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Langmuir ; 37(45): 13346-13352, 2021 11 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34730362


Using a surface forces apparatus (SFA), we have studied the nanomechanical behavior of short single-stranded and partially and fully double-stranded DNA molecules attached via one end to a self-assembled monolayer on a gold surface. Our results confirm the previously proposed "mushroom-like" polymer structure for surface-attached, single-stranded DNA at low packing density and a "brush-like" structure for the same construct at higher density. At low density we observe a transition to "rigid rod" behavior upon addition of DNA complementary to the surface-attached single strand as the fraction of molecules that are double-stranded increases, with a concomitant increase in the SFA-observed thickness of the monolayer and the characteristic length of the observed repulsive forces. At higher densities, in contrast, this transition is effectively eliminated, presumably because the single-stranded state is already extended in its "brush" state. Taken together, these studies offer insights into the structure and physics of surface-attached short DNAs, providing new guidance for the rational design of DNA-modified functional surfaces.

ADN , Oro , ADN/genética , ADN de Cadena Simple , Polímeros
J Colloid Interface Sci ; 580: 776-784, 2020 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32717444


Many studies on the deformation of soft films by liquids confirmed the increase in the radius of the deformation and the decrease in the apparent contact angle. However, due to the thinness, the dynamics of the deformation could not be observed until the thermodynamic equilibrium. Thus, the dynamics on thick soft materials was studied until equilibrium to contrast the effect of different interfacial energy between different soft materials and water. Therefore, we prepared two different polymeric fluids with similar rheology by cross-linking monomers, yet with different contact angles with water. Sometime after water droplets were placed on these thick polymers, 3D profiles of the deformation were recorded. Though the effect of the surface tension was not verified, the same trend in the dynamics was observed as with thin films, except for the decrease in the radius after the initial increase. The three-phase boundaries (TPBs) were found not at the apex of the ridges formed during the transition to equilibrium. By calculating the surface tensions and angles of each interface at the equilibrium, we found that the temporary imbalance among surface tensions induced the slip of the TPBs toward the center of water droplets, thus dislocating the TPBs and decreasing the radius.

J Am Chem Soc ; 141(47): 18673-18681, 2019 11 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31771333


Marine mussels secrete proteins rich in residues containing catechols and cationic amines that displace hydration layers and adhere to charged surfaces under water via a cooperative binding effect known as catechol-cation synergy. Mussel-inspired adhesives containing paired catechol and cationic functionalities are a promising class of materials for biomedical applications, but few studies address the molecular adhesion mechanism(s) of these materials. To determine whether intramolecular adjacency of these functionalities is necessary for robust adhesion, a suite of siderophore analog surface primers was synthesized with systematic variations in intramolecular spacing between catechol and cationic functionalities. Adhesion measurements conducted with a surface forces apparatus (SFA) allow adhesive failure to be distinguished from cohesive failure and show that the failure mode depends critically on the siderophore analog adsorption density. The adhesion of these molecules to muscovite mica in an aqueous electrolyte solution demonstrates that direct intramolecular adjacency of catechol and cationic functionalities is not necessary for synergistic binding. However, we show that increasing the catechol-cation spacing by incorporating nonbinding domains results in decreased adhesion, which we attribute to a decrease in the density of catechol functionalities. A mechanism for catechol-cation synergy is proposed based on electrostatically driven adsorption and subsequent binding of catechol functionalities. This work should guide the design of new adhesives for binding to charged surfaces in saline environments.

Langmuir ; 35(48): 15674-15680, 2019 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31568721


Using a surface forces apparatus (SFA), we quantitatively study the influence of surface damage on the contact mechanics of self-mated glassy polystyrene (PS) films. We use the SFA to measure the contact radius, surface profile, and normal force between the films, including the adhesion force. The molecular weight (MW) of the polymer influences the repeatability of the adhesion measurements and the effective surface energy calculated using the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) theory. For low-MW PS (MW = 2.33 kDa), the effective surface energy increases over repeated adhesion cycles as the films become progressively damaged. For high-MW PS (MW = 280 kDa), the effective surface energy is constant over repeated adhesion cycles, but hysteresis is still present, manifested in a smaller contact radius during compression of the surfaces than during separation. Our results demonstrate that while the JKR theory is appropriate for describing the contact mechanics of glassy polymer thin films on layered elastic substrates, the contact mechanics of low-MW polymer films can be complicated by surface damage to the films.

