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Nano Lett ; 23(16): 7568-7575, 2023 Aug 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37578460


We study low-frequency linearly polarized laser-dressing in materials with valley (graphene and hexagonal-Boron-Nitride) and topological (Dirac- and Weyl-semimetals) properties. In Dirac-like linearly dispersing bands, the laser substantially moves the Dirac nodes away from their original position, and the movement direction can be fully controlled by rotating the laser polarization. We prove that this effect originates from band nonlinearities away from the Dirac nodes. We further demonstrate that this physical mechanism is widely applicable and can move the positions of the valley minima in hexagonal materials to tune valley selectivity, split and move Weyl cones in higher-order Weyl semimetals, and merge Dirac nodes in three-dimensional Dirac semimetals. The model results are validated with ab initio calculations. Our results directly affect efforts for exploring light-dressed electronic structure, suggesting that one can benefit from band nonlinearity for tailoring material properties, and highlight the importance of the full band structure in nonlinear optical phenomena in solids.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 68(8): 751-752, 2023 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37024328
J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(5): 1409-1420, 2023 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36786824


We present an efficient method for propagating the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations in free space, based on the recently introduced Fourier contour deformation (FCD) approach. For potentials which are constant outside a bounded domain, FCD yields a high-order accurate numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation directly in free space, without the need for artificial boundary conditions. Of the many existing artificial boundary condition schemes, FCD is most similar to an exact nonlocal transparent boundary condition, but it works directly on Cartesian grids in any dimension, and runs on top of the fast Fourier transform rather than fast algorithms for the application of nonlocal history integral operators. We adapt FCD to time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), and describe a simple algorithm to smoothly and automatically truncate long-range Coulomb-like potentials to a time-dependent constant outside of a bounded domain of interest, so that FCD can be used. This approach eliminates errors originating from the use of artificial boundary conditions, leaving only the error of the potential truncation, which is controlled and can be systematically reduced. The method enables accurate simulations of ultrastrong nonlinear electronic processes in molecular complexes in which the interference between bound and continuum states is of paramount importance. We demonstrate results for many-electron TDDFT calculations of absorption and strong field photoelectron spectra for one and two-dimensional models, and observe a significant reduction in the size of the computational domain required to achieve high quality results, as compared with the popular method of complex absorbing potentials.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 7103, 2022 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36402766


The advent of ultrafast laser science offers the unique opportunity to combine Floquet engineering with extreme time resolution, further pushing the optical control of matter into the petahertz domain. However, what is the shortest driving pulse for which Floquet states can be realised remains an unsolved matter, thus limiting the application of Floquet theory to pulses composed by many optical cycles. Here we ionized Ne atoms with few-femtosecond pulses of selected time duration and show that a Floquet state can be observed already with a driving field that lasts for only 10 cycles. For shorter pulses, down to 2 cycles, the finite lifetime of the driven state can still be explained using an analytical model based on Floquet theory. By demonstrating that the amplitude and number of Floquet-like sidebands in the photoelectron spectrum can be controlled not only with the driving laser pulse intensity and frequency, but also by its duration, our results add a new lever to the toolbox of Floquet engineering.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(16): 167401, 2022 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306771


Recent experiments have demonstrated that light can induce a transition from the quantum paraelectric to the ferroelectric phase of SrTiO_{3}. Here, we investigate this terahertz field-induced ferroelectric phase transition by solving the time-dependent lattice Schrödinger equation based on first-principles calculations. We find that ferroelectricity originates from a light-induced mixing between ground and first excited lattice states in the quantum paraelectric phase. In agreement with the experimental findings, our study shows that the nonoscillatory second harmonic generation signal can be evidence of ferroelectricity in SrTiO_{3}. We reveal the microscopic details of this exotic phase transition and highlight that this phenomenon is a unique behavior of the quantum paraelectric phase.

