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Sports Med ; 2024 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39361231


BACKGROUND: The actions required to achieve higher-quality and harmonised global surveillance of child and adolescent movement behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour including screen time, sleep) are unclear. OBJECTIVE: To identify how to improve surveillance of movement behaviours, from the perspective of experts. METHODS: This Delphi Study involved 62 experts from the SUNRISE International Study of Movement Behaviours in the Early Years and Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA). Two survey rounds were used, with items categorised under: (1) funding, (2) capacity building, (3) methods, and (4) other issues (e.g., policymaker awareness of relevant WHO Guidelines and Strategies). Expert participants ranked 40 items on a five-point Likert scale from 'extremely' to 'not at all' important. Consensus was defined as > 70% rating of 'extremely' or 'very' important. RESULTS: We received 62 responses to round 1 of the survey and 59 to round 2. There was consensus for most items. The two highest rated round 2 items in each category were the following; for funding (1) it was greater funding for surveillance and public funding of surveillance; for capacity building (2) it was increased human capacity for surveillance (e.g. knowledge, skills) and regional or global partnerships to support national surveillance; for methods (3) it was standard protocols for surveillance measures and improved measurement method for screen time; and for other issues (4) it was greater awareness of physical activity guidelines and strategies from WHO and greater awareness of the importance of surveillance for NCD prevention. We generally found no significant differences in priorities between low-middle-income (n = 29) and high-income countries (n = 30) or between SUNRISE (n = 20), AHKGA (n = 26) or both (n = 13) initiatives. There was a lack of agreement on using private funding for surveillance or surveillance research. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a prioritised and international consensus list of actions required to improve surveillance of movement behaviours in children and adolescents globally.

Appetite ; 185: 106538, 2023 06 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36921628


Emotional eating or the tendency to eat in response to emotional states can be assessed using self-report measures. The Emotional Eating Scale-II is a commonly used and reliable instrument that measures the desire to eat in response to a range of unpleasant and pleasant emotions. The current study aimed to corroborate the validity of the EES-II and expand its utility by investigating its dimensionality and testing its measurement invariance in samples from English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries. Convergent and predictive validity in respect of food craving, eating, and health indicators were also examined. This cross-national study included a total of 2485 adult participants recruited from Finland, North America, Philippines, United Kingdom, China, Italy, Spain, and South Korea, who completed the EES-II in six different languages. Factor analyses supported a four-factor structure including valence (pleasant, unpleasant) and activation (high, low) for a 12-item English version and slightly modified non-English adaptations. The model exhibited good fit in all samples, and convergent validity was demonstrated. Full invariance of factor loadings and partial invariance of factor loading, intercepts, and error variances was established across samples. Structural equation models revealed that high activation (pleasant and unpleasant) states predicted food cravings and reported eating. Overall findings across multiple samples and countries supported the factorial structure, reliability, invariance, and validity of the resulting Brief Emotional Eating Scale (BEES).

Ansia , Emociones , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Autoinforme , Análisis Factorial , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36833561


Government is key to promoting physical activity at the population level through policy. The government was one of the physical activity indicators graded for the 2022 Philippine Physical Activity Report Card based on ten physical activity-related policies. This study aimed to evaluate the scope of the policies and to update these policies. Philippine government databases were searched for policies using physical activity-related key terms. Policies found were evaluated using the Wales Active Healthy Kids scoring rubric. The overall grade was converted to a letter grade based on the Global Matrix 4.0 grading system. The authors analyzed the policies' scope and implications to practice and policy. Seven additional policies were found. Considering all 17 policies, the government indicator grade is now A- from the preliminary grade of B. The scope covers promoting physical activity mainly through sports participation and active transport among students, student-athletes, persons with disabilities, and the general population in school and community settings. The gap between government and overall physical activity (F) scores suggests the need for a comprehensive physical activity plan promoting various forms of physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior among all Filipino youth and across various settings. Crucial to achieving change is a well-coordinated, whole-of-systems approach to promoting active healthy lifestyles.

