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ACS Nano ; 18(27): 17492-17499, 2024 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38940269


The optimization of nanoscale optical devices and structures will enable the exquisite control of planar optical fields. Polariton manipulation is the primary strategy in play. In two-dimensional heterostructures, the ability to excite mixed optical modes offers an additional control in device design. Phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride have been a common system explored for the control of near-infrared radiation. Their hybridization with graphene plasmons makes these mixed phonon polariton modes in hexagonal boron nitride more appealing in terms of enabling active control of electrodynamic properties with a reduction of propagation losses. Optical resonators can be added to confine these hybridized plasmon-phonon polaritons deeply into the subwavelength regime, with these structures featuring high quality factors. Here, we show a scalable approach for the design and fabrication of heterostructure nanodisc resonators patterned in chemical vapor deposition-grown monolayer graphene and h-BN sheets. Real-space mid-infrared nanoimaging reveals the nature of hybridized polaritons in the heterostructures. We simulate and experimentally demonstrate localized hybridized polariton modes in heterostructure nanodisc resonators and demonstrate that those nanodiscs can collectively couple to the waveguide. High quality factors for the nanodiscs are measured with nanoscale Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Our results offer practical strategies to realize scalable nanophotonic devices utilizing low-loss hybridized polaritons for applications such as on-chip optical components.

Nano Lett ; 24(26): 7948-7952, 2024 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38912704


We demonstrate experimentally nonequilibrium transport in unipolar quasi-1D hot electron devices reaching the ballistic limit at room temperature. The devices are realized with heterostructure engineering in nanowires to obtain dopant- and dislocation-free 1D-epitaxy and flexible bandgap engineering. We show experimentally the control of hot electron injection with a graded conduction band profile and the subsequent filtering of hot and relaxed electrons with rectangular energy barriers. The number of electrons passing the barrier depends exponentially on the transport length with a mean-free path of 200-260 nm, and the electrons reach the ballistic transport regime for the shortest devices with 70% of the electrons flying freely through the base electrode and the barrier reflections limiting the transport to the collector.

ACS Photonics ; 11(3): 941-949, 2024 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38523748


Optical microcavities confine light to wavelength-scale volumes and are a key component for manipulating and enhancing the interaction of light, vacuum states, and matter. Current microcavities are constrained to a small number of spatial mode profiles. Imaging cavities can accommodate complicated modes but require an externally preshaped input. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a visible-wavelength, metasurface-based holographic microcavity that overcomes these limitations. The micrometer-scale metasurface cavity fulfills the round-trip condition for a designed mode with a complex-shaped intensity profile and thus selectively enhances light that couples to this mode, achieving a spectral bandwidth of 0.8 nm. By imaging the intracavity mode, we show that the holographic mode changes quickly with the cavity length and that the cavity displays the desired spatial mode profile only close to the design cavity length. When a metasurface is placed on a distributed Bragg reflector and steep phase gradients are realized, the correct choice of the reflector's top layer material can boost metasurface performance considerably. The applied forward-design method can be readily transferred to other spectral regimes and mode profiles.

Opt Express ; 32(5): 8146-8159, 2024 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38439479


Flat optics or metasurfaces have opened new frontiers in wavefront shaping and its applications. Polarization optics is one prominent area which has greatly benefited from the shape-birefringence of metasurfaces. However, flat optics comprising a single layer of meta-atoms can only perform a subset of polarization transformations, constrained by a symmetric Jones matrix. This limitation can be tackled using metasurfaces composed of bilayer meta-atoms but exhausting all possible combinations of geometries to build a bilayer metasurface library is a very daunting task. Consequently, bilayer metasurfaces have been widely treated as a cascade (product) of two decoupled single-layer metasurfaces. Here, we test the validity of this assumption for dielectric metasurfaces by considering a metasurface made of titanium dioxide on fused silica substrate at a design wavelength of 532 nm. We explore regions in the design space where the coupling between the top and bottom layers can be neglected, i.e., producing a far-field response which approximates that of two decoupled single-layer metasurfaces. We complement this picture with the near-field analysis to explore the underlying physics in regions where both layers are strongly coupled. We also show the generality of our analysis by applying it to silicon metasurfaces at telecom wavelengths. Our unified approach allows the designer to efficiently build a multi-layer dielectric metasurface, either in transmission or reflection, by only running one full-wave simulation for a single-layer metasurface.

