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Foods ; 12(22)2023 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38002217


The adzuki bean (Vigna angularis), known for its rich nutritional composition, holds significant promise in addressing food and nutritional security, particularly for low socioeconomic classes and the predominantly vegetarian and vegan populations worldwide. In this study, we assessed a total of 100 diverse adzuki bean accessions, analyzing essential nutritional compounds using AOAC's official analysis procedures and other widely accepted standard techniques. Our analysis of variance revealed significant genotype variations for all the traits studied. The variability range among different traits was as follows: moisture: 7.5-13.3 g/100 g, ash: 1.8-4.2 g/100 g, protein: 18.0-23.9 g/100 g, starch: 31.0-43.9 g/100 g, total soluble sugar: 3.0-8.2 g/100 g, phytic acid: 0.65-1.43 g/100 g, phenol: 0.01-0.59 g/100 g, antioxidant: 11.4-19.7 mg/100 g GAE. Noteworthy accessions included IC341955 and EC15256, exhibiting very high protein content, while IC341957 and IC341955 showed increased antioxidant activity. To understand intertrait relationships, we computed correlation coefficients between the traits. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that the first four principal components contributed to 63.6% of the variation. Further, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) identified nutri-dense accessions, such as IC360533, characterized by high ash (>4.2 g/100 g) and protein (>23.4 g/100 g) content and low phytic acid (0.652 g/100 g). These promising compositions provide practical support for the development of high-value food and feed varieties using effective breeding strategies, ultimately contributing to improved global food security.

Food Sci Nutr ; 11(9): 5446-5459, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37701188


Quinoa belongs to the family Chenopodiaceae, a pseudo-grain having high nutritional value and is considered an underexploited vegetable crop with the potential to improve the nutritional security of millions. Therefore, assessing genetic diversity in Chenopodium germplasm to untap nutritional and site-specific adaptation potential would be of prime importance for breeders/researchers. The present study used 10 accessions of two Chenopodium species, that is, C. quinoa and C. album. Quantitative and qualitative phenotypic traits, proximate composition, minerals, and amino acids profiles were studied to compare the differences in nutritional value and extent of genetic diversity between these two species. Our results showed significant variation existed in yield attributing agro-morphological traits. All the traits were considered for hierarchical clustering and principal components analysis. Large genetic variability was observed in traits of Chenopodium accessions. The protein, dietary fiber, oil, and sugar content ranged from 16.6% to 19.7%, 16.8% to 26%, 3.54% to 8.46%, and 3.74% to 5.64%, respectively. The results showed that C. album and C. quinoa seeds had good nutritional value and health-promoting benefits. The C. quinoa was slightly ahead of than C. album in terms of nutritional value, but C. album accession IC415477 was at par for higher test weight, seed yield (117.02 g/plant), and other nutritional parameters with C. quinoa accessions. IC415477 and other potential accessions observed in this study may be taken up by breeders/researchers in the near future to dissect nutritional value of Chenopodium and related species for dietary diversity, which is imperative for the nutritional security of the ever-growing world's population.

Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1179547, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37346119


Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) is an orphan legume of Vigna genus, exhibiting wide adaptability and has the potential to grow well in arid and semi-arid areas, predominantly across different eco-geographical regions of Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent. The inherent adaptive attributes of this crop have made it more tolerant towards a diverse array of abiotic and biotic stresses that commonly restrain yield among other Vigna species. Additionally, the legume is recognized for its superior nutritional quality owing to its high protein content as well as amino acid, mineral and vitamin profile and is utilized as both food and fodder. Moth bean can play a vital role in sustaining food grain production, enhancing nutritional security as well as provide a source of income to resource-poor farmers amid rise in global temperatures and frequent drought occurrences, particularly in rain-fed cropping systems which accounts for about 80% of the world's cultivated land. However, this minor legume has remained underutilized due to over-exploitation of major staple crops. With the exception of a few studies involving conventional breeding techniques, crop improvement in moth bean for traits such as late maturity, indeterminate growth habit, shattering and anti-nutritional factors has not garnered a lot of attention. Recent advances in sequencing technologies, modern breeding approaches and precision phenotyping tools, in combination with the available crop gene pool diversity in gene banks, can accelerate crop improvement in moth bean and lead to the development of improved cultivars. Considering the recent surge in awareness about the development of climate-smart crops for sustainable agricultural future, collective effort towards effective utilization of this hardy, neglected legume is the need of the hour.

Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1151057, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37123843


Two major future challenges are an increase in global earth temperature and a growing world population, which threaten agricultural productivity and nutritional food security. Underutilized crops have the potential to become future climate crops due to their high climate-resilience and nutritional quality. In this context, C4 pseudocereals such as grain amaranths are very important as C4 crops are more heat tolerant than C3 crops. However, the thermal sensitivity of grain amaranths remains unexplored. Here, Amaranthus hypochondriacus was exposed to heat stress at the vegetative and reproductive stages to capture heat stress and recovery responses. Heat Shock Factors (Hsfs) form the central module to impart heat tolerance, thus we sought to identify and characterize Hsf genes. Chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) reduced significantly during heat stress, while malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased, suggesting that heat exposure caused stress in the plants. The genome-wide analysis led to the identification of thirteen AhHsfs, which were classified into A, B and C classes. Gene expression profiling at the tissue and developmental scales resolution under heat stress revealed the transient upregulation of most of the Hsfs in the leaf and inflorescence tissues, which reverted back to control levels at the recovery time point. However, a few Hsfs somewhat sustained their upregulation during recovery phase. The study reported the identification, physical location, gene/motif structure, promoter analysis and phylogenetic relationships of Hsfs in Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Also, the genes identified may be crucial for future gene functional studies and develop thermotolerant cultivars.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 898220, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35812955


The northwest Indian Himalayas are often regarded as a biological hotspot for the presence of rich agro-biodiversity harboring locally adapted traditional crop landraces facing utter neglect owing to modern agricultural systems promoting high-yielding varieties. Addressing this challenge requires extricating the potential of such cultivars in terms of agro-morphological and nutritional attributes. In this study, 29 traditional crop landraces of maize (11), paddy (07), finger millet (03), buckwheat (05), and naked barley (03) were characterized and evaluated for target traits of interest. In maize, Chitkanu emerged as an early maturing landrace (107 days) with high concentrations of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and potassium (K), and Safed makki showed the highest 100-seed weight (28.20 g). Similarly, Bamkua dhan exhibited high concentrations of K and phosphorus (P), and Lamgudi dhan showed a high protein content (14.86 g/100 g) among paddy landraces. Ogla-I and Phapra-I showed high contents of protein (14.80 g/100 g) and flavonoids (20.50 mg/g) among buckwheat landraces, respectively, followed by Nei-I, which exhibited the highest protein content (15.66 g/100 g) among naked barley landraces. Most of the target traits varied significantly (p < 0.05) among evaluated samples, except those associated with finger millet landraces. The grouping pattern obtained by principal component analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling (MDS) was congruent with the geographical relationship among the crop landraces. This study led to the identification of elite crop landraces having useful variations that could be exploited in plant breeding programs and biofortification strategies for future crop improvement. Our endeavor would aid in conserving the depleting Himalayan agro-biodiversity and promoting versatile traditional crops toward mainstream agriculture vis-à-vis future nutritional security.

