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Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 17(4): 383-6, 2013 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25992041


Introduction Technological advances have provided a large variety of instruments to view the swallowing event, aiding in the evaluation, diagnosis, and monitoring of disturbances. These advances include electromyography of the surface, dynamic video fluoroscopy, and most recently sonar Doppler. Objective To characterize swallowing sounds in typical children through the use of sonar Doppler. Method Thirty newborns participated in this prospective study. All newborns received breast milk through either their mother's breasts or bottles during data collection. The newborns were placed in either right lateral or left lateral positions when given breast milk through their mother's breasts and in a sitting position when given a bottle. There were five variables measured: initial frequency of sound wave (FoI), frequency of the first peak of the sound wave (FoP1), frequency of the second peak of the sound wave (FoP2), initial intensity and final sound wave (II and IF), and swallowing length (T), the time elapsed from the beginning until the end of the analyzed acoustic signal measured by the audio signal, in seconds. Results The values obtained in the initial frequency of the babies had a mean of 850 Hz. In terms of frequency of first peak, only three presented with a subtle peak, which was due to the elevated larynx position. Conclusion The use of sonar Doppler as a complementary exam for clinical evaluations is of upmost importance because it is nonintrusive and painless, and it is not necessary to place patients in a special room or expose them to radiation.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-695138


Technological advances have provided a large variety of instruments to view the swallowing event, aiding in the evaluation, diagnosis, and monitoring of disturbances. These advances include electromyography of the surface, dynamic video fluoroscopy, and most recently sonar Doppler. Objective  To characterize swallowing sounds in typical children through the use of sonar Doppler. Method: Thirty newborns participated in this prospective study. All newborns received breast milk through either their mother's breasts or bottles during data collection. The newborns were placed in either right lateral or left lateral positions when given breast milk through their mother's breasts and in a sitting position when given a bottle. There were five variables measured: initial frequency of sound wave (FoI), frequency of the first peak of the sound wave (FoP1), frequency of the second peak of the sound wave (FoP2), initial intensity and final sound wave (II and IF), and swallowing length (T), the time elapsed from the beginning until the end of the analyzed acoustic signal measured by the audio signal, in seconds. Results: The values obtained in the initial frequency of the babies had a mean of 850 Hz. In terms of frequency of first peak, only three presented with a subtle peak, which was due to the elevated larynx position. Conclusion: The use of sonar Doppler as a complementary exam for clinical evaluations is of upmost importance because it is nonintrusive and painless, and it is not necessary to place patients in a special room or expose them to radiation...

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Deglución , Efecto Doppler , Trastornos de Deglución/diagnóstico
Distúrb. comun ; 24(1): 11-20, abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-646711


Objetivo: analisar aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico das fissuras orofaciais, enfocando o período em que ocorreu, o que foi abordado; o profissional responsável por transmitir a informação e as reações e os sentimentos gerados. Métodos: pesquisa de campo exploratória quantitativa e qualitativa realizada no Centro de Atendimento Integral ao Fissurado Labiopalatal – CAIF/AFISSUR. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 28 mães de crianças com fissuras orofaciais (FO). Os dados quantitativos foram analisados a partir do método descritivo e os qualitativos por meio da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: a maioria das entrevistadas recebeu a notícia pelo médico no momento do nascimento da criança, ou após o mesmo. A notícia privilegiou informações acerca de sintomatologia, prognóstico positivo, tratamento cirúrgico, etiologia e comparação com outros problemas. As reações diante do diagnóstico foram de choque/susto, preconceito/rejeição, desespero, contato com o desconhecido, angústia/tristeza, culpa. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo condizem com os achados na literatura, a qual aponta o momento tardio em que malformações congênitas são detectadas e informadas à mãe. Pode-se apreender que o desconhecimento ou o conhecimento limitado acerca das FO estão implicados com experiências de sofrimento vivenciadas pelas mães após a notícia do diagnóstico. Este estudo reitera a necessidade de ampliar dispositivos tecnológicos e recursos humanos envolvidos em programas de assistência integral a gestantes, especialmente, no contexto da saúde coletiva.

Purpose: to examine aspects related to the diagnosis of oral clefts, focusing on the period in which it occurred, what was discussed, the professional responsible for transmitting information and the reactions and feelings generated. Methods: an exploratory study, both quantitative and qualitative, held at a Center for Integral Assistance on Orofacial Cleft . Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 mothers of children presenting the problem. Quantitative data were analyzed by the descriptive method and the qualitative by content analysis. Results: most of the mothers received the information from a doctor at the moment of birth or soon after. The main content of the information was about symptoms, positive prognosis, surgical treatment, etiology and comparison with other problems. The reactions to the diagnosis were shock/fright, prejudice/rejection, despair, contact with the unknown, grief /sadness, guilt. Conclusion: the results of this study are consistent with findings in the literature, which points to the late time at which congenital defects are detected and reported to the mother. One can understand that ignorance or limited knowledge about the orofacial clefts are concerned with experiences of suffering experienced by mothers after the news of the diagnosis. This study reiterates the need to expand technological devices and human resources involved in programs of comprehensive care to pregnant women, especially in the context of public health.

