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Environ Pollut ; 361: 124769, 2024 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173861


Traffic emissions are an important source of air pollution worldwide, but in the Middle East, this problem is exacerbated by weak or no enforcement of emission regulations. Comprehensive measurements of fine PM emission factors (EFs) from road transport in the region have not yet been conducted, but such data are necessary for quantitative assessments of the health impact of transport emissions in the region. To address this need, PM2.5 samples collected inside the Salim Slam tunnel in Beirut, Lebanon were analyzed for carbonaceous matter (organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)), water-soluble ions, elements, and selected organic compounds. The OC/EC ratio was 1.8 for the total fleet and 2.6 for light-duty vehicles (LDV), in agreement with the dominant proportion of gasoline LDV in the Lebanese fleet. A Cu/Sb ratio of 4.2 ± 0.1 was observed, offering a valuable metric for detecting brake wear emissions in subsequent studies conducted in the region. The EFs of carbonaceous matter, elements and ions generally varied by a factor 0.1 and 10 in comparison to literature values, while those for alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were similar to the upper values previously reported. The average number size distribution was characterized by a single mode around 35 nm. The particles number EF (for diameters between 10 and 480 nm) was within the range of 1014-1015 particles per kg of fuel. The chemical mass balance model showed an average contribution to EF of 62% from non-exhaust sources. This study highlights the need for more enforceable stringent vehicular regulations because of the local practices (i.e., removal of catalyst) and some EF values are very high compared to other studies/countries.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 13252, 2023 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37582963


Advancing knowledge of the mineralogical composition of dust is key for understanding and predicting its climate and environmental impacts. The variability of dust mineralogy from one source to another and its evolution during atmospheric transport is not measured at large scale. In this study we use laboratory measurements to demonstrate that the extinction signature of suspended dust aerosols in the 740 - 1250 cm-1 atmospheric window can be used to derive dust mineralogy in terms of the main infrared - active minerals, namely quartz, clays, feldspars and calcite. Various spectral signatures in dust extinction enable to distinguish between multiple global sources with changing composition, whereas modifications of the dust extinction spectra with time inform on size - dependent particles mineralogy changes during transport. The present study confirms that spectral and hyperspectral infrared remote sensing observations offer great potential for elucidating the size - segregated mineralogy of airborne dust at regional and global scales.

ACS Earth Space Chem ; 7(5): 1131-1140, 2023 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37223425


Aqueous-phase dark reactions during the co-oxidation of glyoxal and S(IV) were recently identified as a potential source of brown carbon (BrC). Here, we explore the effects of sunlight and oxidants on aqueous solutions of glyoxal and S(IV), and on aqueous aerosol exposed to glyoxal and SO2. We find that BrC is able to form in sunlit, bulk-phase, sulfite-containing solutions, albeit more slowly than in the dark. In more atmospherically relevant chamber experiments where suspended aqueous aerosol particles are exposed to gas-phase glyoxal and SO2, the formation of detectable amounts of BrC requires an OH radical source and occurs most rapidly after a cloud event. From these observations we infer that this photobrowning is caused by radical-initiated reactions as evaporation concentrates aqueous-phase reactants and aerosol viscosity increases. Positive-mode electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of aerosol-phase products reveals a large number of CxHyOz oligomers that are reduced rather than oxidized (relative to glyoxal), with the degree of reduction increasing in the presence of OH radicals. This again suggests a radical-initiated redox mechanism where photolytically produced aqueous radical species trigger S(IV)-O2 auto-oxidation chain reactions, and glyoxal-S(IV) redox reactions especially if aerosol-phase O2 is depleted. This process may contribute to daytime BrC production and aqueous-phase sulfur oxidation in the atmosphere. The BrC produced, however, is about an order of magnitude less light-absorbing than wood smoke BrC at 365 nm.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(32): 5375-5385, 2022 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925760


