. nov. [= Lasiostola Dejean, 1834] are established as new synonyms (valid names in square brackets). Anachayus Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for Chatanayus Ardoin, 1957, Genateropa Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. as a replacement name for Apterogena Ardoin, 1962, Hemipristula Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. as a replacement name for Hemipristis Kolbe, 1903, Kochotella Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. as a replacement name for Millotella Koch, 1962, Medvedevoblaps Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. as a replacement name for Protoblaps G.S. Medvedev, 1998, and Subpterocoma Bouchard & Bousquet, nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for Pseudopimelia Motschulsky, 1860. Neoeutrapela Bousquet & Bouchard, 2013 is downgraded to a subgenus (stat. nov.) of Impressosora Pic, 1952. Anchomma J.L. LeConte, 1858 is placed in Stenosini: Dichillina (previously in Pimeliinae: Anepsiini); Entypodera Gerstaecker, 1871, Impressosora Pic, 1952 and Xanthalia Fairmaire, 1894 are placed in Lagriinae: Lagriini: Statirina (previously in Lagriinae: Lagriini: Lagriina); Loxostethus Triplehorn, 1962 is placed in Diaperinae: Diaperini: Diaperina (previously in Diaperinae: Diaperini: Adelinina); Periphanodes Gebien, 1943 is placed in Stenochiinae: Cnodalonini (previously in Tenebrioninae: Helopini); Zadenos Laporte, 1840 is downgraded to a subgenus (stat. nov.) of the older name Selenepistoma Dejean, 1834. The type species [placed in square brackets] of the following available genus-group names are designated for the first time: Allostrongylium Kolbe, 1896 [Allostrongylium silvestre Kolbe, 1896], Auristira Borchmann, 1916 [Auristira octocostata Borchmann, 1916], Blapidocampsia Pic, 1919 [Campsia pallidipes Pic, 1918], Cerostena Solier, 1836 [Cerostena deplanata Solier, 1836], Coracostira Fairmaire, 1899 [Coracostira armipes Fairmaire, 1899], Dischidus Kolbe, 1886 [Helops sinuatus Fabricius, 1801], Eccoptostoma Gebien, 1913 [Taraxides ruficrus Fairmaire, 1894], Ellaemus Pascoe, 1866 [Emcephalus submaculatus Brême, 1842], Epeurycaulus Kolbe, 1902 [Epeurycaulus aldabricus Kolbe, 1902], Euschatia Solier, 1851 [Euschatia proxima Solier, 1851], Heliocaes Bedel, 1906 [Blaps emarginata Fabricius, 1792], Hemipristis Kolbe, 1903 [Hemipristis ukamia Kolbe, 1903], Iphthimera Reitter, 1916 [Stenocara ruficornis Solier, 1835], Isopedus Stein, 1877 [Helops tenebrioides Germar, 1813], Malacova Fairmaire, 1898 [Malacova bicolor Fairmaire, 1898], Modicodisema Pic, 1917 [Disema subopaca Pic, 1912], Peltadesmia Kuntzen, 1916 [Metriopus platynotus Gerstaecker, 1854], Phymatium Billberg, 1820 [Pimelia maculata Fabricius, 1781], Podoces Péringuey, 1886 [Podoces granosula Péringuey, 1886], Pseuduroplatopsis Pic, 1913 [Borchmannia javana Pic, 1913], Pteraulus Solier, 1848 [Pteraulus sulcatipennis Solier, 1848], Sciaca Solier, 1835 [Hylithus disctinctus Solier, 1835], Sterces Champion, 1891 [Sterces violaceipennis Champion, 1891] and Teremenes Carter, 1914 [Tenebrio longipennis Hope, 1843]. Evidence suggests that some type species were misidentified. In these instances, information on the misidentification is provided and, in the following cases, the taxonomic species actually involved is fixed as the type species [placed in square brackets] following requirements in Article 70.3 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature: Accanthopus Dejean, 1821 [Tenebrio velikensis Piller & Mitterpacher, 1783], Becvaramarygmus Masumoto, 1999 [Dietysus nodicornis Gravely, 1915], Heterophaga Dejean, 1834 [Opatrum laevigatum Fabricius, 1781], Laena Dejean, 1821, [Scaurus viennensis Sturm, 1807], Margus Dejean, 1834 [Colydium castaneum Herbst, 1797], Pachycera Eschscholtz, 1831 [Tenebrio buprestoides Fabricius, 1781], Saragus Erichson, 1842 [Celibe costata Solier, 1848], Stene Stephens, 1829 [Colydium castaneum Herbst, 1797], Stenosis Herbst, 1799 [Tagenia intermedia Solier, 1838] and Tentyriopsis Gebien, 1928 [Tentyriopsis pertyi Gebien, 1940]. The following First Reviser actions are proposed to fix the precedence of names or nomenclatural acts (rejected name or act in square brackets): Stenosis ciliaris Gebien, 1920 as the type species for Afronosis G.S. Medvedev, 1995 [Stenosis leontjevi G.S. Medvedev, 1995], Alienoplonyx Bremer, 2019 [Alienolonyx], Amblypteraca Mas-Peinado, Buckley, Ruiz & García-París, 2018 [Amplypteraca], Caenocrypticoides Kaszab, 1969 [Caenocripticoides], Deriles Motschulsky, 1872 [Derilis], Eccoptostira Borchmann, 1936 [Ecoptostira], †Eodromus Haupt, 1950 [†Edromus], Eutelus Solier, 1843 [Lutelus], Euthriptera Reitter, 1893 [Enthriptera], Meglyphus Motschulsky, 1872 [Megliphus], Microtelopsis Koch, 1940 [Extetranosis Koch, 1940, Hypermicrotelopsis Koch, 1940], Neandrosus Pic, 1921 [Neoandrosus], Nodosogylium Pic, 1951 [Nodosogilium], Notiolesthus Motschulsky, 1872 [Notiolosthus], Pseudeucyrtus Pic, 1916 [Pseudocyrtus], Pseudotrichoplatyscelis Kaszab, 1960 [Pseudotrichoplatynoscelis and Pseudotrichoplatycelis], Rhydimorpha Koch, 1943 [Rhytimorpha], Rhophobas Motschulsky, 1872 [Rophobas], Rhyssochiton Gray, 1831 [Ryssocheton and Ryssochiton], Sphaerotidius Kaszab, 1941 [Spaerotidius], Stira Agassiz, 1846 (Mollusca) [Stira Agassiz, 1846 (Coleoptera)], Sulpiusoma Ferrer, 2006 [Sulpiosoma] and Taenobates Motschulsky, 1872 [Taeniobates]. Supporting evidence is provided for the conservation of usage of Cyphaleus Westwood, 1841 nomen protectum over Chrysobalus Boisduval, 1835 nomen oblitum.

