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Nat Nanotechnol ; 2024 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39327514


Hierarchical assemblies of ferroelectric nanodomains, so-called super-domains, can exhibit exotic morphologies that lead to distinct behaviours. Controlling these super-domains reliably is critical for realizing states with desired functional properties. Here we reveal the super-switching mechanism by using a biased atomic force microscopy tip, that is, the switching of the in-plane super-domains, of a model ferroelectric Pb0.6Sr0.4TiO3. We demonstrate that the writing process is dominated by a super-domain nucleation and stabilization process. A complex scanning-probe trajectory enables on-demand formation of intricate centre-divergent, centre-convergent and flux-closure polar structures. Correlative piezoresponse force microscopy and optical spectroscopy confirm the topological nature and tunability of the emergent structures. The precise and versatile nanolithography in a ferroic material and the stability of the generated structures, also validated by phase-field modelling, suggests potential for reliable multi-state nanodevice architectures and, thereby, an alternative route for the creation of tunable topological structures for applications in neuromorphic circuits.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 5966, 2024 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39013862


Antiferromagnets have attracted significant attention in the field of magnonics, as promising candidates for ultralow-energy carriers for information transfer for future computing. The role of crystalline orientation distribution on magnon transport has received very little attention. In multiferroics such as BiFeO3 the coupling between antiferromagnetic and polar order imposes yet another boundary condition on spin transport. Thus, understanding the fundamentals of spin transport in such systems requires a single domain, a single crystal. We show that through Lanthanum (La) substitution, a single ferroelectric domain can be engineered with a stable, single-variant spin cycloid, controllable by an electric field. The spin transport in such a single domain displays a strong anisotropy, arising from the underlying spin cycloid lattice. Our work shows a pathway to understanding the fundamental origins of magnon transport in such a single domain multiferroic.

Nano Lett ; 24(10): 2972-2979, 2024 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38416567


The recent discovery of polar topological structures has opened the door for exciting physics and emergent properties. There is, however, little methodology to engineer stability and ordering in these systems, properties of interest for engineering emergent functionalities. Notably, when the surface area is extended to arbitrary thicknesses, the topological polar texture becomes unstable. Here we show that this instability of the phase is due to electrical coupling between successive layers. We demonstrate that this electrical coupling is indicative of an effective screening length in the dielectric, similar to the conductor-ferroelectric interface. Controlling the electrostatics of the superlattice interfaces, the system can be tuned between a pure topological vortex state and a mixed classical-topological phase. This coupling also enables engineering coherency among the vortices, not only tuning the bulk phase diagram but also enabling the emergence of a 3D lattice of polar textures.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 479, 2024 Jan 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38212317


Bismuth ferrite has garnered considerable attention as a promising candidate for magnetoelectric spin-orbit coupled logic-in-memory. As model systems, epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films have typically been deposited at relatively high temperatures (650-800 °C), higher than allowed for direct integration with silicon-CMOS platforms. Here, we circumvent this problem by growing lanthanum-substituted BiFeO3 at 450 °C (which is reasonably compatible with silicon-CMOS integration) on epitaxial BaPb0.75Bi0.25O3 electrodes. Notwithstanding the large lattice mismatch between the La-BiFeO3, BaPb0.75Bi0.25O3, and SrTiO3 (001) substrates, all the layers in the heterostructures are well ordered with a [001] texture. Polarization mapping using atomic resolution STEM imaging and vector mapping established the short-range polarization ordering in the low temperature grown La-BiFeO3. Current-voltage, pulsed-switching, fatigue, and retention measurements follow the characteristic behavior of high-temperature grown La-BiFeO3, where SrRuO3 typically serves as the metallic electrode. These results provide a possible route for realizing epitaxial multiferroics on complex-oxide buffer layers at low temperatures and opens the door for potential silicon-CMOS integration.

Adv Mater ; 35(39): e2301934, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37294272


Interlayer coupling in materials, such as exchange interactions at the interface between an antiferromagnet and a ferromagnet, can produce exotic phenomena not present in the parent materials. While such interfacial coupling in magnetic systems is widely studied, there is considerably less work on analogous electric counterparts (i.e., akin to electric "exchange-bias-like" or "exchange-spring-like" interactions between two polar materials) despite the likelihood that such effects can also engender new features associated with anisotropic electric dipole alignment. Here, electric analogs of such exchange interactions are reported, and their physical origins are explained for bilayers of in-plane polarized Pb1-x Srx TiO3 ferroelectrics. Variation of the strontium content and thickness of the layers provides for deterministic control over the switching properties of the bilayer system resulting in phenomena analogous to an exchange-spring interaction and, leveraging added control of these interactions with an electric field, the ability to realize multistate-memory function. Such observations not only hold technological promise for ferroelectrics and multiferroics but also extend the similarities between ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials to include the manifestation of exchange-interaction-like phenomena.

