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Chaos ; 28(3): 033122, 2018 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29604636


Previous works have shown the universality of allometric scaling under total and density values at the city level, but our understanding of the size effects of regions on the universality of allometric scaling remains inadequate. Here, we revisit the scaling relations between the gross domestic production (GDP) and the population based on the total and density values and first reveal that the allometric scaling under density values for different regions is universal. The scaling exponent ß under the density value is in the range of (1.0, 2.0], which unexpectedly exceeds the range observed by Pan et al. [Nat. Commun. 4, 1961 (2013)]. For the wider range, we propose a network model based on a 2D lattice space with the spatial correlation factor α as a parameter. Numerical experiments prove that the generated scaling exponent ß in our model is fully tunable by the spatial correlation factor α. Our model will furnish a general platform for extensive urban and regional studies.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 1222, 2018 01 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29352130


Experiments on the Ultimatum Game (UG) repeatedly show that people's behaviour is far from rational. In UG experiments, a subject proposes how to divide a pot and the other can accept or reject the proposal, in which case both lose everything. While rational people would offer and accept the minimum possible amount, in experiments low offers are often rejected and offers are typically larger than the minimum, and even fair. Several theoretical works have proposed that these results may arise evolutionarily when subjects act in both roles and there is a fixed interaction structure in the population specifying who plays with whom. We report the first experiments on structured UG with subjects playing simultaneously both roles. We observe that acceptance levels of responders approach rationality and proposers accommodate their offers to their environment. More precisely, subjects keep low acceptance levels all the time, but as proposers they follow a best-response-like approach to choose their offers. We thus find that status equality promotes rational sharing while the influence of structure leads to fairer offers compared to well-mixed populations. Our results are far from what is observed in single-role UG experiments and largely different from available predictions based on evolutionary game theory.

Juegos Experimentales , Conducta Social , Toma de Decisiones , Humanos , Modelos Psicológicos
Nat Commun ; 8(1): 1639, 2017 11 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29158475


Studies of human mobility in the past decade revealed a number of general scaling laws. However, to reproduce the scaling behaviors quantitatively at both the individual and population levels simultaneously remains to be an outstanding problem. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that spatial scales have a significant effect on human mobility, raising the need for formulating a universal model suited for human mobility at different levels and spatial scales. Here we develop a general model by combining memory effect and population-induced competition to enable accurate prediction of human mobility based on population distribution only. A variety of individual and collective mobility patterns such as scaling behaviors and trajectory motifs are accurately predicted for different countries and cities of diverse spatial scales. Our model establishes a universal underlying mechanism capable of explaining a variety of human mobility behaviors, and has significant applications for understanding many dynamical processes associated with human mobility.

Migración Humana , Dinámica Poblacional , China , Ciudades , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Modelos Estadísticos , Viaje , Estados Unidos
PLoS One ; 9(4): e94351, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24740284


As a typical self-driven many-particle system far from equilibrium, traffic flow exhibits diverse fascinating non-equilibrium phenomena, most of which are closely related to traffic flow stability and specifically the growth/dissipation pattern of disturbances. However, the traffic theories have been controversial due to a lack of precise traffic data. We have studied traffic flow from a new perspective by carrying out large-scale car-following experiment on an open road section, which overcomes the intrinsic deficiency of empirical observations. The experiment has shown clearly the nature of car-following, which runs against the traditional traffic flow theory. Simulations show that by removing the fundamental notion in the traditional car-following models and allowing the traffic state to span a two-dimensional region in velocity-spacing plane, the growth pattern of disturbances has changed qualitatively and becomes qualitatively or even quantitatively in consistent with that observed in the experiment.

Automóviles , Modelos Teóricos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24032885


The effect of overpasses in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic flow model with random and parallel update rules has been studied. An overpass is a site that can be occupied simultaneously by an eastbound car and a northbound one. Under periodic boundary conditions, both self-organized and random patterns are observed in the free-flowing phase of the parallel update model, while only the random pattern is observed in the random update model. We have developed mean-field analysis for the moving phase of the random update model, which agrees with the simulation results well. An intermediate phase is observed in which some cars could pass through the jamming cluster due to the existence of free paths in the random update model. Two intermediate states are observed in the parallel update model, which have been ignored in previous studies. The intermediate phases in which the jamming skeleton is only oriented along the diagonal line in both models have been analyzed, with the analyses agreeing well with the simulation results. With the increase of overpass ratio, the jamming phase and the intermediate phases disappear in succession for both models. Under open boundary conditions, the system exhibits only two phases when the ratio of overpasses is below a threshold in the random update model. When the ratio of the overpass is close to 1, three phases could be observed, similar to the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process model. The dependence of the average velocity, the density, and the flow rate on the injection probability in the moving phase has also been obtained through mean-field analysis. The results of the parallel model under open boundary conditions are similar to that of the random update model.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 76(1 Pt 2): 016110, 2007 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17677536


Complex networks are constructed in the evolution process of traffic flow, and the states of traffic flow are represented by nodes in the network. The traffic dynamics can then be studied by investigating the statistical properties of those networks. According to Kerner's three-phase theory, there are two different phases in congested traffic, synchronized flow and wide moving jam. In the framework of this theory, we study different properties of synchronized flow and moving jam in relation to complex network. Scale-free network is constructed in stop-and-go traffic, i.e., a sequence of moving jams [Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 2711 (2005)]. In this work, the networks generated in synchronized flow are investigated in detail. Simulation results show that the degree distribution of the networks constructed in synchronized flow has two power law regions, so the distinction in topological structure can really reflect the different dynamics in traffic flow. Furthermore, the real traffic data are investigated by this method, and the results are consistent with the simulations.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 74(6 Pt 2): 066111, 2006 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17280125


The cascade failures in scale-free networks with community structure are studied and cascade propagation of such networks with different modularity parameters is simulated. It is found that the network with small modularity is much easier to trigger cascade failures than that of the larger one. Furthermore, different removal strategies have some what large effects on the cascade failures aftereffect. The simulations also show that larger modularity and reserve capacity coefficient will delay the breakdown caused by a cascade of network. This is particularly important for such real networks with community as traffic networks, distribution networks, and electrical power grids.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 72(6 Pt 2): 066124, 2005 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16486027


In the case of two-lane traffic, vehicle drivers always worry about the lane changing actions from neighbor lane. This paper studies the stability of a car-following model on two lanes which incorporates the lateral effects in traffic. The stability condition of the model is obtained by using the linear stability theory. The modified Korteweg-de Vries equation is constructed and solved, and three types of traffic flows in the headway-sensitivity space--stable, metastable, and unstable--are classified. Both analytical and simulation results show that the anxiousness about lane changing from neighbor lane indeed has influence upon people's driving behavior and the consideration of lateral effects could stabilize the traffic flows on both lanes.
