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J Acoust Soc Am ; 156(1): 463-474, 2024 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39013040


Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) of viscoelastic materials have paved the way toward the design of increasingly complex structures. In particular, emerging biomedical applications in acoustics involve structures with periodic micro-architectures, which require a precise knowledge of longitudinal and transverse bulk properties of the constituent materials. However, the identification of the transverse properties of highly soft and attenuating materials remains particularly challenging. Thereby, the present work provides a methodological framework to identify the frequency-dependent ultrasound characteristics (i.e., phase velocity and attenuation) of viscoelastic materials. The proposed approach relies on an inverse procedure based on angular measurements achieved in double through-transmission, referred as θ-scan. Toward this goal, a forward modeling of the double transmitted waves through a homogeneous solid is proposed for any incidence angle based on the global matrix formalism. The experimental validation is conducted by performing ultrasound measurements on two types of photopolymers that are commonly employed for AM purposes: a soft elastomer (ElasticoTM Black) and a glassy polymer (VeroUltraTM White). As a result, the inferred dispersive ultrasound characteristics are of interest for the computational calibration and validation of models involving complex multi-material structures in the MHz regime.

Ultrasonics ; 131: 106951, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36796203


Multi-material additive manufacturing is receiving increasing attention in the field of acoustics, in particular towards the design of micro-architectured periodic media used to achieve programmable ultrasonic responses. To unravel the effect of the material properties and spatial arrangement of the printed constituents, there is an unmet need in developing wave propagation models for prediction and optimization purposes. In this study, we propose to investigate the transmission of longitudinal ultrasound waves through 1D-periodic biphasic media, whose constituent materials are viscoelastic. To this end, Bloch-Floquet analysis is applied in the frame of viscoelasticity, with the aim of disentangling the relative contributions of viscoelasticity and periodicity on ultrasound signatures, such as dispersion, attenuation, and bandgaps localization. The impact of the finite size nature of these structures is then assessed by using a modeling approach based on the transfer matrix formalism. Finally, the modeling outcomes, i.e., frequency-dependent phase velocity and attenuation, are confronted with experiments conducted on 3D-printed samples, which exhibit a 1D periodicity at length-scales of a few hundreds of micrometers. Altogether, the obtained results shed light on the modeling characteristics to be considered when predicting the complex acoustic behavior of periodic media in the ultrasonic regime.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 152(3): 1901, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36182322


Photopolymer-based additive manufacturing has received increasing attention in the field of acoustics over the past decade, specifically towards the design of tissue-mimicking phantoms and passive components for ultrasound imaging and therapy. While these applications rely on an accurate characterization of the longitudinal bulk properties of the materials, emerging applications involving periodic micro-architectured media also require the knowledge of the transverse bulk properties to achieve the desired acoustic behavior. However, a robust knowledge of these properties is still lacking for such attenuating materials. Here, we report on the longitudinal and transverse bulk properties, i.e., frequency-dependent phase velocities and attenuations, of photopolymer materials, which were characterized in the MHz regime using a double through-transmission method in oblique incidence. Samples were fabricated using two different printing technologies (stereolithography and polyjet) to assess the impact of two important factors of the manufacturing process: curing and material mixing. Overall, the experimentally observed dispersion and attenuation could be satisfactorily modeled using a power law attenuation to identify a reduced number of intrinsic ultrasound parameters. As a result, these parameters, and especially those reflecting transverse bulk properties, were shown to be very sensitive to slight variations of the manufacturing process.