Glycolaldehyde (GAld) is a C2 water-soluble aldehyde produced during the atmospheric oxidation of isoprene and many other species and is commonly found in cloudwater. Previous work has established that glycolaldehyde evaporates more readily from drying aerosol droplets containing ammonium sulfate (AS) than does glyoxal, methylglyoxal, or hydroxyacetone, which implies that it does not oligomerize as quickly as these other species. Here, we report NMR measurements of glycolaldehyde's aqueous-phase reactions with AS, methylamine, and glycine. Reaction rate constants are smaller than those of respective glyoxal and methylglyoxal reactions in the pH range of 3-6. In follow-up cloud chamber experiments, deliquesced glycine and AS seed particles were found to take up glycolaldehyde and methylamine and form brown carbon. At very high relative humidity, these changes were more than 2 orders of magnitude faster than predicted by our bulk liquid NMR kinetics measurements, suggesting that reactions involving surface-active species at crowded air-water interfaces may play an important role. The high-resolution liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric analysis of filter extracts of unprocessed AS + GAld seed particles identified sugar-like C6 and C12 GAld oligomers, including proposed product 3-deoxyglucosone, with and without modification by reactions with ammonia to diimine and imidazole forms. Chamber exposure to methylamine gas, cloud processing, and simulated sunlight increased the incorporation of both ammonia and methylamine into oligomers. Many C4-C16 imidazole derivatives were detected in an extract of chamber-exposed aerosol along with a predominance of N-derivatized C6 and C12 glycolaldehyde oligomers, suggesting that GAld is capable of forming brown carbon SOA.

Aminas , Carbono , Acetaldehído/análogos & derivados , Aerosoles/química , Aminas/química , Amoníaco , Sulfato de Amonio/química , Glicina/química , Glioxal/química , Imidazoles , Metilaminas/química , Piruvaldehído/química , Agua/química
J Phys Chem A ; 125(4): 1036-1049, 2021 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33475373


Interfacial regions are unique chemical reaction environments that can promote chemistry not found elsewhere. The air-water interface is ubiquitous in the natural environment in the form of ocean surfaces and aqueous atmospheric aerosols. Here we investigate the chemistry and photochemistry of pyruvic acid (PA), a common environmental species, at the air-water interface and compare it to its aqueous bulk chemistry using two different experimental setups: (1) a Langmuir-Blodgett trough, which models natural water surfaces and provides a direct comparison between the two reaction environments, and (2) an atmospheric simulation chamber (CESAM) to monitor the chemical processing of nebulized aqueous PA droplets. The results show that surface chemistry leads to substantial oligomer formation. The sequence begins with the condensation of lactic acid (LA), formed at the surface, with itself and with pyruvic acid, and LA + LA - H2O and LA + PA - H2O are prominent among the products in addition to a series of higher-molecular-weight oligomers of mixed units of PA and LA. In addition, we see zymonic acid at the surface. Actinic radiation enhances the production of the oligomers and produces additional surface-active molecules known from the established aqueous photochemical mechanisms. The presence and formation of complex organic molecules at the air-water interface from a simple precursor like PA in the natural environment is relevant to contemporary atmospheric science and is important in the context of prebiotic chemistry, where abiotic production of complex molecules is necessary for abiogenesis.

Sci Total Environ ; 756: 144129, 2021 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33310213


Trace gas measurements were performed during the LANDEX (the LANDes EXperiment) Episode 1 field campaign in the summer 2017, in one of the largest European maritime pine forests (> 95% Pinus pinaster) located in southwestern France. Efforts have been focused on obtaining a good speciation of 20 major biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs, including pinenes, carenes, terpinenes, linalool, camphene, etc.). This was made possible by the development of a new and specific chromatographic method. In order to assess the role of BVOCs in the local gas phase chemistry budget, their reactivity with the main atmospheric oxidants (hydroxyl radicals (OH), ozone (O3) and nitrate radicals (NO3)) and the corresponding consumption rates were determined. When considering the OH reactivity with BVOCs, isoprene and linalool accounted for 10-47% of the OH depletion during daytime, and monoterpenes for 50-65%, whereas monoterpenes were the main contributors during the night (70-85%). Sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes were the main contributors to the ozone reactivity, especially ß-caryophyllene (30-70%), with a maximum contribution during nighttime. Nighttime nitrate reactivity was predominantly due to monoterpenes (i.e. 90-95%). Five specific groups have been proposed to classify the 19 BVOCs measured in the forest, according to their reactivity with atmospheric oxidants and their concentrations. The total amount of BVOCs consumed under and above the forest canopy was evaluated for 7 BVOCs (i.e. isoprene, α-pinene, ß-pinene, myrcene, limonene + cis-ocimene and Δ3-carene). The reactivity of atmospheric oxidants and BVOCs at a local level are discussed in order to highlight the compounds (BVOCs, other VOCs), the atmospheric oxidants and the main associated reactive processes observed under the canopy of a maritime pine forest.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(7): 1240-1252, 2020 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31976674