Zookeys ; 922: 65-139, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32256157


Changes to the treatment of Coleoptera family-group names published by Bouchard et al. (2011) are given. These include necessary additions and corrections based on much-appreciated suggestions from our colleagues, as well as our own research. Our ultimate goal is to assemble a complete list of available Coleoptera family-group names published up to the end of 2010 (including information about their spelling, author, year of publication, and type genus). The following 59 available Coleoptera family-group names are based on type genera not included in Bouchard et al. (2011): Prothydrinae Guignot, 1954, Aulonogyrini Ochs, 1953 (Gyrinidae); Pogonostomini Mandl 1954, Merismoderini Wasmann, 1929, †Escheriidae Kolbe, 1880 (Carabidae); Timarchopsinae Wang, Ponomarenko & Zhang, 2010 (Coptoclavidae); Stictocraniini Jakobson, 1914 (Staphylinidae); Cylindrocaulini Zang, 1905, Kaupiolinae Zang, 1905 (Passalidae); Phaeochroinae Kolbe, 1912 (Hybosoridae); Anthypnidae Chalande, 1884 (Glaphyridae); Comophorini Britton, 1957, Comophini Britton, 1978, Chasmidae Streubel, 1846, Mimelidae Theobald, 1882, Rhepsimidae Streubel, 1846, Ometidae Streubel, 1846, Jumnidae Burmeister, 1842, Evambateidae Gistel, 1856 (Scarabaeidae); Protelmidae Jeannel, 1950 (Byrrhoidea); Pseudeucinetini Csiki, 1924 (Limnichidae); Xylotrogidae Schönfeldt, 1887 (Bostrichidae); †Mesernobiinae Engel, 2010, Fabrasiinae Lawrence & Reichardt, 1966 (Ptinidae); Arhinopini Kirejtshuk & Bouchard, 2018 (Nitidulidae); Hypodacninae Dajoz, 1976, Ceuthocera Mannerheim, 1852 (Cerylonidae); Symbiotinae Joy, 1932 (Endomychidae); Cheilomenini Schilder & Schilder, 1928, Veraniini Schilder & Schilder, 1928 (Coccinellidae); Ennearthroninae Chûjô, 1939 (Ciidae); Curtimordini Odnosum, 2010, Mordellochroini Odnosum, 2010 (Mordellidae); Chanopterinae Borchmann, 1915 (Promecheilidae); Heptaphyllini Prudhomme de Borre, 1886, Olocratarii Baudi di Selve, 1875, Opatrinaires Mulsant & Rey, 1853, Telacianae Poey, 1854, Ancylopominae Pascoe, 1871 (Tenebrionidae); Oxycopiini Arnett, 1984 (Oedemeridae); Eutrypteidae Gistel, 1856 (Mycteridae); Pogonocerinae Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1985 (Pyrochroidae); Amblyderini Desbrochers des Loges, 1899 (Anthicidae); Trotommideini Pic, 1903 (Scraptiidae); Acmaeopsini Della Beffa, 1915, Trigonarthrini Villiers, 1984, Eunidiini Téocchi, Sudre & Jiroux, 2010 (Cerambycidae); Macropleini Lopatin, 1977, Stenopodiides Horn, 1883, Microrhopalides Horn, 1883, Colaphidae Siegel, 1866, Lexiphanini Wilcox, 1954 (Chrysomelidae); †Medmetrioxenoidesini Legalov, 2010, †Megametrioxenoidesini Legalov, 2010 (Nemonychidae); Myrmecinae Tanner, 1966, Tapinotinae Joy, 1932, Acallinae Joy, 1932, Cycloderini Hoffmann, 1950, Sthereini Hatch, 1971 (Curculionidae). The following 21 family-group names, listed as unavailable in Bouchard et al. (2011), are determined to be available: Eohomopterinae Wasmann, 1929 (Carabidae); Prosopocoilini Benesh, 1960, Pseudodorcini Benesh, 1960, Rhyssonotini Benesh, 1960 (Lucanidae); Galbini Beaulieu, 1919 (Eucnemidae); Troglopates Mulsant & Rey, 1867 (Melyridae); Hippodamiini Weise, 1885 (Coccinellidae); Micrositates Mulsant & Rey, 1854, Héliopathaires Mulsant & Rey, 1854 (Tenebrionidae); Hypasclerini Arnett, 1984; Oxaciini Arnett, 1984 (Oedemeridae); Stilpnonotinae Borchmann, 1936 (Mycteridae); Trogocryptinae Lawrence, 1991 (Salpingidae); Grammopterini Della Beffa, 1915, Aedilinae Perrier, 1893, Anaesthetinae Perrier, 1893 (Cerambycidae); Physonotitae Spaeth, 1942, Octotomides Horn, 1883 (Chrysomelidae); Sympiezopinorum Faust, 1886, Sueinae Murayama, 1959, Eccoptopterini Kalshoven, 1959 (Curculionidae). The following names were proposed as new without reference to family-group names based on the same type genus which had been made available at an earlier date: Dineutini Ochs, 1926 (Gyrinidae); Odonteini Shokhin, 2007 (Geotrupidae); Fornaxini Cobos, 1965 (Eucnemidae); Auletobiina Legalov, 2001 (Attelabidae). The priority of several family-group names, listed as valid in Bouchard et al. (2011), is affected by recent bibliographic discoveries or new nomenclatural interpretations. †Necronectinae Ponomarenko, 1977 is treated as permanently invalid and replaced with †Timarchopsinae Wang, Ponomarenko & Zhang, 2010 (Coptoclavidae); Agathidiini Westwood, 1838 is replaced by the older name Anisotomini Horaninow, 1834 (Staphylinidae); Cyrtoscydmini Schaufuss, 1889 is replaced by the older name Stenichnini Fauvel, 1885 (Staphylinidae); Eremazinae Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1977 is treated as unavailable and replaced with Eremazinae Stebnicka, 1977 (Scarabaeidae); Coryphocerina Burmeister, 1842 is replaced by the older name Rhomborhinina Westwood, 1842 (Scarabaeidae); Eudysantina Bouchard, Lawrence, Davies & Newton, 2005 is replaced by the older name Dysantina Gebien, 1922 which is not permanently invalid (Tenebrionidae). The names Macraulacinae/-ini Fleutiaux, 1923 (Eucnemidae), Anamorphinae Strohecker, 1953 (Endomychidae), Pachycnemina Laporte, 1840 (Scarabaeidae), Thaumastodinae Champion, 1924 (Limnichidae), Eudicronychinae Girard, 1971 (Elateridae), Trogoxylini Lesne, 1921 (Bostrichidae), Laemophloeidae Ganglbauer, 1899 (Laemophloeidae); Ancitini Aurivillius, 1917 (Cerambycidae) and Tropiphorini Marseul, 1863 (Curculionidae) are threatened by the discovery of older names; Reversal of Precedence (ICZN 1999: Art. 23.9) or an application to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature will be necessary to retain usage of the younger synonyms. Reversal of Precedence is used herein to qualify the following family-group names as nomina protecta: Murmidiinae Jacquelin du Val, 1858 (Cerylonidae) and Chalepini Weise, 1910 (Chrysomelidae). The following 17 Coleoptera family-group names (some of which are used as valid) are homonyms of other family-group names in zoology, these cases must be referred to the Commission for a ruling to remove the homonymy: Catiniidae Ponomarenko, 1968 (Catiniidae); Homopterinae Wasmann, 1920, Glyptini Horn, 1881 (Carabidae); Tychini Raffray, 1904, Ocypodina Hatch, 1957 (Staphylinidae); Gonatinae Kuwert, 1891 (Passalidae); Aplonychidae Burmeister, 1855 (Scarabaeidae); Microchaetini Paulus, 1973 (Byrrhidae); Epiphanini Muona, 1993 (Eucnemidae); Limoniina Jakobson, 1913 (Elateridae); Ichthyurini Champion, 1915 (Cantharidae); Decamerinae Crowson, 1964 (Trogossitidae); Trichodidae Streubel, 1839 (Cleridae); Monocorynini Miyatake, 1988 (Coccinellidae); Gastrophysina Kippenberg, 2010, Chorinini Weise, 1923 (Chrysomelidae); Meconemini Pierce, 1930 (Anthribidae). The following new substitute names are proposed: Phoroschizus (to replace Schizophorus Ponomarenko, 1968) and Phoroschizidae (to replace Schizophoridae Ponomarenko, 1968); Mesostyloides (to replace Mesostylus Faust, 1894) and Mesostyloidini (to replace Mesostylini Reitter, 1913). The following new genus-group name synonyms are proposed [valid names in square brackets]: Plocastes Gistel, 1856 [Aesalus Fabricius, 1801] (Lucanidae); Evambates Gistel, 1856 [Trichius Fabricius, 1775] (Scarabaeidae); Homoeoplastus Gistel, 1856 [Byturus Latreille, 1797] (Byturidae). Two type genera previously treated as preoccupied and invalid, Heteroscelis Latreille, 1828 and Dysantes Pascoe, 1869 (Tenebrionidae), are determined to be senior homonyms based on bibliographical research. While Dysantes is treated as valid here, Reversal of Precedence (ICZN 1999: Art. 23.9) is used to conserve usage of Anomalipus Guérin-Méneville, 1831 over Heteroscelis.

