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ACS Nano ; 18(19): 12503-12511, 2024 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38688475


In recent years, liquid metal catalysts have emerged as a compelling choice for the controllable, large-scale, and high-quality synthesis of two-dimensional materials. At present, there is little mechanistic understanding of the intricate catalytic process, though, of its governing factors or what renders it superior to growth at the corresponding solid catalysts. Here, we report on a combined experimental and computational study of the kinetics of graphene growth during chemical vapor deposition on a liquid copper catalyst. By monitoring the growing graphene flakes in real time using in situ radiation-mode optical microscopy, we explore the growth morphology and kinetics over a wide range of CH4-to-H2 pressure ratios and deposition temperatures. Constant growth rates of the flakes' radius indicate a growth mode limited by precursor attachment, whereas methane-flux-dependent flake shapes point to limited precursor availability. Large-scale free energy simulations enabled by an efficient machine-learning moment tensor potential trained to density functional theory data provide quantitative barriers for key atomic-scale growth processes. The wealth of experimental and theoretical data can be consistently combined into a microkinetic model that reveals mixed growth kinetics that, in contrast to the situation at solid Cu, is partly controlled by precursor attachment alongside precursor availability. Key mechanistic aspects that directly point toward the improved graphene quality are a largely suppressed carbon dimer attachment due to the facile incorporation of this precursor species into the liquid surface and a low-barrier ring-opening process that self-heals 5-membered rings resulting from remaining dimer attachments.

J Chem Phys ; 159(12)2023 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38127401


Predictive atomistic simulations are increasingly employed for data intensive high throughput studies that take advantage of constantly growing computational resources. To handle the sheer number of individual calculations that are needed in such studies, workflow management packages for atomistic simulations have been developed for a rapidly growing user base. These packages are predominantly designed to handle computationally heavy ab initio calculations, usually with a focus on data provenance and reproducibility. However, in related simulation communities, e.g., the developers of machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs), the computational requirements are somewhat different: the types, sizes, and numbers of computational tasks are more diverse and, therefore, require additional ways of parallelization and local or remote execution for optimal efficiency. In this work, we present the atomistic simulation and MLIP fitting workflow management package wfl and Python remote execution package ExPyRe to meet these requirements. With wfl and ExPyRe, versatile atomic simulation environment based workflows that perform diverse procedures can be written. This capability is based on a low-level developer-oriented framework, which can be utilized to construct high level functionality for user-friendly programs. Such high level capabilities to automate machine learning interatomic potential fitting procedures are already incorporated in wfl, which we use to showcase its capabilities in this work. We believe that wfl fills an important niche in several growing simulation communities and will aid the development of efficient custom computational tasks.

J Chem Phys ; 159(8)2023 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37606330


Metal-water interfaces are central to understanding aqueous-phase heterogeneous catalytic processes. However, the explicit modeling of the interface is still challenging as it necessitates extensive sampling of the interfaces' degrees of freedom. Herein, we use ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations to study the adsorption of furfural, a platform biomass chemical on several catalytically relevant metal-water interfaces (Pt, Rh, Pd, Cu, and Au) at low coverages. We find that furfural adsorption is destabilized on all the metal-water interfaces compared to the metal-gas interfaces considered in this work. This destabilization is a result of the energetic penalty associated with the displacement of water molecules near the surface upon adsorption of furfural, further evidenced by a linear correlation between solvation energy and the change in surface water coverage. To predict solvation energies without the need for computationally expensive AIMD simulations, we demonstrate OH binding energy as a good descriptor to estimate the solvation energies of furfural. Using microkinetic modeling, we further explain the origin of the activity for furfural hydrogenation on intrinsically strong-binding metals under aqueous conditions, i.e., the endothermic solvation energies for furfural adsorption prevent surface poisoning. Our work sheds light on the development of active aqueous-phase catalytic systems via rationally tuning the solvation energies of reaction intermediates.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 9(36): e2204684, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36351774


