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PLoS One ; 17(9): e0275198, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36166439


Soil organic carbon (SOC), a core soil quality indicator, is influenced by management practices. The objective of our 2012-2016 study was to elucidate the impact of gypsum, crop rotation, and cover crop on SOC and several of its biological indicators under no-till in Alabama (Shorter), Indiana (Farmland), and Ohio (Hoytville and Piketon) in the USA. A randomized complete block design in factorial arrangement with gypsum (at 0, 1.1, and 2.2 Mg/ha annually), rye (Secale cereal L.) vs no cover crop, and rotation (continuous soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr., SS] vs corn [Zea mays, L.]-soybean, both the CS and SC phases) was conducted. Composite soils were collected (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm) in 2016 to analyze microbial biomass C (SMBC), SOC, total N, active C, cold and hot-water extractable C, C and N pool indices (CPI and NPI), and C management index (CMI). Results varied for main effects of gypsum, crop rotation, and cover crop on SOC pools, total N, and SOC lability within and across the sites. Gypsum at 2.2 Mg/ha increased SMBC within sites and by 41% averaged across sites. Likewise, gypsum increased SMBC:SOC, active C, and hot-water C (as indicators of labile SOC) averaged across sites. CS rotation increased SOC, active C, CPI, and CMI compared to SS, but decreased SMBC and SMBC:SOC within and across sites. CPI had a significant relationship with NPI across all sites (R2 = 0.90). Management sensitive SOC pools that responded to the combined gypsum (2.2 Mg/ha), crop rotation (CS), and cover crop (rye) were SMBC, SMBC:SOC, active C, and CMI via SMBC. These variables can provide an early indication of management-induced changes in SOC storage and its lability. Our results show that when SOC accumulates, its lability has decreased, presumably because the SMBC has processed all readily available C into a less labile form.

Carbono , Suelo , Agricultura , Sulfato de Calcio , Producción de Cultivos , Nitrógeno/análisis , Secale , Glycine max , Agua , Zea mays
J Environ Manage ; 291: 112616, 2021 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33964624


The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model has been widely used to assess the impacts of management practices and climate change on runoff and soil loss at both hillslope and watershed scales. However, the representation of channel erosion processes in WEPP has not been changed significantly since it was released. The current (WEPP v2012.8) and previous WEPP versions assume that channel input erodibility parameters are constant through time, which may lead to erroneous channel detachment predictions, especially for cropland with substantial tillage operations. In this research, the temporally constant values of channel erodibility and critical shear stress were replaced by daily updated values, using the same temporal erodibility and critical shear stress adjustments that are applied in hillslope profile simulations for rill detachment. Observed watershed-scale runoff and soil erosion data from six agricultural watersheds were used to calibrate and compare the WEPP model performance in simulating channel runoff volumes and soil losses before and after the modification. The research showed both WEPP v2012.8 and the modified WEPP model (WEPP_CE) could satisfactorily simulate event-based hydrology and soil erosion at the watershed outlets after calibration. The WEPP_CE model with temporally varying channel erodibility and critical shear stress values demonstrated improved representation of the physical processes in channel soil detachment. Continued improvement in the representation of channel erosion processes in WEPP and other process-based models is needed. The improved WEPP model can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of soil conservation practices on hydrology and erosion in further research.

Suelo , Agua , Agricultura , Simulación por Computador , Hidrología
Sci Total Environ ; 705: 134651, 2020 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31838429


The Loess Plateau of China is one of the most eroded areas in the world. In the past 20 years, effective vegetation restoration measures have significantly changed the near-surface characteristics of soil. In natural conditions, plant litter is widespread in the topsoil. The effects of litter incorporated into soil on the process of soil detachment, which is closely related to plant litter morphology, are still not well known. This study aimed to detect the variation of litter morphological characteristics and quantify their effects on soil detachment capacity and rill erodibility when litter is incorporated into the soil. Four plant litters (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng., Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb., Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv., and Artemisia capillaris Thunb.) with five length levels (<0.5, 0.5-2, 2-4, 4-6, and 6-8 cm) were incorporated into soil (idle for 50 days) at the same litter biomass rate (0.7 kg m-2). Then the soil was sampled and cores were subjected to overland flow under six flow shear stress levels (5.66, 8.31, 12.21, 15.55, 19.15 and, 22.11 Pa) using a hydraulic flume (4.0 m × 0.35 m). The results showed that the litter morphological characteristics of litter length density (LLD), litter surface area density (LSAD) and litter volume ratio (LVR) differed in plant species at the same litter biomass rate. Correspondingly, soil detachment capacity (ranging from 0.414 to 2.179 kg m-2 s-1) and rill erodibility (ranging from 0.037 to 0.177 s m-1) varied significantly and mean values from the Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng. treatments were the minimums, which were 28% to 37% and 23% to 35% less than that of the other treatments, respectively. The soil detachment capacity and rill erodibility were significantly correlated with the litter morphological characteristics of LLD, LSAD and LVR (p < 0.01). The contact area between litter and soil was the most critical factor affecting soil detachment. Incorporated plant litter residue litter effect on rill erodibility could be well estimated by LSAD.