The conformer-specific reactivity of gas-phase pyruvic acid following the S1(nπ*) ← S0 excitation at λmax = 350 nm (290-380 nm) and the effect of water are investigated for the two lowest energy conformers. Conformer-specific gas-phase pyruvic acid photolysis rate constants and their respective populations are measured by monitoring their distinct vibrational OH-stretching frequencies. The geometry, relative energies, fundamental vibrational frequencies, and electronic transitions of the pyruvic acid conformers and their monohydrated complexes are calculated with density functional theory and ab initio methods. Results from experiment and theory show that the more stable conformer with an intramolecular hydrogen bond dominates the gas-phase photolysis of pyruvic acid. Water greatly affects the gas-phase pyruvic acid conformer population and photochemistry through hydrogen bonding interactions. The addition of water decreases the gas-phase relative population of the more stable conformer and decreases the molecule's gas-phase photolysis rate constants. The theoretical results show that even a single water molecule interrupts the intramolecular hydrogen bond, which is essential for the efficient photodissociation of gas-phase pyruvic acid. Results of this study suggest that the aqueous-phase photochemistry of pyruvic acid proceeds through hydrogen-bonded conformers lacking an intramolecular hydrogen bond.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(44): 9462-9468, 2019 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31609621


Reaction rate constants for the reaction of n-dodecane with hydroxyl radicals were measured as a function of temperature between 283 and 303 K, using the relative rate method in the CESAM chamber (French acronym for "experimental multiphasic atmospheric simulation chamber"). The rate constants obtained at 283, 293, and 303 K are (1.27 ± 0.31) × 10-11, (1.33 ± 0.34) × 10-11, and (1.27 ± 0.40) × 10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, respectively. Rate constants measured were in excellent agreement with the few available data in the literature over the studied temperature range (283-340 K). Rate constants estimated by the structure-activity relationship and transition state theory methods agreed with our experimental data within 14%. From these data combined with previous literature measurement, the following Arrhenius expression, kDDC+OH = (9.77 ± 6.19) × 10-11 × exp[(-595 ± 5580)/T] cm3 molecule-1 s-1, was found to be valid over a temperature range (283-340 K) of the tropospheric interest.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(7): 1469-1484, 2019 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30626185


The influence of the precursor chemical structure on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation was investigated through the study of the ozonolysis of two anthropogenic aromatic alkenes: 2-methylstyrene and indene. Experiments were carried out in three different simulation chambers: ICARE 7300L FEP Teflon chamber (ICARE, Orléans, France), EUPHORE FEP Teflon chamber (CEAM, Valencia, Spain), and CESAM evacuable stainless steel chamber (LISA, Créteil, France). For both precursors, SOA yield and growth were studied on a large range of initial concentrations (from ∼60 ppbv to 1.9 ppmv) and the chemical composition of both gaseous and particulate phases was investigated at a molecular level. Gas phase was described using FTIR spectroscopy and online gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, and particulate chemical composition was analyzed (i) online by thermo-desorption coupled to chemical ionization mass spectrometry and (ii) offline by supercritical fluid extraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The results obtained from a large set of experiments performed in three different chambers and using several complementary analytical techniques were in very good agreement. SOA yield was up to 10 times higher for indene ozonolysis than for 2-methylstyrene ozonolysis at the same reaction advancement. For 2-methylstyrene ozonolysis, formaldehyde and o-tolualdehyde were the two main gaseous phase products while o-toluic acid was the most abundant among six products detected within the particulate phase. For indene ozonolysis, traces of formic and phthalic acids as well as 11 species were detected in the gaseous phase and 11 other products were quantified in the particulate phase, where phthaldialdehyde was the main product. On the basis of the identified products, reaction mechanisms were proposed that highlight specific pathways due to the precursor chemical structure. These mechanisms were finally compared and discussed regarding SOA formation. In the case of 2-methylstyrene ozonolysis, ozone adds mainly on the external and monosubstituted double bond, yielding only one C8- and monofunctionalized Criegee intermediate and hence more volatile products as well as lower SOA mass than indene ozonolysis in similar experimental conditions. In the case of indene, ozone adds mainly on the five-carbon-ring and disubstituted C═C double bond, leading to the formation of two C9- and bifunctionalized Criegee intermediates, which then evolve via different pathways including the hydroperoxide channel and form highly condensable first-generation products.

