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Chem Sci ; 2024 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39176245


Quantum chemical calculations are reported for the complexes of alkaline earth metals AeOLi2 (Ae = Be-Ba) at the BP86-D3(BJ)/def2-QZVPP and CCSD(T)/def2-QZVPPQZVPP levels. The nature of the Ae-OLi2 bond has been analyzed with a variety of methods. The AeOLi2 molecules exhibit an unprecedented σ donor bond Ae→OLi2 where the (n)s2 lone-pair electrons of the Ae atom are donated to vacant O-Li2 antibonding orbitals having the largest coefficient at lithium. This is a covalent bond where the accumulation of the associated electronic charge is located at two positions above and below the Ae-OLi2 axis. The bifurcated component of orbital interactions is structurally related to the recently proposed collective bonding model, but exhibits a completely different type of bonding. The most stable isomer of AeOLi2 has a C 2v geometry and a singlet (1A1) electronic ground state. The bond dissociation energy (BDE) of the Ae-OLi2 bonds exhibits a zig-zag trend from BeOLi2 to BaOLi2, with BeOLi2 having the largest BDE (D e = 73.0 kcal mol-1) and MgOLi2 possessing the lowest BDE (D e = 42.3 kcal mol-1) at the CCSD(T) level. The calculation of the atomic partial charges by the Hirshfeld and Voronoi methods suggests that Be and Mg carry small negative charges in the lighter molecules whereas the heavier atoms Ca-Ba have small positive charges. In contrast, the NBO and QTAIM methods give positive charges for all Ae atoms that are larger for Ca-Ba than that calculated by the Hirshfeld and Voronoi approaches. The molecules AeOLi2 have large dipole moments where the negative end is at the Ae atom with the polarity Ae→OLi2. The largest dipole moments are predicted for the lighter species BeOLi2 and MgOLi2 and the smallest value is calculated for BaOLi2. The calculation of the vibrational spectra shows a significant red-shift toward lower wave numbers for the Ae-OLi2 stretching mode in comparison to diatomic AeO. Besides the Ae→OLi2 σ-donor bonds there are also three dative bonds due to Ae←OLi2 backdonation which consist of one σ bond and two π bonds. The appearance of strong Ae→OLi2 σ donation leads to quadruple bonds AeOLi2 in all systems AeOLi2, even for the lightest species with Ae = Be, Mg. The valence orbitals of Ca, Sr, and Ba, which are involved in the dative interactions, are the (n)s and (n-1)d AOs whereas Be and Mg use their (n)s and (n)p AOs. The EDA-NOCV results are supported by the AdNDP calculations which give four 2c-2e bonding orbitals. Three bonding orbitals have occupation numbers ∼2. One σ orbital has smaller occupation numbers between 1.32 and 1.73 due to the delocalization to the lithium atoms. The analysis of the electronic structure with the ELF method suggests multicenter bonds with mainly trisynaptic and tetrasynaptic basins, which also support the results of the EDA-NOCV calculations.

Inorg Chem ; 63(30): 13938-13947, 2024 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996364


The recent report of planar tetracoordinate hydrogen (ptH) in In4H+ is very intriguing in planar hypercoordinate chemistry. Our high-level CCSD(T) calculations revealed that the proposed D4h-symmetric ptH In4H+ is a first-order saddle point with an imaginary frequency in the out-of-plane mode of the hydrogen atom. In fact, at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z/aug-cc-pV5Z-PP level, the C4v isomer, with the H atom located 0.70 Å above the In4 plane, is 0.5 kcal/mol more stable than the D4h isomer. However, given the small perturbation from planarity and essentially barrierless C4v ↔ D4h ↔ C4v transition, the vibrationally averaged structure can still be considered as a planar. Extending our exploration to the InnTl4-nH+ (n = 0-3) systems, we found all these ptH structures, except for In2Tl2H+, to be the putative global minimum. The single σ-delocalized interaction between the central hydrogen atom and InnTl4-n ligand rings proves pivotal in establishing planarity and aromaticity and conferring substantial stability upon these rule-breaking ptH species.