ACS Nano ; 18(4): 3187-3198, 2024 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38230651


Metasurfaces, optics made from subwavelength-scale nanostructures, have been limited to millimeter-sizes by the scaling challenge of producing vast numbers of precisely engineered elements over a large area. In this study, we demonstrate an all-glass 100 mm diameter metasurface lens (metalens) comprising 18.7 billion nanostructures that operates in the visible spectrum with a fast f-number (f/1.5, NA = 0.32) using deep-ultraviolet (DUV) projection lithography. Our work overcomes the exposure area constraints of lithography tools and demonstrates that large metasurfaces are commercially feasible. Additionally, we investigate the impact of various fabrication errors on the imaging quality of the metalens, several of which are specific to such large area metasurfaces. We demonstrate direct astronomical imaging of the Sun, the Moon, and emission nebulae at visible wavelengths and validate the robustness of such metasurfaces under extreme environmental thermal swings for space applications.

Nature ; 625(7996): 685-690, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38267681


Optical frequency-comb sources, which emit perfectly periodic and coherent waveforms of light1, have recently rapidly progressed towards chip-scale integrated solutions. Among them, two classes are particularly significant-semiconductor Fabry-Perót lasers2-6 and passive ring Kerr microresonators7-9. Here we merge the two technologies in a ring semiconductor laser10,11 and demonstrate a paradigm for the formation of free-running solitons, called Nozaki-Bekki solitons. These dissipative waveforms emerge in a family of travelling localized dark pulses, known within the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation12-14. We show that Nozaki-Bekki solitons are structurally stable in a ring laser and form spontaneously with tuning of the laser bias, eliminating the need for an external optical pump. By combining conclusive experimental findings and a complementary elaborate theoretical model, we reveal the salient characteristics of these solitons and provide guidelines for their generation. Beyond the fundamental soliton circulating inside the ring laser, we demonstrate multisoliton states as well, verifying their localized nature and offering an insight into formation of soliton crystals15. Our results consolidate a monolithic electrically driven platform for direct soliton generation and open the door for a research field at the junction of laser multimode dynamics and Kerr parametric processes.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 607, 2024 Jan 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38242868


High-quality optical ring resonators can confine light in a small volume and store it for millions of roundtrips. They have enabled the dramatic size reduction from laboratory scale to chip level of optical filters, modulators, frequency converters, and frequency comb generators in the visible and the near-infrared. The mid-infrared spectral region (3-12 µm), as important as it is for molecular gas sensing and spectroscopy, lags behind in development of integrated photonic components. Here we demonstrate the integration of mid-infrared ring resonators and directional couplers, incorporating a quantum cascade active region in the waveguide core. It enables electrical control of the resonant frequency, its quality factor, the coupling regime and the coupling coefficient. We show that one device, depending on its operating point, can act as a tunable filter, a nonlinear frequency converter, or a frequency comb generator. These concepts extend to the integration of multiple active resonators and waveguides in arbitrary configurations, thus allowing the implementation of purpose-specific mid-infrared active photonic integrated circuits for spectroscopy, communication, and microwave generation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(14): 143803, 2023 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37862648


Optical traps using nonconservative forces instead of conservative intensity-gradient forces expand the trap parameter space. Existing traps with nonconservative helicity-dependent forces are limited to chiral particles and fields with helicity gradients. We relax these constraints by proposing helicity and polarization gradient optical trapping of achiral particles in evanescent fields. We further propose an optical switching system in which a microsphere is trapped and optically manipulated around a microfiber using polarization gradients. Our Letter deepens the understanding of light-matter interactions in polarization gradient fields and expands the range of compatible particles and stable trapping fields.

Opt Express ; 31(19): 31308-31315, 2023 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37710653


Achieving high repeatability and efficiency in laser-induced strong shock wave excitation remains a significant technical challenge, as evidenced by the extensive efforts undertaken at large-scale national laboratories to optimize the compression of light element pellets. In this study, we propose and model a novel optical design for generating strong shocks at a tabletop scale. Our approach leverages the spatial and temporal shaping of multiple laser pulses to form concentric laser rings on condensed matter samples. Each laser ring initiates a two-dimensional focusing shock wave that overlaps and converges with preceding shock waves at a central point within the ring. We present preliminary experimental results for a single ring configuration. To enable high-power laser focusing at the micron scale, we demonstrate experimentally the feasibility of employing dielectric metasurfaces with exceptional damage threshold, experimentally determined to be 1.1 J/cm2, as replacements for conventional optics. These metasurfaces enable the creation of pristine, high-fluence laser rings essential for launching stable shock waves in materials. Herein, we showcase results obtained using a water sample, achieving shock pressures in the gigapascal (GPa) range. Our findings provide a promising pathway towards the application of laser-induced strong shock compression in condensed matter at the microscale.

