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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 8635, 2023 May 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37244978


Oscillation of physical parameters in materials can result in a peak signal in the frequency spectrum of the voltage measured from the materials. This spectrum and its amplitude/frequency tunability, through the application of bias voltage or current, can be used to perform neuron-like cognitive tasks. Magnetic materials, after achieving broad distribution for data storage applications in classical Von Neumann computer architectures, are under intense investigation for their neuromorphic computing capabilities. A recent successful demonstration regards magnetisation oscillation in magnetic thin films by spin transfer or spin orbit torques accompanied by magnetoresistance (MR) effect that can give a voltage peak in the frequency spectrum of voltage with bias current dependence of both peak frequency and amplitude. Here we use classical magnetoimpedance (MI) effect in a magnetic wire to produce such a peak and manipulate its frequency and amplitude by means of the bias voltage. We applied a noise signal to a magnetic wire with high magnetic permeability and owing to the frequency dependence of the magnetic permeability we got frequency dependent impedance with a peak at the maximum permeability. Frequency dependence of the MI effect results in different changes in the voltage amplitude at each frequency when a bias voltage is applied and therefore a shift in the peak position and amplitude can be obtained. The presented method and material provide optimal features in structural simplicity, low-frequency operation (tens of MHz-order) and high robustness at different environmental conditions. Our universal approach can be applied to any system with frequency dependent bias responses.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 11877, 2022 Jul 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35831478


The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (iDMI) is an antisymmetric exchange interaction that is induced by the broken inversion symmetry at the interface of, e.g., a ferromagnet/heavy metal. Thus, the presence of iDMI is not expected in symmetrical multilayer stacks of such structures. Here, we use thermal annealing to induce the iDMI in a [Py/Pt]×10 symmetrical multilayer stack. Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy is used to directly evidence the iDMI induction in the annealed sample. Structural characterizations highlight the modified crystallinity as well as a higher surface roughness of the sample after annealing. First principles electronic structure calculations demonstrate a monotonic increase of the iDMI with the interfacial disorder due to the interdiffusion of atoms, depicting the possible origin of the induced iDMI. The presented method can be used to tune the iDMI strength in symmetric multilayers, which are the integral part of racetrack memories, magnonic devices as well as spin-orbitronic elements.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 9809, 2022 Jun 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35697928


We demonstrate a nanostructure layer made of Ni80Fe20 (permalloy:Py) thin film conjugated MoS2 nano-flakes. Layers are made based on a single-step co-deposition of Py and MoS2 from a single solution where ionic Ni and Fe and MoS2 flakes co-exist. Synthesized thin films with MoS2 flakes show increasing coercivity and enhancement in magneto-optical Kerr effect. Ferromagnetic resonance linewidth as well as the damping parameter increaseed significantly compared to that of the Py layer due to the presence of MoS2. Raman spectroscopy and elemental mapping is used to show the quality of MoS2 within the Py thin film. Our synthesis method promises new opportunities for electrochemical production of functional spintronic-based devices.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20334, 2021 Oct 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34645871


Fundamental studies on graphene (Gr) and its real device applications have been affected by unavoidable defects and impurities which are usually present in synthesized Gr. Therefore, post treatment methods on Gr have been an important subject of research followed by the community. Here, we demonstrate a post-treatment of cm-sized CVD-grown graphene in a Radio Frequency-generated low-pressure plasma of methane and hydrogen to remove oxygen functional groups and heal the structural defects. The optimum plasma treatment parameters, such as pressure, plasma power, and the ratio of the gases, are optimized using in-situ optical emission spectroscopy. This way we present an optimal healing condition monitored with in situ OES. A twofold increase in the conductivity of plasma-treated Gr samples was obtained. Plasma treatment conditions give insights into the possible underlying mechanisms, and the method presents an effective way to obtain improved Gr quality.