J Am Chem Soc ; 2024 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38843775


The quest for planar hypercoordinate atoms (phA) beyond six has predominantly focused on transition metals, with dodecacoordination being the highest reported thus far. Extending this bonding scenario to main-group elements, which typically lack d orbitals despite their larger atomic radius, has posed significant challenges. Intrigued by the potentiality of covalent bonding formation using the d orbitals of the heavier alkaline-earth metals (Ae = Ca, Sr, Ba), the so-called "honorary transition metals", we aim to push the boundaries of planar hypercoordination. By including rings formed by 12-15 atoms of boron-carbon and Ae centers, we propose a design scheme of 180 candidates with a phA. Further systematic screening, structural examination, and stability assessments identified 10 potential clusters with a planar hypercoordinate alkaline-earth metal (phAe) as the lowest-energy form. These unconventional structures embody planar dodeca-, trideca-, tetradeca-, and pentadecacoordinate atoms. Chemical bonding analyses reveal the important role of Ae d orbitals in facilitating covalent interactions between the central Ae atom and the surrounding boron-carbon rings, thereby establishing a new record for coordination numbers in the two-dimensional realm.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(24): 4806-4813, 2024 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38839423


Recently, Guha and co-workers (Sarmah, K.; Kalita, A.; Purkayastha, S.; Guha, A. K. Pushing The Extreme of Multicentre Bonding: Planar Pentacoordinate Hydride. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202318741) reported a highly intriguing bonding motif: planar pentacoordinate hydrogen (ppH) in Li5H6-, featuring C2v symmetry in the singlet state with two distinct H-Li (center-ring) bond distances. We herein revisited the potential energy surface of Li5H6- by using a target-oriented genetic algorithm. Our investigation revealed that the lowest-energy structure of Li5H6- exhibits a ppH configuration with very high D5h symmetry and a 1A1' electronic state. We did not find any electronic effect like Jahn-Teller distortion that could be responsible for lowering its symmetry. Moreover, our calculations demonstrated significant differences in the relative energies of other low-lying isomers. An energetically very competitive planar tetracoordinate hydrogen (ptH) isomer is also located, but it corresponds to a very shallow minimum on the potential energy surface depending on the used level of theory. Chemical bonding analyses, including AdNDP and EDA-NOCV, uncover that the optimal Lewis structure for Li5H6- involves H- ions stabilized by the Li5H5 crown. Surprisingly, despite the dominance of electrostatic interactions, the contribution from covalent bonding is also significant between ppH and the Li5H5 moiety, derived from H-(1s) → Li5H5 σ donation. Magnetically induced current density analysis revealed that due to minimal orbital overlap and the highly polar nature of the H-Li covalent interaction, the ppH exhibits local diatropic ring currents around the H centers, which fails to result in a global aromatic ring current. The coordination of Li5H6- with Lewis acids, BH3 and BMe3, instantly converts the ppH configuration to (quasi) ptH. These Lewis acid-bound ptH complexes show high electronic stability and high thermochemical stability against dissociation and, therefore, will be ideal candidates for the experimental realization.

J Chem Phys ; 160(18)2024 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38738611


We perform detailed potential energy surface explorations of BeM(CO)3- (M = Co, Rh, Ir) and BeM(CO)3 (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) using both single-reference and multireference-based methods. The present results at the CASPT2(12,12)/def2-QZVPD//M06-D3/def2-TZVPPD level reveal that the global minimum of BeM(CO)3- (M = Co, Rh, Ir) and BePt(CO)3 is a C3v symmetric structure with an 1A1 electronic state, where Be is located in a terminal position bonded to M along the center axis. For other cases, the C3v symmetric structure is a low-lying local minimum. Although the present complexes are isoelectronic with the recently reported BFe(CO)3- complex having a B-Fe quadruple bond, radial orbital-energy slope (ROS) analysis reveals that the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) in the title complexes is slightly antibonding in nature, which bars a quadruple bonding assignment. Similar weak antibonding nature of HOMO in the previously reported BeM(CO)4 (M = Ru, Os) complexes is also noted in ROS analysis. The bonding analysis through energy decomposition analysis in combination with the natural orbital for chemical valence shows that the bonding between Be and M(CO)3q (q = -1 for M = Co, Rh, Ir and q = 0 for M = Ni, Pd, Pt) can be best described as Be in the ground state (1S) interacting with M(CO)30/- via dative bonds. The Be(spσ) → M(CO)3q σ-donation and the complementary Be(spσ) ← M(CO)3q σ-back donation make the overall σ bond, which is accompanied by two weak Be(pπ) ← M(CO)3q π-bonds. These complexes represent triply bonded terminal beryllium in an unusual zero oxidation state.