Promoción de la Salud , Deportes , Humanos , Política de Salud , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Ejercicio Físico
J Exerc Sci Fit ; 21(1): 34-44, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36408204


Background: Physical inactivity is a persistent and worsening population health concern in Asia. Led by the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance, Global Matrix (GM) initiative provides an opportunity to explore how regional and cultural differences across 18 Asian countries relate to physical activity (PA) participation among children and adolescents. Objectives: To synthesize evidence from the GM2.0 to GM4.0 (2016-2022) in Asian countries. Methods: Report Card grades on behavioral/individual and sources of influence indicators were reported from 18 Asian countries. Letter grades were converted into numerical values for quantitative analyses. Based on this, cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses were conducted to investigate patterns and trends. Qualitative evidence synthesis was performed based on Report Card grades and published papers to identify gaps and suggest future recommendations. Results: In total, 18 countries provided grades for at least one round of GM, 12 countries provided grades for at least two rounds, and seven countries provided grades for all three GMs. Of possible grades, 72.8%, 69.2%, and 76.9% of the grades were assigned from GM 2.0 to GM 4.0, respectively. In terms of the Report Card grades, there was a slight decrease in behavioral/individual indicators from "D+" in GM 2.0 to "D-" in GM 3.0 but this reverted to "D" in GM 4.0. For the sources of influence, a "C" grade was given in all three rounds of GM. Longitudinal observation of seven Asian countries that provided grades in all three rounds of GM revealed that grades are generally stable for all indicators with some country-specific fluctuations. In future GM initiatives and research, considerations should be made to provide more accurate and rich data and to better understand contextual challenges in evaluating certain indicators such as Active Transportation, Active Play, and Physical Fitness in particular. Further, macro level factors such as socioeconomic/cultural disparities and gender-specific barriers, ideology, or climate change should also be proactively considered in future research as these factors are becoming increasingly relevant to indicators of GM and United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. Conclusions: Participation from Asian countries in GM has increased over the years, which demonstrates the region's enthusiasm, capacity, and support for global PA promotion efforts. The efforts to promote a physically active lifestyle among children and adolescents should be a collective interest and priority of the Asia region based on the gaps identified in this paper.

Bull World Health Organ ; 100(12): 815-824, 2022 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36466205


The global transition to current low levels of habitual physical activity among children and adolescents began in the second half of the last century. Low physical activity harms health in both the short term (during childhood and adolescence) and long term (during adulthood). In turn, low physical activity could limit progress towards several sustainable development goals, undermine noncommunicable disease prevention, delay physical and mental health recovery from the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, increase health-care costs and hinder responses to climate change. However, despite the importance of physical activity, public health surveillance among children and adolescents is very limited globally and low levels of physical activity in children is not on the public health agenda in many countries, irrespective of their level of economic development. This article details proposals for improvements in global public health surveillance of physical activity from birth to adolescence based on recent systematic reviews, international collaborations and World Health Organization guidelines and strategies. Empirical examples from several countries illustrate how improved surveillance of physical activity can lead to public health initiatives. Moreover, better surveillance raises awareness of the extent of physical inactivity, thereby making an invisible problem visible, and can lead to greater capacity in physical activity policy and practice. The time has arrived for a step change towards more systematic physical activity surveillance from infancy onwards that could help inform and inspire changes in public health policy and practice globally.