Pradera , Suelo , Biomasa , China , Poaceae
Sci Total Environ ; 688: 1236-1251, 2019 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31726554


Studies assessing the impact of subsurface drains on hydrology and nutrient yield in a changing climate are limited, specifically for Western Lake Erie Basin. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of changing climate on hydro-climatology and nutrient loadings in agricultural subsurface-drained areas on a watershed in northeastern Indiana. The study was conducted using a hydrologic model - the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) - under two different greenhouse gas emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5). Based on analysis, annual subsurface drain flow totals could increase by 70% with respect to the baseline by the end of the 21st century. Surface runoff could increase by 10 to 140% and changes are expected to be greater under RCP 8.5. Soluble phosphorus yield over the basin in a year via subsurface drains could decrease by 30 to 60% under either emission scenarios. Annual total soluble phosphorus yield (soluble phosphorus loading to stream) from subsurface drains and surface runoff could vary from 0.041 to 0.058 kg/ha under RCP 4.5 and 0.035 to 0.064 kg/ha under RCP 8.5 by the end of the 21st century while the values from the baseline model were 0.051 kg/ha. This was attributable to the fact that future climate could have a greater increase in surface runoff than subsurface drain flow based on analysis of the different climate scenarios. Outputs from individual climate model data rather than ensembles provided a band of influence of watershed responses, while outputs from different timelines provided details for evaluating management practice suitability with respect to anticipated differences in climate. Results provide valuable information for stakeholders and policy makers for planning management practices to protect water quality.

Sci Total Environ ; 691: 685-696, 2019 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31325867


To address the harmful algal blooms problem in Lake Erie, one solution is to determine the most cost-effective strategies for implementing agricultural best management practices (BMPs) in the Maumee River watershed. An optimization tool, which combines multi-objective optimization algorithms, SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool), and a computational efficient framework, was created to optimally identify agricultural BMPs at watershed scales. The optimization tool was demonstrated in the Matson Ditch watershed, an agricultural watershed in the Maumee River basin considering critical areas (25% of the watershed with the greatest pollutant loadings per area) and the entire watershed. The initial implementation of BMPs with low expenditures greatly reduced pollutant loadings; beyond certain levels of pollutant reductions, additional expenditures resulted in less significant reductions in pollutant loadings. Compared to optimization for the entire watershed, optimization in critical areas can greatly reduce computational time and obtain similar optimization results for initial reductions in pollutant loadings, which were 10% for Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP) and 38% for Total Phosphorus (TP); however, for greater reductions in pollutant loadings, critical area optimization was less cost-effective. With the target of simultaneously reducing March-July DRP/TP losses by 40%, the optimized scenario that reduced DRP losses by 40% was found to reduce 51.1% of TP; however, the optimized scenario that reduced TP losses by 40% can only decrease 11.3% of DRP. The optimization tool can help stakeholders identify optimal types, quantities, and spatial locations of BMPs that can maximize reductions in pollutant loadings with the lowest BMP costs.

Sci Total Environ ; 665: 69-79, 2019 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30772580


Evaluation of the effectiveness of green infrastructure (GI) practices on improving site hydrology and water quality and their associated cost could provide valuable information for decision makers when creating development/re-development strategies. In this study, a watershed scale rainfall-runoff model (the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Analysis - Low Impact Development model, the L-THIA-LID 2.1 model) was enhanced to improve its simulation of urban water management practices including GI practices. The enhanced model (L-THIA-LID 2.2) is capable of: simulating in more detail impervious surfaces including sidewalks, roads, driveways, and parking lots; conducting cost calculations for converting these impervious surfaces to porous pavements; and, selecting suitable areas for bioretention in the study area. The effectiveness of GI practices on improving hydrology and water quality in a combined sewer overflow urban watershed-the Darst Sewershed in the City of Peoria, IL-was examined in eleven simulation scenarios using 8 practices. The total cost and the cost effectiveness for each scenario considering a 20-year practice lifetime were calculated. Results showed: combined implementation of GI practices performed better than applying individual practices alone; adoption levels and combinations of GI practices could potentially reduce runoff volume by 0.2-23.5%, TSS by 0.18-30.8%, TN by 0.2-27.9%, and TP by 0.2 to 28.1%; adding more practices did not necessarily achieve substantial runoff and pollutant reductions based on site characteristics; the most cost-effective scenario out of eleven considered had an associated cost of $9.21 to achieve 1 m3 runoff reduction per year and $119 to achieve 1 kg TSS reduction per year assuming residents' cooperation in implementing GI practices on their properties; adoption of GI practices on all possible areas could potentially achieve the greatest runoff and pollutant reduction, but would not be the most cost-effective option. This enhanced model can be applied to different locations to support assessing the beneficial uses of GI practices.

