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Science ; 266(5184): 398-404, 1994 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17816682


Simultaneous in situ measurements of the concentrations of OH, HO(2), ClO, BrO, NO, and NO(2) demonstrate the predominance of odd-hydrogen and halogen free-radical catalysis in determining the rate of removal of ozone in the lower stratosphere during May 1993. A single catalytic cycle, in which the rate-limiting step is the reaction of HO(2) with ozone, accounted for nearly one-half of the total O(3) removal in this region of the atmosphere. Halogen-radical chemistry was responsible for approximately one-third of the photochemical removal of O(3); reactions involving BrO account for one-half of this loss. Catalytic destruction by NO(2), which for two decades was considered to be the predominant loss process, accounted for less than 20 percent of the O(3) removal. The measurements demonstrate quantitatively the coupling that exists between the radical families. The concentrations of HO(2) and ClO are inversely correlated with those of NO and NO(2). The direct determination of the relative importance of the catalytic loss processes, combined with a demonstration of the reactions linking the hydrogen, halogen, and nitrogen radical concentrations, shows that in the air sampled the rate of O(3) removal was inversely correlated with total NOx, loading.

Science ; 261(5125): 1130-4, 1993 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790344


Simultaneous in situ measurements of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and chlorine monoxide (ClO) in the Arctic winter vortex showed large HCl losses, of up to 1 part per billion by volume (ppbv), which were correlated with high ClO levels of up to 1.4 ppbv. Air parcel trajectory analysis identified that this conversion of inorganic chlorine occurred at air temperatures of less than 196 +/- 4 kelvin. High ClO was always accompanied by loss of HCI mixing ratios equal to (1/2)(ClO + 2Cl(2)O(2)). These data indicate that the heterogeneous reaction HCl + ClONO(2) --> Cl(2) + HNO(3) on particles of polar stratospheric clouds establishes the chlorine partitioning, which, contrary to earlier notions, begins with an excess of ClONO(2), not HCl.

Science ; 261(5125): 1140-3, 1993 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790347


Highly resolved aerosol size distributions measured from high-altitude aircraft can be used to describe the effect of the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo on the stratospheric aerosol. In some air masses, aerosol mass mixing ratios increased by factors exceeding 100 and aerosol surface area concentrations increased by factors of 30 or more. Increases in aerosol surface area concentration were accompanied by increases in chlorine monoxide at mid-latitudes when confounding factors were controlled. This observation supports the assertion that reactions occurring on the aerosol can increase the fraction of stratospheric chlorine that occurs in ozone-destroying forms.

Science ; 261(5125): 1146-9, 1993 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790349


In situ measurements of chlorine monoxide, bromine monoxide, and ozone are extrapolated globally, with the use of meteorological tracers, to infer the loss rates for ozone in the Arctic lower stratosphere during the Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition II (AASE II) in the winter of 1991-1992. The analysis indicates removal of 15 to 20 percent of ambient ozone because of elevated concentrations of chlorine monoxide and bromine monoxide. Observations during AASE II define rates of removal of chlorine monoxide attributable to reaction with nitrogen dioxide (produced by photolysis of nitric acid) and to production of hydrochloric acid. Ozone loss ceased in March as concentrations of chlorine monoxide declined. Ozone losses could approach 50 percent if regeneration of nitrogen dioxide were inhibited by irreversible removal of nitrogen oxides (denitrification), as presently observed in the Antarctic, or without denitrification if inorganic chlorine concentrations were to double.

Science ; 261(5125): 1150-4, 1993 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17790350


Measurements made in the outer ring of the northern polar vortex from October 1991 through March 1992 reveal an altitude-dependent change in ozone, with a decrease at the bottom of the vortex and a substantial increase at the highest altitudes accessible to measurement. The increase is the result of ozone-rich air entering the vortex, and the decrease reflects ozone loss accumulated after the descent of the air through high concentrations of reactive chlorine. The depleted air that is released out of the bottom of the vortex is sufficient to significantly reduce column ozone at mid-latitudes.