Durant la seconde moitié du siècle dernier, l'activité physique des enfants et adolescents a commencé à baisser à l'échelle mondiale pour atteindre le faible niveau actuel. La sédentarité a des effets néfastes sur la santé, tant à court terme (pendant l'enfance et l'adolescence) qu'à long terme (à l'âge adulte). Elle peut également entraver la progression vers de nombreux objectifs de développement durable, compromettre les efforts de prévention des maladies non transmissibles, retarder la guérison physique et mentale liée à la pandémie de maladie à coronavirus 2019, accroître les dépenses en soins de santé et freiner les réactions au changement climatique. Pourtant, malgré l'importance que revêt l'activité physique, rares sont les dispositifs de surveillance de la santé publique mis en place pour les enfants et adolescents dans le monde. En outre, la lutte contre la sédentarité chez les plus jeunes ne figure pas parmi les priorités de santé publique dans la plupart des pays, quel que soit le niveau de développement économique de ces derniers. Le présent article détaille une série de propositions visant à améliorer la surveillance de la santé publique en matière d'activité physique de la naissance à l'adolescence, fondées sur des revues systématiques récentes, des collaborations internationales ainsi que des stratégies et lignes directrices de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Des exemples empiriques provenant de plusieurs pays illustrent comment cette amélioration peut déboucher sur des initiatives de santé publique. De plus, une meilleure surveillance permet de sensibiliser à l'ampleur de cette inactivité, donnant ainsi de la visibilité à un problème jusqu'alors invisible, et peut renforcer les capacités politiques et pratiques relatives à l'activité physique. Il est temps de procéder à un changement en profondeur afin de surveiller plus systématiquement l'activité physique dès le plus jeune âge, en vue d'orienter et d'encourager l'évolution des politiques et pratiques en la matière dans le monde.

La transición mundial hacia los niveles bajos actuales de actividad física regular entre niños y adolescentes comenzó en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado. La disminución de la actividad física perjudica la salud tanto a corto plazo (durante la infancia y la adolescencia) como a largo plazo (durante la edad adulta). A su vez, la falta de actividad física podría limitar el progreso hacia varios objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, socavar la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles, retrasar la recuperación de la salud física y mental tras la pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019, aumentar los costes de la atención sanitaria y dificultar las respuestas al cambio climático. No obstante, a pesar de la importancia de la actividad física, la vigilancia de la salud pública entre los niños y los adolescentes es muy limitada a nivel mundial y los niveles bajos de actividad física en los niños no se incluyen en la agenda de salud pública de muchos países, sea cual sea su nivel de desarrollo económico. En este artículo, se detallan propuestas para mejorar la vigilancia de la actividad física en la salud pública a nivel mundial, desde el nacimiento hasta la adolescencia, a partir de recientes revisiones sistemáticas, colaboraciones internacionales y directrices y estrategias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Ejemplos empíricos de varios países ilustran cómo una mejor vigilancia de la actividad física puede conducir a iniciativas de salud pública. Asimismo, una mejor vigilancia aumenta la concienciación sobre el alcance de la inactividad física, haciendo evidente un problema poco visible, y puede conducir a una mayor capacidad en la política y la práctica de la actividad física. Ha llegado el momento de dar un paso adelante hacia una vigilancia más sistemática de la actividad física desde la infancia que podría ayudar a informar e inspirar cambios en la política y la práctica de la salud pública en todo el mundo.

COVID-19 , Enfermedades no Transmisibles , Niño , Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , COVID-19/epidemiología , Conducta Sedentaria , Ejercicio Físico , Política Pública
J Exerc Sci Fit ; 20(4): 382-390, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36311171


Background/Objective: The 2022 Philippine Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents provides a comprehensive assessment of physical activity and other related behaviors, including the various factors and settings that influence these behaviors. It serves as an advocacy tool to increase awareness of the physical activity situation among children and young people in the country. This article describes the development and results of the first Philippine Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents. Methods: Following a systematic process provided by the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance, a team consisting of 25 sports and physical activity specialists identified and reviewed the best available nationally representative data related to physical activity indicators. These data were then used to inform the grades of the ten (10) physical activity indicators. Results: Sufficient data were identified to assign grades to five (5) indicators: Overall Physical Activity (F), Active Transportation (D), Sedentary Behavior (B), School (C-), and Government (B). Insufficient data existed to assign grades to the remaining five (5) indicators: Organized Sport and Physical Activity, Active Play, Physical Fitness, Family and Peers, and Community and Environment. Conclusion: Despite government policies related to physical activity in the country, the majority of children and adolescents in the Philippines do not meet the recommended amount of physical activity for health. More work is needed to improve the translation of these policies into measurable programs, highlighting the need to create better physical activity opportunities and develop national surveillance mechanisms.