Sci Adv ; 8(43): eadd6169, 2022 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36288317


Metals are canonical plasmonic media at infrared and optical wavelengths, allowing one to guide and manipulate light at the nanoscale. A special form of optical waveguiding is afforded by highly anisotropic crystals revealing the opposite signs of the dielectric functions along orthogonal directions. These media are classified as hyperbolic and include crystalline insulators, semiconductors, and artificial metamaterials. Layered anisotropic metals are also anticipated to support hyperbolic waveguiding. However, this behavior remains elusive, primarily because interband losses arrest the propagation of infrared modes. Here, we report on the observation of propagating hyperbolic waves in a prototypical layered nodal-line semimetal ZrSiSe. The observed waveguiding originates from polaritonic hybridization between near-infrared light and nodal-line plasmons. Unique nodal electronic structures simultaneously suppress interband loss and boost the plasmonic response, ultimately enabling the propagation of infrared modes through the bulk of the crystal.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(25): e2204219119, 2022 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35704757


We explore pump-probe high harmonic generation (HHG) from monolayer hexagonal-boron-nitride, where a terahertz pump excites coherent optical phonons that are subsequently probed by an intense infrared pulse that drives HHG. We find, through state-of-the-art ab initio calculations, that the structure of the emission spectrum is attenuated by the presence of coherent phonons and no longer comprises discrete harmonic orders, but rather a continuous emission in the plateau region. The HHG yield strongly oscillates as a function of the pump-probe delay, corresponding to ultrafast changes in the lattice such as specific bond compression or stretching dynamics. We further show that in the regime where the excited phonon period and the pulse duration are of the same order of magnitude, the HHG process becomes sensitive to the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of the driving field, even though the pulse duration is so long that no such sensitivity is observed in the absence of coherent phonons. The degree of CEP sensitivity versus pump-probe delay is shown to be a highly selective measure for instantaneous structural changes in the lattice, providing an approach for ultrafast multidimensional HHG spectroscopy. Remarkably, the obtained temporal resolution for phonon dynamics is ∼1 femtosecond, which is much shorter than the probe pulse duration because of the inherent subcycle contrast mechanism. Our work paves the way toward routes of probing phonons and ultrafast material structural changes with subcycle temporal resolution and provides a mechanism for controlling the HHG spectrum.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(12): 126601, 2021 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34597089


We predict the generation of bulk photocurrents in materials driven by bichromatic fields that are circularly polarized and corotating. The nonlinear photocurrents have a fully controllable directionality and amplitude without requiring carrier-envelope-phase stabilization or few-cycle pulses, and can be generated with photon energies much smaller than the band gap (reducing heating in the photoconversion process). We demonstrate with ab initio calculations that the photocurrent generation mechanism is universal and arises in gaped materials (Si, diamond, MgO, hBN), in semimetals (graphene), and in two- and three-dimensional systems. Photocurrents are shown to rely on sub-laser-cycle asymmetries in the nonlinear response that build-up coherently from cycle to cycle as the conduction band is populated. Importantly, the photocurrents are always transverse to the major axis of the co-circular lasers regardless of the material's structure and orientation (analogously to a Hall current), which we find originates from a generalized time-reversal symmetry in the driven system. At high laser powers (∼10^{13} W/cm^{2}) this symmetry can be spontaneously broken by vast electronic excitations, which is accompanied by an onset of carrier-envelope-phase sensitivity and ultrafast many-body effects. Our results are directly applicable for efficient light-driven control of electronics, and for enhancing sub-band-gap bulk photogalvanic effects.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(31)2021 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34315818


Optical cavities confine light on a small region in space, which can result in a strong coupling of light with materials inside the cavity. This gives rise to new states where quantum fluctuations of light and matter can alter the properties of the material altogether. Here we demonstrate, based on first-principles calculations, that such light-matter coupling induces a change of the collective phase from quantum paraelectric to ferroelectric in the [Formula: see text] ground state, which has thus far only been achieved in out-of-equilibrium strongly excited conditions [X. Li et al., Science 364, 1079-1082 (2019) and T. F. Nova, A. S. Disa, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, Science 364, 1075-1079 (2019)]. This is a light-matter hybrid ground state which can only exist because of the coupling to the vacuum fluctuations of light, a photo ground state The phase transition is accompanied by changes in the crystal structure, showing that fundamental ground state properties of materials can be controlled via strong light-matter coupling. Such a control of quantum states enables the tailoring of materials properties or even the design of novel materials purely by exposing them to confined light.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(22): 227401, 2021 Jun 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34152161