Chemphyschem ; 25(13): e202300816, 2024 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563655


The introduction of transition-metal doping has engendered a remarkable array of unprecedented boron motifs characterized by distinctive geometries and bonding, particularly those heretofore unobserved in pure boron clusters. In this study, we present a perfect (no defects) boron framework manifesting an inherently high-symmetry, bowl-like architecture, denoted as MB16 - (M=Sc, Y, La). In MB16 -, the B16 is coordinated to M atoms along the C5v-symmetry axis. The bowl-shaped MB16 - structure is predicted to be the lowest-energy structure with superior stability, owing to its concentric (2 π+10 π) dual π aromaticity. Notably, the C5v-symmetry bowl-like B16 - is profoundly stabilized through the doping of an M atom, facilitated by strong d-pπ interactions between M and boron motifs, in conjunction with additional electrostatic stabilization by an electron transfer from M to the boron motifs. This concerted interplay of covalent and electrostatic interactions between M and bowl-like B16 renders MB16 - a species of exceptional thermodynamic stability, thus making it a viable candidate for gas-phase experimental detection.

Chemistry ; 30(34): e202400714, 2024 Jun 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622057


Quantum chemical calculations using ab initio methods at the MRCI+Q(8,9)/def2-QZVPPD and CCSD(T)/def2-QZVPPD levels as well as using density functional theory are reported for the diatomic molecules AeN- (Ae=Ca, Sr, Ba). The anions CaN- and SrN- have electronic triplet (3Π) ground states with nearly identical bond dissociation energies De ~57 kcal/mol calculated at the MRCI+Q(8,9)/def2-QZVPPD level. In contrast, the heavier homologue BaN- has a singlet (1Σ+) ground state, which is only 1.1 kcal/mol below the triplet (3Σ-) state. The computed bond dissociation energy of (1Σ+) BaN- is 68.4 kcal/mol. The calculations at the CCSD(T)-full/def2-QZVPPD and BP86-D3(BJ)/def2-QZVPPD levels are in reasonable agreement with the MRCI+Q(8,9)/def2-QZVPPD data, except for the singlet (1Σ+) state, which has a large multireference character. The calculated atomic partial charges given by the CM5, Voronoi and Hirshfeld methods suggest small to medium-sized Ae←N- charge donation for most electronic states. In contrast, the NBO method predicts for all species medium to large Ae→N- electronic charge donation, which is due to the neglect of the (n)p AOs of Ae atoms as genuine valence orbitals. Neither the bond orders nor the bond lengths correlate with the bond dissociation energies. The EDA-NOCV calculations show that the heavier alkaline earth atoms Ca, Sr, Ba use their (n)s and (n-1)d orbitals for covalent bonding.

Inorg Chem ; 63(1): 653-660, 2024 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38146259


Quantum chemical calculations are carried out to design highly symmetric-doped boron clusters by employing the transition metal behavior of heavier alkaline earth (Ae = Ca, Sr, and Ba) metals. Following an electron counting rule, a set of monocyclic and tubular boron clusters capped by two heavier Ae metals were tested, which leads to the highly symmetric Ae2B8, Ae2B18, and Ae2B30 clusters as true minima on the potential energy surface having a monocyclic ring, two-ring tubular, and three-ring tubular boron motifs, respectively. Then, a thorough global minimum (GM) structural search reveals that a monocyclic B8 ring capped with two Ae atoms is indeed a GM for Ca2B8 and Ba2B8, while for Sr2B8 it is a low-lying isomer. Similarly, the present search also unambiguously shows the most stable isomers of Ae2B18 and Ae2B30 to be highly symmetric two- and three-ring tubular boron motifs, respectively, capped with two Ae atoms on each side of the tube. In these Ae-doped boron clusters, in addition to the electrostatic interactions, a substantial covalent interaction, specifically the bonding occurring between (n - 1)d orbitals of Ae and delocalized orbitals of boron motifs, provides the essential driving force behind their highly symmetrical structures and overall stability.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(36): 24853-24861, 2023 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37672278