J Phys Chem A ; 122(21): 4854-4860, 2018 May 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29741899


In order to predict the amount of secondary organic aerosol formed by heterogeneous processing of methylglyoxal, uptake coefficients (γ) and estimates of uptake reversibility are needed. Here, uptake coefficients are extracted from chamber studies involving ammonium sulfate and glycine seed aerosol at high relative humidity (RH ≥ 72%). Methylglyoxal uptake coefficients on prereacted glycine aerosol particles had a strong dependence on RH, increasing from γ = 0.4 × 10-3 to 5.7 × 10-3 between 72 and 99% RH. Continuous methylglyoxal losses were also observed in the presence of aqueous ammonium sulfate at 95% RH (γAS,wet = 3.7 ± 0.8 × 10-3). Methylglyoxal uptake coefficients measured at ≥95% RH are larger than those reported for glyoxal on nonacidified, aqueous aerosol surfaces at 90% RH. Slight curvature in first-order uptake plots suggests that methylglyoxal uptake onto aqueous aerosol surfaces is not entirely irreversible after 20 min. Methylglyoxal uptake by cloud droplets was rapid and largely reversible, approaching equilibrium within the 1 min mixing time of the chamber. PTR-MS measurements showed that each cloud event extracted 3 to 8% of aerosol-phase methylglyoxal and returned it to the gas phase, likely by an oligomer hydrolysis mechanism.

Environ Sci Technol ; 52(7): 4061-4071, 2018 04 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29510022


Aqueous methylglyoxal chemistry has often been implicated as an important source of oligomers in atmospheric aerosol. Here we report on chemical analysis of brown carbon aerosol particles collected from cloud cycling/photolysis chamber experiments, where gaseous methylglyoxal and methylamine interacted with glycine, ammonium, or methylammonium sulfate seed particles. Eighteen N-containing oligomers were identified in the particulate phase by liquid chromatography/diode array detection/electrospray ionization high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Chemical formulas were determined and, for 6 major oligomer products, MS2 fragmentation spectra were used to propose tentative structures and mechanisms. Electronic absorption spectra were calculated for six tentative product structures by an ab initio second order algebraic-diagrammatic-construction/density functional theory approach. For five structures, matching calculated and measured absorption spectra suggest that they are dominant light-absorbing species at their chromatographic retention times. Detected oligomers incorporated methylglyoxal and amines, as expected, but also pyruvic acid, hydroxyacetone, and significant quantities of acetaldehyde. The finding that ∼80% (by mass) of detected oligomers contained acetaldehyde, a methylglyoxal photolysis product, suggests that daytime methylglyoxal oligomer formation is dominated by radical addition mechanisms involving CH3CO*. These mechanisms are evidently responsible for enhanced browning observed during photolytic cloud events.

Nitrógeno , Piruvaldehído , Aerosoles , Cromatografía de Gases y Espectrometría de Masas , Fotólisis
J Phys Chem A ; 121(44): 8348-8358, 2017 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29035055


Pyruvic acid is an atmospherically abundant α-keto-acid that degrades efficiently from the troposphere via gas-phase photolysis. To explore conditions relevant to the environment, 2-12 ppm pyruvic acid is irradiated by a solar simulator in the environmental simulation chamber, CESAM. The combination of the long path length available in the chamber and its low surface area to volume ratio allows us to quantitatively examine the quantum yield and photochemical products of pyruvic acid. Such details are new to the literature for the low initial concentrations of pyruvic acid employed here. We determined photolysis quantum yields of ϕobsN2 = 0.84 ± 0.1 in nitrogen and ϕobsAir = 3.2 ± 0.5 in air, which are higher than those reported by previous studies that used higher partial pressures of pyruvic acid. The quantum yield greater than unity in air is due to secondary chemistry, driven by O2, that emerges under the conditions in these experiments. The low concentration of pyruvic acid and the resulting oxygen effect also alter the product distribution such that acetic acid, rather than acetaldehyde, is the primary product in air. These results indicate that tropospheric pyruvic acid may degrade in part via photoinduced mechanisms that are different than previously expected.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(40): 7641-7654, 2017 Oct 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28902512


