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J Clin Orthop Trauma ; 14: 156-161, 2021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33680821


BACKGROUND: As more evidence comes to light that hamstring harvesting may not be as benign a procedure as previously thought, considerable interest is being generated towards corelating the knee flexural strength deficits with the degree of tendon regeneration. The current study aimed to corelate knee flexion strength deficits with ultrasonographically quantified degree of hamstring regeneration after tendon harvest. STUDY DESIGN: 31 patients of ACL reconstruction with hamstring grafts were divided into 2 groups (6 months and 1-year post op) according to time of follow up. Ultrasonography of both the knees to assess Semitendinosus tendon dimensions was done. Regeneration was classified as non-significant, mild (Zone 1, till 4 cm above the lateral joint line), moderate (Zone 2 ,at the level of the lateral joint line) and significant (Zone 3, 1.5 cm below the lateral joint line) as the regenerate happens from proximal to distal. Regenerate dimensions were compared with US measurements from the opposite knee. Bilateral isokinetic strength tests of the knees were done to evaluate flexion strength, and strength deficits were compared with degree of tendon regeneration. RESULTS: 14 (45%) of cases had no regeneration at both time periods. 7 patients (41%) in the 6-month post-op group showed some form of regeneration, and 10 patients (71%) in the 1-year post-op group showed regeneration. 29/31 patients had some flexion strength deficit. Strength deficit correlated with the level and degree of tendon regeneration, with non-significant regeneration cases showing higher strength deficit (mean - 28.51%), and cases with significant regeneration showing least amount of strength deficit (mean - 3.66%). CONCLUSION: Flexion strength deficits after hamstring harvest are significant and corelate with degree of tendon regeneration, which improves over time. US is adequate to quantify degree of tendon regeneration, which in turn can help prognosticate return of flexion strength.

J Clin Orthop Trauma ; 16: 208-218, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33680834


BACKGROUND: Regeneration potential of Hamstring tendons after harvest assumes significant clinical relevance as its use has become widespread today. Methods which best assess the regeneration, extent and type of regeneration, plus issues related to functional loss are important for the surgeon to know. This review looks at the literature to find answers to the above questions. PURPOSE: To summarize the evidence in support of hamstring tendon regeneration, and the most appropriate modality for evaluation of regeneration. Additionally, to evaluate the regeneration in terms of complete or partial, extent and its impact on strength deficit and functional outcomes. METHODS: We did a systematic review of literature through specified search engines and identified 30 of 285 studies to be relevant (19 prospective and 11 retrospective). RESULTS: Evaluation of above data suggests tissue regeneration at harvest sites does occur (78.9% of semitendinosus and 42.7% of gracilis tendons), but this regeneration is variable. No established definition of regeneration exists; MRI is an adequate tool to identify regeneration, while biopsy is confirmative. USG is a cost-effective screening method and can document distal progress of regenerate. Semitendinosus and gracilis tendons regenerate at different rates and extents, and often fuse together, but there is no evidence to state that one regenerates better than the other. Proximal retraction of the muscle-tendon junction occurs, along with some atrophy, which affects function to a variable extent. Strength deficits may persist, but they may not convert to significant functional deficits. CONCLUSION: There is variable hamstring regeneration after harvest, with poorly defined definition of "regeneration". Some changes in the muscle itself, abnormal distal insertion and absence of regeneration in some are documented, along with strength deficits. Although overall functional deficits have been reported to be minimal, a definite change in the anatomy of the medial hamstrings is a factor to be kept in consideration. More information is needed about the long-term consequences.

Indian J Orthop ; 54(3): 246-255, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32399142


BACKGROUND: Rowing is an Olympic sport gaining popularity in India and injuries are common in these athletes. Determinants of performance, injury risk and training are all interrelated in rowing. Injuries result from various risk factors including fitness issues and improper techniques. Rowers should have adequate leg extension strength and lumbo-pelvic coordination to produce and transmit power from the legs to the oar handle. Biomechanical analysis of the rowing stroke can help in preventing injuries and optimise technique for best performance. It involves a detailed and systematic observation of movement patterns to establish the quality of the movement and provide feedback to the rower about the key variables affecting performance and injury risk. Kinetics such as foot forces and kinematics such as key joint angles can be accurately measured by instrumented foot stretcher and three-dimensional motion capture. AIM: To do a detailed review of literature regarding the incidence and risk factors for rowing injuries and to get an insight on the role of biomechanics in its management. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature review was carried out with standard academic search engines and databases including Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar using keywords of relevance. A total number of 38 articles were analysed and results were collated to compile this review report. RESULTS: Lumbar spine is most commonly injured (up to 53%), followed by rib cage (9-10%) and shoulder and other anatomical areas. Rowers with a trunk-driven rowing action will have a lower hip:trunk score and carry a high injury risk. A player with lumbar injury will take a minimum of 3-4 months to recover. CONCLUSION: Rowing injuries are common. Regular screening of the rowing athletes by comprehensive fitness and biomechanics assessment will help in prevention of injuries. Rowers need to be tested for pain, strength, flexibility, reproducibility of rowing action with modified mechanics, coordination, fatigue level, explosive power, aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Early recognition of risk factors and timely intervention is the key aspect of a successful return to play.

