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Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6134, 2022 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36253474


Reliable long-distance distribution of entanglement is a key technique for many quantum applications, most notably quantum key distribution. Here, we present a continuously working, trusted-node free international link between Austria and Slovakia, directly distributing polarization-entangled photon pairs via 248 km of deployed telecommunication fiber. Despite 79 dB loss, we observe stable detected pair rates of 9 s-1 over 110 h. We mitigate multi-pair detections with strict temporal filtering, enabled by nonlocal compensation of chromatic dispersion and superconducting nanowire detectors. Fully automatized active polarization stabilization keeps the entangled state's visibility at 86% for altogether 82 h. In a quantum cryptography context, this corresponds to an asymptotic secure key rate of 1.4 bits/s and 258 kbit of total key, considering finite-key effects. Our work paves the way for low-maintenance, ultra-stable quantum communication over long distances, independent of weather conditions and time of day, thus constituting an important step towards the quantum internet.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(4): 040506, 2021 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34355974


The phenomenon of entanglement marks one of the furthest departures from classical physics and is indispensable for quantum information processing. Despite its fundamental importance, the distribution of entanglement over long distances through photons is unfortunately hindered by unavoidable decoherence effects. Entanglement distillation is a means of restoring the quality of such diluted entanglement by concentrating it into a pair of qubits. Conventionally, this would be done by distributing multiple photon pairs and distilling the entanglement into a single pair. Here, we turn around this paradigm by utilizing pairs of single photons entangled in multiple degrees of freedom. Specifically, we make use of the polarization and the energy-time domain of photons, both of which are extensively field tested. We experimentally chart the domain of distillable states and achieve relative fidelity gains up to 13.8%. Compared to the two-copy scheme, the distillation rate of our single-copy scheme is several orders of magnitude higher, paving the way towards high-capacity and noise-resilient quantum networks.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(20): 200502, 2018 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30500221


Sources of entanglement are an enabling resource in quantum technology, and pushing the limits of generation rate and quality of entanglement is a necessary prerequisite towards practical applications. Here, we present an ultrabright source of polarization-entangled photon pairs based on time-reversed Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. By superimposing four pair-creation possibilities on a polarization beam splitter, pairs of identical photons are separated into two spatial modes without the usual requirement for wavelength distinguishability or noncollinear emission angles. Our source yields high-fidelity polarization entanglement and high pair-generation rates without any requirement for active interferometric stabilization, which makes it an ideal candidate for a variety of applications, in particular those requiring indistinguishable photons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(8): 080403, 2018 Aug 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30192604


In this Letter, we present a cosmic Bell experiment with polarization-entangled photons, in which measurement settings were determined based on real-time measurements of the wavelength of photons from high-redshift quasars, whose light was emitted billions of years ago; the experiment simultaneously ensures locality. Assuming fair sampling for all detected photons and that the wavelength of the quasar photons had not been selectively altered or previewed between emission and detection, we observe statistically significant violation of Bell's inequality by 9.3 standard deviations, corresponding to an estimated p value of ≲7.4×10^{-21}. This experiment pushes back to at least ∼7.8 Gyr ago the most recent time by which any local-realist influences could have exploited the "freedom-of-choice" loophole to engineer the observed Bell violation, excluding any such mechanism from 96% of the space-time volume of the past light cone of our experiment, extending from the big bang to today.
