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Adv Mater ; : e2408060, 2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39087402


Organic crystals are widely used by animals to manipulate light for producing structural colors and for improving vision. To date only seven crystal types are known to be used, and among them ß-guanine crystals are by far the most widespread. The fact that almost all these crystals have unusually high refractive indices (RIs) is consistent with their light manipulation function. Here, the physical, structural, and optical principles of how light interacts with the polarizable free-electron-rich environment of these quasiaromatic molecules are addressed. How the organization of these molecules into crystalline arrays introduces optical anisotropy and finally how organisms control crystal morphology and superstructural organization to optimize functions in light reflection and scattering are also discussed. Many open questions remain in this fascinating field, some of which arise out of this in-depth analysis of the interaction of light with crystal arrays. More types of organic crystals will probably be discovered, as well as other organisms that use these crystals to manipulate light. The insights gained from biological systems can also be harnessed for improving synthetic light-manipulating materials.

J Chem Phys ; 161(7)2024 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39162196


The high-order finite difference real-space pseudopotential density functional theory (DFT) approach is a valuable method for large-scale, massively parallel DFT calculations. A significant challenge in the approach is the oscillating "egg-box" error introduced by aliasing associated with a coarse grid spacing. To address this issue while minimizing computational cost, we developed a finite difference interpolation (FDI) scheme [Roller et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19, 3889 (2023)] as a means of exploiting the high resolution of the pseudopotential to reduce egg-box effects systematically. Here, we show an implementation of this method in the PARSEC code and examine the practical utility of the combination of FDI with additional methods for improving force precision and/or reducing its computational cost, including orbital-based forces, compensating charges (namely, adding and subtracting a judiciously chosen charge density such that the total density is unaltered), and a modified spatial domain in which the real-space grid is defined. Using selected small molecules, as well as metallic Li, as test cases, we show that a combination of all four aspects leads to a significant reduction in computational cost while retaining a high level of precision that supports accurate structures and vibrational spectra, as well as stable and accurate molecular dynamics runs.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39137361


The ionization potential of molecular chains is well-known to be a tunable nanoscale property that exhibits clear quantum confinement effects. State-of-the-art methods can accurately predict the ionization potential in the small molecule limit and in the solid-state limit, but for intermediate, nanosized systems prediction of the evolution of the electronic structure between the two limits is more difficult. Recently, optimal tuning of range-separated hybrid functionals has emerged as a highly accurate method for predicting ionization potentials. This was first achieved for molecules using the ionization potential theorem (IPT) and more recently extended to solid-state systems, based on an ansatz that generalizes the IPT to the removal of charge from a localized Wannier function. Here, we study one-dimensional molecular chains of increasing size, from the monomer limit to the infinite polymer limit using this approach. By comparing our results with other localization-based methods and where available with experiment, we demonstrate that Wannier-localization-based optimal tuning is highly accurate in predicting ionization potentials for any chain length, including the nanoscale regime.

Cryst Growth Des ; 24(15): 6256-6266, 2024 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39131447


Crystalline riboflavin (vitamin B2) performs an important biological role as an optically functional material in the tapetum lucidum of certain animals, notably lemurs and cats. The tapetum lucidum is a reflecting layer behind the retina, which serves to enhance photon capture and vision in low-light settings. Motivated by the aim of rationalizing its biological role, and given that the structure of biogenic solid-state riboflavin remains unknown, we have used a range of experimental and computational techniques to determine the solid-state structure of synthetic riboflavin. Our multitechnique approach included microcrystal XRD, powder XRD, three-dimensional electron diffraction (3D-ED), high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy, and dispersion-augmented density functional theory (DFT-D) calculations. Although an independent report of the crystal structure of riboflavin was published recently, our structural investigations reported herein provide a different interpretation of the intermolecular hydrogen-bonding arrangement in this material, supported by all the experimental and computational approaches utilized in our study. We also discuss, more generally, potential pitfalls that may arise in applying DFT-D geometry optimization as a bridging step between structure solution and Rietveld refinement in the structure determination of hydrogen-bonded materials from powder XRD data. Finally, we report experimental and computational values for the refractive index of riboflavin, with implications for its optical function.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(13): 5510-5516, 2024 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38842436


