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Stigma Health ; 8(3): 363-371, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37936868


Bias-based bullying influences health, academic success, and social wellbeing. However, little quantitative work takes an intersectional perspective to understand bias-based bullying among youth with marginalized social positions, which is critical to prevention. This paper describes the application of exhaustive chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) to understand how prevalence of race-, gender-, and sexual orientation-based bullying varies for youth with different intersecting social positions. We used two datasets - the 2019 Minnesota Student Survey (MSS; N=80,456) and the 2017-2019 California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS; N=512,067). Students self-reported sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, gender identity, race/ethnicity, and presence of any race-, gender-, and sexual orientation-based bullying (MSS: past 30 days, CHKS: past 12 months). Exhaustive CHAID with a Bonferroni correction, a recommended approach for large, quantitative intersectionality research, was used for analyses. Exhaustive CHAID analyses identified a number of nodes of intersecting social positions with particularly high prevalences of bias-based bullying. Across both datasets, with varying timeframes and question wording, and all three forms of bias-based bullying, youth who identified as transgender, gender diverse, or were questioning their gender and also held other marginalized social positions were frequent targets of all forms of bias-based bullying. More work is needed to understand how systems of oppression work together to influence school-based bullying experiences. Effective prevention programs to improve the health of youth with marginalized social positions must acknowledge the complex and overlapping ways bias and stigma interact.

Front Psychol ; 13: 805586, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35664191


The COVID-19 restrictions have impacted people's lifestyles in all spheres (social, psychological, political, economic, and others). This study explored which factors affected the level of anxiety during the time of the first wave of COVID-19 and subsequent quarantine in a substantial proportion of 23 countries, included in this study. The data was collected from May to August 2020 (5 June 2020). The sample included 15,375 participants from 23 countries: (seven from Europe: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Russia; 11 from West, South and Southeast Asia: Armenia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey; two African: Nigeria and Tanzania; and three from North, South, and Central America: Brazil, Canada, United States). Level of anxiety was measured by means of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) and the 20-item first part of The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)-State Anxiety Inventory (SAI). Respondents were also asked about their personal experiences with COVID-19, attitudes toward measures introduced by governments, changes in attitudes toward migrants during a pandemic, family income, isolation conditions, etc. The factor analysis revealed that four factors explained 45.08% of variance in increase of anxiety, and these components were interpreted as follows: (1) personal awareness of the threat of COVID-19, (2) personal reaction toward officially undertaken measures and attitudes to foreigners, (3) personal trust in official sources, (4) personal experience with COVID-19. Three out of four factors demonstrated strong associations with both scales of anxiety: high level of anxiety was significantly correlated with high level of personal awareness of the threat of COVID-19, low level of personal reaction toward officially undertaken measures and attitudes to foreigners, and high level of presence of personal experience with COVID-19. Our study revealed significant main effects of sex, country, and all four factors on the level of anxiety. It was demonstrated that countries with higher levels of anxiety assessed the real danger of a pandemic as higher, and had more personal experience with COVID-19. Respondents who trusted the government demonstrated lower levels of anxiety. Finally, foreigners were perceived as the cause of epidemic spread.

J Clin Med ; 11(3)2022 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35159932


Obesity is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Currently approved pharmacotherapies for the treatment of obesity are associated with rebound weight gain, negative side effects, and the potential for abuse. There is a need for new treatments with fewer side effects. Minor tobacco alkaloids (MTAs) are potential candidates for novel obesity pharmacotherapies. These alkaloids are structurally related to nicotine, which can help reduce body weight, but without the same addictive potential. The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of three MTAs (nornicotine, anatabine, and anabasine) and nicotine on weight gain, body composition, chow intake, and physical activity. We hypothesized that the MTAs and nicotine would reduce weight gain through reductions in chow intake and increases in physical activity. To test this, male Sprague Dawley rats were housed in metabolic phenotyping chambers. Following acclimation to these chambers and to (subcutaneous (sc)) injections of saline, animals received daily injections (sc) of nornicotine, anabasine, anatabine, or nicotine for one week. Compared to saline-injected animals that gained body weight and body fat during the treatment phase, injections of nornicotine and anatabine prevented additional weight gain, alongside reductions in body fat. Rats receiving anabasine and nicotine gained body weight at a slower rate relative to rats receiving saline injections, and body fat remained unchanged. All compounds reduced the intake of chow pellets. Nornicotine and nicotine produced consistent increases in physical activity 6 h post-injection, whereas anabasine's and anatabine's effects on physical activity were more transient. These results show that short-term, daily administration of nornicotine, anabasine, and anatabine has positive effects on weight loss, through reductions in body fat and food intake and increases in physical activity. Together, these findings suggest that MTAs are worthy of further investigations as anti-obesity pharmacotherapies.
