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Chem Sci ; 15(15): 5434-5450, 2024 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38638233


Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) is a hot research topic in view of its impressive applications in a wide variety of fields from organic LEDs to photodynamic therapy and metal-free photocatalysis. TADF is a rare and fragile phenomenon that requires a delicate equilibrium between tiny singlet-triplet gaps, sizable spin-orbit couplings, conformational flexibility and a balanced contribution of charge transfer and local excited states. To make the picture more complex, this precarious equilibrium is non-trivially affected by the interaction of the TADF dye with its local environment. The concurrent optimization of the dye and of the embedding medium is therefore of paramount importance to boost practical applications of TADF. Towards this aim, refined theoretical and computational approaches must be cleverly exploited, paying attention to the reliability of adopted approximations. In this perspective, we will address some of the most important issues in the field. Specifically, we will critically review theoretical and computational approaches to TADF rates, highlighting the limits of widespread approaches. Environmental effects on the TADF photophysics are discussed in detail, focusing on the major role played by dielectric and conformational disorder in liquid solutions and amorphous matrices.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(2): 902-913, 2024 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37992126


The inversion of the lowest singlet and triplet excited states, observed in several triangle-shaped organic molecules containing conjugated carbon and nitrogen atoms, is an astonishing result that implies the breakdown of Hund's rule. The phenomenon attracted interest for its potential toward triplet harvesting in organic LEDs. On a more fundamental vein, the singlet-triplet (ST) inversion sheds new light on the role of electron correlations in the excited-state landscape of π-conjugated molecules. Relying on the celebrated Pariser-Parr-Pople model, the simplest model for correlated electrons in π-conjugated systems, we demonstrate that the ST inversion does not require triangle-shaped molecules nor any specific molecular symmetry. Indeed, the ST inversion does not require strictly non-overlapping HOMO and LUMO orbitals but rather a small gap and a small exchange integral between the frontier orbitals.

Mater Horiz ; 10(10): 4172-4182, 2023 Oct 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37522331


The design of efficient organic electronic devices, including OLEDs, OPVs, luminescent solar concentrators, etc., relies on the optimization of relevant materials, often constituted by an active (functional) dye embedded in a matrix. Understanding solid state solvation (SSS), i.e. how the properties of the active dye are affected by the matrix, is therefore an issue of fundamental and technological relevance. Here an extensive experimental and theoretical investigation is presented shedding light on this, somewhat controversial, topic. The spectral properties of the dye at equilibrium, i.e. absorption and Raman spectra, are not affected by the matrix dynamics. Reliable estimates of the matrix polarity are then obtained from an analysis of the micro-Raman spectra of polar dyes. Specifically, to establish a reliable polarity scale, the spectra of DCM or NR dispersed in amorphous matrices are compared with the spectra of the same dyes in liquid solvents with known polarity. On the other hand, steady-state emission spectra obtained in solid matrices depend in a highly non-trivial way on the matrix polarity and its dynamics. An extensive experimental and theoretical analysis of the time-resolved emission spectra of NR in a very large time window (15 fs-15 ns) allows us to validate this dye as a good probe of the dielectric dynamics of the surrounding medium. We provide a first assessment of the relaxation dynamics of two matrices (mCBPCN and DPEPO) of interest for OLED application, unambiguously demonstrating that the matrix readjusts for at least 15 ns after the dye photoexcitation.

Chem Sci ; 14(8): 1986-1996, 2023 Feb 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36845926


The phenomenon of excited-state symmetry breaking is often observed in multipolar molecular systems, significantly affecting their photophysical and charge separation behavior. As a result of this phenomenon, the electronic excitation is partially localized in one of the molecular branches. However, the intrinsic structural and electronic factors that regulate excited-state symmetry breaking in multibranched systems have hardly been investigated. Herein, we explore these aspects by adopting a joint experimental and theoretical investigation for a class of phenyleneethynylenes, one of the most widely used molecular building blocks for optoelectronic applications. The large Stokes shifts observed for highly symmetric phenyleneethynylenes are explained by the presence of low-lying dark states, as also established by two-photon absorption measurements and TDDFT calculations. In spite of the presence of low-lying dark states, these systems show an intense fluorescence in striking contrast to Kasha's rule. This intriguing behavior is explained in terms of a novel phenomenon, dubbed "symmetry swapping" that describes the inversion of the energy order of excited states, i.e., the swapping of excited states occurring as a consequence of symmetry breaking. Thus, symmetry swapping explains quite naturally the observation of an intense fluorescence emission in molecular systems whose lowest vertical excited state is a dark state. In short, symmetry swapping is observed in highly symmetric molecules having multiple degenerate or quasi-degenerate excited states that are prone to symmetry breaking.

J Chem Phys ; 154(14): 144106, 2021 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33858146


We report on first applications of the Multi-Layer Gaussian-based Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree (ML-GMCTDH) method [Römer et al., J. Chem. Phys. 138, 064106 (2013)] beyond its basic two-layer variant. The ML-GMCTDH scheme provides an embedding of a variationally evolving Gaussian wavepacket basis into a hierarchical tensor representation of the wavefunction. A first-principles parameterized model Hamiltonian for ultrafast non-adiabatic dynamics in an oligothiophene-fullerene charge transfer complex is employed, relying on a two-state linear vibronic coupling model that combines a distribution of tuning type modes with an intermolecular coordinate that also modulates the electronic coupling. Efficient ML-GMCTDH simulations are carried out for up to 300 vibrational modes using an implementation within the QUANTICS program. Excellent agreement with reference ML-MCTDH calculations is obtained.