C2 has attracted considerable attention from the scientific community for its debatable bonding situation. Herein, we show that the global minima of M2B2 and M3B2+ (M = Li, Na) possess similar covalent bonding patterns to C2. Because of strong charge transfer from M2/M3 to B2 dimer, they can be better described as [M2]2+[B2]2- and [M3]3+[B2]2- salt complexes with the B22- core surrounded perpendicularly by two and three M+ atoms, respectively. The energy decomposition analyses in combination with the natural orbital for chemical valence theory give four bonding components in C2, M2B2, and M3B2+ clusters. However, the fourth component does not arise from a bonding interaction but from polarization/hybridization. Considering the effect of Pauli repulsion in σ-space, the attractive covalent interaction in these molecules mainly comes from the two π-bonds. We further presented stable N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) and triphenylphosphine (PPh3) ligands bound Li2B2(NHC)2 and Li2B2(PPh3)2 complexes. A comparative study of reactivity towards L = CO2, CO, and N2 between Li2B2(NHC)2 and B2(NHC)2 is also performed. L-Li2B2(NHC)2 is highly stable against L dissociation at room temperature for L = CO2 and CO, and the stability is markedly higher than that in L-B2(NHC)2. The larger B2→L π-backdonation in L-Li2B2(NHC)2 also makes L more activated than in L-B2(NHC)2.

Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi ; 30(6): 1752-1756, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36476899


OBJECTIVE: To observe the evaluation value of characteristics of bone marrow cell morphology and immunophenotype in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) leukemia on the bone marrow invasion of NHL. METHODS: The clinical data of 104 patients with NHL treated in the hospital from March 2016 to March 2021 were retrospectively analyzed, the characteristics of bone marrow smear morphology were recorded, and the analysis of bone marrow immunophenotype was performed, the evaluation value of bone marrow cell morphology and immunophenotype on NHL bone marrow invasion was analyzed. RESULTS: One hundred and four patients with NHL leukemia were found to have increased lymphoma cells by examination of bone marrow cell morphology, including 57 cases of B-cell type, 39 cases of T-cell type and 8 cases of NK/T cell type. The characteristics of bone marrow cell morphology were as follows: the cell body was large, irregular or round like in shape, the cytoplasm was much and mostly stained blue, a few cells could see a few granules, the nucleus was round or round like, some were twisted, the chromatin was thick and nucleolus was different, of which the T-cell type lymphoma cells had strong heteromorphism and more obvious nucleolus. B-cell type mainly expressed CD19, HLA-DR and CD20, and the positive rate was ≥70%. T-cell type mainly expressed CD7, HLA-DR and CD38, and the positive rate was ≥40%. NK/T cell types mainly expressed CD56 and CD161, and the positive rates was ≥50%. Compared the proportion of lymphoma cells between bone marrow smear and immunophenotype examination, there was no statistical significant difference (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: The characteristics of bone marrow cell morphology and immunophenotype have certain application value in the evaluation of bone marrow invasion in patients with NHL leukemia, both can complement each other and provide a feasible mean for the effective evaluation of bone marrow invasion in patients with NHL leukemia.

Leucemia , Linfoma no Hodgkin , Linfoma , Humanos , Médula Ósea , Estudios Retrospectivos , Células de la Médula Ósea , Antígenos HLA-DR
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 4918, 2021 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33649362


Denitrification is an important part of the nitrogen cycle and the key step to removal of nitrogen in surface-flow wetlands. In this study, we explored space-time analysis with high-throughput sequencing to elucidate the relationships between denitrifying bacteria community structures and environmental factors during different seasons. Our results showed that along the flow direction of different processing units, there were dynamic changes in physical and chemical indicators. The bacterial abundance indexes (ACEs) in May, August, and October were 686.8, 686.8, and 996.2, respectively, whereas the Shannon-Weiner indexes were 3.718, 4.303, and 4.432, respectively. Along the flow direction, the denitrifying bacterial abundance initially increased and then decreased subsequently during the same months, although diversity tended to increase. The abundance showed similar changes during the different months. Surface flow wetlands mainly contained the following denitrifying bacteria genus: unclassified Bacteria (37.12%), unclassified Proteobacteria (18.16%), Dechloromonas (16.21%), unranked environmental samples (12.51%), unclassified Betaproteobacteria (9.73%), unclassified Rhodocyclaceae (2.14%), and Rhodanobacter (1.51%). During different seasons, the same unit showed alternating changes, and during the same season, bacterial community structures were influenced by the second genus proportion in different processing units. ACEs were strongly correlated with temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Bacterial diversity was strongly correlated with temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, and oxidation reduction potential. Denitrifying bacteria are greatly affected by environmental factors such as temperature and pH.