Langmuir ; 35(48): 15500-15514, 2019 12 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31362502


Advances in the research of intermolecular and surface interactions result from the development of new and improved measurement techniques and combinations of existing techniques. Here, we present a new miniature version of the surface forces apparatus-the µSFA-that has been designed for ease of use and multimodal capabilities with the retention of the capabilities of other SFA models including accurate measurements of the surface separation distance and physical characterization of dynamic and static physical forces (i.e., normal, shear, and friction) and interactions (e.g., van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrophobic, steric, and biospecific). The small physical size of the µSFA, compared to previous SFA models, makes it portable and suitable for integration into commercially available optical and fluorescence light microscopes, as demonstrated here. The large optical path entry and exit ports make it ideal for concurrent force measurements and spectroscopy studies. Examples of the use of the µSFA in combination with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Raman spectroscopy measurements are presented. Because of the short working distance constraints associated with Raman spectroscopy, an interferometric technique was developed and applied to calculate the intersurface separation distance based on Newton's rings. The introduction of the µSFA will mark a transition in SFA usage from primarily physical characterization to concurrent physical characterization with in situ chemical and biological characterization to study interfacial phenomena, including (but not limited to) molecular adsorption, fluid flow dynamics, the determination of surface species and morphology, and (bio)molecular binding kinetics.

Langmuir ; 35(48): 15614-15627, 2019 12 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31379172


The adhesion force between individual human hair fibers in a crosshair geometry was measured by observing their natural bending and adhesive jumps out of contact, using optical video microscopy. The hair fibers' natural elastic responses, calibrated by measuring their natural resonant frequencies, were used to measure the forces. Using a custom-designed, automated apparatus to measure thousands of individual hair-hair contacts along millimeter length scales of hair, it was found that a broad, yet characteristic, spatially variant distribution in adhesion force is measured on the 1 to 1000 nN scale for both clean and conditioner-treated hair fibers. Comparison between the measured adhesion forces and adhesion forces modeled from the hairs' surface topography (measured using confocal laser profilometry) shows they have a good order-of-magnitude agreement and have similar breadth and shape. The agreement between the measurements and the model suggests, perhaps unsurprisingly, that hair-hair adhesion is governed, to a first approximation, by the unique surface structure of the hairs' cuticles and, therefore, the large distribution in local mean curvature at the various individual contact points along the hairs' lengths. We posit that haircare products could best control the surface properties (or at least the adhesive properties) between hairs by directly modifying the hair surface microstructure.

Langmuir ; 35(48): 15651-15660, 2019 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31454249


Dissolution of mineral surfaces at asymmetric solid-liquid-solid interfaces in aqueous solutions occurs in technologically relevant processes, such as chemical/mechanical polishing (CMP) for semiconductor fabrication, formation and corrosion of structural materials, and crystallization of materials relevant to heterogeneous catalysis or drug delivery. In some such processes, materials at confined interfaces exhibit dissolution rates that are orders of magnitude larger than dissolution rates of isolated surfaces. Here, the dissolution of silica and alumina in close proximity to a charged gold surface or mica in alkaline solutions of pH 10-11 is shown to depend on the difference in electrostatic potentials of the surfaces, as determined from measurements conducted using a custom-built electrochemical pressure cell and a surface forces apparatus (SFA). The enhanced dissolution is proposed to result from overlap of the electrostatic double layers between the dissimilar charged surfaces at small intersurface separation distances (<1 Debye length). A semiquantitative model shows that overlap of the electric double layers can change the magnitude and direction of the electric field at the surface with the less negative potential, which results in an increase in the rate of dissolution of that surface. When the surface electrochemical properties were changed, the dissolution rates of silica and alumina were increased by up to 2 orders of magnitude over the dissolution rates of isolated compositionally similar surfaces under otherwise identical conditions. The results provide new insights on dissolution processes that occur at solid-liquid-solid interfaces and yield design criteria for controlling dissolution through electrochemical modification, with relevance to diverse technologies.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 11(1): 1363-1375, 2019 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30525414