Objetivo: Analizar los aspectos relacionados con el diagnóstico de las fi suras orofaciales con foco en el período en que ocurrió; lo que se discutió; el profesional responsable por la transmisión de información y las reacciones y los sentimientos generados. Métodos: Investigación de campo, exploratória, cuantitativa y cualitativa realizada en el Centro de Atención Integral as Fisurado Labiopalatal - CAIF / AFISSUR. Hemos llevado a cabo entrevistas semi-estructuradas con 28 madres de niños con hendiduras orofaciales (HO). Los datos cuantitativos se analizaron a partir del método descriptivo y los cualitativo por médio del analisis de contenido. Resultados: La mayoría de las entrevistadas recibió la notícia del médico en el momento del nacimiento del niño, o después de ello. La noticia privilegió informaciones sobre los síntomas, el pronóstico positivo, el tratamiento quirúrgico, la etiología y la comparación con otros problemas. Las reacciones al diagnóstico fueron: choque / susto, prejuicio / rechazo, desesperación, contacto con lo desconocido, ansiedad / tristeza, culpa. Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio son consistentes con los hallazgos en la literatura, los cuales muestran el momento tardío en que las malformaciones congenitas son detectadas y notifi cadas a la madre. Se puede aprender que el desconocimiento o el conocimiento limitado acerca de la HO están implicados con las experiencias de sufrimiento experimentado por las madres después de la noticia del diagnóstico. Este estudio reitera la necesidad de ampliar dispositivos tecnológicos y recursos humanos involucrados en programas de atención integral a las mujeres embarazadas, especialmente en el contexto de la salud colectiva.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Labio Leporino/diagnóstico , Fisura del Paladar/diagnóstico , Atención Prenatal , Educación en Salud
Arq. int. otorrinolaringol. (Impr.) ; 15(4): 437-443, out.-dez. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-606472


INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura relata que quando se trata de avaliação instrumental da deglutição em crianças, sem dúvida, a videofluoroscopia da deglutição oferece grandes vantagens sobre o estudo endoscópico (6). OBJETIVO: Verificar o risco de pneumonia aspirativa após a realização do estudo da deglutição por vídeofluoroscopia, em crianças com disfagia. MÉTODO: Em estudo de corte prospectivo, participaram 16 crianças com idade entre 6 meses e 10 anos, com média de 5,2 anos, encaminhadas para estudo da deglutição por videofluoroscopia. Foram testadas 4 consistências, pudim, néctar, mel e líquido. A presença de sinais e/ou sintomas respiratórios foram avaliados pré e pós estudo da deglutição por videofluoroscopia, por meio de histórico e exame clínico. Quando necessário solicitado radiografia de tórax. RESULTADOS: Das 16 crianças, 5 não apresentaram disfagia. Em 11 crianças o exame demonstrou 4 com disfagia leve, 2 moderada e 5 grave, conforme Classificação de OTT (1996) - Classificação da gravidade da disfagia à videofluoroscopia9. Das 7 crianças que aspiraram durante a realização do exame, apenas 1 apresentou sintomas respiratórios após o estudo da deglutição, porém sem sinais de pneumonia ao exame físico. CONCLUSÃO: Na população estudada, não houve ocorrência de pneumonia aspirativa após a realização do estudo da deglutição por vídeofluoroscopia, apesar da ocorrência de aspiração durante o exame em cerca de 50 por cento dos casos.

INTRODUCTION: The literature reports that when it comes of instrumental assessment of swallowing in children, undoubtedly, video fluoroscopy of swallow offers great advantages over the endoscopic study. OBJECTIVE: Check the risk of aspiration pneumonia after the study of swallowing by video fluoroscopy, in children with dysphagia. METHOD: In a study of prospective cutting, participated 16 children aged between 6 months and 10 years, with an average of 5,2 years, referred for study of swallowing by video fluoroscopy. Were tested 4 consistencies, pudding, nectar, honey and liquid. The presences of signs and/or respiratory symptoms were evaluated pre and post study of deglutition by video fluoroscopy, through history and clinical exam. When necessary was asked chest x-ray. RESULTS: Of 16 children, 5 didn't presented dysphagia. In 11 children the exam showed 4 with mild dysphagia, 2 moderate and 5 severe, as classification of OTT (1996) - Classification of severity of dysphagia to the video fluoroscopy. Of the 7 children who aspirated during the exam, only 1 presented respiratory symptoms after the deglutition study, but without signal of pneumonia to the physical examination. CONCLUSION: In the studied population there were no occurrences of aspiration pneumonia after the study of deglutition was performed by video fluoroscopy, despite the occurrence of aspiration during the exam in about 50 percent of cases.