J Phys Act Health ; 19(11): 737-744, 2022 11 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36280230


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to explore the associations between the 10 key indicators of the Global Matrix 4.0 project and human development index (HDI) at a national level according to sex, age, area of residence, and ability levels. METHODS: Information from the 57 countries/localities included in the Global Matrix 4.0 project was compiled and presented according to the HDI of each country/locality for each of the 10 key indicators. Grades were assigned based on the benchmarks of the Global Matrix 4.0 project ranged between "A+" (best performance) and "F" (worst performance). RESULTS: The population subgroups of females, children, rural residents, with/without disabilities from countries/localities with higher HDI performed better in the organized sport and physical activity indicator than their peers from countries/localities with lower HDI. Children and adolescents living in rural areas of countries/localities with higher HDI showed better performance for active play, and children and adolescents living in urban areas of countries/localities with lower HDI showed better performance for the active transportation. Countries/localities with higher HDI showed better grades for sources of influence than the countries/localities with lower HDI. CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity patterns in some population subgroups of children and adolescents differed according to the development level of countries/localities.

Ejercicio Físico , Deportes , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Adolescente , Promoción de la Salud , Política de Salud , Informe de Investigación
J Phys Act Health ; 19(11): 700-728, 2022 11 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36280233


BACKGROUND: The Global Matrix 4.0 on physical activity (PA) for children and adolescents was developed to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the global variation in children's and adolescents' (5-17 y) PA, related measures, and key sources of influence. The objectives of this article were (1) to summarize the findings from the Global Matrix 4.0 Report Cards, (2) to compare indicators across countries, and (3) to explore trends related to the Human Development Index and geo-cultural regions. METHODS: A total of 57 Report Card teams followed a harmonized process to grade the 10 common PA indicators. An online survey was conducted to collect Report Card Leaders' top 3 priorities for each PA indicator and their opinions on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted child and adolescent PA indicators in their country. RESULTS: Overall Physical Activity was the indicator with the lowest global average grade (D), while School and Community and Environment were the indicators with the highest global average grade (C+). An overview of the global situation in terms of surveillance and prevalence is provided for all 10 common PA indicators, followed by priorities and examples to support the development of strategies and policies internationally. CONCLUSIONS: The Global Matrix 4.0 represents the largest compilation of children's and adolescents' PA indicators to date. While variation in data sources informing the grades across countries was observed, this initiative highlighted low PA levels in children and adolescents globally. Measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, local/international conflicts, climate change, and economic change threaten to worsen this situation.

COVID-19 , Ejercicio Físico , Niño , Adolescente , Humanos , Promoción de la Salud/métodos , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/prevención & control , Pandemias/prevención & control , Política de Salud , Informe de Investigación
Front Psychol ; 13: 903096, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35846655


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic people have endured potentially stressful challenges which have influenced behaviors such as eating. This pilot study examined the effectiveness of two brief interventions aimed to help individuals deal with food cravings and associated emotional experiences. Participants were 165 individuals residing in United Kingdom, Finland, Philippines, Spain, Italy, Brazil, North America, South Korea, and China. The study was implemented remotely, thus without any contact with researchers, and involved two groups. Group one participants were requested to use daily diaries for seven consecutive days to assess the frequency of experience of their food cravings, frequency of giving in to cravings, and difficulty resisting cravings, as well as emotional states associated with their cravings. In addition to completing daily food diaries, participants in group two were asked to engage in mindful eating practice and forming implementation intentions. Participants assessed their perceived changes in eating, wellbeing, and health at the beginning and end of the intervention. Repeated measures MANOVAs indicated that participants experienced significantly less food cravings (i.e., craving experience, acting on cravings, difficulty resisting), as well as lower intensities of unpleasant states associated with cravings across time (T1 vs. T7). In contrast to our hypothesis, the main effects of the group (food craving diary vs. food craving diary and mindful eating practice) were not significant. Participants reported less eating and enhanced wellbeing at the end of the study (T7 vs. T1). Our findings can be used to inform future remote interventions to manage food cravings and associated emotions and highlight the need for alternative solutions to increase participant engagement.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35055592