Polymer-based lubricant additives for friction reduction, wear protection, or viscosity improvement have been widely studied. However, single additives achieving all three functions are rare. To address this need, we have explored the combination of polymer topology with organic-inorganic hybrid chemistry to simultaneously vary the temperature- and shear-dependent properties of polymer additives in solution and at solid surfaces. A topological library of lubricant additives, based on statistical copolymers of stearyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate, ranging from linear to branched star architectures, was prepared using ruthenium-catalyzed controlled radical polymerization. Control over the polymerization yielded additives with low dispersity and comparable molecular weights, allowing evaluation of the influence of polymer architecture on friction reduction, wear protection, and bulk viscosity improvement in a commercial base oil (Yubase 4). Structure-performance relationships for these functions were assessed by a combination of a high-speed surface force apparatus (HS-SFA) experiments, wear track profilometry, quartz crystal microbalance analysis, and solution viscometry. The custom-built HS-SFA provides a unique experimental environment to measure the boundary lubrication performance under extreme shear rates (≈107 s-1) for prolonged times (24 h), mimicking the extreme conditions of automotive applications. These experiments revealed that the performance of the additives as boundary lubricants and wear protectants scales with the degree of branching. The branched architectures prohibit ordering of the additives in thin films under high-load conditions, leading to a thicker absorbed polymer brush boundary layer and therefore enhanced film fluidity and lubricity. Additionally, star polymers with increasing arm number lead to bulk viscosity modification, reflected by a significant increase in the viscosity index compared to the commercial base oil. Although outperformed by linear polymers for bulk viscosity improvement, the (hybrid) star polymers successfully combine the three distinct lubricant additive functions: friction reduction, wear protection, and bulk viscosity improvement-in a single polymeric structure. It should also be noted that, judging from HS-SFA experiments, hybrid stars carrying a silicate-based core outperform their fully organic analogues as boundary lubricants. The enhanced performance is most likely driven by attractive forces between the silicate cores and the employed metallic surfaces. Combining three function in one minimizes formulation complexity and thus opens a route to fundamentally understand and formulate key design parameters for the development of novel multifunction lubricant additives.

Langmuir ; 35(1): 41-50, 2019 01 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30509072


Over the past few decades, field- and laboratory-scale studies have shown enhancements in oil recovery when reservoirs, which contain high-salinity formation water (FW), are waterflooded with modified-salinity salt water (widely referred to as the low-salinity, dilution, or SmartWater effect for improved oil recovery). In this study, we investigated the time dependence of the physicochemical processes that occur during diluted seawater (i.e., SmartWater) waterflooding processes of specific relevance to carbonate oil reservoirs. We measured the changes to oil/water/rock wettability, surface roughness, and surface chemical composition during SmartWater flooding using 10-fold-diluted seawater under mimicked oil reservoir conditions with calcite and carbonate reservoir rocks. Distinct effects due to SmartWater flooding were observed and found to occur on two different timescales: (1) a rapid (<15 min) increase in the colloidal electrostatic double-layer repulsion between the rock and oil across the SmartWater, leading to a decreased oil/water/rock adhesion energy and thus increased water wetness and (2) slower (>12 h to complete) physicochemical changes of the calcite and carbonate reservoir rock surfaces, including surface roughening via the dissolution of rock and the reprecipitation of dissolved carbonate species after exchanging key ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, CO32-, and SO42- in carbonates) with those in the flooding SmartWater. Our experiments using crude oil from a carbonate reservoir reveal that these reservoir rock surfaces are covered with organic-ionic preadsorbed films (ad-layers), which the SmartWater removes (detaches) as flakes. Removal of the organic-ionic ad-layers by SmartWater flooding enhances oil release from the surfaces, which was found to be critical to increasing the water wetness and significantly improving oil removal from carbonates. Additionally, the increase in water wetness is further enhanced by roughening of the rock surfaces, which decreases the effective contact (interaction) area between the oil and rock interfaces. Furthermore, we found that the rate of these slower physicochemical changes to the carbonate rock surfaces increases with increasing temperature (at least up to an experimental temperature of 75 °C). Our results suggest that the effectiveness of improved oil recovery from SmartWater flooding depends strongly on the formation of the organic-ionic ad-layers. In oil reservoirs where the ad-layer is fully developed and robust, injecting SmartWater would lead to significant removal of the ad-layer and improved oil recovery.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(32): 8070-8075, 2018 08 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30026197


