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Antioxidants (Basel) ; 13(4)2024 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38671873


Niacinamide (or nicotinamide) is a small-molecule hydrosoluble vitamin with essential metabolic functions in mammalian cells. Niacinamide has become a key functional ingredient in diverse skincare products and cosmetics. This vitamin plays a pivotal role in NAD+ synthesis, notably contributing to redox reactions and energy production in cutaneous cells. Via diversified biochemical mechanisms, niacinamide is also known to influence human DNA repair and cellular stress responses. Based on decades of safe use in cosmetics, niacinamide recently gained widespread popularity as an active ingredient which aligns with the "Kligman standards" in skincare. From a therapeutic standpoint, the intrinsic properties of niacinamide may be applied to managing acne vulgaris, melasma, and psoriasis. From a cosmeceutical standpoint, niacinamide has been widely leveraged as a multipurpose antiaging ingredient. Therein, it was shown to significantly reduce cutaneous oxidative stress, inflammation, and pigmentation. Overall, through multimodal mechanisms, niacinamide may be considered to partially prevent and/or reverse several biophysical changes associated with skin aging. The present narrative review provides multifactorial insights into the mechanisms of niacinamide's therapeutic and cosmeceutical functions. The ingredient's evolving role in skincare was critically appraised, with a strong focus on the biochemical mechanisms at play. Finally, novel indications and potential applications of niacinamide in dermal fillers and alternative injectable formulations were prospectively explored.

Gels ; 9(10)2023 Oct 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37888381


While many injectable viscosupplementation products are available for osteoarthritis (OA) management, multiple hydrogel functional attributes may be further optimized for efficacy enhancement. The objective of this study was to functionally benchmark four commercially available hyaluronan-based viscosupplements (Ostenil, Ostenil Plus, Synvisc, and Innoryos), focusing on critical (rheological, lubricative, adhesive, and stability) attributes. Therefore, in vitro and ex vivo quantitative characterization panels (oscillatory rheology, rotational tribology, and texture analysis with bovine cartilage) were used for hydrogel product functional benchmarking, using equine synovial fluid as a biological control. Specifically, the retained experimental methodology enabled the authors to robustly assess and discuss various functional enhancement options for hyaluronan-based hydrogels (chemical cross-linking and addition of antioxidant stabilizing agents). The results showed that the Innoryos product, a niacinamide-augmented linear hyaluronan-based hydrogel, presented the best overall functional behavior in the retained experimental settings (high adhesivity and lubricity and substantial resistance to oxidative degradation). The Ostenil product was conversely shown to present less desirable functional properties for viscosupplementation compared to the other investigated products. Generally, this study confirmed the high importance of formulation development and control methodology optimization, aiming for the enhancement of novel OA-targeting product critical functional attributes and the probability of their clinical success. Overall, this work confirmed the tangible need for a comprehensive approach to hyaluronan-based viscosupplementation product functional benchmarking (product development and product selection by orthopedists) to maximize the chances of effective clinical OA management.