Polymorphism is a well-known property of molecular crystals, which allows the same molecule to form solids with several crystalline structures that can differ significantly in physical properties. Polymorphs that possess different optical absorption properties in the visible range may exhibit different perceived colors, a phenomenon known as color polymorphism. One striking example of color polymorphism is given by 5-methyl-2-[(2-nitrophenyl)amino]-3-thiophenecarbonitrile, known as ROY for its red-orange-yellow colors. First-principles prediction of color polymorphism may help in polymorph assignment and design but has proven to be challenging. Here, we predict the absorption spectra and simulate the colors of 12 ROY polymorphs using the general, nonempirical method of time-dependent (TD) optimally tuned screened range-separated hybrid (OT-SRSH) functional. For 5 ROY polymorphs with known experimental absorption spectra, we show that the TD-OT-SRSH approach predicts absorption spectra in quantitative agreement with experiment. For all polymorphs, we show that an accurate simulation of the colors is obtained, paving the way to a fully predictive, low-cost calculation of color polymorphism.

Nano Lett ; 24(23): 7033-7039, 2024 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38805193


Graphullerene is a novel two-dimensional carbon allotrope with unique optoelectronic properties. Despite significant experimental characterization and prior density functional theory calculations, unanswered questions remain as to the nature, energy, and intensity of the electronic and optical excitations. Here, we present first-principles calculations of the quasiparticle band structure, neutral excitations, and absorption spectra of monolayer graphullerene and bulk graphullerite, employing the GW-Bethe-Salpeter equation (GW-BSE) approach. We show that strongly bound excitons dominate the absorption spectrum of monolayer graphullerene with binding energies up to 0.8 eV, while graphullerite exhibits less pronounced excitonic effects. Our calculations also reveal a strong linear polarization anisotropy, reflecting the in-plane structural anisotropy from intermolecular coupling between neighboring C60 units. We further show that the presence of Mg atoms, crucial to the synthesis process, induces structural modifications and polarizability effects, resulting in a ∼1 eV quasiparticle gap renormalization and a reduction in the exciton binding energy to ∼0.6 eV.

Adv Mater ; 36(28): e2400750, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38662941


Van der Waals polytypes of broken inversion and mirror symmetries  have been recently shown to exhibit switchable electric polarization even at the ultimate two-layer thin limit. Their out-of-plane polarization has been found to accumulate in a ladder-like fashion with each successive layer, offering 2D building blocks for the bottom-up construction of 3D ferroelectrics. Here, it is demonstrated experimentally that beyond a critical stack thickness, the accumulated polarization in rhombohedral polytypes of molybdenum disulfide saturates. The underlying saturation mechanism, deciphered via density functional theory and self-consistent Poisson-Schrödinger calculations, point to a purely electronic redistribution involving: 1. Polarization-induced bandgap closure that allows for cross-stack charge transfer and the emergence of free surface charge; 2. Reduction of the polarization saturation value, as well as the critical thickness at which it is obtained, by the presence of free carriers. The resilience of polar layered structures to atomic surface reconstruction, which is essentially unavoidable in polar 3D crystals, potentially allows for the design of new devices with mobile surface charges. The findings, which are of general nature, should be accounted for when designing switching and/or conductive devices based on ferroelectric layered materials.

Nano Lett ; 24(18): 5436-5443, 2024 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38656103


The ultrahigh surface area of two-dimensional materials can drive multimodal coupling between optical, electrical, and mechanical properties that leads to emergent dynamical responses not possible in three-dimensional systems. We observed that optical excitation of the WS2 monolayer above the exciton energy creates symmetrically patterned mechanical protrusions which can be controlled by laser intensity and wavelength. This observed photostrictive behavior is attributed to lattice expansion due to the formation of polarons, which are charge carriers dressed by lattice vibrations. Scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements and density functional theory calculations reveal unconventional charge transport properties such as the spatially and optical intensity-dependent conversion in the WS2 monolayer from apparent n- to p-type and the subsequent formation of effective p-n junctions at the boundaries between regions with different defect densities. The strong opto-electrical-mechanical coupling in the WS2 monolayer reveals previously unexplored properties, which can lead to new applications in optically driven ultrathin microactuators.