Understanding the fundamental wetting behavior of liquids on surfaces with pores or cavities provides insights into the wetting phenomena associated with rough or patterned surfaces, such as skin and fabrics, as well as the development of everyday products such as ointments and paints, and industrial applications such as enhanced oil recovery and pitting during chemical mechanical polishing. We have studied, both experimentally and theoretically, the dynamics of the transitions from the unfilled/partially filled (Cassie-Baxter) wetting state to the fully filled (Wenzel) wetting state on intrinsically hydrophilic surfaces (intrinsic water contact angle <90°, where the Wenzel state is always the thermodynamically favorable state, while a temporary metastable Cassie-Baxter state can also exist) to determine the variables that control the rates of such transitions. We prepared silicon wafers with cylindrical cavities of different geometries and immersed them in bulk water. With bright-field and confocal fluorescence microscopy, we observed the details of, and the rates associated with, water penetration into the cavities from the bulk. We find that unconnected, reentrant cavities (i.e., cavities that open up below the surface) have the slowest cavity-filling rates, while connected or non-reentrant cavities undergo very rapid transitions. Using these unconnected, reentrant cavities, we identified the variables that affect cavity-filling rates: (i) the intrinsic contact angle, (ii) the concentration of dissolved air in the bulk water phase (i.e., aeration), (iii) the liquid volatility that determines the rate of capillary condensation inside the cavities, and (iv) the presence of surfactants.

Interacciones Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Termodinámica , Humectabilidad , Aire , Fluoresceína/química , Menisco/química , Transición de Fase , Presión , Silicio/química , Solubilidad , Propiedades de Superficie , Tensoactivos/química , Volatilización , Agua/química
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(37): 11903-11908, 2018 09 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30043553


The hydrophobic (HB) interaction plays a critical role in many colloidal and interfacial phenomena, biophysical and industrial processes. Surface hydrophobicity, characterized by the water contact angle, is generally considered the most dominant parameter determining the HB interaction. Herein, we quantified the HB interactions between air bubbles and a series of hydrophobic surfaces with different nanoscale structures and surface chemistry in aqueous media using a bubble probe atomic force microscopy (AFM). Surprisingly, it is discovered that surfaces of similar hydrophobicity can show different ranges of HB interactions, while surfaces of different hydrophobicity can have similar ranges of HB interaction. The increased heterogeneity of the surface nanoscale structure and chemistry can effectively decrease the decay length of HB interaction from 1.60 nm to 0.35 nm. Our work provides insights into the physical mechanism of HB interaction.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(12): 2890-2895, 2018 03 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29507240


An in-depth knowledge of the interaction of water with amorphous silica is critical to fundamental studies of interfacial hydration water, as well as to industrial processes such as catalysis, nanofabrication, and chromatography. Silica has a tunable surface comprising hydrophilic silanol groups and moderately hydrophobic siloxane groups that can be interchanged through thermal and chemical treatments. Despite extensive studies of silica surfaces, the influence of surface hydrophilicity and chemical topology on the molecular properties of interfacial water is not well understood. In this work, we controllably altered the surface silanol density, and measured surface water diffusivity using Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization (ODNP) and complementary silica-silica interaction forces across water using a surface forces apparatus (SFA). The results show that increased silanol density generally leads to slower water diffusivity and stronger silica-silica repulsion at short aqueous separations (less than ∼4 nm). Both techniques show sharp changes in hydration properties at intermediate silanol densities (2.0-2.9 nm-2). Molecular dynamics simulations of model silica-water interfaces corroborate the increase in water diffusivity with silanol density, and furthermore show that even on a smooth and crystalline surface at a fixed silanol density, adjusting the spatial distribution of silanols results in a range of surface water diffusivities spanning ∼10%. We speculate that a critical silanol cluster size or connectivity parameter could explain the sharp transition in our results, and can modulate wettability, colloidal interactions, and surface reactions, and thus is a phenomenon worth further investigation on silica and chemically heterogeneous surfaces.