Liquid metal catalysts have recently attracted attention for synthesizing high-quality 2D materials facilitated via the catalysts' perfectly smooth surface. However, the microscopic catalytic processes occurring at the surface are still largely unclear because liquid metals escape the accessibility of traditional experimental and computational surface science approaches. Hence, numerous controversies are found regarding different applications, with graphene (Gr) growth on liquid copper (Cu) as a prominent prototype. In this work, novel in situ and in silico techniques are employed to achieve an atomic-level characterization of the graphene adsorption height above liquid Cu, reaching quantitative agreement within 0.1 Å between experiment and theory. The results are obtained via in situ synchrotron X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements over wide-range q-vectors and large-scale molecular dynamics simulations based on efficient machine-learning (ML) potentials trained to first-principles density functional theory (DFT) data. The computational insight is demonstrated to be robust against inherent DFT errors and reveals the nature of graphene binding to be highly comparable at liquid Cu and solid Cu(111). Transporting the predictive first-principles quality via ML potentials to the scales required for liquid metal catalysis thus provides a powerful approach to reach microscopic understanding, analogous to the established computational approaches for catalysis at solid surfaces.

Chem Sci ; 13(1): 14-26, 2021 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35059146


As we are in the midst of a climate crisis, there is an urgent need to transition to the sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. A promising strategy towards this transition is to use renewable energy for the electrochemical conversion of abundant molecules present in the earth's atmosphere such as H2O, O2, N2 and CO2, to synthetic fuels and chemicals. A cornerstone to this strategy is the development of earth abundant electrocatalysts with high intrinsic activity towards the desired products. In this perspective, we discuss the importance and challenges involved in the estimation of intrinsic activity both from the experimental and theoretical front. Through a thorough analysis of published data, we find that only modest improvements in intrinsic activity of electrocatalysts have been achieved in the past two decades which necessitates the need for a paradigm shift in electrocatalyst design. To this end, we highlight opportunities offered by tuning three components of the electrochemical environment: cations, buffering anions and the electrolyte pH. These components can significantly alter catalytic activity as demonstrated using several examples, and bring us a step closer towards complete system level optimization of electrochemical routes to sustainable energy conversion.

J Chem Phys ; 152(14): 144703, 2020 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32295363


Determining the influence of the solvent on electrochemical reaction energetics is a central challenge in our understanding of electrochemical interfaces. To date, it is unclear how well existing methods predict solvation energies at solid/liquid interfaces, since they cannot be assessed experimentally. Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations present a physically highly accurate, but also a very costly approach. In this work, we employ extensive AIMD simulations to benchmark solvation at charge-neutral metal/water interfaces against commonly applied continuum solvent models. We consider a variety of adsorbates including *CO, *CHO, *COH, *OCCHO, *OH, and *OOH on Cu, Au, and Pt facets solvated by water. The surfaces and adsorbates considered are relevant, among other reactions, to electrochemical CO2 reduction and the oxygen redox reactions. We determine directional hydrogen bonds and steric water competition to be critical for a correct description of solvation at the metal/water interfaces. As a consequence, we find that the most frequently applied continuum solvation methods, which do not yet capture these properties, do not presently provide more accurate energetics over simulations in vacuum. We find most of the computed benchmark solvation energies to linearly scale with hydrogen bonding or competitive water adsorption, which strongly differ across surfaces. Thus, we determine solvation energies of adsorbates to be non-transferable between metal surfaces, in contrast to standard practice.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(4): 1450-1455, 2020 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32022563


A critical step toward the systematic development of electrocatalysts is the determination of the microscopic structure and processes at the electrified solid/electrolyte interface. The major challenges toward this end for experiment and computations are achieving sufficient cleanliness and modeling the complexity of electrochemical systems, respectively. In this sense, benchmarks of well-defined model systems are sparse. This work presents a rigorous joint experimental-theoretical study on the single-crystal (SC) Cu/aqueous interface. Within typical computational uncertainties, we find quantitative agreement between simulated and experimentally measured voltammograms, which allows us to unequivocally identify the *OH adsorption feature in the fingerprint region of Cu(110), Cu(100), and Cu(111) SCs under alkaline conditions. We find the inclusion of hydrogen evolution reaction kinetics in the theoretical model to be crucial for an accurate steady-state description that gives rise to a negligible H* coverage. A purely thermodynamic description of the H* coverage through a Pourbaix analysis would incorrectly lead to a H* adsorption peak. The presented results establish a fundamental benchmark for all electrochemical applications of Cu.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(12): 6895-6906, 2019 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31689089