Zookeys ; 839: 83-154, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31057327


In this first part of the World catalogue of genus-group names in Elateridae, a nomenclatural review of the genera belonging to ten subfamilies is provided. All names are given with author name, year, and page of publication, type species, and type fixation. We list 132 valid genera in Agrypninae, 2 in Campyloxeninae, 4 in Hemiopinae, 11 in Lissominae, 2 in Oestodinae, 8 in Parablacinae, 2 in Physodactylinae, 2 in Pityobiinae, 1 in Subprotelaterinae, and 7 in Tetralobinae. Genera Anathesis Candèze, 1865, Antitypus Candèze, 1882, Chrostus Candèze, 1878, Dorygonus Candèze, 1859 (with subgenus Rygodonus Fleutiaux, 1932), and Macromalocera Hope, 1834 are tentatively placed as Agrypninaeincertae sedis. Paradrapetesvillosus Fleutiaux, 1895 is designated as the type species for Paradrapetes Fleutiaux, 1895. Two new genera are proposed based on species previously incorrectly used as type species for Abiphis Fleutiaux, 1926 and Lycoreus Candèze, 1857. These genera are Neoabiphis Kundrata & Bouchard, gen. n. (type species: Elaternobilis Illiger, 1800) and Neolycoreus Kundrata & Bouchard, gen. n. (type species: L.regalis Candèze, 1857), respectively. The following new combinations are proposed for species hitherto included in Abiphis Fleutiaux, 1926: Neoabiphiscandezei (Alluaud, 1896), comb. n., N.fairmairei (Fleutiaux, 1903), comb. n., N.goudoti (Fleutiaux, 1942), comb. n., N.insignis (Klug, 1833), comb. n., N.nobilis (Illiger, 1800), comb. n., and N.viettei (Girard, 1966), comb. n. The following new combinations are proposed for species hitherto included in Lycoreus Candèze, 1857: Neolycoreusalluaudi (Candèze, 1900), comb. n., N.corpulentus (Candèze, 1899), comb. n., N.cyclops (Candèze, 1865), comb. n., N.decorsei (Fleutiaux, 1903), comb. n., N.dux (Candèze, 1857), comb. n., N.goudotii (Laporte, 1838), comb. n., N.madagascariensis (Gory, 1832), comb. n., N.oculipennis (Fairmaire, 1903), comb. n., N.orbiculatus (Schwarz, 1901), comb. n., N.regalis (Candèze, 1857), comb. n., N.sicardi (Fleutiaux, 1942), comb. n., N.triangularis (Fleutiaux, 1942), comb. n., N.triocellatus (Laporte, 1838), comb. n., and N.vicinus (Fleutiaux, 1942), comb. n. The following new combinations are proposed for species hitherto incorrectly included in Plectrosternus Lacordaire, 1857: Legnarufa (Lacordaire, 1857), comb. n., L.convexa (Vats, 1991), comb. n., L.coolsi (Schimmel, 1996), comb. n., and L.foveata (Patwardhan & Athalye, 2012), comb. n. This research revealed a nomenclatural problem threatening the stability of the well-established valid genus name Adelocera Latreille, 1829. An application to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature will be necessary in this case to maintain stability. Additionally, we act here as First Revisers (ICZN 1999, Art. 24.2) in giving precedence to Lucarius Gistel, 1848 (Staphylinidae) over Lucarius Gistel, 1848 (Elateridae).

Zootaxa ; 4429(3): 577-580, 2018 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313259


The genera Geocharis and Caloclyptus, proposed by Gistel in 1834, are placed in synonymy with Molops Bonelli, 1810 (n. syn.). Geocharis thoracica and Caloclyptus jenisonii, also described by Gistel in 1834, are nomina dubia but, for pratical reasons, are placed in synonymy with Molops striolatus Fabricius, 1801 (n.syn.). Geocharis Gistel, 1834 is declared nomen oblitum and Geocharis Ehlers, 1883 nomen protectum.

Escarabajos , Animales
Zookeys ; (734): 137-148, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29674858


Despite the title page is dated 1795, the fourth volume of Olivier's Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes was issued in two parts, one probably in 1795 and the second in 1800. All new taxa made available in this work have previously been dated 1795 in the literature. A list of new species described in 1795 and a list of those that have to be dated 1800 are appended. The genus Necrobia should be credited to Latreille, 1797, not Olivier, 1795.

Zookeys ; (749): 131-134, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29674924


Two Coleoptera species described by Ferdinand Joseph Schmidt in 1834 have been forgotten. One, Chlaenius carniolicus, is placed here in synonymy with Chlaenius (Chlaenites) spoliatus (Rossi, 1792), while the other, Oedemera lippichii, is synonymized with Nacerdes (Xanthochroa) carniolica carniolica Gistel, 1834 (new synonymies). Chlaenius carniolicus Gistel, 1834, a primary homonym of C. carniolicus Schmidt, 1834 which has been forgotten too in the literature, is also placed in synonymy with Chlaenius spoliatus (new synonym).

Zookeys ; (698): 113-145, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29134025


