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J Dairy Sci ; 106(8): 5606-5625, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37268578


This study aimed to determine the effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mastitis with or without nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) on dairy cows' clinical, physiological, and behavioral responses in the milking parlor and freestalls as well as the specificity (Sp) and sensitivity (Se) of behavioral responses in detecting cows with LPS-induced mastitis. Twenty-seven cows received an intramammary infusion of 25 µg of Escherichia coli LPS in 1 healthy quarter. Following LPS infusion, 14 cows received a placebo (LPS cows), and 13 cows received 3 mg/kg of body weight of ketoprofen i.m. (LPS+NSAID cows). Cow response to the challenge was monitored at regular intervals from 24 h before to 48 h postinfusion (hpi) through direct clinical observations, markers of inflammation in milk, and via point-in-time direct behavioral observations in the barn and at milking. In LPS cows, infusion induced a significant increase of plasma cortisol levels at 3 and 8 hpi, milk cortisol levels at 8 hpi, somatic cell counts from 8 to 48 hpi, IL-6 and IL-8 at 8 hpi, milk amyloid A (mAA) and haptoglobin at 8 and 24 hpi, rectal temperature at 8 hpi, and respiratory rate at 8 hpi. Their rumen motility rate decreased at 8 and 32 hpi. Compared with before the challenge, significantly more LPS cows stopped feeding/ruminating and pressed their tail between their legs at 3 and 5 hpi, increased feeding/ruminating at 24 hpi, and had the tendency to be less responsive, dropping their head, and dropping their ears at 5 hpi. At milking, compared with before challenge, significantly more LPS cows lifted their hooves at forestripping at 8 hpi. The 2 groups showed similar patterns of response for milk cortisol, somatic cell count, respiratory rate, mAA, haptoglobin, and IL-6, IL-1ß, and IL-8. Compared with LPS cows, LPS+NSAID cows had significantly lower plasma cortisol levels at 3 hpi, their rectal temperature decreased at 8 hpi, their rumen motility rate increased at 8 and 32 hpi, and their heart rate increased at 32 hpi. Compared with LPS cows, a significantly larger proportion of LPS+NSAID cows were feeding/ruminating, a lower proportion had ears down at 5 hpi, and a larger proportion lied down at 24 hpi. At milking, whatever the phase of milking, for "hoof to belly," 9 out of 14 cows did not show this behavior before infusion (Sp = 64%) and 14/14 did not kick during pre-infusion milking (Sp = 100%). Regarding sensitivity, at maximum, 5 cows out of 14 (Se = 36%) displayed "hoof to belly" after infusion. For "lifting hoof," 14/14 did not show hoof-lifting before infusion (Sp = 100%) and 6/14 displayed it after infusion (Se = 43%) at forestripping only. In the freestall barn, 9 behaviors had a Sp >75% (at minimum, 10/14 did not show the behavior) whatever the time point but Se < 60% (at maximum, 8/14 displayed the behavior). Finally, "absence of feeding and ruminating" had Sp of 86% (12/14 ate/ruminated) and Se of 71% (10/14 did not eat/ruminate) at 5 hpi. This study shows that feeding/ruminating, tail position, and reactivity at forestripping could be used as behavioral indictors for early detection of mastitis-related pain in dairy cows.

Enfermedades de los Bovinos , Mastitis Bovina , Femenino , Bovinos , Animales , Lipopolisacáridos/farmacología , Interleucina-8/efectos adversos , Hidrocortisona , Haptoglobinas , Técnicas de Observación Conductual , Interleucina-6 , Mastitis Bovina/tratamiento farmacológico , Dolor/tratamiento farmacológico , Dolor/veterinaria , Leche , Antiinflamatorios no Esteroideos/uso terapéutico , Escherichia coli , Proteína Amiloide A Sérica/uso terapéutico , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/tratamiento farmacológico
Rev Med Liege ; 76(10): 719-723, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34632739


The «Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2¼ (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has disrupted medical care and intra-hospital organization during 2020, both in Belgium and throughout the world. Solid organ transplantation was not spared and in Belgium, the number of organ donors and transplants overall decreased by 20 % for livers and by 33 % for hearts between 2019 and 2020. The aim of this article is to summarize the experience acquired in 2020 and 2021 on the organizational and medical implications of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic with regard to the care of patients transplanted or awaiting for organ transplants, and to draw conclusions both for the aftermath of COVID-19 but also for future pandemics. Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is highly recommended and particularly important in organ transplant recipients, even if the response rate is lower than in the non-transplanted population. A third injection is now advised in immunosuppressed patients.