Aerosol-cloud interaction contributes to the largest uncertainties in the estimation and interpretation of the Earth's changing energy budget. The present study explores experimentally the impacts of water condensation-evaporation events, mimicking processes occurring in atmospheric clouds, on the molecular composition of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the photooxidation of methacrolein. A range of on- and off-line mass spectrometry techniques were used to obtain a detailed chemical characterization of SOA formed in control experiments in dry conditions, in triphasic experiments simulating gas-particle-cloud droplet interactions (starting from dry conditions and from 60% relative humidity (RH)), and in bulk aqueous-phase experiments. We observed that cloud events trigger fast SOA formation accompanied by evaporative losses. These evaporative losses decreased SOA concentration in the simulation chamber by 25-32% upon RH increase, while aqueous SOA was found to be metastable and slowly evaporated after cloud dissipation. In the simulation chamber, SOA composition measured with a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer, did not change during cloud events compared with high RH conditions (RH > 80%). In all experiments, off-line mass spectrometry techniques emphasize the critical role of 2-methylglyceric acid as a major product of isoprene chemistry, as an important contributor to the total SOA mass (15-20%) and as a key building block of oligomers found in the particulate phase. Interestingly, the comparison between the series of oligomers obtained from experiments performed under different conditions show a markedly different reactivity. In particular, long reaction times at high RH seem to create the conditions for aqueous-phase processing to occur in a more efficient manner than during two relatively short cloud events.

Environ Sci Technol ; 51(13): 7458-7466, 2017 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28562016


The effects of methylglyoxal uptake on the physical and optical properties of aerosol containing amines or ammonium sulfate were determined before and after cloud processing in a temperature- and RH-controlled chamber. The formation of brown carbon was observed upon methylglyoxal addition, detected as an increase in water-soluble organic carbon mass absorption coefficients below 370 nm and as a drop in single-scattering albedo at 450 nm. The imaginary refractive index component k450 reached a maximum value of 0.03 ± 0.009 with aqueous glycine aerosol particles. Browning of solid particles occurred at rates limited by chamber mixing (<1 min), and in liquid particles occurred more gradually, but in all cases occurred much more rapidly than in bulk aqueous studies. Further browning in AS and methylammonium sulfate seeds was triggered by cloud events with chamber lights on, suggesting photosensitized brown carbon formation. Despite these changes in optical aerosol characteristics, increases in dried aerosol mass were rarely observed (<1 µg/m3 in all cases), consistent with previous experiments on methylglyoxal. Under dry, particle-free conditions, methylglyoxal reacted (presumably on chamber walls) with methylamine with a rate constant k = (9 ± 2) × 10-17 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at 294 K and activation energy Ea = 64 ± 37 kJ/mol.

Aerosoles , Compuestos de Amonio , Piruvaldehído , Aminas , Carbono
J Phys Chem A ; 121(18): 3327-3339, 2017 May 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388049


Aerosol and molecular processing in the atmosphere occurs in a complex and variable environment consisting of multiple phases and interfacial regions. To explore the effects of such conditions on the reactivity of chemical systems, we employ an environmental simulation chamber to investigate the multiphase photolysis of pyruvic acid, which photoreacts in the troposphere in aqueous particles and in the gas phase. Upon irradiation of nebulized pyruvic acid, acetic acid and carbon dioxide are rapidly generated, which is consistent with previous literature on the bulk phase photolysis reactions. Additionally, we identify a new C6 product, zymonic acid, a species that has not previously been reported from pyruvic acid photolysis under any conditions. Its observation here, and corresponding spectroscopic signatures, indicates it could be formed by heterogeneous reactions at the droplet surface. Prior studies of the aqueous photolysis of pyruvic acid have shown that high-molecular-weight compounds are formed via radical reactions; however, they are inhibited by the presence of oxygen, leading to doubt as to whether the chemistry would occur in the atmosphere. Identification of dimethyltartaric acid from the photolysis of multiphase pyruvic acid in air confirms radical polymerization chemistry can compete with oxygen reactions to some extent under aerobic conditions. Evidence of additional polymerization within the particles during irradiation is suggested by the increasing viscosity and organic content of the particles. The implications of multiphase specific processes are then discussed within the broader scope of atmospheric science.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 24(16): 14151-14162, 2017 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28417329