All new genus-group names included in Gistel's list of Coleoptera from the collection of Count Rudolph von Jenison Walwort, published in 1834, are recorded. For each of these names, the originally included available species are listed and for those with at least one available species included, the type species and current status are provided. The following new synonymies are proposed [valid names in brackets]: Auxora [Nebria Latreille, 1806; Carabidae], Necrotroctes [Velleius Leach, 1819; Staphylinidae], Epimachus [Ochthephilum Stephens, 1829; Staphylinidae], Ocys [Anaulacaspis Ganglbauer, 1895; Staphylinidae], Hydatobia [Autalia Samouelle, 1819; Staphylinidae], Hedonius [Pyrophorus Billberg, 1820; Elateridae], Charmionus [Chalcolepidius Eschscholtz, 1829; Elateridae], Lamprias [Alaus Eschscholtz, 1829; Elateridae], Trypheus [Aeolus Eschscholtz, 1829; Elateridae], Antiphus [Cardiorhinus Eschscholtz, 1829; Elateridae], Phyletus [Lygistopterus Dejean, 1833; Lycidae], Phyllogaster [Lucidota Laporte, 1833; Lampyridae], Pyrrhigius [Phosphaenus Laporte, 1833; Lampyridae], Erota [Luciola Laporte, 1833; Lampyridae], Oxypterus [Aspisoma Laporte, 1833; Lampyridae], Phyllophagus [Chauliognathus Hentz, 1830; Cantharidae], Epaphius [Astylus Laporte, 1836; Melyridae], Isomerus [Choleva Latreille, 1797; Leiodidae], Berecyntha [Aulacochilus Chevrolat, 1836; Erotylidae], Geophilus [Psammodius Fallén, 1807; Scarabaeidae], Ceraunus [Golofa Hope, 1837; Scarabaeidae], Atrimedeus [Pentodon Hope, 1837; Scarabaeidae], Eupalus [Temnorhynchus Hope, 1837; Scarabaeidae], Polycarmes [Anoxia Laporte, 1832; Scarabaeidae], Acidota [Amphicoma Latreille, 1807; Glaphyridae], Cecrops [Mylaris Pallas, 1781; Tenebrionidae], Pythonissus [Zophobas Dejean, 1834; Tenebrionidae], Physignathus [Cymatothes Dejean, 1834; Tenebrionidae], Pelops [Prionychus Solier, 1835; Tenebrionidae], Accantosomus [Semiotus Eschscholtz, 1829; Elateridae]. The type species of the following genus-group taxa are proposed: Ocys [Aleochara nigra Gravenhorst, 1802; Staphylinidae], Hydatobia [Staphylinus impressus Olivier, 1795; Staphylinidae], Hedonius [Elater noctilucus Linnaeus, 1758; Elateridae], Charmionus [Elater porcatus Linnaeus, 1767; Elateridae], Epaphius [Dasytes variegatus Germar, 1823; Melyridae], Geophilus [Scarabeus asper Fabricius, 1775; Scarabaeidae], Atrimedeus [Scarabaeus punctatus Villers, 1789; Scarabaeidae], Polycarmes [Melolontha villosa Fabricius, 1781; Scarabaeidae], Cecrops [Tenebrio gigas Linnaeus, 1763; Tenebrionidae], Pythonissus [Helops morio Fabricius, 1777; Tenebrionidae], Ceratades [Cerambyx sutor Linnaeus, 1758; Cerambycidae]. The following genus-group names are declared nomina oblita [nomina protecta in square brackets]: Berecyntha [Aulacochilus Chevrolat, 1836; Erotylidae], Ceraunus [Golofa Hope, 1837; Scarabaeidae], Atrimedeus [Pentodon Hope, 1837; Scarabaeidae], Eupalus [Temnorhynchus Hope, 1837; Scarabaeidae], Pelops [Prionychus Solier, 1835; Tenebrionidae].

Zookeys ; (728): 1-455, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29416389


