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Nature ; 592(7853): 237-241, 2021 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33828316


Magma viscosity strongly controls the style (for example, explosive versus effusive) of a volcanic eruption and thus its hazard potential, but can only be measured during or after an eruption. The identification of precursors indicative of magma viscosity would enable forecasting of the eruption style and the scale of associated hazards1. The unanticipated May 2018 rift intrusion and eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i2 displayed exceptional chemical and thermal variability in erupted lavas, leading to unpredictable effusion rates and explosivity. Here, using an integrated analysis of seismicity and magma rheology, we show that the orientation of fault-plane solutions (which indicate a fault's orientation and sense of movement) for earthquakes preceding and accompanying the 2018 eruption indicate a 90-degree local stress-field rotation from background, a phenomenon previously observed only at high-viscosity eruptions3, and never before at Kilauea4-8. Experimentally obtained viscosities for 2018 products and earlier lavas from the Pu'u 'O'o vents tightly constrain the viscosity threshold required for local stress-field reorientation. We argue that rotated fault-plane solutions in earthquake swarms at Kilauea and other volcanoes worldwide provide an early indication that unrest involves magma of heightened viscosity, and thus real-time monitoring of the orientations of fault-plane solutions could provide critical information about the style of an impending eruption. Furthermore, our results provide insight into the fundamental nature of coupled failure and flow in complex multiphase systems.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5646, 2020 11 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33159070


The 2018 summit and flank eruption of Kilauea Volcano was one of the largest volcanic events in Hawai'i in 200 years. Data suggest that a backup in the magma plumbing system at the long-lived Pu'u 'O'o eruption site caused widespread pressurization in the volcano, driving magma into the lower flank. The eruption evolved, and its impact expanded, as a sequence of cascading events, allowing relatively minor changes at Pu'u 'O'o to cause major destruction and historic changes across the volcano. Eruption forecasting is inherently challenging in cascading scenarios where magmatic systems may prime gradually and trigger on small events.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 1711, 2019 02 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30737455


In this work the morphologic features of Pele's hair formed during three different eruptions of Kilauea volcano have been investigated: fountaining from Kilauea Iki's 1959 Episode 1, weak explosive activity from Halemaumau lava lake and littoral explosions at Waikupanaha (2009). Morphological studies were performed by optical, stereo- and scanning electron microscopy. For the first time 3D image analysis was carried out by synchrotron radiation X-ray computed microtomography, which allowed a high-resolution 3D reconstruction of the internal structure of each Pele's hair, highlighting several differences in terms of number density, elongation and shape of the vesicles between the samples from the three eruptions. We identified three main parameters determining these differences: initial size of the magma droplet, ejection velocity and magma viscosity. Pele's hair erupted during the Kilauea Iki's fountaining shows the highest thickness and the least elongated shape of the vesicles, though it is related to fast ejection of a low viscosity magma. We therefore suggest that the size of magma droplets is the main parameter influencing the morphology and inner textures of the Pele's hair. The comparison with Pele's hair of similar eruptions elsewhere demonstrates that there is no univocal correspondence between eruptive style and Pele's hair texture.

Science ; 363(6425): 367-374, 2019 01 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30538164


In 2018, Kilauea Volcano experienced its largest lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) eruption and caldera collapse in at least 200 years. After collapse of the Pu'u 'O'o vent on 30 April, magma propagated downrift. Eruptive fissures opened in the LERZ on 3 May, eventually extending ~6.8 kilometers. A 4 May earthquake [moment magnitude (M w) 6.9] produced ~5 meters of fault slip. Lava erupted at rates exceeding 100 cubic meters per second, eventually covering 35.5 square kilometers. The summit magma system partially drained, producing minor explosions and near-daily collapses releasing energy equivalent to M w 4.7 to 5.4 earthquakes. Activity declined rapidly on 4 August. Summit collapse and lava flow volume estimates are roughly equivalent-about 0.8 cubic kilometers. Careful historical observation and monitoring of Kilauea enabled successful forecasting of hazardous events.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 9179, 2018 06 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29907745


Spatter is a common pyroclastic product of hawaiian fountaining, which typically forms vent-proximal ramparts or cones. Based on textural characteristics and field relations of spatter from the 1969 Mauna Ulu eruption of Kilauea, Hawai'i, three spatter types were identified: (1) Primary spatter deposited as spatter ramparts and isolated cones during the peak of episode 1; (2) Late-stage spatter comprising dense, small volume, vent proximal deposits, formed at the end of episode 1; (3) Secondary spatter preserved in isolated mounds around tectonic ground cracks that we interpret to have formed by the disruption of overlying lava. We propose that not all spatter deposits are evidence of primary magmatic fountaining. Rather, deposits can be "secondary" in nature and associated with lava drain-back, disruption, and subsequent ejection from tectonic cracks. Importantly, these secondary pyroclastic deposits are difficult to distinguish from primary eruptive features based on field relations and bulk clast vesicularity alone, allowing for the potential misinterpretation of eruption vents, on Earth and in remotely sensed planetary data, thereby misinforming hazard maps and probabilistic assessments. Here, we show that vesicle number density provides a statistically-robust metric by which to discriminate primary and secondary spatter, supporting accurate identification of eruptive vents.