World J Diabetes ; 11(9): 374-390, 2020 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32994866


BACKGROUND: Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) and mRNAs are widely involved in various physiological and pathological processes. The use of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) is a novel therapeutic strategy that could promote insulin secretion and decrease the rate of ß-cell apoptosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. However, the specific lncRNAs and mRNAs and their functions in these processes have not been fully identified and elucidated. AIM: To identify the lncRNAs and mRNAs that are involved in the protective effect of GLP-1RA in ß cells, and their roles. METHODS: Rat gene microarray was used to screen differentially expressed (DE) lncRNAs and mRNAs in ß cells treated with geniposide, a GLP-1RA. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses were performed to assess the underlying functions of DE mRNAs. Hub mRNAs were filtered using the STRING database and the Cytoscape plugin, CytoHubba. In order to reveal the regulatory relationship between lncRNAs and hub mRNAs, their co-expression network was constructed based on the Pearson coefficient of DE lncRNAs and mRNAs, and competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) mechanism was explored through miRanda and TargetScan databases. RESULTS: We identified 308 DE lncRNAs and 128 DE mRNAs with a fold change filter of ≥ 1.5 and P value < 0.05. GO and KEGG pathway enrichment analyses indicated that the most enriched terms were G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway, inflammatory response, calcium signaling pathway, positive regulation of cell proliferation, and ERK1 and ERK2 cascade. Pomc, Htr2a, and Agtr1a were screened as hub mRNAs using the STRING database and the Cytoscape plugin, CytoHubba. This result was further verified using SwissTargetPrediction tool. Through the co-expression network and competing endogenous (ceRNA) mechanism, we identified seven lncRNAs (NONRATT027738, NONRATT027888, NONRATT030038, etc.) co-expressed with the three hub mRNAs (Pomc, Htr2a, and Agtr1a) based on the Pearson coefficient of the expression levels. These lncRNAs regulated hub mRNA functions by competing with six miRNAs (rno-miR-5132-3p, rno-miR-344g, rno-miR-3075, etc.) via the ceRNA mechanism. Further analysis indicated that lncRNA NONRATT027738 interacts with all the three hub mRNAs, suggesting that it is at a core position within the ceRNA network. CONCLUSION: We have identified key lncRNAs and mRNAs, and highlighted here how they interact through the ceRNA mechanism to mediate the protective effect of GLP-1RA in ß cells.

Ecol Evol ; 9(15): 8714-8723, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31410274


Examining the coordination of leaf and fine root traits not only aids a better understanding of plant ecological strategies from a whole-plant perspective, but also helps improve the prediction of belowground properties from aboveground traits. The relationships between leaf and fine root traits have been extensively explored at global and regional scales, but remain unclear at local scales. Here, we measured six pairs of analogous leaf and fine root traits related to resource economy and organ size for coexisting dominant and subordinate vascular plants at three successional stages of temperate forest swamps in Lingfeng National Nature Reserve in the Greater Hinggan Mountains, NE China. Leaf and fine root traits related to resource acquisition (e.g., specific leaf area [SLA], leaf N, leaf P, root water content, and root P) decreased with succession. Overall, we found strong linear relationships between leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and root water content, and between leaf and root C, N, and P concentrations, but only weak correlations were observed between leaf area and root diameter, and between SLA and specific root length (SRL). The strong relationships between LDMC and root water content and between leaf and root C, N, and P held at the early and late stages, but disappeared at the middle stage. Besides, C and P of leaves were significantly correlated with those of roots for woody plants, while strong linkages existed between LDMC and root water content and between leaf N and root N for herbaceous species. These results provided evidence for the existence of strong coordination between leaf and root traits at the local scale. Meanwhile, the leaf-root trait relationships could be modulated by successional stage and growth form, indicating the complexity of coordination of aboveground and belowground traits at the local scale.

Sci Total Environ ; 650(Pt 1): 1419-1425, 2019 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30308829


Microorganisms play crucial roles in the nitrogen removal processes of wetlands. However, the key functional genes and microbes related to the nitrogen removal remain largely unknown in the free water surface constructed wetland (FWS CW). Here we studied the abundances of denitrifiers by targeting the key functional genes (nirS, nirK and nosZ) and investigated the community compositions of denitrifiers and their correlations with the abiotic variables in a FWS CW. The increase of nosZ/(nirS + nirK) and nirS/nirK ratios in the outlet indicated a shift of denitrifiers' communities which tended to release less nitrous oxide at the genetic potential level. The denitrifiers dominated the bacterial community which also remarkably changed from the inlet to the outlet. PICRUSt analysis revealed that the denitrifiers contributed to 39.1% of the nitrogen metabolism, 38.9% of the amino acid metabolism and 25.6% of the amino acid related enzymes. Four bacterial genera including Hydrogenophaga, Hylemonella, Aquabacterium and Cellvibrio were detected as the putative keystone denitrifiers. The abundance (nirS, nirK and nosZ) and the relative abundance of putative keystone denitrifiers were significantly correlated with total organic carbon, oxidation-reduction potential and C/N ratio, which could be regarded as the determinants for the denitrification process in the free water.