This catalogue includes all valid family-group (8 subfamilies, 52 tribes, 14 subtribes), genus-group (349 genera, 86 subgenera), and species-group names (2825 species, 215 subspecies) of darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) known to occur in North America and their available synonyms. Data on extant, subfossil and fossil taxa are given. For each name the author and year and page number of the description are provided, with additional information (e.g., type species for genus-group names, author of synonymies for invalid taxa) depending on the taxon rank. Several new nomenclatural acts are included. One new genus, Lepidocnemeplatia Bousquet and Bouchard, is described. Spelaebiosis Bousquet and Bouchard [for Ardoinia Özdikmen, 2004], Blapstinus marcuzzii Aalbu [for Blapstinus kulzeri Marcuzzi, 1977], and Hymenorus campbelli Bouchard [for Hymenorus oculatus Doyen and Poinar, 1994] are proposed as new replacement names. Supporting evidence is provided for the conservation of usage of Tarpela micans (Fabricius, 1798) nomen protectum over Tarpela vittata (Olivier, 1793) nomen oblitum. The generic names Psilomera Motschulsky, 1870 [= Stenomorpha Solier, 1836], Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [= Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829], Ooconibius Casey, 1895 and Euconibius Casey, 1895 [= Conibius LeConte, 1851] are new synonyms (valid names in square brackets). The following 127 new synonymies of species-group names, listed in their original combination, are proposed (valid names, in their current combination, placed in square brackets): Bothrasida mucorea Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus guanajuatensis (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida zacualpanicola Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus asidoides Solier, 1836]; Stenosides kulzeri Pallister, 1954, Stenosides bisinuatus Pallister, 1954, and Parasida trisinuata Pallister, 1954 [= Pelecyphorus dispar (Champion, 1892)]; Asida favosa Champion, 1884 and Asida similata Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus fallax (Champion, 1884)]; Ologlyptus bicarinatus Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus indutus (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida laciniata Casey, 1912 and Parasida cristata Pallister, 1954 [= Pelecyphorus liratus (LeConte, 1854)]; Parasida esperanzae Wilke, 1922 and Parasida mixtecae Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus longipennis (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida tolucana Casey, 1912 [= Pelecyphorus scutellaris (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida purpusi Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus tristis (Champion, 1884)]; Astrotus nosodermoides Champion, 1892 [= Pelecyphorus erosus (Champion, 1892)]; Astrotus seticornis var. humeralis Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus seticornis (Champion, 1884)]; Pactostoma breviuscula Casey, 1912, Pactostoma exoleta Casey, 1912, Pactostoma luteotecta Casey, 1912, Pactostoma monticola Casey, 1912, Pactostoma obtecta Casey, 1912, and Pactostoma sigillata Casey, 1912 [=Pelecyphorus anastomosis (Say, 1824)]; Ologlyptus canus Champion, 1884 and Ologlyptus sinuaticollis Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus graciliformis (Solier, 1836)]; Gonasida elata reducta Casey, 1912, Gonasida elata prolixa Casey, 1912, and Gonasida aucta Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus elatus compar (Casey, 1912)]; Gonasida alaticollis Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus elatus difformis (LeConte, 1854)]; Gonasida gravida Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus elatus elatus (LeConte, 1853)]; Pelecyphorus aegrotus limbatus Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus aegrotus aegrotus (LeConte, 1861)]; Pelecyphorus corporalis Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus reptans Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus socer Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus abscissus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus fumosus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus parvus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus morbillosus pacatus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus morbillosus sobrius Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus piceus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus piceus crudelis Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus snowi Casey, 1912, and Pelecyphorus subtenuis Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus morbillosus (LeConte, 1858)]; Bothrasida sanctae-agnae Wilke, 1922 [= Stenomorpha funesta (Champion, 1884)]; Asida flaccida Horn, 1896 [= Stenomorpha embaphionides (Horn, 1894)]; Asida angustula Casey, 1890, Stethasida stricta Casey, 1912, Stethasida muricatula languida Casey, 1912, Stethasida pertinax Casey, 1912, Stethasida socors Casey, 1912, Stethasida angustula inepta Casey, 1912, Stethasida tenax Casey, 1912, and Stethasida vegrandis Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha muricatula (LeConte, 1851)]; Stethasida obsoleta expansa Casey, 1912, Stethasida obsoleta opacella Casey, 1912, Stethasida brevipes Casey, 1912, Stethasida torpida Casey, 1912, Stethasida convergens Casey, 1912, Stethasida discreta Casey, 1912, Stethasida longula Casey, 1912, Stethasida adumbrata Casey, 1912, Stethasida occulta Casey, 1912, Stethasida tarsalis Casey, 1912, Stethasida unica Casey, 1912, and Pelecyphorus laevigatus Papp, 1961 [= Stenomorpha obsoleta (LeConte, 1851)]; Trichiasida eremica Wilke, 1922 [= Stenomorpha difficilis (Champion, 1884)]; Trichiasida lineatopilosa Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha hirsuta (LeConte, 1851)]; Trichiasida tenella Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha hispidula (LeConte, 1851)]; Trichiasida duplex Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha villosa (Champion, 1884)]; Alaudes squamosa Blaisdell, 1919, Alaudes testacea Blaisdell, 1919, and Alaudes fallax Fall, 1928 [= Alaudes singularis Horn, 1870]; Edrotes barrowsi Dajoz, 1999 [=Edrotes ventricosus LeConte, 1851]; Nyctoporis tetrica Casey, 1907 and Nyctoporis maura Casey, 1907 [= Nyctoporis aequicollis Eschscholtz, 1831]; Nyctoporis pullata Casey, 1907 [= Nyctoporis sponsa Casey, 1907]; Eleodes tibialis forma oblonga Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes tibialis Blaisdell, 1909]; Eleodes (manni var.) variolosa Blaisdell, 1917 [= Eleodes constrictus LeConte, 1858]; Eleodes cordata forma sublaevis Blaisdell, 1909, Eleodes cordata forma intermedia Blaisdell, 1909, Eleodes cordata forma oblonga Blaisdell, 1909, Eleodes cordata forma elongata Blaisdell, 1909, and Eleodes (cordata var.) adulterina Blaisdell, 1917 [= Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes hornii var. monticula Blaisdell, 1918 and Eleodes manni sierra Blaisdell, 1925 [= Eleodes fuchsii Blaisdell, 1909]; Eleodes parvicollis var. squalida Blaisdell, 1918 [= Eleodes parvicollis Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes reflexicollis Mannerheim, 1843 and Eleodes parvicollis forma farallonica Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes planata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes indentata Blaisdell, 1935 [= Eleodes rotundipennis LeConte, 1857]; Eleodes intricata Mannerheim, 1843 [= Eleodes scabrosa Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes horni fenyesi Blaisdell, 1925 [= Eleodes tenebrosa Horn, 1870]; Eleodes cordata var. horrida Blaisdell, 1918 [= Eleodes tuberculata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes oblonga Blaisdell, 1933 [= Eleodes versatilis Blaisdell, 1921]; Eleodes dentipes marinae Blaisdell, 1921 [= Eleodes dentipes Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes carbonaria forma glabra Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes carbonaria carbonaria (Say, 1824)]; Eleodes granosa forma fortis Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes granosa LeConte, 1866]; Eleodes pilosa forma ordinata Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes pilosa Horn, 1870]; Trogloderus costatus pappi Kulzer, 1960 [= Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909]; Trogloderus costatus mayhewi Papp, 1961 [= Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946]; Bolitophagus cristatus Gosse, 1840 [= Bolitotherus cornutus (Fabricius, 1801)]; Eleates explanatus Casey, 1890 [= Eleates depressus (Randall, 1838)]; Blapstinus sonorae Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus brevicollis LeConte, 1851]; Blapstinus falli Blaisdell, 1929 [= Blapstinus castaneus Casey, 1890]; Blapstinus brunneus Casey, 1890 and Blapstinus coronadensis Blaisdell, 1892 [=Blapstinus histricus Casey, 1890]; Blapstinus hesperius Casey, 1890 [=Blapstinus intermixtus Casey, 1890]; Blapstinus cinerascens Fall, 1929 [= Blapstinus lecontei Mulsant and Rey, 1859]; Blapstinus niger Casey, 1890 and Blapstinus cribricollis Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus pimalis Casey, 1885]; Blapstinus arenarius Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus pratensis LeConte, 1859]; Blapstinus gregalis Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus substriatus Champion, 1885]; Blapstinus hydropicus Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus sulcatus LeConte, 1851]; Blapstinus hospes Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus vestitus LeConte, 1859]; Notibius reflexus Horn, 1894 [= Conibius opacus (LeConte, 1866)]; Notibius affinis Champion, 1885 [=Conibius rugipes (Champion, 1885)]; Conibius parallelus LeConte, 1851 [= Conibius seriatus LeConte, 1851]; Nocibiotes rubripes Casey, 1895 [=Nocibiotes caudatus Casey, 1895]; Nocibiotes gracilis Casey, 1895 and Nocibiotes acutus Casey, 1895 [=Nocibiotes granulatus (LeConte, 1851)]; Conibius alternatus Casey, 1890 [= Tonibius sulcatus (LeConte, 1851)]; Pedinus suturalis Say, 1824 [= Alaetrinus minimus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1817)]; Menedrio longipennis Motschulsky, 1872 [= Tenebrio obscurus Fabricius, 1792]; Hymenophorus megops Hatch, 1965 and Telesicles magnus Hatch, 1965 [= Hymenorus sinuatus Fall, 1931]; Andrimus concolor Casey, 1891 and Andrimus convergens Casey, 1891 [= Andrimus murrayi (LeConte, 1866)]; Mycetochara marshalli Campbell, 1978 [= Mycetochara perplexata Marshall, 1970]; Phaleria globosa LeConte, 1857 [= Phaleria picta Mannerheim, 1843]. The following subspecies of Trogloderus costatus LeConte, 1879 are given species rank: Trogloderus nevadus La Rivers, 1943, Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909, and Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946. The following taxa, previously thought to be junior synonyms, are considered valid: Amphidora Eschscholtz, 1829; Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829; Helops confluens (Casey, 1924). Two new combinations are proposed: Stenomorpha spinimana (Champion, 1892) and Stenomorpha tenebrosa (Champion, 1892) [from the genus Parasida Casey, 1912]. The type species [placed in square brackets] of the following 12 genus-group taxa are designated for the first time: Lagriola Kirsch, 1874 [Lagriola operosa Kirsch, 1874]; Locrodes Casey, 1907 [Emmenastus piceus Casey, 1890]; Falacer Laporte, 1840 [Acanthopus cupreus Laporte, 1840 (= Helops contractus Palisot de Beauvois, 1812)]; Blapylis Horn, 1870 [Eleodescordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Discogenia LeConte, 1866 [Eleodes scabricula LeConte, 1858]; Metablapylis Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes nigrina LeConte, 1858]; Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes longicollis LeConte, 1851]; Scaptes Champion, 1886 [Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886 (= Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866)]; Aspidius Mulsant and Rey, 1859 [Blaps punctata Fabricius, 1792]; Cryptozoon Schaufuss, 1882 [Cryptozoon civile Schaufuss, 1882]; Halophalerus Crotch, 1874 [Phaleria rotundata LeConte, 1851]; Dignamptus LeConte, 1878 [Dignamptus stenochinus LeConte, 1878]. Two species previously known from South America [Nilio lebasi J. Thomson and Platydema erotyloides Chevrolat] are reported for the first time from North America.