Soft Matter ; 13(48): 9122-9131, 2017 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29192930


We report here that a dense liquid formed by spontaneous condensation, also known as simple coacervation, of a single mussel foot protein-3S-mimicking peptide exhibits properties critical for underwater adhesion. A structurally homogeneous coacervate is deposited on underwater surfaces as micrometer-thick layers, and, after compression, displays orders of magnitude higher underwater adhesion at 2 N m-1 than that reported from thin films of the most adhesive mussel-foot-derived peptides or their synthetic mimics. The increase in adhesion efficiency does not require nor rely on post-deposition curing or chemical processing, but rather represents an intrinsic physical property of the single-component coacervate. Its wet adhesive and rheological properties correlate with significant dehydration, tight peptide packing and restriction in peptide mobility. We suggest that such dense coacervate liquids represent an essential adaptation for the initial priming stages of mussel adhesive deposition, and provide a hitherto untapped design principle for synthetic underwater adhesives.

Science ; 358(6362): 502-505, 2017 10 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29074770


Materials often exhibit a trade-off between stiffness and extensibility; for example, strengthening elastomers by increasing their cross-link density leads to embrittlement and decreased toughness. Inspired by cuticles of marine mussel byssi, we circumvent this inherent trade-off by incorporating sacrificial, reversible iron-catechol cross-links into a dry, loosely cross-linked epoxy network. The iron-containing network exhibits two to three orders of magnitude increases in stiffness, tensile strength, and tensile toughness compared to its iron-free precursor while gaining recoverable hysteretic energy dissipation and maintaining its original extensibility. Compared to previous realizations of this chemistry in hydrogels, the dry nature of the network enables larger property enhancement owing to the cooperative effects of both the increased cross-link density given by the reversible iron-catecholate complexes and the chain-restricting ionomeric nanodomains that they form.

ACS Nano ; 11(11): 11074-11081, 2017 11 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28956900


Biological tissues can accurately differentiate external mechanical stresses and actively select suitable strategies (e.g., reversible strain-stiffening, self-healing) to sustain or restore their integrity and related functionalities as required. Synthetic materials that can imitate the characteristics of biological tissues have a wide range of engineering and bioengineering applications. However, no success has been demonstrated to realize such strain-stiffening behavior in synthetic networks, particularly using flexible polymers, which has remained a great challenge. Here, we present one such synthetic hydrogel material prepared from two flexible polymers (polyethylene glycol and branched polyethylenimine) that exhibits both strain-stiffening and self-healing capabilities. The developed synthetic hydrogel network not only mimics the main features of biological mechanically responsive systems but also autonomously self-heals after becoming damaged, thereby recovering its full capacity to perform its normal physiological functions.

Hidrogeles/química , Polímeros/química , Ingeniería de Tejidos , Humanos , Hidrogeles/síntesis química , Hidrogeles/uso terapéutico , Polietilenglicoles/síntesis química , Polietilenglicoles/química , Polietileneimina/síntesis química , Polietileneimina/química , Polímeros/síntesis química , Polímeros/uso terapéutico , Estrés Mecánico
Adv Mater ; 29(39)2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28833661


Marine mussels use catechol-rich interfacial mussel foot proteins (mfps) as primers that attach to mineral surfaces via hydrogen, metal coordination, electrostatic, ionic, or hydrophobic bonds, creating a secondary surface that promotes bonding to the bulk mfps. Inspired by this biological adhesive primer, it is shown that a ≈1 nm thick catecholic single-molecule priming layer increases the adhesion strength of crosslinked polymethacrylate resin on mineral surfaces by up to an order of magnitude when compared with conventional primers such as noncatecholic silane- and phosphate-based grafts. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm that catechol groups anchor to a variety of mineral surfaces and shed light on the binding mode of each molecule. Here, a ≈50% toughness enhancement is achieved in a stiff load-bearing polymer network, demonstrating the utility of mussel-inspired bonding for processing a wide range of polymeric interfaces, including structural, load-bearing materials.