J Chem Phys ; 153(18): 184107, 2020 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33187420


We report on quantum dynamical simulations of exciton diffusion in an oligo(para-phenylene vinylene) chain segment with 20 repeat units (OPV-20) at finite temperature, complementary to our recent study of the same system at T = 0 K [R. Binder and I. Burghardt, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 204120 (2020)]. Accurate quantum dynamical simulations are performed using the multi-layer multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree method as applied to a site-based Hamiltonian comprising 20 electronic states of Frenkel type and 460 vibrational modes, including site-local quinoid-distortion modes along with site-correlated bond-length alternation (BLA) modes, ring torsional modes, and an explicit harmonic-oscillator bath. A first-principles parameterized Frenkel-Holstein type Hamiltonian is employed, which accounts for correlations between the ring torsional modes and the anharmonically coupled BLA coordinates located at the same junction. Thermally induced fluctuations of the torsional modes are described by a stochastic mean-field approach, and their impact on the excitonic motion is characterized in terms of the exciton mean-squared displacement. A normal diffusion regime is observed under periodic boundary conditions, apart from transient localization features. Even though the polaronic exciton species are comparatively weakly bound, exciton diffusion is found to be a coherent-rather than hopping type-process, driven by the fluctuations of the soft torsional modes. Similar to the previous observations for oligothiophenes, the evolution for the most part exhibits a near-adiabatic dynamics of local exciton ground states (LEGSs) that adjust to the local conformational dynamics. However, a second mechanism, involving resonant transitions between neighboring LEGSs, gains importance at higher temperatures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(10): 107401, 2020 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32216403


An antiadiabatic approach is proposed to model how the refractive index of the surrounding medium affects optical spectra of molecular systems in condensed phases. The approach solves some of the issues affecting current implementations of continuum solvation models and more generally of effective models where a classical description is adopted for the molecular environment.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 14(10): 5339-5349, 2018 Oct 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30141921


Resonance energy transfer (RET) is a complex phenomenon where energy is transferred between two nonequivalent molecules. In the Förster picture, that applies to the weak coupling regime, RET occurs from the energy donor molecule in the relaxed excited state toward the acceptor, in an energy-conserving process. However, energy dissipation is crucial for a more general picture of RET that also applies to the strong coupling regime. Here we present a dynamical, nonadiabatic model for RET also accounting for energy relaxation. We exploit the essential state formalism to set up a model for the RET pair that yields an accurate picture of the relevant physics, accounting for just a few electronic states and a single coupled vibrational coordinate per molecule. Molecular vibrations are treated in a nonadiabatic approach, and energy dissipation is dealt within the Redfield formalism. The approach is first validated on an isolated dye, demonstrating that a very simple relaxation model, defined in terms of a single relaxation parameter, properly describes the different regimes of energy dissipation expected for a molecule, with a fast (fs time window) internal conversion to the lowest excited state and a slow relaxation toward the ground state (ns time window). The same approach is then applied to follow the real time dynamics of a RET pair. In line with the Förster model, in the weak coupling regime the internal conversion of the donor molecule is completed before energy transfer takes place. Our approach also applies to the strong coupling regime, where we observe ultrafast energy transfer occurring well before the internal relaxation of the energy donor is completed.

Sci Rep ; 6: 19682, 2016 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26790963


Organic ferroelectric materials are currently a hot research topic, with mixed stack charge transfer crystals playing a prominent role with their large, electronic-in-origin polarization and the possibility to tune the transition temperature down to the quantum limit and/or to drive the ferroelectric transition via an optical stimulus. By contrast, and in spite of an impressive research effort, organic ferromagnets are rare and characterized by very low transition temperatures. Coexisting magnetic and electric orders in multiferroics offer the possibility to control magnetic (electric) properties by an applied electric (magnetic) field with impressive technological potential. Only few examples of multiferroics are known today, based on inorganics materials. Here we demonstrate that, by decorating mixed stack charge transfer crystals with organic radicals, a new family of robust molecular ferromagnets can be designed, stable up to ambient temperature, and with a clear tendency towards multiferroic behaviour.

J Chem Phys ; 141(16): 164317, 2014 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25362309


Essential-state models efficiently describe linear and nonlinear spectral properties of different families of charge-transfer chromophores. Here, the essential-state machinery is applied to the calculation of the early-stage dynamics after ultrafast (coherent) excitation of polar and quadrupolar chromophores. The fully non-adiabatic treatment of coupled electronic and vibrational motion allows for a reliable description of the dynamics of these intriguing systems. In particular, the proposed approach is reliable even when the adiabatic and harmonic approximations do not apply, such as for quadrupolar dyes that show a multistable, broken-symmetry excited state. Our approach quite naturally leads to a clear picture for a dynamical Jahn-Teller effect in these systems. The recovery of symmetry due to dynamical effects is however disrupted in polar solvents where a static symmetry lowering is observed. More generally, thermal disorder in polar solvents is responsible for dephasing phenomena, damping the coherent oscillations with particularly important effects in the case of polar dyes.