La pandémie de «Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2¼ (SARS-CoV-2) a bouleversé les soins médicaux et l'organisation intra-hospitalière durant l'année 2020 en Belgique et dans le monde. La transplantation d'organes ne fut pas épargnée. En Belgique, le nombre de donneurs d'organes et de transplantations a globalement diminué de 20 % pour les foies et de 33 % pour les cœurs entre 2019 et 2020. Le but de cet article est de résumer l'expérience acquise en 2020 et 2021 sur les implications organisationnelles et médicales de la pandémie de «coronavirus disease 2019¼ (COVID-19) quant à la prise en charge des patients transplantés ou en attente de greffe d'organes, et d'en tirer les conclusions à la fois pour les suites de la COVID-19, mais aussi pour les éventuelles futures pandémies. La vaccination anti-SARS-CoV-2 est recommandée et particulièrement importante chez les patients transplantés d'organe, même si le taux de réponse est inférieur à la population non transplantée. Une troisième injection est conseillée chez les patients immunodéprimés.

COVID-19 , Epidemias , Trasplante de Órganos , Bélgica/epidemiología , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2
Rev Med Liege ; 75(S1): 18-28, 2020.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33211418


In December 2019, in Wuhan, a new human infectious pathology was born, COVID-19, consisting above all in pneumoniae, induced by the coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 because of the respiratory distress it caused (SARS for severe acute respiratory syndrome, and CoV for Coronavirus). A real health and planetary crisis has appeared, much more substantial than that linked to SARS-CoV-1 in 2002-2004 and to MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) in 2012. In addition to respiratory damage that can be dramatic, this pathology is complicated by the frequency of cardiovascular, renal and coagulation diseases. Health care systems have had to adapt urgently, in the absence of hindsight from the pathology, and without effective therapeutic weapons. Through this review of the literature, we detail our local practices for the overall management of patients hospitalized in Intensive care.

En décembre 2019, à Wuhan, une nouvelle pathologie infectieuse humaine est née, le COVID-19, consistant avant tout en une pneumonie, induite par le coronavirus nommé SARS-CoV-2 en lien avec l'intensité de la détresse respiratoire qu'il entraîne (SARS pour syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère, et CoV pour coronavirus). Une véritable crise sanitaire et planétaire est apparue, bien plus conséquente que celle liée au SARS-CoV-1 en 2002-2004 et au MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) en 2012. Outre une atteinte respiratoire pouvant être dramatique, cette pathologie est complexifiée par la fréquence des atteintes cardiovasculaires, rénales et de la coagulation. Les systèmes de soins de santé ont dû s'adapter urgemment, en l'absence de recul face à la pathologie, et sans armes thérapeutiques efficaces. Au travers de cette revue de la littérature, nous détaillons nos pratiques locales pour la prise en charge globale des patients hospitalisés aux Soins intensifs.

Betacoronavirus , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Pandemias , Neumonía Viral , COVID-19 , Cuidados Críticos , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2
Rev Med Liege ; 75(5-6): 276-279, 2020 May.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32496666


The success of solid organ transplantation induced an increased need for grafts and the necessary registration of transplant candidates on long waiting lists. Many patients die while waiting for transplantation, even in Belgium where the donation rates have been high these last years. In order to fight this lack of donor organs, the transplant centers widened donation criteria for brain dead donors, including older age and potential transmissible diseases. In addition, programs of donation after circulation death have been developed, first for kidneys, then for livers and recently for the hearts. Organ donation after euthanasia is also regularly performed in Belgium. All these policies lead to the fact that organ donation rates stay high in Belgium, and particularly in the Liege region, but efforts are still ahead if we aim to reduce waiting list mortalities.

