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Ecohealth ; 20(3): 286-299, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38015408


Ecologies of zoonotic vector-borne diseases may shift with climate and land use change. As many urban-adapted mammals can host ectoparasites and pathogens of human and animal health concern, our goal was to compare patterns of arthropod-borne disease among medium-sized mammals across gradients of rural to urban landscapes in multiple regions of California. DNA of Anaplasma phagocytophilum was found in 1-5% of raccoons, coyotes, and San Joaquin kit foxes; Borrelia burgdorferi in one coyote, rickettsiae in two desert kit foxes, and Yersinia pestis in two coyotes. There was serological evidence of rickettsiae in 14-37% of coyotes, Virginia opossums, and foxes; and A. phagocytophilum in 6-40% of coyotes, raccoons, Virginia opossums, and foxes. Of six flea species, one Ctenocephalides felis from a raccoon was positive for Y. pestis, and Ct. felis and Pulex simulans fleas tested positive for Rickettsia felis and R. senegalensis. A Dermacentor similis tick off a San Joaquin kit fox was PCR-positive for A. phagocytophilum. There were three statistically significant risk factors: risk of A. phagocytophilum PCR-positivity was threefold greater in fall vs the other three seasons; hosts adjacent to urban areas had sevenfold increased A. phagocytophilum seropositivity compared with urban and rural areas; and there was a significant spatial cluster of rickettsiae within greater Los Angeles. Animals in areas where urban and rural habitats interconnect can serve as sentinels during times of change in disease risk.

Coyotes , Rickettsia , Siphonaptera , Enfermedades Transmitidas por Vectores , Animales , Humanos , Zorros , Cambio Climático , Mapaches , Zarigüeyas
Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl ; 19: 294-300, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36425769


Babesia species are intraerythrocytic piroplasms that can result in disease characterized by hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. Of the 5 species that are known to infect canids in the United States, Babesia conradae is most frequently diagnosed in California, and Babesia vogeli is prevalent in the US. Despite the recent re-emergence of B. conradae, the mechanism of transmission is not known. Coyotes (Canis latrans) have been a proposed reservoir of disease, and previous work has shown that dogs with known aggressive interactions with coyotes are at greater risk for infection. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of B. conradae in wild coyote populations in California to assess the viability of coyotes as a potential source of infection for domestic dogs. Four hundred and sixty-one splenic samples were obtained during post-mortem examination of coyote carcasses from Southern California, Fresno, and Hopland. Demographic data including age, sex, cause of death, and urbanity were collected for each coyote. DNA was extracted from samples and amplified using real-time PCR with primers specific for the B. conradae ITS-2 gene. The 18S gene was amplified and sequenced using conventional PCR primers specific to the Babesia genus from any coyotes positive for B. conradae. In total, 22 coyotes tested positive for B. conradae in Fresno (n = 15), Orange (n = 4), San Bernardino (n = 1), and Los Angeles counties (n = 1) with an overall prevalence of 4.8%. Coyotes from Fresno (P<.01) and rural coyotes (P<.01) were significantly more likely to be infected with B. conradae. Ten of 14 samples sequenced were 99-100% homologous to B. conradae, and 4 samples were 100% homologous with B. vogeli DNA indicating co-infection with both pathogens. This study demonstrates that coyotes can become infected and harbor B. conradae and B. vogeli and should be investigated as a possible source of infection in domestic dogs.