Plant Dis ; 2020 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32936743


Leymus secalinus (Blue wild rye) is a perennial grass species distributed in Leh-Ladakh region of India. Culms are usually solitary, 20-100 cm tall, 2-5-noded, smooth and glabrous. It is found on mountain slopes, rocky, stony and pebbled soils, grassy places, river banks, sandy and alkaline soils. It is one of the dominant species of the region and is mostly used for forage and grazing. L. secalinus plants with blackish-brown powdery spore mass/sori on the culm was observed in Leh region of Jammu and Kashmir, India during a wheat germplasm exploration (to collect wild relatives, land races, cultivars etc. of cultivated wheat) in September, 2018. Initially, sori were covered by the leaf sheath and at later stage more or less exposed with the absence of peridium. Infected culms and leaves are stunted, while inflorescences are abortive. Spores are globose, sub-globose to ovoid, blackish-brown in color, 3-5 x 4-4.5 µm in size, wall 0.5 µm thick and smooth. The fungus was identified as Tranzscheliella hypodytes (Schltdl.) Vanky & McKenzie based on morphological characteristics (Li et al. 2017; Vanky 2012, 2003; Vanky and McKenzie 2002). The ustilospore germination was not observed on potato dextrose agar during the lab experiment. In some cases, ustilospore germination is recorded in other smut fungi which shows considerable variation according to media and conditions used (Ingold, 1983). Moreover, there is no report available for the artificial culture of T. hypodytes. Identity was confirmed using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA, amplified with universal primers ITS1 which was then sequenced. NCBI-BLAST showed 99.28% similarity with the ITS sequences of Tranzscheliella hypodytes (GenBank accession no. MH855460.1). The sequence was deposited in NCBI GenBank with accession number (MN108147). Pathogenecity test was conducted in glasshouse wherein smut infected samples of L. secalinus collected from Leh were made into small pieces and mixed with the sterilized soil filled in three pots before sowing. In addition, seeds were also mixed with smut spores before sowing. Inoculated pots after sowing were kept at 16±20C temperature and a relative humidity of 70% in a glass house. Control pots were maintained without inoculum. Inoculated and control pots were placed in separate chambers of the same glasshouse. Seventy days after sowing, inoculated plants were symptomatic, matching those described above and produced no seed. Pathogen reisolated from infected plants was identical in all respects to the isolate used to inoculate the plants, which confirmed the Koch's postulates. Control plants remained healthy and produced seed. Leh region is covered by sparse vegetation due to its topography and cold desert climate (cold, dry winter and warm, dry summer with very low precipitation, occuring in temperate region). Stem smut in L. secalinus can have significant negative impact on the fodder and grazing situation of the region. To our knowledge, this is the first report of stem smut caused by T. hypodytes on L. secalinus in India. A voucher specimen of the fungus was deposited at Herbarium Cryptogamae Indiae Orientialis (HCIO) (52182), ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

Biotechnol Adv ; 39: 107479, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31707074


Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) under the family Polygonaceae is an ancient pseudocereal with stupendous but less studied nutraceutical properties. The gluten free nature of protein, balanced amino acid profile and health promoting bioactive flavonoids make it a golden crop of future. Besides a scanty basic research, not much attention has been paid to the improvement of plant type and breeding of nutraceutical traits. Scanning of scientific literature indicates that adequate genetic variation exists for agronomic and nutritional traits in mainstream and wild gene pool of buckwheat. However, the currently employed conventional approaches together with poorly understood genetic mechanisms restrict effective utilization of the existing genetic variation in nutraceutical breeding of buckwheat. The latest trends in buckwheat genomics, particularly avalilabity of draft genome sequences for both the cultivated species (F. esculentum and F.tataricum) hold immense potential to overcome these limitations. Utilizing the transgenic hairy rot cultures, role of various transcription factors and gene families have been deduced in production and biosynthesis of bioactive flavonoids. Further, the acquisition of high-density genomics data coupled with the next-generation phenotyping will certainly improve our understanding of underlying genetic regulation of nutraceutical traits. The present paper highlights the application of multilayered omics interventions for tailoring a nutrient rich buckwheat cultivar and nutraceutical product development.

Fagopyrum , Suplementos Dietéticos , Genómica , Factores de Transcripción