Sci Adv ; 9(24): eadh0369, 2023 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37327327


Optical singularities play a major role in modern optics and are frequently deployed in structured light, super-resolution microscopy, and holography. While phase singularities are uniquely defined as locations of undefined phase, polarization singularities studied thus far are either partial, i.e., bright points of well-defined polarization, or are unstable for small field perturbations. We demonstrate a complete, topologically protected polarization singularity; it is located in the four-dimensional space spanned by the three spatial dimensions and the wavelength and is created in the focus of a cascaded metasurface-lens system. The field Jacobian plays a key role in the design of such higher-dimensional singularities, which can be extended to multidimensional wave phenomena, and pave the way for unconventional applications in topological photonics and precision sensing.

Holografía , Lentes , Microscopía
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3237, 2023 Jun 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37277345


Phase singularities are loci of darkness surrounded by monochromatic light in a scalar field, with applications in optical trapping, super-resolution imaging, and structured light-matter interactions. Although 1D singular structures, like optical vortices, are common due to their robust topological properties, uncommon 0D (point) and 2D (sheet) singularities can be generated by wavefront-shaping devices like metasurfaces. With the design flexibility of metasurfaces, we deterministically position ten identical point singularities using a single illumination source. The phasefront is inverse-designed using phase-gradient maximization with an automatically-differentiable propagator and produces tight longitudinal intensity confinement. The array is experimentally realized with a TiO2 metasurface. One possible application is blue-detuned neutral atom trap arrays, for which this field would enforce 3D confinement and a potential depth around 0.22 mK per watt of incident laser power. We show that metasurface-enabled point singularity engineering may significantly simplify and miniaturize the optical architecture for super-resolution microscopes and dark traps.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(18): 183601, 2023 May 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37204895


Spin-orbit interactions in evanescent fields have recently attracted significant interest. In particular, the transfer of the Belinfante spin momentum perpendicular to the propagation direction generates polarization-dependent lateral forces on particles. However, it is still elusive as to how the polarization-dependent resonances of large particles synergize with the incident light's helicity and resultant lateral forces. Here, we investigate these polarization-dependent phenomena in a microfiber-microcavity system where whispering-gallery-mode resonances exist. This system allows for an intuitive understanding and unification of the polarization-dependent forces. Contrary to previous studies, the induced lateral forces at resonance are not proportional to the helicity of incident light. Instead, polarization-dependent coupling phases and resonance phases generate extra helicity contributions. We propose a generalized law for optical lateral forces and find the existence of optical lateral forces even when the helicity of incident light is zero. Our work provides new insights into these polarization-dependent phenomena and an opportunity to engineer polarization-controlled resonant optomechanical systems.

Appl Opt ; 62(7): 1704-1722, 2023 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37132917


Metasurfaces are a new class of diffractive optical elements with subwavelength elements whose behavior can be lithographically tailored. By leveraging form birefringence, metasurfaces can serve as multifunctional freespace polarization optics. Metasurface gratings are novel, to the best of our knowledge, polarimetric components that integrate multiple polarization analyzers into a single optical element enabling the realization of compact imaging polarimeters. The promise of metasurfaces as a new polarization building block is contingent on the calibration of metagrating-based optical systems. A prototype metasurface full Stokes imaging polarimeter is compared to a benchtop reference instrument using an established linear Stokes test for 670, 532, and 460 nm gratings. We propose a complementary full Stokes accuracy test and demonstrate it using the 532 nm grating. This work presents methods and practical considerations involved in producing accurate polarization data from a metasurface-based Stokes imaging polarimeter and informs their use in polarimetric systems more generally.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2544, 2023 May 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37137885


Dispersion results from the variation of index of refraction as well as electric field confinement in sub-wavelength structures. It usually results in efficiency decrease in metasurface components leading to troublesome scattering into unwanted directions. In this letter, by dispersion engineering, we report a set of eight nanostructures whose dispersion properties are nearly identical to each other while being capable of providing 0 to 2π full-phase coverage. Our nanostructure set enables broadband and polarization-insensitive metasurface components reaching 90% relative diffraction efficiency (normalized to the power of transmitted light) from 450 nm to 700 nm in wavelength. Relative diffraction efficiency is important at a system level - in addition to diffraction efficiency (normalized to the power of incident light) - as it considers only the transmitted optical power that can affect the signal to noise ratio. We first illustrate our design principle by a chromatic dispersion-engineered metasurface grating, then show that other metasurface components such as chromatic metalenses can also be implemented by the same set of nanostructures with significantly improved relative diffraction efficiency.