Adv Mater ; 36(8): e2306996, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38031346


Numerous bio-organisms employ template-assisted crystallization of molecular solids to yield crystal morphologies with unique optical properties that are difficult to reproduce synthetically. Here, a facile procedure is presented to deposit bio-inspired birefringent crystals of xanthine derivatives on a template of single-crystal quartz. Crystalline sheets that are several millimeters in length, several hundred micrometers in width, and 300-600 nm thick, are obtained. The crystal sheets are characterized with a well-defined orientation both in and out of the substrate plane, giving rise to high optical anisotropy in the plane parallel to the quartz surface, with a refractive index difference Δn ≈ 0.25 and a refractive index along the slow axis of n ≈ 1.7. It is further shown that patterning of the crystalline stripes with a tailored periodic grating leads to a thin organic polarization-dependent diffractive meta-surface, opening the door to the fabrication of various optical devices from a platform of small-molecule based organic dielectric crystals.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(46): 9820-9830, 2023 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37938019


An anisotropic interlayer force field that describes the interlayer interactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous interfaces of group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides (MX2, where M = Mo, W, and X = S, Se) is presented. The force field is benchmarked against density functional theory calculations for bilayer systems within the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof hybrid density functional approximation, augmented by a nonlocal many-body dispersion treatment of long-range correlation. The parametrization yields good agreement with the reference calculations of binding energy curves and sliding potential energy surfaces. It is found to be transferable to transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) junctions outside of the training set that contain the same atom types. Calculated bulk moduli agree with most previous dispersion-corrected density functional theory predictions, which underestimate the available experimental values. Calculated phonon spectra of the various junctions under consideration demonstrate the importance of appropriately treating the anisotropic nature of the layered interfaces. Considering our previous parametrization for MoS2, the anisotropic interlayer potential enables accurate and efficient large-scale simulations of the dynamical, tribological, and thermal transport properties of a large set of homogeneous and heterogeneous TMD interfaces.

J Chem Phys ; 159(15)2023 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37846951


Reliable prediction of the ground-state spin and magnetic coupling constants in transition-metal complexes is a well-known challenge for density functional theory (DFT). One popular strategy for addressing this long-standing issue involves the modification of the fraction of Fock exchange in a hybrid functional. Here we explore the viability of this approach using three polynuclear metal-organic complexes based on a Ni4O4 cubane motif, having different ground state spin values (S = 0, 2, 4) owing to the use of different ligands. We systematically search for an optimum fraction of Fock exchange, across various global, range-separated, and double hybrid functionals. We find that for all functionals tested, at best there only exists a very narrow range of Fock exchange fractions which results in a correct prediction of the ground-state spin for all three complexes. The useful range is functional dependent, but general trends can be identified. Typically, at least two similar systems must be used in order to determine both an upper and lower limit of the optimal range. This is likely owing to conflicting demands of minimizing delocalization errors, which typically requires a higher percentage of Fock exchange, and addressing static correlation, which typically requires a lower one. Furthermore, we find that within the optimal range of Fock exchange, the sign and relative magnitude of Ni-Ni magnetic coupling constants are reasonably well reproduced, but there is still room for quantitative improvement in the prediction. Thus, the prediction of spin state and magnetic coupling in polynuclear complexes remains an ongoing challenge for DFT.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(13): 3889-3899, 2023 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37384777


The real-space pseudopotential approach is a well-known method for large-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations. One of its main limitations, however, is the introduction of errors associated with the positioning of the underlying real-space grid, a phenomenon usually known as the "egg-box" effect. The effect can be controlled by using a finer grid, but this raises the cost of the calculations or even undermines their feasibility altogether. Therefore, there is ongoing interest in the reduction of the effect per a given real-space grid. Here, we present a finite difference interpolation of electron orbitals as a means of exploiting the high resolution of the pseudopotential to reduce egg-box effects systematically. We implement the method in PARSEC, a finite difference real-space pseudopotential DFT code, and demonstrate error mitigation and improved convergence at a low additional computational cost.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(21): 4901-4907, 2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37200134


Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites offer a unique platform for investigating the ground state of materials possessing significant anharmonicity. In contrast to three-dimensional perovskites, their 2D counterparts offer substantially fewer degrees of freedom, resulting in multiple well-defined crystal structures. In this work, we thoroughly investigate the anharmonic ground state of the benchmark (PEA)2PbI4 compound, using complementary information from low-temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence spectroscopy, supported by density functional theory calculations. We extrapolate four crystallographic configurations from low-temperature XRD. These configurations imply that the ground state has an intrinsic disorder stemming from two coexisting chiral sublattices, each with a bioriented organic spacer molecule. We further show evidence that these chiral structures form unevenly populated ground states, portraying uneven anharmonicity, where the state population may be tuned by surface effects. Our results uncover a disordered ground state that may induce intrinsic grain boundaries, which cannot be ignored in practical applications.

Adv Mater ; 35(29): e2302206, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37052234


Metal halide perovskites are an attractive class of semiconductors, but it has proven difficult to control their electronic doping by conventional strategies due to screening and compensation by mobile ions or ionic defects. Noble-metal interstitials represent an under-studied class of extrinsic defects that plausibly influence many perovskite-based devices. In this work, doping of metal halide perovskites is studied by electrochemically formed Au+ interstitial ions, combining experimental data on devices with a computational analysis of Au+ interstitial defects based on density functional theory (DFT). Analysis suggests that Au+ cations can be easily formed and migrate through the perovskite bulk via the same sites as iodine interstitials (Ii + ). However, whereas Ii + compensates n-type doping by electron capture, the noble-metal interstitials act as quasi-stable n-dopants. Experimentally, voltage-dependent, dynamic doping by current density-time (J-t), electrochemical impedance, and photoluminescence measurements are characterized. These results provide deeper insight into the potential beneficial and detrimental impacts of metal electrode reactions on long-term performance of perovskite photovoltaic and light-emitting diodes, as well as offer an alternative doping explanation for the valence switching mechanism of halide-perovskite-based neuromorphic and memristive devices.

Inorg Chem ; 61(51): 20725-20733, 2022 Dec 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36512733


Conjugated arrays composed of corrole macrocycles are increasingly more common, but their chemistry still lags behind that of their porphyrin counterparts. Here, we report on the insertion of iron(III) into a ß,ß-fused corrole dimer and on the electronic effects that this redox active metal center has on the already rich coordination chemistry of [H3tpfc] COT, where COT = cyclo-octatetraene and tpfc = tris(pentafluorophenyl)corrole. Synthetic manipulations were performed for the isolation and full characterization of both the 5-coordinate [FeIIItpfc(py)]2COT and 6-coordinate [FeIIItpfc(py)2]2COT, with one and two axial pyridine ligands per metal, respectively. X-Ray crystallography reveals a dome-shaped structure for [FeIIItpfc(py)]2COT and a perfectly planar geometry which (surprisingly at first) is also characterized by shorter Fe-N (corrole) and Fe-N (pyridine) distances. Computational investigations clarify that the structural phenomena are due to a change in the iron(III) spin state from intermediate (S = 3/2) to low (S = 1/2), and that both the 5- and 6-coordinated complexes are enthalpically favored. Yet, in contrast to iron(III) porphyrins, the formation enthalpy for the coordination of the first pyridine to Fe(III) corrole is more negative than that of the second pyridine coordination. Possible interactions between the two corrole subunits and the chelated iron ions were examined by UV-Vis spectroscopy, electrochemical techniques, and density functional theory (DFT). The large differences in the electronic spectra of the dimer relative to the monomer are concluded to be due to a reduced electronic gap, owing to the extensive electron delocalization through the fusing bridge. A cathodic sweep for the dimer discloses two redox processes, separated by 230 mV. The DFT self-consistent charge density for the neutral and cationic states (1- and 2-electron oxidized) reveals that the holes are localized on the macrocycle. A different picture emerges from the reduction process, where both the electrochemistry and the calculated charge density point toward two consecutive electron transfers with similar energetics, indicative of very weak electron communication between the two redox active iron(III) sites. The binuclear complex was determined to be a much better catalyst for the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) than the analogous mononuclear corrole.