Front Pharmacol ; 9: 1077, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30319414


Arctium lappa (burdock) is the most popular daily edible vegetable in China and Japan because of its general health tonic effects. Previous studies focused on the beneficial role of Arctigenin but neglected its potential side-effects and toxicities. In the present study, the sub-chronic toxicity profile of Arctigenin following 28 days of consecutive exposure was investigated in rats. The results showed that during the drug exposure period, Arctigenin-12 mg/kg administration resulted in focal necrosis and lymphocytes infiltration of heart ventricular septal muscle cells. In the kidney cortical zone, the renal tubular epithelial cells were swollen, mineralized, and lymphocyte infiltrated. In the liver, the partial hepatocyte cytoplasm showed vacuolation and fatty changes, focal necrosis, and interstitial lymphocyte infiltration. In the rats that underwent 36 mg/kg/day administration, there was bilateral testis and epididymis atrophy. In the lung and primary bronchus, erythrocytes and edema fluid were observed. Changes of proestrus or estrus were observed in the uterus, cervix, and vagina intimal epithelial cells. Lymphocytic focal infiltration occurred in the prostate mesenchyme. The high dosage of Arctigenin only decreased the body weight at day 4. At the end of the recovery period, histopathological changes were irreversible, even after withdrawal of the drug for 28 days. Focal necrosis still existed in the heart ventricular septal muscle cells and hepatocytes. Lymphocyte infiltrations were observed in the heart, renal cortex, hepatocyte, and pancreas exocrine gland. Meanwhile, atrophy occurred in the testicles and pancreas. In addition, in the Arctigenin-12 mg/kg group, creatinine (CREA) and brain weight were both significantly increased. The toxicokinetical study demonstrated that Arctigenin accumulated in the organs of rats. The food consumption, hematological, and biochemical parameters were not associated with the above results. These contradictory results might result from the lesions induced by Arctigenin, which were not sufficiently serious to change the parameters. These results suggest that Arctium lappa should be consumed daily with caution because of the potential toxicity induced by Arctigenin. According to all results, the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) was induced by 12 mg/kg daily exposure to Arctigenin, and the No-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) should be lower than 12 mg/kg.

Huan Jing Ke Xue ; 39(1): 415-421, 2018 Jan 08.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29965709


At the Jiapigou gold mine of the Songhua River upstream, reed leaves (Phragmites australis), soil, and water samples were collected from June (summer) and September (autumn) 2016 for the determination of mercury. Moreover, the mercury concentrations in the air were determined synchronously. Furthermore, the level of mercury pollution in the reed leaves was determined by a single factor pollution index method, and the relationships among mercury concentrations in the reed leaves and environmental factors were analyzed to research the distribution characteristics, influencing factors, and correlations around the gold mining area. The results show that, in terms of spatial distribution, the mercury concentrations in reed leaves, soil, and water gradually decay with the distance from the gold mining area, and the spatial distribution of the mercury concentrations in the air was not obvious. Regarding a temporal distribution, the mercury concentrations in the reed leaves in summer were lower than those in autumn in the heavy pollution areas, while the distribution in the light pollution areas was the opposite, as the mercury concentrations of air and soil in summer were higher than those in autumn. The influence of environmental factors on the mercury concentrations in the reed leaves was soil > air > water. In addition, after stopping gold mining and processing using mercury, the mercury source in the area was the soil.