A phonoriton is an elementary excitation that is predicted to emerge from hybridization between exciton, phonon, and photon. Besides the intriguing many-particle structure, phonoritons are of interest as they could serve as functional nodes in devices that utilize electronic, phononic, and photonic elements for energy conversion and thermal transport applications. Although phonoritons are predicted to emerge in an excitonic medium under intense electromagnetic wave irradiation, the stringent condition for their existence has eluded direct observation in solids. In particular, on-resonance, intense pumping schemes have been proposed, but excessive photoexcitation of carriers prevents optical detection. Here, we theoretically predict the appearance of phonoritonic features in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) embedded in an optical cavity. The coherent superposition nature of phonoriton states is evidenced by the hybridization of exciton-polariton branches with phonon replicas that is tunable by the cavity-matter coupling strength. This finding simultaneously provides an experimental pathway for observing the predicted phonoritons and opens a new avenue for tuning materials properties.

Nano Lett ; 21(12): 5028-5035, 2021 06 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34082532


Floquet theory has spawned many exciting possibilities for electronic structure control with light, with enormous potential for future applications. The experimental demonstration in solids, however, remains largely unrealized. In particular, the influence of scattering on the formation of Floquet-Bloch states remains poorly understood. Here we combine time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with time-dependent density functional theory and a two-level model with relaxation to investigate the survival of Floquet-Bloch states in the presence of scattering. We find that Floquet-Bloch states will be destroyed if scattering-activated by electronic excitations-prevents the Bloch electrons from following the driving field coherently. The two-level model also shows that Floquet-Bloch states reappear at high field intensities where energy exchange with the driving field dominates over energy dissipation to the bath. Our results clearly indicate the importance of long scattering times combined with strong driving fields for the successful realization of various Floquet phenomena.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 1021, 2021 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33589638


The electro-optical properties of most semiconductors and insulators of technological interest are dominated by the presence of electron-hole quasi-particles, called excitons. The manipulation of excitons in dielectrics has recently received great attention, with possible applications in different fields including optoelectronics and photonics. Here, we apply attosecond transient reflection spectroscopy in a sequential two-foci geometry and observe sub-femtosecond dynamics of a core-level exciton in bulk MgF2 single crystals. Furthermore, we access absolute phase delays, which allow for an unambiguous comparison with theoretical calculations. Our results show that excitons surprisingly exhibit a dual atomic- and solid-like character, which manifests itself on different time scales. While the former is responsible for a femtosecond optical Stark effect, the latter dominates the attosecond excitonic response. Further theoretical investigation reveals a link with the exciton sub-femtosecond nanometric motion and allows us to envision a new route to control exciton dynamics in the close-to-petahertz regime.

Commun Chem ; 4(1): 73, 2021 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36697766


Sudden ionisation of a relatively large molecule can initiate a correlation-driven process dubbed charge migration, where the electron density distribution is expected to rapidly move along the molecular backbone. Capturing this few-femtosecond or attosecond charge redistribution would represent the real-time observation of electron correlation in a molecule with the enticing prospect of following the energy flow from a single excited electron to the other coupled electrons in the system. Here, we report a time-resolved study of the correlation-driven charge migration process occurring in the nucleic-acid base adenine after ionisation with a 15-35 eV attosecond pulse. We find that the production of intact doubly charged adenine - via a shortly-delayed laser-induced second ionisation event - represents the signature of a charge inflation mechanism resulting from many-body excitation. This conclusion is supported by first-principles time-dependent simulations. These findings may contribute to the control of molecular reactivity at the electronic, few-femtosecond time scale.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(13): 136401, 2020 Sep 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33034494


Time- and angular- resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure electron dynamics in solids. Recent advances in this technique have facilitated band and energy resolved observations of the effect that excited phonons, have on the electronic structure. Here, we show with the help of ab initio simulations that the Fourier analysis of the time-resolved measurements of solids with excited phonon modes enables the determination of the band- and mode-resolved electron-phonon coupling directly from the experimental data without any additional input from theory. Such an observation is not restricted to regions of strong electron-phonon coupling and does not require strongly excited or hot phonons, but can be employed to monitor the dynamical renormalization of phonons in driven phases of matter.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3567, 2020 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32678086