Indian J Orthop ; 54(3): 256-263, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32399143


Modern competitive sport has evolved so much that athletes would go to great extremes to develop themselves into champions; medicine has also evolved to the point that many genetic elements have been identified to be associated with specific athletic traits, and genetic alterations are also possible. The current review examines the published literature and looks at three important factors: genetic polymorphism influencing sporting ability, gene doping and genetic tendency to injury. The ACTN3 gene has an influence on type II muscle fibres, with the R allele being advantageous to power sports like sprinting and the XX genotype being associated with lower muscle strength and sprinting ability. The ACE gene polymorphisms are associated with cardio-respiratory efficiency and could influence endurance athletes. Many other genes are being looked at, with specific focus on those that are potentially related to enhancement of athletic ability. Recognition of these specific gene polymorphisms brings into play the concept of genetic engineering in athletes, which constitutes gene doping and is outlawed. This has the potential to develop into the next big threat in elite sports; gene doping could have dangerous and even fatal outcomes, as the knowledge of gene therapy is still in its infancy. Genetic predisposition to injury is also being identified; recent publications have increased the awareness of gene polymorphisms predisposing to injuries of ligaments and tendons due to influence on collagen structure and extracellular matrix. Ongoing work is looking at identifying the same genes from different races and different sexes to see if there are quantitative racial or sexual differences. All of the above have led to serious ethical concerns; in the twenty-first century some sports associations and some countries are looking at genetic testing for their players. Unfortunately, the science is still developing, and the experience of its application is limited worldwide. Nevertheless, this field has caught the imagination of both the public and the sportsperson, and hence the concerned doctors should be aware of the potential problems and current issues involved in understanding genetic traits and polymorphisms, genetic testing and genetic engineering.

Indian J Orthop ; 51(5): 529-536, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28966376


In the modern era, rehabilitation after sports injury has become a domain for specialists, and its evolution has necessarily brought together the sports physiotherapist, the sports physician, and the orthopedic surgeon. The changing profile of sports related injury, as well as limited availability of facilities for rehabilitation in many areas of India, is a matter of concern. Elite sportspersons have some protection, but the average athlete is often left to fend for himself. Key factors in successful sports injury rehabilitation protocols are the application of modern rehabilitation protocols under appropriate supervision, appropriate and well timed surgical interventions, and judicious and need based use of pharmaceutical agents. Modern rehabilitation protocols emphasize teamwork and proper rehabilitation planning, and the rehabilitation team has to be lead by a trained sports physiotherapist, with an understanding of the protocols and interventions required at various stages. Injury specific rehabilitation protocols are being practiced worldwide but need to be introduced according to the nature of the sport as well as available facilities. Even in India, sports physicians are increasingly joining specialist rehabilitation teams, and they can help with medication, nutritional supplements, and specialized tests that could improve injury understanding. Inputs from surgeons are mandatory if surgical interventions have been performed. What is often missing in the underdeveloped world is psychological support and a clear understanding by the athlete of his/her rehabilitation protocols. World over, the primary aims are safe return to sports and minimizing reinjury on return to sport; this involves rehabilitation in stages, and current methodology clearly demarcates acute and chronic phases of injury. Close coordination with trainers and coaches is mandatory, and all need to understand that the reconditioning phase is crucial; skill assessment before progression has now become a specialized domain and needs to be introduced at all levels of the sport. A key factor in all sports injury rehabilitation protocols is injury prevention; this involves data maintenance by teams or trainers, which is still not fully developed in the Indian context. The injury and subsequent problems need to be comprehended both by athletes and their coaches. The current review is an attempt to clarify some of the issues that are important and routinely used world over, with the aim to improving rehabilitation after sports even in the underdeveloped world.

J Orthop Case Rep ; 7(3): 25-30, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29051874


INTRODUCTION: Hamulus fractures are uncommon injuries constituting 2-4% of carpal fractures and are usually reported in athletes. Stress fractures of hamulus are even rarer and very few cases have been reported till date. In this case report, we present the first documented case of stress fracture of hamulus in a cricket batsman and review the existing literature on hamulus fractures, both acute and stress fractures, in sportspersons in general. CASE REPORT: A 23-year-old, right-handed, cricket batsman presented with pain in the hypothenar region of his left hand of 7 weeks duration. The pain typically worsened during batting, and he had difficulty in gripping the bat. Plain radiographs were largely inconclusive; magnetic resonance images, however, demonstrated a stress fracture of the hamate hook. The patient was put on conservative management, and his bat grip was modified. He recovered completely within 12 weeks and went back to playing professional cricket. CONCLUSIONS: Hamulus stress fractures should be considered in cricketers presenting with chronic, non-traumatic, and ulnar-sided hand pain. The nonleading hand is more likely to be involved in a batter, as seen in other sports with a double haSnd grip. Nonoperative treatment, change of grip and adequate rehabilitation give good outcomes in most cases.