Le succès des transplantations a entraîné un besoin important en organes et la nécessité d'inscrire les patients candidats à la greffe sur de longues listes d'attente. De trop nombreux patients meurent avant d'avoir pu bénéficier de la transplantation, malgré le fait que la Belgique soit un des pays du monde où le taux de prélèvement est, proportionnellement, le plus élevé. Afin de lutter contre ce manque d'organes, les centres de transplantation ont élargi les critères de prélèvement des donneurs en mort cérébrale, tant au niveau de leur âge qu'au niveau de certaines maladies potentiellement transmissibles. De plus, des programmes de prélèvement à partir de donneurs en mort circulatoire ont également été développés avec succès, d'abord pour les reins et le foie, plus récemment pour le coeur. Les prélèvements d'organes sont également réalisables après euthanasie. L'ensemble de ces politiques fait que le taux de prélèvement d'organes après décès reste élevé en Belgique, et particulièrement dans la région liégeoise, mais des efforts doivent encore être réalisés si l'on veut encore réduire la mortalité en liste d'attente.

Trasplante de Órganos , Obtención de Tejidos y Órganos , Anciano , Bélgica , Muerte Encefálica , Humanos , Donantes de Tejidos
Rev Med Liege ; 74(10): 514-520, 2019 Oct.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31609554


Since its first description in 1967, a lot of progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This nosological entity is based on the appearance of a diffuse alveolar damage associating pulmonary epithelial barrier disruption with an alveolar filling, both responsible of profound hypoxemia and important morbi-mortality. Nowadays, ARDS remains a frequent syndrome, associated with various etiologies. Diagnosis is based on the occurrence of acute hypoxic respiratory failure not explained by cardiac insufficiency or volume overload, within 7 days after a recognized risk factor, and in the presence of bilateral pulmonary opacities not fully explained by effusions, atelectasis or nodules on the chest radiography. Survivors present an increased risk of developing cognitive decline, depression, post-traumatic stress, and typical ICU related side-effects such as polyneuropathy and sarcopenia. In this context and not withstanding significant recent progress in the field of mechanical ventilation and extra-corporeal respiratory assistance, early diagnosis remains essential to identify patients with ARDS in order to offer them the most appropriate therapy.

Depuis sa première description en 1967, des progrès majeurs ont été réalisés dans la compréhension de la physiopathologie, le diagnostic et la prise en charge du syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA). Cette entité nosologique repose sur l'apparition d'un dommage alvéolaire diffus associant une rupture de la barrière épithéliale pulmonaire avec un comblement alvéolaire à l'origine d'une hypoxémie profonde. De nos jours, le SDRA reste un syndrome fréquent, grevé d'une mortalité élevée, et prenant source dans de multiples situations pathologiques. Le diagnostic du SDRA repose sur l'apparition d'une insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypoxique non expliquée par une insuffisance cardiaque ou une surcharge volémique, dans un délai de 7 jours suivant l'apparition d'un facteur de risque reconnu, en présence d'opacités pulmonaires bilatérales non complètement expliquées par des épanchements, des atélectasies ou des nodules. Les survivants sont à haut risque de développer un déclin cognitif, une dépression, ou un stress post-traumatique en plus des effets secondaires classiques d'une longue hospitalisation en unité de soins intensifs que sont la polyneuropathie ou la sarcopénie. Dans ce contexte, et en dépit de progrès importants dans le domaine de la ventilation mécanique et de l'assistance respiratoire par circulation extra-corporelle, il reste primordial d'identifier précocement les patients souffrant de SDRA afin de leur proposer la thérapeutique la plus appropriée dès les premiers signes cliniques.

Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria , Humanos , Hipoxia , Respiración Artificial , Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria/terapia , Factores de Riesgo
Rev Med Liege ; 74(9): 457-460, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31486314


Post-intensive care syndrome is characterized by physical, cognitive and psychological complications, occurring independently of the initial critical illness. Despite prevention measures during acute care, approximately one third of the survivors may present post-intensive care deficits with significant medical, social or economic consequences. Those patients need to be detected and treated, in order to enhance recovery.

Le syndrome post-soins intensifs regroupe différentes complications d'ordre physiques ou neuropsychologiques, survenant indépendamment de la pathologie critique initiale. Les mesures préventives instaurées durant le séjour en soins intensifs ne sont pas suffisantes. Actuellement, un tiers des patients ayant survécu à l'événement critique présentent des séquelles post-soins intensifs, avec des conséquences non négligeables sur le plan médical ou socio-économique. Un suivi de dépistage devrait être organisé et une prise en charge individualisée adéquate devrait être proposée afin d'optimiser la réhabilitation.

