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J Insect Physiol ; 48(3): 357-365, 2002 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12770110


Analysis of extracts of hemolymph obtained from sexually mature alate females of Solenopsis invicta from monogyne colonies resulted in identification of juvenile hormone III (JH III). The average amount of JH III was 0.32+/-0.04 pmol/&mgr;molof hemolymph. Topical application of 0.038 pmol of JH III was sufficient to stimulate alates to shed their wings in the presence of the queen. The time in which alates were induced to dealate decreased linearly with increasing concentrations of JH III from 0.038 to 3.8 pmol. However, higher JH III concentrations deviated from linearity and did not reach dealation times comparable with those that occur after mating flights. Thus, it appears that the mechanism of dealation that occurs when female alates are out of the influence of their queen is different from the one associated with mating flights. Application of 0.42 &mgr;mol of precocene II inhibited dealation of alates in queenless colonies. However, this inhibition was reversed after applying 38 pmol JH III to precocene-treated alates. The sizes of corpora allata (CA) from sexuals treated with JH III did not differ from those of controls. However, the sizes of CA were reduced in alates treated with precocene II. The results indicated that JH was important to dealation.
