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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(40): 27380-27393, 2023 Oct 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37792036


The biradicaloid character of different types of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) based on small band gaps is an important descriptor to assess their opto-electronic properties. In this work, the unpaired electron densities and numbers of unpaired electrons (NU values) calculated at the high-level multireference averaged quadratic coupled-cluster (MR-AQCC) method are used to develop a test set to assess the capabilities of different biradical descriptors based on density functional theory. A benchmark collection of 29 different compounds has been selected. The DFT descriptors contain primarily the fractional occupation number weighted electron density (FOD) based on simplified thermally-assisted-occupation density functional theory (TAO-DFT) calculations, but the singlet-triplet energy difference and other descriptors denoted as y0 and nLUNO have been considered as well. After adjustment of the literature-recommended finite temperatures, a very good, detailed agreement between unpaired density and FOD analysis is observed which is also manifested in excellent statistical correlations. The other two descriptors also show good correlations even though the absolute scaling is not satisfactory. A new linear fit of FOD data to the MR-AQCC reference values leads to an improved regression relation for determining the recommended finite temperature value in dependence of the Hartree-Fock exchange. This provides the basis for fast and reliable assessment of the biradical character of many classes of PAHs without the need for performing computationally extended MR calculations.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(40): 8287-8296, 2023 Oct 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37788047


The nonplanar character of graphene with a single carbon vacancy (SV) defect is investigated utilizing a pyrene-SV model system by way of complete-active-space self-consistent field theory (CASSCF) and multireference configuration interaction singles and doubles (MR-CISD) calculations. Planar structures were optimized with both methods, showing the 3B1 state to be the ground state with three energetically close states within an energy range of 1 eV. These planar structures constitute saddle points. However, following the out-of-plane imaginary frequency yields more stable (by 0.22 to 0.53 eV) but nonplanar structures of Cs symmetry. Of these, the 1A' structure is the lowest in energy and is strongly deformed into an L shape. Following a further out-of-plane imaginary frequency in the nonplanar structures leads to the most stable but most deformed singlet structure of C1 symmetry. In this structure, a bond is formed between the carbon atom with the dangling bond and a carbon of the cyclopentadienyl ring. This bond stabilizes the structure by more than 3 eV compared to the planar 3B1 structure. Higher excited states were calculated at the MR-CISD level, showing a grouping of four states low in energy and higher states starting around 3 eV.

Int J Mass Spectrom ; 4612021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33424422


The accurate determination of the nonpolar surface area of glycans is vital when utilizing liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for structural characterization. A new approach for defining and computing nonpolar surface areas based on continuum solvation models (CS-NPSA) is presented. It is based on the classification of individual surface elements representing the solvent accessible surface used for the description of the polarized charge density elements in the CS models. Each element can be classified as polar or nonpolar according to a threshold value. The summation of the nonpolar elements then results in the NPSA resulting in a very fine resolution of this surface. The further advantage of the CS-NPSA approach is the straightforward connection to standard quantum chemical methods and program packages. The method has been analyzed in terms of the contributions of different atoms to the NPSA. The analysis showed that not only atoms normally classified as nonpolar contributed to the NPSA, but at least partially also atoms next to polar atoms or N atoms. By virtue of the construction of the solvent accessible surface, atoms in the inner regions of a molecule can be automatically identified as not contributing to the NPSA. The method has been applied to a variety of examples such as the phenylbutanehydrazide series, model dextrans consisting of glucose units and biantennary glycans. Linear correlation of the CS-NPSA values with retention times obtained from liquid chromatographic separations measurements in the mentioned cases give excellent results and promise for more extended applications on a larger variety of compounds.

J Chem Phys ; 153(18): 184702, 2020 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33187414


Atomic nitrogen is formed in the high-temperature shock layer of hypersonic vehicles and contributes to the ablation of their thermal protection systems (TPSs). To gain atomic-level understanding of the ablation of carbon-based TPS, collisions of hyperthermal atomic nitrogen on representative carbon surfaces have recently be investigated using molecular beams. In this work, we report direct dynamics simulations of atomic-nitrogen [N(4S)] collisions with pristine, defected, and oxidized graphene. Apart from non-reactive scattering of nitrogen atoms, various forms of nitridation of graphene were observed in our simulations. Furthermore, a number of gaseous molecules, including the experimentally observed CN molecule, have been found to desorb as a result of N-atom bombardment. These results provide a foundation for understanding the molecular beam experiment and for modeling the ablation of carbon-based TPSs and for future improvement of their properties.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(20): 4062-4067, 2020 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32352296