ResumenEste catálogo incluye todos los grupos válidos de nivel famili (8 subfamilias, 52 tribus, 14 subtribus), de nivel género (349 géneros, 86 subgéneros) y de nivel especie (2825 especies, 215 subespecies) de tenebriónidos (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) presentes en América del Norte y sus sinónimos disponibles. Se dan datos sobre los táxones existentes, subfósiles y fósiles. Para cada nombre, el autor, el año y el número de página de la descripción se complementan con información adicional dependiendo de la categoría del taxon (por ejemplo, especies tipo para nombres de nivel género, autor de sinonimias para táxones no válidos).Se incluyen varios nuevos actos nomenclaturales. Un nuevo género, Lepidocnemeplatia Bousquet y Bouchard, se describe. Spelaebiosis Bousquet y Bouchard [para Ardoinia Özdikmen, 2004], Blapstinus marcuzzii Aalbu [para Blapstinus kulzeri Marcuzzi, 1977] e Hymenorus campbelli Bouchard [para Hymenorus oculatus Doyen y Poinar, 1994] se proponen como nuevos nombres de reemplazo. Se proporciona evidencia de uso para la conservación de Tarpela micans (Fabricius, 1798) nomen protectum sobre Tarpela vittata (Olivier, 1793) nomen oblitum. Los nombres genéricos Psilomera Motschulsky, 1870 [= Stenomorpha Solier, 1836], Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [= Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829], Ooconibius Casey, 1895 y Euconibius Casey, 1895 [= Conibius LeConte, 1851] sonnuevos sinónimos (nombres válidos en corchetes). Se proponen las siguientes 127 nuevas sinonimias de nombres de nivel especie (ver lista en el «Resumen¼), enumerados en su combinación original (nombres válidos, listados en su combinación actual, colocados entre corchetes). Las siguientes subespecies de Trogloderus costatus LeConte, 1879 reciben categoría de especie: Trogloderus nevadus La Rivers, 1943, Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909 y Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946. Los siguientes táxones, que anteriormente se consideraban sinónimos más modernos, se consideran válidos: Amphidora Eschscholtz, 1829, Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829, Helops confluens (Casey, 1924). Se proponen dos nuevas combinaciones: Stenomorpha spinimana (Champion, 1892) y Stenomorpha tenebrosa (Champion, 1892) [del género Parasida Casey, 1912]. Las especies tipo [colocadas entre corchetes] de los siguientes 12 táxones del nivel génerosse designan por primera vez: Lagriola Kirsch, 1874 [Lagriola operosa Kirsch, 1874]; Locrodes Casey, 1907 [Emmenastus piceus Casey, 1890]; Falacer Laporte, 1840 [Acanthopus cupreus Laporte, 1840 (= Helops contractus Palisot de Beauvois, 1812)]; Blapylis Horn, 1870 [Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Discogenia LeConte, 1866 [Eleodes scabricula LeConte, 1858]; Metablapylis Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes nigrina LeConte, 1858]; Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes longicollis LeConte, 1851]; Scaptes Champion, 1886 [Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886 (= Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866)]; Aspidius Mulsant y Rey, 1859 [Blaps punctata Fabricius, 1792]; Cryptozoon Schaufuss, 1882 [Cryptozoon civile Schaufuss, 1882]; Halophalerus Crotch, 1874 [Phaleria rotundata LeConte, 1851]; Dignamptus LeConte, 1878 [Dignamptus stenochinus LeConte, 1878]. Dos especies previamente conocidas de América del Sur [Nilio lebasi J. Thomson y Platydema erotyloides Chevrolat] se mencionan por primera vez de América del Norte.

RésuméCe catalogue liste tous les noms de niveau famille (8 sous-familles, 52 tribus, 14 sous-tribus), genre (349 genres, 86 sous-genres), et espèce (2825 espèces, 215 sous-espèces) de Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera:) recensés en Amérique du Nord ainsi que leurs synonymes disponibles. Le catalogue inclut les taxons actuels, subfossiles et fossiles. L'auteur ainsi que l'année et la pagination de la description sont inclus pour chaque nom scientifique et, pour certains de ces noms, des renseignements additionnels (par exemple, l'espèce-type pour les noms de niveau genre, l'auteur de la synonymie des noms invalides des niveaux genre et espèce).Plusieurs nouveaux actes nomenclaturaux sont proposés. On décrit un nouveau genre, Lepidocnemeplatia Bousquet et Bouchard. Spelaebiosis Bousquet et Bouchard [pour Ardoinia Özdikmen, 2004], Blapstinus marcuzzii Aalbu [pour Blapstinus kulzeri Marcuzzi, 1977] et Hymenorus campbelli Bouchard [pour Hymenorus oculatus Doyen and Poinar, 1994] sont des nouveaux noms de remplacement. On fournit les évidences nécessaires pour conserver l'usage actuel du nom Tarpela micans (Fabricius, 1798) nomen protectum sur celui de Tarpela vittata (Olivier, 1793) nomen oblitum. Les noms génériques Psilomera Motschulsky, 1870 [= Stenomorpha Solier, 1836], Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [= Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829], Ooconibius Casey, 1895 et Euconibius Casey, 1895 [= Conibius LeConte, 1851] sont des nouveaux synonymes (noms valides placés entre crochets). On propose 127 nouveaux synonymes de noms de niveau espèce (voir la liste dans « Abstract ¼), listés par leur combinaison originelle (noms valides, listés par leur combinaison actuelle, placés entre crochets). On élève au rang d'espèce les sous-espèces suivantes de Trogloderus costatus LeConte, 1879: Trogloderus nevadus La Rivers, 1943, Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909, et Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946. On redonne le statut de taxons valides aux entités suivantes considérées à tort comme invalides: Amphidora Eschscholtz, 1829, Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829, et Helops confluens (Casey, 1924). On propose les combinaisons nouvelles suivantes: Stenomorpha spinimana (Champion, 1892) et Stenomorpha tenebrosa (Champion, 1892) [auparavant placés dans le genre Parasida Casey, 1912]. On désigne pour la première fois l'espèce type [placée entre crochets] des 12 noms suivants de niveau genre: Lagriola Kirsch, 1874 [Lagriola operosa Kirsch, 1874]; Locrodes Casey, 1907 [Emmenastus piceus Casey, 1890]; Falacer Laporte, 1840 [Acanthopus cupreus Laporte, 1840 (= Helops contractus Palisot de Beauvois, 1812)]; Blapylis Horn, 1870 [Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Discogenia LeConte, 1866 [Eleodes scabricula LeConte, 1858]; Metablapylis Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes nigrina LeConte, 1858]; Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes longicollis LeConte, 1851]; Scaptes Champion, 1886 [Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886 (= Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866)]; Aspidius Mulsant and Rey, 1859 [Blaps punctata Fabricius, 1792]; Cryptozoon Schaufuss, 1882 [Cryptozoon civile Schaufuss, 1882]; Halophalerus Crotch, 1874 [Phaleria rotundata LeConte, 1851]; Dignamptus LeConte, 1878 [Dignamptus stenochinus LeConte, 1878]. Deux espèces, auparavant documentées seulement de l'Amérique du Sud [Nilio lebasi J. Thomson and Platydema erotyloides Chevrolat], sont rapportées pour la première fois d'Amérique du Nord.

ACS Med Chem Lett ; 7(8): 797-801, 2016 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27563405


Optimization of pyridine-based noncatalytic site integrase inhibitors (NCINIs) based on compound 2 has led to the discovery of molecules capable of inhibiting virus harboring N124 variants of HIV integrase (IN) while maintaining minimal contribution of enterohepatic recirculation to clearance in rat. Structure-activity relationships at the C6 position established chemical space where the extent of enterohepatic recirculation in the rat is minimized. Desymmetrization of the C4 substituent allowed for potency optimization against virus having the N124 variant of integrase. Combination of these lessons led to the discovery of compound 20, having balanced serum-shifted antiviral potency and minimized excretion in to the biliary tract in rat, potentially representing a clinically viable starting point for a new treatment option for individuals infected with HIV.

J Med Chem ; 57(23): 10130-43, 2014 Dec 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25393851


The development of interferon-free regimens for the treatment of chronic HCV infection constitutes a preferred option that is expected in the future to provide patients with improved efficacy, better tolerability, and reduced risk for emergence of drug-resistant virus. We have pursued non-nucleoside NS5B polymerase allosteric inhibitors as combination partners with other direct acting antivirals (DAAs) having a complementary mechanism of action. Herein, we describe the discovery of a potent follow-up compound (BI 207524, 27) to the first thumb pocket 1 NS5B inhibitor to demonstrate antiviral activity in genotype 1 HCV infected patients, BILB 1941 (1). Cell-based replicon potency was significantly improved through electronic modulation of the pKa of the carboxylic acid function of the lead molecule. Subsequent ADME-PK optimization lead to 27, a predicted low clearance compound in man. The preclinical profile of inhibitor 27 is discussed, as well as the identification of a genotoxic metabolite that led to the discontinuation of the development of this compound.