Yoga is a traditional practice from India with the potential to promote physical activity and health. Participation worldwide remains low, particularly among men. To better understand yoga participation parameters, with a special focus on what influences male participation, this study examined gender differences in participation motives and conformity to masculine norms. It also explored these factors across three participant subgroups who differed in their engagement with the physical and the more psycho-spiritual aspects of yoga. A total of 546 yoga participants (138 males, 399 females, 9 others), 18-73 years old, completed an online survey that included an adapted version of the Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 and three subscales from the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory-46. Results showed significant gender differences in participation motives and conformity to masculine norms. Females were more motivated by positive affect, health/fitness, nimbleness, mind-body integration, and coping/stress management, whereas males were more motivated by supplementary activity and competition/social recognition. These differences should be considered in tailoring messages to promote uptake and continued participation. Furthermore, males were more likely than females to conform to emotional control and heterosexual self-presentation masculine norms. Future research may examine how differences in masculine norm adherence influences uptake, particularly among men.

Motivación , Yoga , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Ejercicio Físico , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Masculinidad , Persona de Mediana Edad , Espiritualidad , Adulto Joven
Complement Ther Clin Pract ; 42: 101262, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33276223


Yoga offers an integrated approach to health and well-being that could potentially benefit men. This qualitative descriptive study examined men's perceptions of yoga, and identified barriers and possible facilitators for participation. Twenty-one non-yoga participant men, 18-60 years old, and living in Queensland, Australia, were interviewed. Two major barriers were identified using thematic analysis: (1) preference for other forms of physical activity, and (2) gender-related perceptions and pressures (i.e., perception of yoga as feminine, and presence of "bloke" culture and masculine ideals in society). Potential facilitators included: (1) acceptability of yoga among men, (2) providing brief information sessions, and (3) men-only classes. The non-competitive nature of yoga, in addition to being predominantly undertaken by women, makes it less appealing for men living in Australia. These barriers need to be considered if yoga is to be promoted as an option for men, particularly those not drawn to traditional sports or exercise.

Meditación , Yoga , Adolescente , Adulto , Australia , Ejercicio Físico , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Investigación Cualitativa , Adulto Joven
Front Psychol ; 11: 608216, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33510684


This study explored the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived health behaviors; physical activity, sleep, and diet behaviors, alongside associations with wellbeing. Participants were 1,140 individuals residing in the United Kingdom (n = 230), South Korea (n = 204), Finland (n = 171), Philippines (n = 132), Latin America (n = 124), Spain (n = 112), North America (n = 87), and Italy (n = 80). They completed an online survey reporting possible changes in the targeted behaviors as well as perceived changes in their physical and mental health. Multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVA) on the final sample (n = 1,131) revealed significant mean differences regarding perceived physical and mental health "over the last week," as well as changes in health behaviors during the pandemic by levels of physical activity and country of residence. Follow up analyses indicated that individuals with highest decrease in physical activity reported significantly lower physical and mental health, while those with highest increase in physical activity reported significantly higher increase in sleep and lower weight gain. United Kingdom participants reported lowest levels of physical health and highest increase in weight while Latin American participants reported being most affected by emotional problems. Finnish participants reported significantly higher ratings for physical health. The physical activity by country interaction was significant for wellbeing. MANCOVA also revealed significant differences across physical activity levels and four established age categories. Participants in the oldest category reported being significantly least affected by personal and emotional problems; youngest participants reported significantly more sleep. The age by physical activity interaction was significant for eating. Discussed in light of Hobfoll (1998) conservation of resources theory, findings endorse the policy of advocating physical activity as a means of generating and maintaining resources combative of stress and protective of health.