Nature ; 612(7940): 465-469, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36352233


Ferroelectricity in atomically thin bilayer structures has been recently predicted1 and measured2-4 in two-dimensional materials with hexagonal non-centrosymmetric unit-cells. The crystal symmetry translates lateral shifts between parallel two-dimensional layers to sign changes in their out-of-plane electric polarization, a mechanism termed 'slide-tronics'4. These observations have been restricted to switching between only two polarization states under low charge carrier densities5-12, limiting the practical application of the revealed phenomena13. To overcome these issues, one should explore the nature of polarization in multi-layered van der Waals stacks, how it is governed by intra- and interlayer charge redistribution and to what extent it survives the addition of mobile charge carriers14. To explore these questions, we conduct surface potential measurements of parallel WSe2 and MoS2 multi-layers with aligned and anti-aligned configurations of the polar interfaces. We find evenly spaced, nearly decoupled potential steps, indicating highly confined interfacial electric fields that provide a means to design multi-state 'ladder-ferroelectrics'. Furthermore, we find that the internal polarization remains notable on electrostatic doping of mobile charge carrier densities as high as 1013 cm-2, with substantial in-plane conductivity. Using density functional theory calculations, we trace the extra charge redistribution in real and momentum spaces and identify an eventual doping-induced depolarization mechanism.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(47): 28700-28781, 2022 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269074


In this paper, the history, present status, and future of density-functional theory (DFT) is informally reviewed and discussed by 70 workers in the field, including molecular scientists, materials scientists, method developers and practitioners. The format of the paper is that of a roundtable discussion, in which the participants express and exchange views on DFT in the form of 302 individual contributions, formulated as responses to a preset list of 26 questions. Supported by a bibliography of 777 entries, the paper represents a broad snapshot of DFT, anno 2022.

Ciencia de los Materiales , Humanos
J Chem Theory Comput ; 18(4): 2331-2340, 2022 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35369687


We study the optimal tuning of the free parameters in range-separated double hybrid functionals, based on enforcing the exact conditions of piecewise linearity and spin constancy. We find that introducing the range separation in both the exchange and the correlation terms allows for the minimization of both fractional charge and fractional spin errors for singlet atoms. The optimal set of parameters is system specific, underlining the importance of the tuning procedure. We test the performance of the resulting optimally tuned functionals for the dissociation curves of diatomic molecules. We find that they recover the correct dissociation curve for the one-electron system, H2+, and improve the dissociation curves of many-electron molecules such as H2 and Li2, but they also yield a nonphysical maximum and only converge to the correct dissociation limit at very large distances.

Adv Mater ; 34(26): e2202088, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35451121


Structural analysis of beam-sensitive materials by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) represents a significant challenge, as high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) requires high electron doses that limit its applicability to stable inorganic materials. Beam-sensitive materials, e.g., organic crystals, must be imaged under low dose conditions, leading to problematic contrast interpretation and loss of fine structural details. Here, HRTEM imaging of organic crystalline materials with near-atomic resolution of up to 1.6 Å is described, which enables real-space studies of crystal structures, as well as observation of co-existing polymorphs, crystal defects, and atoms. This is made possible by a low-dose focal-series reconstruction methodology, which provides HRTEM images where contrast reflects true object structure and can be performed on contemporary cryo-EM instruments available to many research institutions. Copper phthalocyanine (CuPc), a perchlorinated analogue of CuPc, and indigo crystalline films are imaged. In the case of indigo crystals, co-existing polymorphs and individual atoms (carbonyl oxygen) can be observed. In the case of CuPc, several polymorphs are observed, including a new one, for which the crystal structure is found based on direct in-focus imaging, accomplishing real-space crystal structure elucidation. Such direct analysis can be transformative for structure studies of organic materials.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(10): 2452-2458, 2022 Mar 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35266399


In calculations based on density functional theory, the "HOMO-LUMO gap" (difference between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energies) is often used as a low-cost, ad hoc approximation for the lowest excitation energy. Here we show that a simple correction based on rigorous ensemble density functional theory makes the HOMO-LUMO gap exact in principle and significantly more accurate in practice. The introduced perturbative ensemble density functional theory approach predicts different and useful values for singlet-singlet and singlet-triplet excitations, using semilocal and hybrid approximations. Excitation energies are similar in quality to time-dependent density functional theory, especially at high fractions of exact exchange. The approach therefore offers an easy-to-implement and low-cost route to robust prediction of molecular excitation energies.