Acrilatos/síntesis química , Antivirales/síntesis química , Antivirales/metabolismo , Indoles/síntesis química , Proteínas no Estructurales Virales/antagonistas & inhibidores , Acrilatos/metabolismo , Acrilatos/farmacocinética , Animales , Antivirales/farmacología , Cinamatos/síntesis química , Cinamatos/metabolismo , Cinamatos/farmacocinética , Perros , Inhibidores Enzimáticos/síntesis química , Inhibidores Enzimáticos/metabolismo , Inhibidores Enzimáticos/farmacocinética , Hepatitis C Crónica , Humanos , Indoles/metabolismo , Indoles/farmacocinética , Macaca mulatta , ARN Polimerasa Dependiente del ARN/antagonistas & inhibidores , Ratas , Relación Estructura-Actividad
Zookeys ; (415): 23-51, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25009423


The North American (north of Mexico) species of the tenebrionid genus Paratenetus Spinola are reviewed and a key is presented for their identification. Five species are recognized, P. gibbipennis Motschulsky, P. fuscus LeConte, P. punctatus Spinola and two sp. n., P. exutus [type locality: Tabusintac, Nova Scotia] and P. texanus [type locality: Port Isabel, Cameron County, Texas]. Two syn. n. are proposed: P. cribratus Motschulsky, 1868 with P. gibbipennis Motschulsky, 1868 and P. crinitus Fall, 1907 with P. fuscus LeConte, 1850. A lectotype is selected for Paratenetus punctatus Spinola. A type species is designated for Storthephora Mäklin, 1875 (Storthephora denticollis Mäklin, 1875).

ACS Med Chem Lett ; 5(4): 422-7, 2014 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24900852


An assay recapitulating the 3' processing activity of HIV-1 integrase (IN) was used to screen the Boehringer Ingelheim compound collection. Hit-to-lead and lead optimization beginning with compound 1 established the importance of the C3 and C4 substituent to antiviral potency against viruses with different aa124/aa125 variants of IN. The importance of the C7 position on the serum shifted potency was established. Introduction of a quinoline substituent at the C4 position provided a balance of potency and metabolic stability. Combination of these findings ultimately led to the discovery of compound 26 (BI 224436), the first NCINI to advance into a phase Ia clinical trial.

Zookeys ; (360): 1-44, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24363590


All 8237 species-group taxa of Coleoptera known to occur in Canada and Alaska are recorded by province/territory or state, along with their author(s) and year of publication, in a classification framework. Only presence of taxa in each Canadian province or territory and Alaska is noted. Labrador is considered a distinct geographical entity. Adventive and Holarctic species-group taxa are indicated. References to pertinent identification keys are given under the corresponding supraspecific taxa in the data archive.

Zookeys ; (282): 1-219, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23794836


All genus-group names listed in the second edition of the catalogue (1833-1836) of Dejean's beetle collection are recorded. For each new genus-group name the originally included available species are listed and for generic names with at least one available species, the type species and the current status are given. Names available prior to the publication of Dejean's second catalogue (1833-1836) are listed in an appendix. THE FOLLOWING NEW SYNONYMIES ARE PROPOSED: Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 (= Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854) [Hydrophilidae], Hyporhiza Dejean, 1833 (= Rhinaspis Perty, 1830) [Scarabaeidae], Aethales Dejean, 1834 (= Epitragus Latreille, 1802) [Tenebrionidae], Arctylus Dejean, 1834 (= Praocis Eschscholtz, 1829) [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 (= Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858) [Tenebrionidae], Hipomelus Dejean, 1834 (= Trachynotus Latreille, 1828) [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 (= Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889) [Tenebrionidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 (= Disternopsis Breuning, 1939) [Cerambycidae], and Physonota Chevrolat, 1836 (= Anacassis Spaeth, 1913) [Chrysomelidae]. Heterogaster pilicornis Dejean, 1835 [Cerambycidae] and Labidomera trimaculata Chevrolat, 1836 [Chrysomelidae] are placed for the first time in synonymy with Anisogaster flavicans Deyrolle, 1862 and Chrysomela clivicollis Kirby, 1837 respectively. Type species of the following genus-group taxa are proposed: Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 (Sphaeromorphus humeralis Erichson, 1843) [Scarabaeidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 (Helops marginatus Fabricius, 1792) [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 (Tenebrio cristatus DeGeer, 1778) [Tenebrionidae], Selenepistoma Dejean, 1834 (Opatrum acutum Wiedemann, 1823) [Tenebrionidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 (Lycus limbatus Fabricius, 1801) [Lycidae], Corynomalus Chevrolat, 1836 (Eumorphus limbatus Olivier, 1808) [Endomychidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 (Acanthocinus marginicollis Boisduval, 1835) [Cerambycidae], Pterostenus Dejean, 1835 (Cerambyx abbreviatus Fabricius, 1801) [Cerambycidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 (Lucanus femoratus Fabricius, 1775) [Lucanidae], and Pygolampis Dejean, 1833 (Lampyris glauca Olivier, 1790) [Lampyridae]. A new name, Neoeutrapela Bousquet and Bouchard [Tenebrionidae], is proposed for Eutrapela Dejean, 1834 (junior homonym of Eutrapela Hübner, 1809). The following generic names, made available in Dejean's catalogue, were found to be older than currently accepted valid names: Catoxantha Dejean, 1833 over Catoxantha Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Pristiptera Dejean, 1833 over Pelecopselaphus Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 over Calopteron Laporte, 1836 [Lycidae], Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 over Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854 [Hydrophilidae], Ancylonycha Dejean, 1833 over Holotrichia Hope, 1837 [Scarabaeidae], Aulacium Dejean, 1833 over Mentophilus Laporte, 1840 [Scarabaeidae], Sciuropus Dejean, 1833 over Ancistrosoma Curtis, 1835 [Scarabaeidae], Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 over Ceratocanthus White, 1842 [Scarabaeidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 over Leptinopterus Hope, 1838 [Lucanidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 over Praeugena Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Amatodes Dejean, 1834 over Oncosoma Westwood, 1843 [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 over Phligra Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 over Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858 [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 over Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889 [Tenebrionidae], Anoplosthaeta Dejean, 1835 over Prosopocera Blanchard, 1845 [Cerambycidae], Closteromerus Dejean, 1835 over Hylomela Gahan, 1904 [Cerambycidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 over Ancita Thomson, 1864 [Cerambycidae], Mastigocera Dejean, 1835over Mallonia Thomson, 1857 [Cerambycidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 over Disternopsis Breuning, 1939 [Cerambycidae], Australica Chevrolat, 1836 over Calomela Hope, 1840 [Chrysomelidae], Edusa Chevrolat, 1836 over Edusella Chapuis, 1874 [Chrysomelidae], Litosonycha Chevrolat, 1836 over Asphaera Duponchel and Chevrolat, 1842 [Chrysomelidae], and Pleuraulaca Chevrolat, 1836 over Iphimeis Baly, 1864 [Chrysomelidae]. In each of these cases, Reversal of Precedence (ICZN 1999: 23.9) or an applicationto the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature will be necessary to retain usage of the younger synonyms.

