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Phys Rev Lett ; 107(15): 153902, 2011 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107293


We demonstrate control of short and long quantum trajectories in high harmonic emission through the use of an orthogonally polarized two-color field. By controlling the relative phase ϕ between the two fields we show via classical and quantum calculations that we can steer the two-dimensional trajectories to return, or not, to the core and so control the relative strength of the short or long quantum trajectory contribution. In experiments, we demonstrate that this leads to robust control over the trajectory contributions using a drive field from a femtosecond laser composed of the fundamental ω at 800 nm (intensity ∼1.2×10(14) W cm(-2)) and its weaker orthogonally polarized second harmonic 2ω (intensity ∼0.3×10(14) W cm(-2)) with the relative phase between the ω and 2ω fields varied simply by tilting a fused silica plate. This is the first demonstration of short and long quantum trajectory control at the single-atom level.

Opt Lett ; 35(23): 3994-6, 2010 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21124590


We demonstrate enhancement by 1 order of magnitude of the high-order harmonics generated in argon by combining a fundamental field at 1300 nm (10(14) W cm(-2)) and its orthogonally polarized second harmonic at 650 nm (2 × 10(13) W cm(-2)) and by controlling the relative phase between them. This extends earlier work by ensuring that the main effect is the combined field steering the electron trajectory with negligible contribution from multiphoton effects compared to the previous schemes with 800/400 nm fields. We access a broad energy range of harmonics (from 20 eV to 80 eV) at a low laser intensity (far below the ionization saturation limit) and observe deep modulation of the harmonic yield with a period of π in the relative phase. Strong field theoretical analysis reveals that this is principally due to the steering of the recolliding electron wave packet by the two-color field. Our modeling also shows that the atto chirp can be controlled, leading to production of shorter pulses.