Sci Total Environ ; 622-623: 140-151, 2018 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29212051


Land use and climate change can influence runoff and soil erosion, threatening soil and water conservation in the Cerrado biome in Brazil. The adoption of a process-based model was necessary due to the lack of long-term observed data. Our goals were to calibrate the WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model for different land uses under subtropical conditions in the Cerrado biome; predict runoff and soil erosion for these different land uses; and simulate runoff and soil erosion considering climate change. We performed the model calibration using a 5-year dataset (2012-2016) of observed runoff and soil loss in four different land uses (wooded Cerrado, tilled fallow without plant cover, pasture, and sugarcane) in experimental plots. Selected soil and management parameters were optimized for each land use during the WEPP model calibration with the existing field data. The simulations were conducted using the calibrated WEPP model components with a 100-year climate dataset created with CLIGEN (weather generator) based on regional climate statistics. We obtained downscaled General Circulation Model (GCM) projections, and runoff and soil loss were predicted with WEPP using future climate scenarios for 2030, 2060, and 2090 considering different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The WEPP model had an acceptable performance for the subtropical conditions. Land use can influence runoff and soil loss rates in a significant way. Potential climate changes, which indicate the increase of rainfall intensities and depths, may increase the variability and rates of runoff and soil erosion. However, projected climate changes did not significantly affect the runoff and soil erosion for the four analyzed land uses at our location. Finally, the runoff behavior was distinct for each land use, but for soil loss we found similarities between pasture and wooded Cerrado, suggesting that the soil may attain a sustainable level when the land management follows conservation principles.

Sci Total Environ ; 601-602: 580-593, 2017 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28575835


Best management practices (BMPs) have been widely used to address hydrology and water quality issues in both agricultural and urban areas. Increasing numbers of BMPs have been studied in research projects and implemented in watershed management projects, but a gap remains in quantifying their effectiveness through time. In this paper, we review the current knowledge about BMP efficiencies, which indicates that most empirical studies have focused on short-term efficiencies, while few have explored long-term efficiencies. Most simulation efforts that consider BMPs assume constant performance irrespective of ages of the practices, generally based on anticipated maintenance activities or the expected performance over the life of the BMP(s). However, efficiencies of BMPs likely change over time irrespective of maintenance due to factors such as degradation of structures and accumulation of pollutants. Generally, the impacts of BMPs implemented in water quality protection programs at watershed levels have not been as rapid or large as expected, possibly due to overly high expectations for practice long-term efficiency, with BMPs even being sources of pollutants under some conditions and during some time periods. The review of available datasets reveals that current data are limited regarding both short-term and long-term BMP efficiency. Based on this review, this paper provides suggestions regarding needs and opportunities. Existing practice efficiency data need to be compiled. New data on BMP efficiencies that consider important factors, such as maintenance activities, also need to be collected. Then, the existing and new data need to be analyzed. Further research is needed to create a framework, as well as modeling approaches built on the framework, to simulate changes in BMP efficiencies with time. The research community needs to work together in addressing these needs and opportunities, which will assist decision makers in formulating better decisions regarding BMP implementation in watershed management projects.

J Environ Manage ; 91(7): 1437-45, 2010 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20356668


Use of anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) to control phosphorus (P) losses from a Chinese purple soil was studied in both a laboratory soil column experiment and a field plot experiment on a steep slope (27%). Treatments in the column study were a control, and PAM mixed uniformly into the soil at rates of 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.10, and 0.20%. We found that PAM had an important inhibitory effect on vertical P transport in the soil columns, with the 0.20% PAM treatment having the greatest significant reduction in leachate soluble P concentrations and losses resulting from nine leaching periods. Field experiments were conducted on 5m wide by 21m long natural rainfall plots, that allowed collection of both surface runoff and subsurface drainage water. Wheat was planted and grown on all plots with typical fertilizer applied. Treatments included a control, dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha(-1), dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha(-1) applied together with lime (CaCO(3) at 4.9 t ha(-1)), and dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha(-1) applied together with gypsum (CaSO(4).2H(2)O at 4 t ha(-1)). Results from the field plot experiment in which 5 rainfall events resulted in measurable runoff and leachate showed that all PAM treatments significantly reduced runoff volume and total P losses in surface runoff compared to the control. The PAM treatments also all significantly reduced water volume leached to the tile drain. However, total P losses in the leachate water were not significantly different due to the treatments, perhaps due to the low PAM soil surface application rate and/or high experimental variability. The PAM alone treatment resulted in the greatest wheat growth as indicated by the plant growth indexes of wheat plant height, leaf length, leaf width, grain number per head, and dried grain mass. Growth indexes of the PAM with Calcium treatments were significantly lesser. These results indicate that the selection and use of soil amendments need to be carefully determined based upon the most important management goal at a particular site (runoff/nutrient loss control, enhanced plant growth, or a combination).

Resinas Acrílicas/química , Fósforo/análisis , Suelo/análisis , Contaminación Química del Agua/prevención & control , Agricultura , China , Fósforo/química , Fósforo/metabolismo , Lluvia , Triticum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Triticum/metabolismo