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Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(12): 123301, 2020 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379979


Bench tests of a 15 keV helium ion source, which has been developed for the neutral particle diagnostic system of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), are described. Being part of the diagnostic system, the ion source will be used to monitor the intactness of carbon stripping foils as well as to check the detection and dispersion systems of the main diagnostic instruments-neutral particle analyzers (NPAs). The ion source produces a wide 5-cm diameter (FWHM) ion beam at a distance of about 50 cm; the ion beam uniformity at a 2-cm area corresponding to the size of the stripping foil is not worse than 10%. The beam current over the area of the stripping foil can be adjusted in the range of 0.1 pA-1 pA. After initial heating, the temporal stability of the ion beam is better than 10%. Pulse height measurements of registered signals show that 15 keV He+ ions can be reliably registered by the NPA detector system. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the developed ion source can provide a reliable check of the NPA system during the diagnostic performance on the ITER tokamak.