Quasi-classical direct dynamics simulations, performed with the B3LYP-D3/cc-pVDZ electronic structure theory, are reported for vibrational relaxation of the three NH stretches of the -NH3+ group of protonated tryptophan (TrpH+), excited to the n = 1 local mode states. The intramolecular vibrational energy relaxation (IVR) rates determined for these states, from the simulations, are in good agreement with the experiment. In accordance with the experiment, IVR for the free NH stretch is slowest, with faster IVR for the remaining two NH stretches which have intermolecular couplings with an O atom and a benzenoid ring. For the free NH and the NH coupled to the benzenoid ring, there are beats (i.e., recurrences) in their relaxations versus time. For the free NH stretch, 50% of the population remained in n = 1 when the trajectories were terminated at 0.4 ps. IVR for the free NH stretch is substantially slower than for the CH stretch in benzene. The agreement found in this study between quasi-classical direct dynamics simulations and experiments indicates the possible applicability of this simulation method to larger biological molecules. Because IVR can drive or inhibit reactions, calculations of IVR time scales are of interest, for example, in unimolecular reactions, mode-specific chemistry, and many photochemical processes.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 71: 289-313, 2020 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32312190


Nonstatistical dynamics is important for many chemical reactions. The Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) theory of unimolecular kinetics assumes a reactant molecule maintains a statistical microcanonical ensemble of vibrational states during its dissociation so that its unimolecular dynamics are time independent. Such dynamics results when the reactant's atomic motion is chaotic or irregular. Intrinsic non-RRKM dynamics occurs when part of the reactant's phase space consists of quasiperiodic/regular motion and a bottleneck exists, so that the unimolecular rate constant is time dependent. Nonrandom excitation of a molecule may result in short-time apparent non-RRKM dynamics. For rotational activation, the 2J + 1 K levels for a particular J may be highly mixed, making K an active degree of freedom, or K may be a good quantum number and an adiabatic degree of freedom. Nonstatistical dynamics is often important for bimolecular reactions and their intermediates and for product-energy partitioning of bimolecular and unimolecular reactions. Post-transition state dynamics is often highly complex and nonstatistical.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(7): 2772-2774, 2020 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32146814


The traditional understanding is that the Hinshelwood-Lindemann mechanism for thermal unimolecular reactions, and the resulting unimolecular rate constant versus temperature and collision frequency ω (i.e., pressure), requires the Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) rate constant k(E) to represent the unimolecular reaction of the excited molecule versus energy. RRKM theory assumes an exponential N(t)/N(0) population for the excited molecule versus time, with decay given by RRKM microcanonical k(E), and agreement between experimental and Hinshelwood-Lindemann thermal kinetics is then deemed to identify the unimolecular reactant as a RRKM molecule. However, recent calculations of the Hinshelwood-Lindemann rate constant kuni(ω,E) has brought this assumption into question. It was found that a biexponential N(t)/N(0), for intrinsic non-RRKM dynamics, gives a Hinshelwood-Lindemann kuni(ω,E) curve very similar to that of RRKM theory, which assumes exponential dynamics. The RRKM kuni(ω,E) curve was brought into agreement with the biexponential kuni(ω,E) by multiplying ω in the RRKM expression for kuni(ω,E) by an energy transfer efficiency factor ßc. Such scaling is often done in fitting Hinshelwood-Lindemann-RRKM thermal kinetics to experiment. This agreement between the RRKM and non-RRKM curves for kuni(ω,E) was only obtained previously by scaling and fitting. In the work presented here, it is shown that if ω in the RRKM kuni(ω,E) is scaled by a ßc factor there is analytic agreement with the non-RRKM kuni(ω,E). The expression for the value of ßc is derived.

J Chem Phys ; 151(18): 184110, 2019 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31731854


Direct dynamics simulations, using B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2p) theory, were used to study the unimolecular and intramolecular dynamics of vibrationally excited CH3NC. Microcanonical ensembles of CH3NC, excited with 150, 120, and 100 kcal/mol of vibrational energy, isomerized to CH3CN nonexponentially, indicative of intrinsic non-Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) dynamics. The distribution of surviving CH3NC molecules vs time, i.e., N(t)/N(0), was described by two separate functions, valid above and below a time limit, a single exponential for the former and a biexponential for the latter. The dynamics for the short-time component are consistent with a separable phase space model. The importance of this component decreases with vibrational energy and may be unimportant for energies relevant to experimental studies of CH3NC isomerization. Classical power spectra calculated for vibrationally excited CH3NC, at the experimental average energy of isomerizing molecules, show that the intramolecular dynamics of CH3NC are not chaotic and the C-N≡C and CH3 units are weakly coupled. The biexponential N(t)/N(0) at 100 kcal/mol is used as a model to study CH3NC → CH3CN isomerization with biexponential dynamics. The Hinshelwood-Lindemann rate constant kuni(ω,E) found from the biexponential N(t)/N(0) agrees with the Hinshelwood-Lindemann-RRKM kuni(ω,E) at the high and low pressure limits, but is lower at intermediate pressures. As found from previous work [S. Malpathak and W. L. Hase, J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 1923 (2019)], the two kuni(ω,E) curves may be brought into agreement by scaling ω in the Hinshelwood-Lindemann-RRKM kuni(ω,E) by a collisional energy transfer efficiency factor ßc. The interplay between the value of ßc, for the actual intermolecular energy transfer, and the ways the treatment of the rotational quantum number K and nonexponential unimolecular dynamics affect ßc suggests that the ability to fit an experimental kuni(ω,T) with Hinshelwood-Lindemann-RRKM theory does not identify a unimolecular reactant as an intrinsic RRKM molecule.