Mercurio/análisis , Minería , Poaceae/química , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , China , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Oro , Hojas de la Planta/química , Ríos , Estaciones del Año , Suelo
Microb Ecol ; 74(4): 877-887, 2017 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28492987


Increasing efforts have been devoted to exploring the impact of environmental stresses on soil bacterial communities, but the work on the archaeal community is seldom. Here, we constructed microcosm experiments to investigate the responses of archaeal communities to the subsequent dry-rewetting (DW) disturbance in two contrasting soils (fluvo-aquic and red soil) after 6 years of copper pollution. Ten DW cycles were exerted on the two soils with different copper levels, followed by a 6-week recovery period. In both soils, archaeal diversity (Shannon index) in the high copper-level treatments increased over the incubation period, and archaeal community structure changed remarkably as revealed by the non-metric multidimensional scaling ordinations. In both soils, copper pollution altered the response of dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) to the DW disturbance. Throughout the incubation and recovery period, the resistance of archaeal abundance to the DW disturbance was higher in the copper-polluted soils than soils without pollution. Taken together, copper pollution altered the response of soil archaeal diversity and community composition to the DW disturbance and increased the resistance of the archaeal abundance. These findings have important implications for understanding soil microbial responses to ongoing environmental change.

Archaea/fisiología , Cobre/análisis , Microbiología del Suelo , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , Agua/análisis , Archaea/efectos de los fármacos , China , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Microbiota/efectos de los fármacos , Microbiota/fisiología , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Suelo/química
Front Plant Sci ; 8: 2253, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29379514


Hydrological conditions determine the distribution of plant species in wetlands, where conditions such as water depth and hydrological fluctuations are expected to affect the interspecific interactions among emergent wetland species. To test such effects, we conducted a greenhouse experiment with three treatment categories, interspecific interaction (mixed culture or monoculture), water depth (10 or 30 cm depth), and hydrological fluctuation (static or fluctuating water level), and two common emergent wetland plant species, Scirpus planiculumis Fr. (Cyperaceae) and Phragmites australis var. baiyangdiansis (Gramineae). An increase in the water depth significantly restrained the growth of both S. planiculumis and P. australis, while hydrological fluctuations did not obviously alter the growth of either species. In addition, both water depth and hydrological fluctuations significantly affected the interspecific interaction between these two wetland species. P. australis benefited from interspecific interaction under increasing water depth and hydrological fluctuations, and the RII values were clearly positive for plants grown at a water depth that fluctuated around 30 cm. The results may have some implications for understanding how S. planiculumis and P. australis, as well as wetland communities, respond to the natural variation or human modification of hydrological conditions.

Sci Rep ; 6: 36486, 2016 11 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27819344


SL4, a chalcone-based compound, has been shown to retard tumor invasion and angiogenesis by suppressing HIF1 activity and to induce apoptosis by promoting ROS release. Here, we report that SL4 is able to inhibit the proliferation of different types of breast cancer cell in vitro and in vivo by inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest. Our results showed that SL4 exhibited strong anti-proliferative activity in several human breast cancer cell lines, with IC50 values lower than 1.3 µM. Further studies indicated that SL4 induced G2/M arrest in these cell lines. Mechanistically, SL4 reduces the expression of cyclin A2 and cdc25C and decreases the activity of the cdc2/cyclin B1 complex. Notably, SL4 treatment resulted in an obvious increase in p21 mRNA and protein levels through activation of MAPK signaling pathways, but not the TGF-ß pathway. SP600125 and PD98059, specific inhibitors of JNK kinase and ERK kinase, significantly blocked the SL4-induced G2/M phase arrest and upregulation of p21. Furthermore, SL4 suppressed the growth of established breast tumors in nude mice through upregulation of p21 and downregulation of cdc25C, and displayed a good safety profile. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the potential value of SL4 as a novel multi-target anti-tumor drug candidate.

Antineoplásicos/farmacología , Chalconas/farmacología , Inhibidor p21 de las Quinasas Dependientes de la Ciclina/metabolismo , Puntos de Control de la Fase G2 del Ciclo Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Puntos de Control de la Fase M del Ciclo Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Proteínas Quinasas Activadas por Mitógenos/metabolismo , Transducción de Señal/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Antineoplásicos/química , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Neoplasias de la Mama/tratamiento farmacológico , Neoplasias de la Mama/metabolismo , Neoplasias de la Mama/patología , Proteína Quinasa CDC2/metabolismo , Línea Celular Tumoral , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Chalconas/química , Chalconas/uso terapéutico , Inhibidor p21 de las Quinasas Dependientes de la Ciclina/genética , Regulación hacia Abajo/efectos de los fármacos , Quinasas MAP Reguladas por Señal Extracelular/metabolismo , Femenino , Humanos , Proteínas Quinasas JNK Activadas por Mitógenos/metabolismo , Células MCF-7 , Ratones , Ratones SCID , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta/metabolismo