Bench tests of a 15 keV helium ion source, which has been developed for the neutral particle diagnostic system of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), are described. Being part of the diagnostic system, the ion source will be used to monitor the intactness of carbon stripping foils as well as to check the detection and dispersion systems of the main diagnostic instruments-neutral particle analyzers (NPAs). The ion source produces a wide 5-cm diameter (FWHM) ion beam at a distance of about 50 cm; the ion beam uniformity at a 2-cm area corresponding to the size of the stripping foil is not worse than 10%. The beam current over the area of the stripping foil can be adjusted in the range of 0.1 pA-1 pA. After initial heating, the temporal stability of the ion beam is better than 10%. Pulse height measurements of registered signals show that 15 keV He+ ions can be reliably registered by the NPA detector system. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the developed ion source can provide a reliable check of the NPA system during the diagnostic performance on the ITER tokamak.
Multi-slit triode ion-optical systems with spherical electrodes are of interest for formation of intense focused neutral beams for plasma heating. At present, two versions of focusing multi-slit triode ion optical system are developed. The first ion optical system forms the proton beam with 15 keV energy, 140 A current, and 30 ms duration. The second ion optical system is intended for heating neutral beam injector of Tokamak Configuration Variable (TCV). The injector produces focused deuterium neutral beam with 35 keV energy, 1 MW power, and 2 s duration. In the later case, the angular beam divergence of the neutral beam is 20-22 mrad in the direction across the slits of the ion optical system and 12 mrad in the direction along the slits.
The RHIC polarized H(-) ion source had been successfully upgraded to higher intensity and polarization by using a very high brightness fast atomic beam source developed at BINP, Novosibirsk. In this source the proton beam is extracted by a four-grid multi-aperture ion optical system and neutralized in the H2 gas cell downstream from the grids. The proton beam is extracted from plasma emitter with a low transverse ion temperature of â¼0.2 eV which is formed by plasma jet expansion from the arc plasma generator. The multi-hole grids are spherically shaped to produce "geometrical" beam focusing. Proton beam formation and transport of atomic beam were experimentally studied at test bench.
We synthesized and solved an unexpectedly complex crystal structure of CaB(6) under high pressures (up to 44 GPa) and temperatures. The only known crystal structure in the large family of metal hexaborides, a simple cubic cP7 type discovered over 80 years ago, is shown here to transform into a tetragonal tI56 configuration comprised of unfamiliar 24-atom boron units. The interpretation of the convoluted x-ray diffraction pattern was accomplished with an ab initio evolutionary search which identified the tI56 structure (28 atoms per primitive unit cell) without any parameter input. The exotic CaB(6) phase was successfully quenched down to ambient pressure.
We report inelastic neutron scattering measurements on Na2IrO3, a candidate for the Kitaev spin model on the honeycomb lattice. We observe spin-wave excitations below 5 meV with a dispersion that can be accounted for by including substantial further-neighbor exchanges that stabilize zigzag magnetic order. The onset of long-range magnetic order below T(N)=15.3 K is confirmed via the observation of oscillations in zero-field muon-spin rotation experiments. Combining single-crystal diffraction and density functional calculations we propose a revised crystal structure model with significant departures from the ideal 90° Ir-O-Ir bonds required for dominant Kitaev exchange.
New candidate ground states at 1:4, 1:2, and 1:1 compositions are identified in the well-known Fe-B system via a combination of ab initio high-throughput and evolutionary searches. We show that the proposed oP12-FeB2 stabilizes by a break up of 2D boron layers into 1D chains while oP10-FeB4 stabilizes by a distortion of a 3D boron network. The uniqueness of these configurations gives rise to a set of remarkable properties: oP12-FeB2 is expected to be the first semiconducting metal diboride and oP10-FeB4 is shown to have the potential for phonon-mediated superconductivity with a T(c) of 15-20 K.
A double-walled carbon nanotube is used to study the radial charge distribution on the positive inner electrode of a cylindrical molecular capacitor. The outer electrode is a shell of bromine anions. Resonant Raman scattering from phonons on each carbon shell reveals the radial charge distribution. A self-consistent tight-binding model confirms the observed molecular Faraday cage effect, i.e., most of the charge resides on the outer wall, even when this wall was originally semiconducting and the inner wall was metallic.