Adv Mater ; 35(24): e2300257, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36919926


Antiferroelectrics, which undergo a field-induced phase transition to ferroelectric order that manifests as double-hysteresis polarization switching, exhibit great potential for dielectric, electromechanical, and electrothermal applications. Compared to their ferroelectric cousins, however, considerably fewer efforts have been made to understand and control antiferroelectrics. Here, it is demonstrated that the polarization switching behavior of an antiferroelectric can be strongly influenced and effectively regulated by point defects. In films of the canonical antiferroelectric PbZrO3 , decreasing oxygen pressure during deposition (and thus increasing adatom kinetic energy) causes unexpected "ferroelectric-like" polarization switching although the films remain in the expected antiferroelectric orthorhombic phase. This "ferroelectric-like" switching is correlated with the creation of bombardment-induced point-defect complexes which pin the antiferroelectric-ferroelectric phase boundaries, and thus effectively delay the phase transition under changing field. The effective pinning energy is extracted via temperature-dependent switching-kinetics studies. In turn, by controlling the concentration of defect complexes, the dielectric tunability of the PbZrO3 can be adjusted, including being able to convert between "positive" and "negative" tunability near zero field. This work reveals the important role and strong capability of defects to engineer antiferroelectrics for new performance and functionalities.

Adv Mater ; 35(23): e2208367, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36930962


Topologically protected polar textures have provided a rich playground for the exploration of novel, emergent phenomena. Recent discoveries indicate that ferroelectric vortices and skyrmions not only host properties markedly different from traditional ferroelectrics, but also that these properties can be harnessed for unique memory devices. Using a combination of capacitor-based capacitance measurements and computational models, it is demonstrated that polar vortices in dielectric-ferroelectric-dielectric trilayers exhibit classical ferroelectric bi-stability together with the existence of low-field metastable polarization states. This behavior is directly tied to the in-plane vortex ordering, and it is shown that it can be used as a new method of non-destructive readout-out of the poled state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(8): 087601, 2022 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36053684


Spin transport through magnetic insulators has been demonstrated in a variety of materials and is an emerging pathway for next-generation spin-based computing. To modulate spin transport in these systems, one typically applies a sufficiently strong magnetic field to allow for deterministic control of magnetic order. Here, we make use of the well-known multiferroic magnetoelectric, BiFeO_{3}, to demonstrate nonvolatile, hysteretic, electric-field control of thermally excited magnon current in the absence of an applied magnetic field. These findings are an important step toward magnon-based devices, where electric-field-only control is highly desirable.

Adv Mater ; 34(37): e2203469, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35917499


The potential for creating hierarchical domain structures, or mixtures of energetically degenerate phases with distinct patterns that can be modified continually, in ferroelectric thin films offers a pathway to control their mesoscale structure beyond lattice-mismatch strain with a substrate. Here, it is demonstrated that varying the strontium content provides deterministic strain-driven control of hierarchical domain structures in Pb1- x Srx TiO3  solid-solution thin films wherein two types, c/a and a1 /a2 , of nanodomains can coexist. Combining phase-field simulations, epitaxial thin-film growth, detailed structural, domain, and physical-property characterization, it is observed that the system undergoes a gradual transformation (with increasing strontium content) from droplet-like a1 /a2  domains in a c/a domain matrix, to a connected-labyrinth geometry of c/a domains, to a disconnected labyrinth structure of the same, and, finally, to droplet-like c/a domains in an a1 /a2  domain matrix. A relationship between the different mixed-phase modulation patterns and its topological nature is established. Annealing the connected-labyrinth structure leads to domain coarsening forming distinctive regions of parallel c/a and a1 /a2  domain stripes, offering additional design flexibility. Finally, it is found that the connected-labyrinth domain patterns exhibit the highest dielectric permittivity.

ACS Nano ; 15(9): 15096-15103, 2021 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34495651


The dynamics of complex topological defects in ferroelectric materials is explored using automated experimentation in piezoresponse force microscopy. Specifically, a complex trigger system (i.e., "FerroBot") is employed to study metastable domain-wall dynamics in Pb0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films. Several regimes of superdomain wall dynamics have been identified, including smooth domain-wall motion and significant reconfiguration of the domain structures. We have further demonstrated that microscopic mechanisms of the domain-wall dynamics can be identified; i.e., domain-wall bending can be separated from irreversible domain reconfiguration regimes. In conjunction, phase-field modeling was used to corroborate the observed mechanisms. As such, the observed superdomain dynamics can provide a model system for classical ferroelectric dynamics, much like how colloidal crystals provide a model system for atomic and molecular systems.