Science ; 380(6640): 59-63, 2023 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37023199


Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation is a key technology for material science, attosecond metrology, and lithography. Here, we experimentally demonstrate metasurfaces as a superior way to focus EUV light. These devices exploit the fact that holes in a silicon membrane have a considerably larger refractive index than the surrounding material and efficiently vacuum-guide light with a wavelength of ~50 nanometers. This allows the transmission phase at the nanoscale to be controlled by the hole diameter. We fabricated an EUV metalens with a 10-millimeter focal length that supports numerical apertures of up to 0.05 and used it to focus ultrashort EUV light bursts generated by high-harmonic generation down to a 0.7-micrometer waist. Our approach introduces the vast light-shaping possibilities provided by dielectric metasurfaces to a spectral regime that lacks materials for transmissive optics.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1114, 2023 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36849511


Cavities concentrate light and enhance its interaction with matter. Confining to microscopic volumes is necessary for many applications but space constraints in such cavities limit the design freedom. Here we demonstrate stable optical microcavities by counteracting the phase evolution of the cavity modes using an amorphous Silicon metasurface as cavity end mirror. Careful design allows us to limit the metasurface scattering losses at telecom wavelengths to less than 2% and using a distributed Bragg reflector as metasurface substrate ensures high reflectivity. Our demonstration experimentally achieves telecom-wavelength microcavities with quality factors of up to 4600, spectral resonance linewidths below 0.4 nm, and mode volumes below [Formula: see text]. The method introduces freedom to stabilize modes with arbitrary transverse intensity profiles and to design cavity-enhanced hologram modes. Our approach introduces the nanoscopic light control capabilities of dielectric metasurfaces to cavity electrodynamics and is industrially scalable using semiconductor manufacturing processes.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 495, 2023 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36717562


Optical resonators enable the generation, manipulation, and storage of electromagnetic waves. The physics underlying their operation is determined by the interference of electromagnetic waves, giving rise to the resonance spectrum. This mechanism causes the limitations and trade-offs of resonator design, such as the fixed relationship between free spectral range, modal linewidth, and the resonator's refractive index and size. Here, we introduce a new class of optical resonators, generating resonances by designing the optical path through transverse mode coupling in a cascaded process created by mode-converting mirrors. The generalized round-trip phase condition leads to resonator characteristics that are markedly different from Fabry-Perot resonators and can be tailored over a wide range. We confirm the existence of these modes experimentally in an integrated waveguide cavity with mode converters coupling transverse modes into one supermode. We also demonstrate a transverse mode-independent transmission and show that its engineered spectral properties agree with theoretical predictions.

Opt Express ; 30(16): 28358-28370, 2022 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36299033


We introduce end-to-end inverse design for multi-channel imaging, in which a nanophotonic frontend is optimized in conjunction with an image-processing backend to extract depth, spectral and polarization channels from a single monochrome image. Unlike diffractive optics, we show that subwavelength-scale "metasurface" designs can easily distinguish similar wavelength and polarization inputs. The proposed technique integrates a single-layer metasurface frontend with an efficient Tikhonov reconstruction backend, without any additional optics except a grayscale sensor. Our method yields multi-channel imaging by spontaneous demultiplexing: the metaoptics front-end separates different channels into distinct spatial domains whose locations on the sensor are optimally discovered by the inverse-design algorithm. We present large-area metasurface designs, compatible with standard lithography, for multi-spectral imaging, depth-spectral imaging, and "all-in-one" spectro-polarimetric-depth imaging with robust reconstruction performance (≲ 10% error with 1% detector noise). In contrast to neural networks, our framework is physically interpretable and does not require large training sets. It can be used to reconstruct arbitrary three-dimensional scenes with full multi-wavelength spectra and polarization textures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(16): 167403, 2022 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306749


In this Letter, we investigate a new class of polarization wave front transformations which exhibit nonconventional far field interference behavior. We show that these can be realized by double-layer metasurfaces, which overcome the intrinsic limitations of single-layer metasurfaces. Holograms that encode four or more distinct patterns in nonorthogonal polarization states are theoretically demonstrated. This Letter clarifies and expands the possibilities enabled by a broad range of technologies which can spatially modulate light's polarization state and, for metasurfaces specifically, rigorously establishes when double-layer metasurfaces are-and are not-required.
