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Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14187, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37768192


Belowground biodiversity distribution does not necessarily reflect aboveground biodiversity patterns, but maps of soil biodiversity remain scarce because of limited data availability. Earthworms belong to the most thoroughly studied soil organisms and-in their role as ecosystem engineers-have a significant impact on ecosystem functioning. We used species distribution modeling (SDMs) and available data sets to map the spatial distribution of commonly observed (i.e., frequently recorded) earthworm species (Annelida, Oligochaeta) across Europe under current and future climate conditions. First, we predicted potential species distributions with commonly used models (i.e., MaxEnt and Biomod) and estimated total species richness (i.e., number of species in a 5 × 5 km grid cell). Second, we determined how much the different types of protected areas covered predicted earthworm richness and species ranges (i.e., distributions) by estimating the respective proportion of the range area. Earthworm species richness was high in central western Europe and low in northeastern Europe. This pattern was mainly associated with annual mean temperature and precipitation seasonality, but the importance of predictor variables to species occurrences varied among species. The geographical ranges of the majority of the earthworm species were predicted to shift to eastern Europe and partly decrease under future climate scenarios. Predicted current and future ranges were only poorly covered by protected areas, such as national parks. More than 80% of future earthworm ranges were on average not protected at all (mean [SD] = 82.6% [0.04]). Overall, our results emphasize the urgency of considering especially vulnerable earthworm species, as well as other soil organisms, in the design of nature conservation measures.

Efectos del clima sobre la distribución y conservación de la lombriz de tierra europea Resumen La distribución de la biodiversidad del subsuelo no refleja necesariamente los patrones de biodiversidad, pero los mapas de la biodiversidad del suelo aún son escasos debido a la disponibilidad limitada de datos. Las lombrices son uno de los organismos del suelo más estudiados a detalle­en su papel de ingenieros del ecosistema­y tienen un impacto significativo sobre el funcionamiento de ecosistema. Usamos modelos de distribución de especies (MDE) y conjuntos de datos disponibles para mapear la distribución espacial de las especies (Annelida, Oligochaeta) de lombrices más observadas (es decir, registradas con frecuencia) en toda Europa bajo el clima actual y el futuro. Primero pronosticamos la distribución potencial de las especies con modelos de uso común (MaxEnt y Biomod) y estimamos la riqueza total de especies (número de especies en una cuadrícula de 5 × 5 km). Después determinamos cuánto pronosticaban los diferentes tipos de áreas protegidas contempladas la riqueza de lombrices y la distribución de las especies mediante la estimación de la proporción respectiva del rango del área. La riqueza de especies fue alta en el occidente central y baja en el noreste de Europa. Este patrón estuvo asociado principalmente con la temperatura media anual y la estacionalidad de la precipitación, aunque la importancia de las variables de pronóstico para la presencia de la especie varió entre especies. Se pronosticó que la distribución geográfica de la mayoría de las especies cambiaría al este de Europa y disminuiría parcialmente bajo los escenarios climáticos futuros. El pronóstico de la distribución actual y futura contaba con una cobertura deficiente de las áreas protegidas, como los parques nacionales. En promedio, más del 80% de la distribución futura de las lombrices no estaba protegido (promedio [SD] = 82.6% [0.04]). En general, nuestros resultados destacan la urgencia por considerar a las especies vulnerables de lombrices, así como a otros organismos del suelo, en el diseño de las medidas de conservación.

Ecosistema , Oligoquetos , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Biodiversidad , Suelo , Cambio Climático
PLoS One ; 12(7): e0180517, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28715480


The vast bacteriophage population harbors an immense reservoir of genetic information. Almost 2000 phage genomes have been sequenced from phages infecting hosts in the phylum Actinobacteria, and analysis of these genomes reveals substantial diversity, pervasive mosaicism, and novel mechanisms for phage replication and lysogeny. Here, we describe the isolation and genomic characterization of 46 phages from environmental samples at various geographic locations in the U.S. infecting a single Arthrobacter sp. strain. These phages include representatives of all three virion morphologies, and Jasmine is the first sequenced podovirus of an actinobacterial host. The phages also span considerable sequence diversity, and can be grouped into 10 clusters according to their nucleotide diversity, and two singletons each with no close relatives. However, the clusters/singletons appear to be genomically well separated from each other, and relatively few genes are shared between clusters. Genome size varies from among the smallest of siphoviral phages (15,319 bp) to over 70 kbp, and G+C contents range from 45-68%, compared to 63.4% for the host genome. Although temperate phages are common among other actinobacterial hosts, these Arthrobacter phages are primarily lytic, and only the singleton Galaxy is likely temperate.

Arthrobacter/virología , Bacteriófagos/genética , Bacteriófagos/fisiología , Variación Genética , Genómica , Genoma Viral/genética
J Genet Syndr Gene Ther ; 4(6): 152, 2013 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24587967


INTRODUCTION: Ovarian cancer is the most deadly among all gynecological cancers. Patients undergoing systemic therapies of advanced ovarian cancers suffer from horrendous side effects. Cancer survivors and their offspring suffer from iatrogenic consequences of systemic therapies: genetic mutations. The ultimate goal of our work is development of therapies, which selectively and completely eliminate cancer cells, but do not harm healthy cells. An important consideration for attaining this goal is the fact that ovarian cancer cells over-express EGFR or its mutants, what becomes the factor discriminating them from healthy cells - a potential facilitator of personalized therapy. SPECIFIC AIM: The specific aim of this project was threefold: (1) to bioengineer suicide genes' carrying vectors guided by synthetic antibodies for EGFRvIII and EGFR; (2) to genetically engineer DNA constructs for the human, recombinant DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, and DFFB controlled by the EGFR promoter; (3) to selectively eradicate ovarian cancer cells by intranuclear targeting of the transgenically expressed recombinant DNases. METHODS: Synthetic antibodies for EGFR and EGFRvIII were selected from the human library and used to bioengineer biotag-guided transgenes' vectors. Coding sequences for the human DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, DFFB controlled by the EGFR promoter were amplified from the human cDNA and genetically engineered into the plasmid constructs also coding for the fusions with NLS and GFP. The vectors carrying transgenes for the DNases were delivered in vitro into human ovarian cancer cells from ascites and cultures. RESULTS: Synthetic antibody guided vectors delivered the transgenes for the recombinant DNases efficiently into the ovarian cancer cells. Transgenic expression and nuclear targeting of the DNases in those cells resulted in destruction of their genomes and led to their death, as validated by labeling with the molecular death tags. In healthy cells, which did not over-express EGFR, no changes were recorded. CONCLUSION: Targeted expression of the recombinant DNASE1, DNASE1L3, DNASE2, DFFB in the ovarian cancers in vitro resulted in their complete eradication, but had no effects upon the healthy cells. This novel therapeutic strategy has a potential for streamlining it into in vivo trials, as personalized, targeted therapy of ovarian and other cancers.