Health risks posed by ambient air pollutants to the urban Lebanese population have not been well characterized. The aim of this study is to assess cancer risk and mortality burden of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and particulates (PM) based on two field-sampling campaigns conducted during summer and winter seasons in Beirut. Seventy NMHCs were analyzed by TD-GC-FID. PM2.5 elemental carbon (EC) components were examined using a Lab OC-EC aerosol Analyzer, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were analyzed by GC-MS. The US EPA fraction-based approach was used to assess non-cancer hazard and cancer risk for the hydrocarbon mixture, and the UK Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) guidelines were followed to determine the PM2.5 attributable mortality burden. The average cumulative cancer risk exceeded the US EPA acceptable level (10-6) by 40-fold in the summer and 30-fold in the winter. Benzene was found to be the highest contributor to cancer risk (39-43%), followed by 1,3-butadiene (25-29%), both originating from traffic gasoline evaporation and combustion. The EC attributable average mortality fraction was 7.8-10%, while the average attributable number of deaths (AD) and years of life lost (YLL) were found to be 257-327 and 3086-3923, respectively. Our findings provide a baseline for future air monitoring programs, and for interventions aiming at reducing cancer risk in this population.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos/toxicidad , Neoplasias/mortalidad , Medición de Riesgo , Contaminación del Aire , Benceno/toxicidad , Ciudades , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Humanos , Material Particulado , Emisiones de Vehículos/toxicidad
Environ Sci Technol ; 51(1): 192-201, 2017 01 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27966908


The temperature and concentration dependence of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields has been investigated for the first time for the photooxidation of n-dodecane (C12H26) in the presence of NOx in the CESAM chamber (French acronym for "Chamber for Atmospheric Multiphase Experimental Simulation"). Experiments were performed with and without seed aerosol between 283 and 304.5 K. In order to quantify the SOA yields, a new parametrization is proposed to account for organic vapor loss to the chamber walls. Deposition processes were found to impact the aerosol yields by a factor from 1.3 to 1.8 between the lowest and the highest value. As with other photooxidation systems, experiments performed without seed and at low concentration of oxidant showed a lower SOA yield than other seeded experiments. Temperature did not significantly influence SOA formation in this study. This unforeseen behavior indicates that the SOA is dominated by sufficiently low volatility products for which a change in their partitioning due to temperature would not significantly affect the condensed quantities.

Compuestos Orgánicos , Temperatura , Aerosoles , Gases , Volatilización
J Phys Chem A ; 120(51): 10123-10133, 2016 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27992197


In this work, we investigate the impact of pressure and oxygen on the kinetics of and products from the gas-phase photolysis of pyruvic acid. The results reveal a decrease in the photolysis quantum yield as pressure of air or nitrogen is increased, a trend not yet documented in the literature. A Stern-Volmer analysis demonstrates this effect is due to deactivation of the singlet state of pyruvic acid when the photolysis is performed in nitrogen, and from quenching of both the singlet and triplet state in air. Consistent with previous studies, acetaldehyde and CO2 are observed as the major products; however, other products, most notably acetic acid, are also identified in this work. The yield of acetic acid increases with increasing pressure of buffer gas, an effect that is amplified by the presence of oxygen. At least two mechanisms are necessary to explain the acetic acid, including one that requires reaction of photolysis intermediates with O2. These findings extend the fundamental understanding of the gas-phase photochemistry of pyruvic acid, highlighting the importance of pressure on the photolysis quantum yields and products.

Sci Rep ; 6: 35038, 2016 10 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27733773


Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) accounts for a dominant fraction of the submicron atmospheric particle mass, but knowledge of the formation, composition and climate effects of SOA is incomplete and limits our understanding of overall aerosol effects in the atmosphere. Organic oligomers were discovered as dominant components in SOA over a decade ago in laboratory experiments and have since been proposed to play a dominant role in many aerosol processes. However, it remains unclear whether oligomers are relevant under ambient atmospheric conditions because they are often not clearly observed in field samples. Here we resolve this long-standing discrepancy by showing that elevated SOA mass is one of the key drivers of oligomer formation in the ambient atmosphere and laboratory experiments. We show for the first time that a specific organic compound class in aerosols, oligomers, is strongly correlated with cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activities of SOA particles. These findings might have important implications for future climate scenarios where increased temperatures cause higher biogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, which in turn lead to higher SOA mass formation and significant changes in SOA composition. Such processes would need to be considered in climate models for a realistic representation of future aerosol-climate-biosphere feedbacks.
