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Ecol Evol ; 9(22): 12710-12726, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31788209


Under different environmental conditions, hybridization between the same species might result in different patterns of genetic admixture. Particularly, species pairs with large distribution ranges and long evolutionary history may have experienced several independent hybridization events over time in different zones of overlap. In birds, the diverse hybrid populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and the Spanish sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) provide a striking example. Throughout their range of sympatry, these two species do not regularly interbreed; however, a stabilized hybrid form (Passer italiae) exists on the Italian Peninsula and on several Mediterranean islands. The spatial distribution pattern on the Eurasian continent strongly contrasts the situation in North Africa, where house sparrows and Spanish sparrows occur in close vicinity of phenotypically intermediate populations across a broad mosaic hybrid zone. In this study, we investigate patterns of divergence and admixture among the two parental species, stabilized and nonstabilized hybrid populations in Italy and Algeria based on a mitochondrial marker, a sex chromosomal marker, and 12 microsatellite loci. In Algeria, despite strong spatial and temporal separation of urban early-breeding house sparrows and hybrids and rural late-breeding Spanish sparrows, we found strong genetic admixture of mitochondrial and nuclear markers across all study populations and phenotypes. That pattern of admixture in the North African hybrid zone is strikingly different from i) the Iberian area of sympatry where we observed only weak asymmetrical introgression of Spanish sparrow nuclear alleles into local house sparrow populations and ii) the very homogenous Italian sparrow population where the mitogenome of one parent (P. domesticus) and the Z-chromosomal marker of the other parent (P. hispaniolensis) are fixed. The North African sparrow hybrids provide a further example of enhanced hybridization along with recent urbanization and anthropogenic land-use changes in a mosaic landscape.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 4(2): 3809-3812, 2019 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33366199


Mitochondrial heteroplasmy is the result from biparental transmission of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to the offspring. In such rare cases, maternal and paternal mtDNA is present in the same individual. Though recent studies suggested that mtDNA heteroplasmy might be more common than previously anticipated, that phenomenon is still poorly documented and was mostly detected in case studies on hybrid populations. The Italian sparrow, Passer italiae is a homoploid hybrid form that occurs all across the Italian Peninsula mostly under strict absence of either of its parent species, the house sparrow (P. domesticus) and the Spanish sparrow (P. hispaniolensis). In this study, we document a new case of mitochondrial heteroplasmy from two island populations of P. italiae (Ustica and Lipari). Our analysis was based on the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) that allows for a clear distinction between mitochondrial lineages of the two parental species. We amplified and sequenced the mitochondrial ND2 gene with specifically designed primer combinations for each of the two parental species. In two of our study populations, a single individual carried two different ND2 haplotypes from each of the two parental lineages. These findings contribute to current knowledge on the still poorly documented phenomenon of paternal leakage in vertebrates.

Ecol Evol ; 6(15): 5190-206, 2016 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27551376


A stabilized hybrid form of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and the Spanish sparrow (P. hispaniolensis) is known as Passer italiae from the Italian Peninsula and a few Mediterranean islands. The growing attention for the Italian hybrid sparrow and increasing knowledge on its biology and genetic constitution greatly contrast the complete lack of knowledge of the long-known phenotypical hybrid sparrow populations from North Africa. Our study provides new data on the breeding biology and variation of mitochondrial DNA in three Algerian populations of house sparrows, Spanish sparrows, and phenotypical hybrids. In two field seasons, the two species occupied different breeding habitats: Spanish sparrows were only found in rural areas outside the cities and bred in open-cup nests built in large jujube bushes. In contrast, house sparrows bred only in the town centers and occupied nesting holes in walls of buildings. Phenotypical hybrids were always associated with house sparrow populations. House sparrows and phenotypical hybrids started breeding mid of March, and most pairs had three successive clutches, whereas Spanish sparrows started breeding almost one month later and had only two successive clutches. Mitochondrial introgression is strongly asymmetric because about 75% of the rural Spanish sparrow population carried house sparrow haplotypes. In contrast, populations of the Italian hybrid form, P. italiae, were genetically least diverse among all study populations and showed a near-fixation of house sparrow haplotypes that elsewhere were extremely rare or that were even unique for the Italian Peninsula. Such differences between mitochondrial gene pools of Italian and North African hybrid sparrow populations provide first evidence that different demographic histories have shaped the extant genetic diversity observed on both continents.

Food Chem ; 197(Pt A): 581-8, 2016 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26616991


The combined effects of freezing and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) (100% N2 and 50% N2+50% CO2) on some quality characteristics of Giant Red Shrimp (GRS) (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) was studied during 12-month storage. In particular, the quality characteristics determined proximal and gas compositions, melanosis scores, pH, total volatile basic-nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid (TBA) as well as free amino acid (FAA). In addition, the emergent data were compared to those subject to vacuum packaging as well as conventional preservative method of sulphite treatment (SUL). Most determined qualities exhibited quantitative differences with storage. By comparisons, while pH and TVB-N statistically varied between treatments (P<0.05) and TBA that ranged between ∼0.15 and 0.30 mg MDA/kg appeared least at end of storage for 100% N2 treated-group, the latter having decreased melanosis scores showed such treatments with high promise to keep the colour of GRS sample hence, potential replacement for SUL group. By comparisons also, while some individual FAA values showed increases especially at the 100% N2-treated group, the total FAAs statistically differed with storage (P<0.05). The combination of freezing and MAP treatments as preservative treatment method shows high promise to influence some quality characteristics of GRS samples of this study.

Conservación de Alimentos/métodos , Penaeidae/química , Mariscos/análisis , Animales , Atmósfera , Embalaje de Alimentos/instrumentación , Almacenamiento de Alimentos , Congelación , Nitrógeno/análisis , Vacio
Int. j. morphol ; 31(2): 681-686, jun. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-687124


Morphometry structure of Sicilian green toad from the Nature Reserve "Monte Pellegrino" (north-western Sicily) was studied. A total of 666 individuals (354 males and 312 females) were captured in 2003 during reproduction period. Meaningful differences have statistically emerged among the two sexes and the body weight is the best parameter (up to 92 percent correct classification), followed by the length of the body (up to 90 percent correct classification). The simultaneous use of all the examined characters only increases of 1percent the probability for correct discrimination of the sex. In comparison to the dimension of other green toad populations studied by other authors, the body size of this sicilian population results elevated, similar to that of Corsica and of Sardinia. It is possible that the high dimension of the Sicilian population is the result of low competition with other amphibians species and/or to the absence of a winter latency.

Se realizó un estudio morfométrico de la estructura del sapo verde siciliano de la Reserva Natural "Monte Pellegrino" (norte-oeste de Sicilia). Un total de 666 individuos (354 machos y 312 hembras) fueron capturados desde el año 2003 durante la época de reproducción. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos sexos, donde el peso corporal fue el mejor parámetro (hasta 92 por ciento de clasificación correcta), seguido por la longitud corporal (hasta 90 por ciento de clasificación correcta). El uso simultáneo de todos los caracteres examinados solo aumentó un 1 por ciento la probabilidad de una correcta discriminación del sexo. En comparación con la dimensión de otras poblaciones de sapos verdes estudiados por otros autores, el tamaño del cuerpo de esta población siciliana resulta elevado, similar a las poblaciones de Córcega y Cerdeña. Es posible que la gran dimensión de la población siciliana pueda deberse al bajo nivel de competencia con anfibios otras especies y/o a la ausencia de una latencia de invierno.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Biometría , Bufonidae/anatomía & histología , Italia