One of the major open challenges in ab initio simulations of the electrochemical interface is the determination of electrochemical barriers under a constant driving force. Existing methods to do so include extrapolation techniques based on fully explicit treatments of the electrolyte, as well as implicit solvent models which allow for a continuous variation in electrolyte charge. Emerging hybrid continuum models have the potential to revolutionize the field, since they account for the electrolyte with little computational cost while retaining some explicit electrolyte, representing a "best of both worlds" method. In this work, we present a unified approach to determine reaction energetics from fully explicit, implicit, and hybrid treatments of the electrolyte based on a new multicapacitor model of the electrochemical interface. A given electrode potential can be achieved by a variety of interfacial structures; a crucial insight from this work is that the effective surface charge gives a good proxy of the local potential, the true driving force of electrochemical processes. In contrast, we show that the traditionally considered work function gives rise to multivalued functions depending on the simulation cell size. Furthermore, we show that the reaction energetics are largely insensitive to the countercharge distribution chosen in hybrid implicit/explicit models, which means that any of the myriad implicit electrolyte models can be equivalently applied. This work thus paves the way for the accurate treatment of ab initio reaction energetics of general surface electrochemical processes using both implicit and explicit electrolytes.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(9): 2264-2269, 2019 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30995402


Antiperovskite glasses such as Li3OCl and doped analogues have been proposed as excellent electrolytes for all-solid-state Li ion batteries (ASSB). Incorporating these electrolytes in ASSBs results in puzzling properties. This Letter describes a theoretical Li3OCl glass created by conventional melt-quench procedures. The ion conductivities are calculated using molecular dynamics based on a polarizable force field that is fitted to an extensive set of density functional theory-based energies, forces, and stresses for a wide range of nonequilibrium structures encompassing crystal, glass, and melt. We find high Li+ ion conductivity in good agreement with experiments. However, we also find that the Cl- ion is mobile as well so that the Li3OCl glass is not a single-ion conductor, with a transference number t + ≈ 0.84. This has important implications for its use as an electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries because the Cl could react irreversibly with the electrodes and/or produce glass decomposition during discharge-charge.

Nanotechnology ; 29(35): 355705, 2018 Aug 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29862985


Developing new methods, other than size and shape, for controlling the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals is a highly desired target. Here we demonstrate that the photoluminescence (PL) of silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) can be tuned in the range 685-800 nm solely via surface functionalization with alkynyl(aryl) (phenylacetylene, 2-ethynylnaphthalene, 2-ethynyl-5-hexylthiophene) surface groups. Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy on single nanocrystals revealed the formation of new in-gap states adjacent to the conduction band edge of the functionalized SiNCs. PL red-shifts were attributed to emission through these in-gap states, which reduce the effective band gap for the electron-hole recombination process. The observed in-gap states can be associated with new interface states formed via (-Si-C≡C-) bonds in combination with conjugated molecules as indicated by ab initio calculations. In contrast to alkynyl(aryl)s, the formation of in-gap states and shifts in PL maximum of the SiNCs were not observed with aryl (phenyl, naphthalene, 2-hexylthiophene) and alkynyl (1-dodecyne) surface groups. These outcomes show that surface functionalization with alkynyl(aryl) molecules is a valuable tool to control the electronic structure and optical properties of SiNCs via tuneable interface states, which may enhance the performance of SiNCs in semiconductor devices.

Nano Lett ; 17(6): 3884-3888, 2017 06 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28514174


Lithium-titanium-oxide (Li4Ti5O12, LTO) is unique among battery materials due to its exceptional cyclability and high rate capability. This performance is believed to derive at least partly from the occupational disorder introduced via mixed Li/Ti occupancy in the LTO spinel-like structure. We explore the vast configuration space accessible during high-temperature LTO synthesis by Monte Carlo sampling and indeed find lowest-energy structures to be characterized by a high degree of microscopic inhomogeneity. Dynamical simulations in corresponding configurations reveal the dominant fraction of Li ions to be immobile on nanosecond time scales. However, Ti antisite-like defects stabilized by the configurational disorder give rise to a novel correlated ion diffusion mechanism. The resulting fast but localized diffusion could be a key element in the sudden rise in conductivity found in LTO in the early stages of charging and questions the validity of ion mobility measurements for this and other configurationally disordered materials.