Van-der Waals (vdW) atomically layered crystals can act as optical waveguides over a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from Terahertz to visible. Unlike common Si-based waveguides, vdW semiconductors host strong excitonic resonances that may be controlled using non-thermal stimuli including electrostatic gating and photoexcitation. Here, we utilize waveguide modes to examine photo-induced changes of excitons in the prototypical vdW semiconductor, WSe2, prompted by femtosecond light pulses. Using time-resolved scanning near-field optical microscopy we visualize the electric field profiles of waveguide modes in real space and time and extract the temporal evolution of the optical constants following femtosecond photoexcitation. By monitoring the phase velocity of the waveguide modes, we detect incoherent A-exciton bleaching along with a coherent optical Stark shift in WSe2.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 2546, 2020 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32439923


The interaction of strong laser fields with matter intrinsically provides a powerful tool for imaging transient dynamics with an extremely high spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we study strong-field ionisation of laser-aligned molecules, and show a full real-time picture of the photoelectron dynamics in the combined action of the laser field and the molecular interaction. We demonstrate that the molecule has a dramatic impact on the overall strong-field dynamics: it sets the clock for the emission of electrons with a given rescattering kinetic energy. This result represents a benchmark for the seminal statements of molecular-frame strong-field physics and has strong impact on the interpretation of self-diffraction experiments. Furthermore, the resulting encoding of the time-energy relation in molecular-frame photoelectron momentum distributions shows the way of probing the molecular potential in real-time, and accessing a deeper understanding of electron transport during strong-field interactions.

J Chem Phys ; 152(12): 124119, 2020 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32241132


Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging route toward engineering materials with tailored properties is to find ways to design or selectively manipulate materials, especially at the quantum level. To this end, having a state-of-the-art ab initio computer simulation tool that enables a reliable and accurate simulation of light-induced changes in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems is of utmost importance. The first principles real-space-based Octopus project was born with that idea in mind, i.e., to provide a unique framework that allows us to describe non-equilibrium phenomena in molecular complexes, low dimensional materials, and extended systems by accounting for electronic, ionic, and photon quantum mechanical effects within a generalized time-dependent density functional theory. This article aims to present the new features that have been implemented over the last few years, including technical developments related to performance and massive parallelism. We also describe the major theoretical developments to address ultrafast light-driven processes, such as the new theoretical framework of quantum electrodynamics density-functional formalism for the description of novel light-matter hybrid states. Those advances, and others being released soon as part of the Octopus package, will allow the scientific community to simulate and characterize spatial and time-resolved spectroscopies, ultrafast phenomena in molecules and materials, and new emergent states of matter (quantum electrodynamical-materials).

Sci Adv ; 6(9): eaay2730, 2020 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32158939


Topologically nontrivial two-dimensional materials hold great promise for next-generation optoelectronic applications. However, measuring the Hall or spin-Hall response is often a challenge and practically limited to the ground state. An experimental technique for tracing the topological character in a differential fashion would provide useful insights. In this work, we show that circular dichroism angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy provides a powerful tool that can resolve the topological and quantum-geometrical character in momentum space. In particular, we investigate how to map out the signatures of the momentum-resolved Berry curvature in two-dimensional materials by exploiting its intimate connection to the orbital polarization. A spin-resolved detection of the photoelectrons allows one to extend the approach to spin-Chern insulators. The present proposal can be extended to address topological properties in materials out of equilibrium in a time-resolved fashion.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3473-3479, 2019 06 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31046291


We propose a robust and efficient way of controlling the optical spectra of two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures by quantum cavity embedding. The cavity light-matter coupling leads to the formation of exciton-polaritons, a superposition of photons and excitons. Our first-principles study demonstrates a reordering and mixing of bright and dark excitons spectral features and in the case of a type II van-der-Waals heterostructure an inversion of intra- and interlayer excitonic resonances. We further show that the cavity light-matter coupling strongly depends on the dielectric environment and can be controlled by encapsulating the active two-dimensional (2D) crystal in another dielectric material. Our theoretical calculations are based on a newly developed nonperturbative many-body framework to solve the coupled electron-photon Schrödinger equation in a quantum-electrodynamical extension of the Bethe-Salpeter approach. This approach enables the ab initio simulations of exciton-polariton states and their dispersion from weak to strong cavity light-matter coupling regimes. Our method is then extended to treat van der Waals heterostructures and encapsulated 2D materials using a simplified Mott-Wannier description of the excitons that can be applied to very large systems beyond reach for fully ab initio approaches.