Zookeys ; (282): 221-39, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23794837


All genus-group names first proposed or made available for the first time in the third edition of Dejean's catalogue of his beetle collection are recorded. The following 18 names are made available for the first time in Dejean's third catalogue: Batoscelis Dejean [Carabidae], Laphyra Dejean [Carabidae], Sauriodes Dejean [Staphylinidae], Abrobapta Dejean [Buprestidae], Selagis Dejean [Buprestidae], Eurhipis Dejean [Eucnemidae], Anaeretes Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Doryscelis Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Epilissus Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Hoploscelis Dejean [Scarabaeidae], Brachygenius Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Capnisa Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Heterocheira Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Selenomma Dejean [Tenebrionidae], Dactylocrepis Dejean [Curculionidae], Lophodes Dejean [Curculionidae], Heterarthron Dejean [Bostrichidae] and Homalopus Chevrolat [Chrysomelidae]. Eurhipis Dejean, 1836 is considered a junior synonym of Phyllocerus Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1825 for the first time. Abrobapta Dejean, 1836 has precedence over Torresita Harold, 1869.

Zookeys ; (258): 31-52, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23653498


Increased interest in biomass harvesting for bioenergetic applications has raised questions regarding the potential ecological consequences on forest biodiversity. Here we evaluate the initial changes in the abundance, species richness and community composition of rove (Staphylinidae) and ground beetles (Carabidae), immediately following 1) stem-only harvesting (SOH), in which logging debris (i.e., tree tops and branches) are retained on site, and 2) whole-tree harvesting (WTH), in which stems, tops and branches are removed in mature balsam fir stands in Quebec, Canada. Beetles were collected throughout the summer of 2011, one year following harvesting, using pitfall traps. Overall catch rates were greater in uncut forest (Control) than either stem-only or whole-tree harvested sites. Catch rates in WTH were greater than SOH sites. Uncut stands were characterized primarily by five species: Atheta capsularis, Atheta klagesi, Atheta strigosula, Tachinus fumipennis/frigidus complex (Staphylinidae) and to a lesser extent to Pterostichus punctatissimus(Carabidae). Increased catch rates in WTH sites, where post-harvest biomass was less, were attributable to increased catches of rove beetles Pseudopsis subulata, Quedius labradorensis and to a lesser extent Gabrius brevipennis. We were able to characterize differences in beetle assemblages between harvested and non-harvested plots as well as differences between whole tree (WTH) and stem only (SOH) harvested sites where logging residues had been removed or left following harvest. However, the overall assemblage response was largely a recapitulation of the responses of several abundant species.

Bioorg Med Chem Lett ; 23(13): 3967-75, 2013 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23673016


Recently, a new class of HIV reverse transcriptase (HIV-RT) inhibitors has been reported. The novel mechanism of inhibition by this class involves competitive binding to the active site of the RT enzyme and has been termed Nucleotide-Competing Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NcRTIs). In this publication we describe the optimization of a novel benzofurano[3,2-d]pyrimidin-2-one series of NcRTIs. The starting point for the current study was inhibitor 2, which had high biochemical and antiviral potency but only moderate permeability in a Caco-2 assay and high B-to-A efflux, resulting in moderate rat bioavailability and low Cmax. We present herein the results and strategies we employed to optimize both the potency as well as the permeability, metabolic stability and pharmacokinetic profile of this series. One of the key observations of the present study was the importance of shielding polar functionality, at least in the context of the current chemotype, to enhance permeability. These studies led to the identification of inhibitors 39 and 45, which display sub-nanomolar antiviral potency in a p24 ELISA assay with significantly reduced efflux ratios (ratios <1.5). These inhibitors also display excellent rat pharmacokinetic profiles with high bioavailabilities and low clearance.

Antivirales/farmacología , Benzofuranos/farmacología , Transcriptasa Inversa del VIH/antagonistas & inhibidores , VIH/efectos de los fármacos , Pirimidinonas/farmacología , Inhibidores de la Transcriptasa Inversa/farmacología , Administración Oral , Animales , Antivirales/administración & dosificación , Antivirales/química , Benzofuranos/química , Disponibilidad Biológica , Células CACO-2 , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Transcriptasa Inversa del VIH/metabolismo , Humanos , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Modelos Moleculares , Estructura Molecular , Pirimidinonas/administración & dosificación , Pirimidinonas/química , Ratas , Inhibidores de la Transcriptasa Inversa/administración & dosificación , Inhibidores de la Transcriptasa Inversa/química , Relación Estructura-Actividad
Bioorg Med Chem Lett ; 23(11): 3396-400, 2013 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23583513


The optimization of a 1,5-dihydrobenzo[b][1,4]diazepine-2,4-dione series of inhibitors of HIV-1 capsid assembly that possess a labile stereocenter at C3 is described. Quaternization of the C3 position of compound 1 in order to prevent racemization gave compound 2, which was inactive in our capsid disassembly assay. A likely explanation for this finding was revealed by in silico analysis predicting a dramatic increase in energy of the bioactive conformation upon quaternization of the C3 position. Replacement of the C3 of the diazepine ring with a nitrogen atom to give the 1,5-dihydro-benzo[f][1,3,5]triazepine-2,4-dione analog 4 was well tolerated. Introduction of a rigid spirocyclic system at the C3 position gave configurationally stable 1,5-dihydrobenzo[b][1,4]diazepine-2,4-dione analog 5, which was able to access the bioactive conformation without a severe energetic penalty and inhibit capsid assembly. Preliminary structure-activity relationships (SAR) and X-ray crystallographic data show that knowledge from the 1,5-dihydrobenzo[b][1,4]diazepine-2,4-dione series of inhibitors of HIV-1 capsid assembly can be transferred to these new scaffolds.

Fármacos Anti-VIH/química , Benzodiazepinas/química , Proteínas de la Cápside/antagonistas & inhibidores , VIH-1/metabolismo , Fármacos Anti-VIH/síntesis química , Fármacos Anti-VIH/farmacología , Benzodiazepinas/síntesis química , Benzodiazepinas/farmacología , Sitios de Unión , Proteínas de la Cápside/metabolismo , Cristalografía por Rayos X , Humanos , Interacciones Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Estructura Terciaria de Proteína , Estereoisomerismo , Relación Estructura-Actividad , Ensamble de Virus/efectos de los fármacos
Bioorg Med Chem Lett ; 23(11): 3401-5, 2013 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23601710


Detailed structure-activity relationships of the C3-phenyl moiety that allow for the optimization of antiviral potency of a series of 1,5-dihydrobenzo[b][1,4]diazepine-2,4-dione inhibitors of HIV capsid (CA) assembly are described. Combination of favorable substitutions gave additive SAR and allowed for the identification of the most potent compound in the series, analog 27. Productive SAR also transferred to the benzotriazepine and spirobenzodiazepine scaffolds, providing a solution to the labile stereocenter at the C3 position. The molecular basis of how compound 27 inhibits mature CA assembly is rationalized using high-resolution structural information. Our understanding of how compound 27 may inhibit immature Gag assembly is also discussed.

Fármacos Anti-VIH/química , Benzodiazepinas/química , Benzodiazepinonas/química , Proteínas de la Cápside/antagonistas & inhibidores , VIH-1/metabolismo , Fármacos Anti-VIH/síntesis química , Fármacos Anti-VIH/farmacología , Benzodiazepinas/síntesis química , Benzodiazepinas/farmacología , Benzodiazepinonas/síntesis química , Benzodiazepinonas/farmacología , Sitios de Unión , Células CACO-2 , Proteínas de la Cápside/metabolismo , Permeabilidad de la Membrana Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Cristalografía por Rayos X , Humanos , Estructura Terciaria de Proteína , Estereoisomerismo , Relación Estructura-Actividad , Ensamble de Virus/efectos de los fármacos