Langmuir ; 33(38): 10041-10050, 2017 09 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28745509


Measuring truly equilibrium adhesion energies or contact angles to obtain the thermodynamic values is experimentally difficult because it requires loading/unloading or advancing/receding boundaries to be measured at rates that can be slower than 1 nm/s. We have measured advancing-receding contact angles and loading-unloading adhesion energies for various systems and geometries involving molecularly smooth and chemically homogeneous surfaces moving at different but steady velocities in both directions, ±V, focusing on the thermodynamic limit of ±V → 0. We have used the Bell Theory (1978) to derive expressions for the dynamic (velocity-dependent) adhesion energies and contact angles suitable for both (i) dynamic adhesion measurements using the classic Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR, 1971) theory of "contact mechanics" and (ii) dynamic contact angle hysteresis measurements of both rolling droplets and syringe-controlled (sessile) droplets on various surfaces. We present our results for systems that exhibited both steady and varying velocities from V ≈ 10 mm/s to 1 nm/s, where in all cases but one, the advancing (V > 0) and receding (V < 0) adhesion energies and/or contact angles converged toward the same theoretical (thermodynamic) values as V → 0. Our equations for the dynamic contact angles are similar to the classic equations of Blake & Haynes (1969) and fitted the experimental adhesion data equally well over the range of velocities studied, although with somewhat different fitting parameters for the characteristic molecular length/dimension or area and characteristic bond formation/rupture lifetime or velocity. Our theoretical and experimental methods and results unify previous kinetic theories of adhesion and contact angle hysteresis and offer new experimental methods for testing kinetic models in the thermodynamic, quasi-static, limit. Our analyses are limited to kinetic effects only, and we conclude that hydrodynamic, i.e., viscous, and inertial effects do not play a role at the interfacial velocities of our experiments, i.e., V < (1-10) mm/s (for water and hexadecane, but for viscous polymers it may be different), consistent with previously reported studies.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 9(16): 14497-14505, 2017 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28398039


Geckos have developed foot pads that allow them to maintain their unique climbing ability despite vast differences of surfaces and environments, from dry desert to humid rainforest. Likewise, successful gecko-inspired mimics should exhibit adhesive and frictional performance across a similarly diverse range of climates. In this work, we focus on the effect of relative humidity (RH) on the "frictional-adhesion" behavior of gecko-inspired adhesive pads. A surface forces apparatus was used to quantitatively measure adhesion and friction forces of a microfibrillar cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane surface against a smooth hemispherical glass disk at varying relative humidity, from 0 to 100% (including fully submerged under water). Geometrically anisotropic tilted half-cylinder microfibers yield a "grip state" (high adhesion and friction forces after shearing along the tilt of the fibers, Fad+ and F∥+) and a "release state" (low adhesion and friction after shearing against the tilt of the fibers, Fad- and F∥-). By appropriate control of the loading path, this allows for transition between strong attachment and easy detachment. Changing the preload and shear direction gives rise to differences in the effective contact area at each fiber and the microscale and nanoscale structure of the contact while changing the relative humidity results in differences in the relative contributions of van der Waals and capillary forces. In combination, both effects lead to interesting trends in the adhesion and friction forces. At up to 75% RH, the grip state adhesion force remains constant and the ratio of grip to release adhesion force does not drop below 4.0. In addition, the friction forces F∥+ and F∥- and the release state adhesion force Fad- exhibit a maximum at intermediate relative humidity between 40% and 75%.
