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Zookeys ; 1104: 69-91, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761925


The phylogenetic status of the alpine land snail Fruticicolabiconica has remained questionable since it was described by Eder in 1917. Considered a microendemic species from mountain tops in Central Switzerland, the shell is specially adapted for life under stones. Herein, we show via molecular and anatomical investigations that F.biconica neither belongs to the land snail genus Trochulus, nor to any other genus within Trochulini, but rather warrants placement within the newly established genus Raeticella Kneubühler, Baggenstos & Neubert, 2022. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that R.biconica is clearly separated from Trochulus. These findings are supported by morphological investigations of the shell and genitalia.

Zookeys ; 843: 1-37, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31138998


This study presents new insights in the anatomy of genital organs of some large helicid gastropods from northern Africa. The genetic analysis with the markers COI, 16S, H3, and 5.8 S rRNA+ITS2 reveales a high support for Alabastrina and Otala as separate evolutionary lineages within the Otalini. The position of Siretia as another separate lineage within the Otalini is discussed. "Tingitanaminetteidecussata" clusters within the O.xanthodon clade and confirms that the genus Tingitana can be synonymised with Otala. The genus Alabastrina differs from all other known genera by possession of a penial appendix. This character state is also found in topotypic A.tistutensis. Examination of the twin penial papilla system in Otala recovers a reduction of the proximal penial papilla in O.punctata. The position of Helixmurcica as a separate subspecies of O.lactea is not supported, and it is here considered to be a synonym of the latter species.

Zookeys ; (795): 1-12, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30429653


Five years ago, the Panamanian evolutionary lineage (EL) C12 was uncovered along with four other ELs in an integrative phylogenetic investigation of worldwide Carychiidae. Since EL C12 lacked shell material post-molecular analysis to serve as a museum voucher, it remained undescribed. Now, after recent collection efforts of C12 and the congener, Carychiumzarzaae Jochum & Weigand, 2017 at their original Panamanian sites, C12 is morphologically described and formally assigned the name, Carychiumpanamaense Jochum, sp. n. In sync with recent taxonomic treatment of the genus, computed tomography (CT) is used in this work to differentiate shells of C.panamaense sp. n. from geographically-proximal, Caribbean, North and Central American congeners. Recent material of topotypic Carychiumjardineanum (Chitty, 1853) and undamaged C.zarzaae were additionally CT-scanned and assessed in the comparative analyses.

Resumen Hace cinco años, el linaje evolutivo (LE) panameño C12 fue descubierto junto con otros cuatro LEs en un estudio filogenético integrativo mundial de Carychiidae. El LE C12 permaneció sin ser descrito dado que, después de los análisis moleculares, no había conchas disponibles que sirvieran como material de referencia en museos.Ahora, después de esfuerzos recientes para colectar C12 y el congénere, Carychiumzarzaae Jochum & Weigand, 2017 en los sitios panameños originales, C12 es descrito morfológicamente y se le asigna formalmente un nombre, Carychiumpanamaense Jochum, sp. n. De acuerdo con el tratamiento taxonómico reciente del género, en este trabajo se emplea tomografía computarizada (TC) para diferenciar conchas de C.panamaense sp. n. de congéneres geográficamente cercanos del Caribe, Norte y Centro América. Además, en el análisis comparativo se escaneó con TC y se examinó material reciente del topotípico Carychiumjardineanum (Chitty, 1853) y C.zarzaae en buen estado.
