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Bioscience ; 72(3): 233-246, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35241971


Tree-ring time series provide long-term, annually resolved information on the growth of trees. When sampled in a systematic context, tree-ring data can be scaled to estimate the forest carbon capture and storage of landscapes, biomes, and-ultimately-the globe. A systematic effort to sample tree rings in national forest inventories would yield unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution of forest carbon dynamics and help resolve key scientific uncertainties, which we highlight in terms of evidence for forest greening (enhanced growth) versus browning (reduced growth, increased mortality). We describe jump-starting a tree-ring collection across the continent of North America, given the commitments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico to visit forest inventory plots, along with existing legacy collections. Failing to do so would be a missed opportunity to help chart an evidence-based path toward meeting national commitments to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions, urgently needed for climate stabilization and repair.

Glob Chang Biol ; 19(6): 1748-58, 2013 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23504983


Human-induced changes in atmospheric composition are expected to affect primary productivity across terrestrial biomes. Recent changes in productivity have been observed in many forest ecosystems, but low-latitude upper tree line forests remain to be investigated. Here, we use dendrochronological methods and isotopic analysis to examine changes in productivity, and their physiological basis, in Abies religiosa (Ar) and Pinus hartwegii (Ph) trees growing in high-elevation forests of central Mexico. Six sites were selected across a longitudinal transect (Transverse Volcanic Axis), from the Pacific Ocean toward the Gulf of Mexico, where mature dominant trees were sampled at altitudes ranging from 3200 to 4000 m asl. A total of 60 Ar and 84 Ph trees were analyzed to describe changes in growth (annual-resolution) and isotopic composition (decadal-resolution) since the early 1900s. Our results show an initial widespread increase in basal area increment (BAI) during the first half of the past century. However, BAI has decreased significantly since the 1950s with accentuated decline after the 1980s in both species and across sites. We found a consistent reduction in atmosphere to wood (13) C discrimination, resulting from increasing water use efficiency (20-60%), coinciding with rising atmospheric CO2 . Changes in (13) C discrimination were not followed, however, by shifts in tree ring δ(18) O, indicating site- and species-specific differences in water source or uptake strategy. Our results indicate that CO2 stimulation has not been enough to counteract warming-induced drought stress, but other stressors, such as progressive nutrient limitation, could also have contributed to growth decline. Future studies should explore the distinct role of resource limitation (water vs. nutrients) in modulating the response of high-elevation ecosystems to atmospheric change.

Altitud , Dióxido de Carbono , Isótopos de Carbono , Isótopos de Oxígeno , Árboles/crecimiento & desarrollo
Interciencia ; Interciencia;33(6): 429-434, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630640


Se evaluó la absorción foliar de nitrógeno inorgánico por depósito húmedo simulado en Abies religiosa, en un experimento factorial en vivero con plantas de tres años de edad y diseño al azar. Ocho tratamientos combinaron dos formas de N (NO3- y NH4 +), dosis aplicada (alta o baja) y escurrimiento del sustrato (con y sin). Se utilizó 15N para medir absorción de N. Las plantas se cosecharon y follaje nuevo, follaje con >1 año, ramillas, tallo principal y raíz fueron separados. La forma y dosis de N tuvieron efecto (p=0,001) en todos los componentes de las plantas, mostrando mayor absorción de N con NO3 - en dosis alta. Con escurrimiento hubo mayor absorción en ramillas, tallo y raíz. La mayor absorción de N fue en follaje nuevo. La absorción de NO3 - fue nueve y tres veces mayor que la de NH4 + en follaje >1 año y raíz, respectivamente. La absorción de N en tallo fue afectada por todos los factores e interacciones, pero en follaje >1 año solo afectó la forma y dosis de N. La cantidad promedio de 15N recuperada fue 1,8mg N por planta. La recuperación de N-NO3 - en la parte aérea alcanzó 57% pues las plantas no estuvieron expuestas a lluvia que lavase el N-NO3 - retenido en follaje y ramas. Los resultados sugieren un alto potencial de absorción por el follaje de A. religiosa. Los síntomas iniciales de saturación de N documentados en el Valle de México podrían acentuarse con aumentos de contaminación atmosférica. Los efectos del depósito de N pueden ocurrir por vía foliar antes que el N del suelo sea afectado.

To evaluate foliar absorption of inorganic nitrogen by simulated wet deposition in Abies religiosa, a greenhouse factorial experiment was established with three-year old seedlings using a randomized design. Eight treatments resulted from the combination of N form (NO3 - or NH4 +), dose (high or low) and runoff to the substrate (with and without). 15N was used to evaluate N absorption. Plants were harvested and current year foliage, foliage >1 year old, twigs, stem and roots were separated. The form of N and dose had significant effects (p=0.001) in all plant components, showing higher recovery with NO3 - as source and at a high dose. Runoff increased recovery in twigs, stem and roots. Current-year foliage showed the highest N absorption. N absorption by the whole plant was nine and three times higher with NO3 - than with NH4 + for foliage >1 year and roots, respectively. N absorption was higher in the stem than in other plant components, whereas foliage >1 year was the least sensitive component to N absorption. The average amount of N recovered per plant was 1.8mg N. Aboveground N-NO3 - recovery reached 57%, probably because the plants were not exposed to rainfall that could wash NO3 - from the canopy. The results suggest a high potential of N absorption by the foliage and branches of A. religiosa. The initial symptoms of N saturation documented in the Valley of Mexico may worsen if air pollution remains uncontrolled. The effects of N deposition may occur via foliage before soil N is affected.

Avaliou-se a absorção foliar de nitrogênio inorgânico por depósito úmido simulado em Abies religiosa, em um experimento fatorial em viveiro com plantas de três anos de idade e desenho ao azar. Oito tratamentos combinaram duas formas de N (NO3 - e NH4 +), dose aplicada (alta ou baixa) e escorrimento do substrato (com e sem). Utilizou-se 15N para medir absorção de N. Realizada a colheita das plantas, a folhagem nova, folhagem com >1 ano, ramas, caule principal e raiz foram separadas. A forma e dose de N tiveram efeito (p=0,001) em todos os componentes das plantas, mostrando maior absorção de N com NO3 - em dose alta. Com escorrimento houve maior absorção em ramas, caule e raiz. A maior absorção de N foi em folhagem nova. A absorção de NO3 - foi nove e três vezes maior que a de NH4 + em folhagem >1 ano e raiz, respectivamente. A absorção de N no caule foi afetada por todos os fatores e interações, mas em folhagem >1 ano somente afetou a forma e dose de N. A quantidade média de 15N recuperada foi 1,8 mg N por planta. A recuperação de N-NO3 - na parte aérea alcançou 57% pois as plantas não estiveram expostas a chuva que lavasse o N-NO3 - retido na folhagem e ramas. Os resultados sugerem um alto potencial de absorção pela folhagem de A. religiosa. Os sintomas iniciais de saturação de N documentados no Vale do México poderiam acentuar-se com aumentos de contaminação atmosférica. Os efeitos do depósito de N podem ocorrer por via foliar antes que o N do solo seja afetado.