Enfermedad Crítica , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Sobrevivientes , Cuidados Críticos , Humanos , Síndrome
Poult Sci ; 98(11): 5525-5532, 2019 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31180123


Two experiments were conducted to evaluate 3 novel proteases in broilers. In experiment 1, 600 male, Cobb 500 broilers were allocated to 1 of 12 experimental diets (5 birds/pen and 10 replicates/diet). A control (C) diet was formulated to be adequate in all nutrients. Proteases 1, 2, or 3 were added to this diet at 3 doses (1x, 3x, or 9x) in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. The factorial was augmented with 2 treatments of phytase at 500 or 1,500 FTU/kg added to the C diet. In experiment 2, 2,050 male Ross 308 broilers were allocated to 1 of 10 experimental diets (25 birds/pen and 9 replicates/diet). A C diet was formulated to be adequate in all nutrients. Protease 1, 2, or 3 was then added to the C diet at 3 doses (1x, 2x, or 4x) in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments plus the C. In experiment 1, birds fed phytase gained more (P < 0.05) than birds fed protease, but neither were different than birds fed the C. Supplementation of 9x dose of any protease resulted in a reduction (P < 0.05) in BWG when compared with birds fed 1x dose of protease or phytase at 500 or 1,500 FTU/kg. Feed conversion ratio was improved (P < 0.05) in birds fed phytase compared with birds fed the C diet. Nitrogen digestibility was greater (P < 0.05) in birds fed protease 1 when compared with birds fed protease 2. Birds fed the 1x dose of protease or 500 FTU/kg of phytase had a greater (P < 0.05) N digestibility than birds fed 3x dose of protease. In experiment 2, protease supplementation significantly reduced (P < 0.05) BWG when compared with birds fed the C from hatch to 35 D post-hatch. Protease supplementation did not improve broiler growth performance or N digestibility above that of a nutrient adequate control diet or a diet supplemented with 500 FTU/kg of phytase.

6-Fitasa/metabolismo , Pollos/fisiología , Proteínas en la Dieta/metabolismo , Digestión/efectos de los fármacos , Péptido Hidrolasas/metabolismo , Factores de Edad , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales de los Animales/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Pollos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Dieta/veterinaria , Proteínas en la Dieta/administración & dosificación , Suplementos Dietéticos/análisis , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Masculino , Nutrientes/fisiología , Péptido Hidrolasas/administración & dosificación , Distribución Aleatoria
J Dairy Sci ; 102(7): 6614-6623, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31030928


The objective was to evaluate the efficacy of 2 dietary mycotoxin sequestrants, Toxy-Nil (TN) or Unike Plus (UP), in reducing aflatoxin (AF) M1 concentrations in milk of dairy cows challenged with dietary AF. Thirty-two mid-lactation Holstein cows were blocked by parity, days in milk, and milk yield and were randomly assigned within block to receive one of the following treatments: (1) 2.8 mg of AF/cow per d (positive control, PC), (2) 2.8 mg of AF + 100 g of TN/cow per d, (3) 2.8 mg of AF + 100 g of UP/cow per d, or (4) no AF and no additives (negative control, NC). For 7 d, treatments, dispersed in 150 g of sweet feed carrier, were top-dressed twice daily by mixing into the top portion of the TMR at each feeding. After the experimental period, cows were fed the NC diet and clearance of AFM1 via milk was monitored for 7 d. Feed and water were available ad libitum throughout the trial. Treatments had no effect on feed intake, milk yield, milk composition, or milk somatic cell count. Relative intake of AF was similar among PC, TN, and UP, averaging 106.5, 107.6, and 102.5 ± 2.9 µg/kg of diet dry matter, respectively. Relative intake of mycotoxin sequestrants was similar between TN and UP, averaging 0.4 and 0.4 ± 0.1% of diet dry matter, respectively. Concentration and mass of AFM1 secreted in milk and in urine were similar between TN and UP, but were lower than PC; concentrations in milk averaged 0.2, 0.3, and 0.6 ± 0.1 µg/kg, respectively, and mass secreted in milk averaged 8.1, 9.8, and 20.5 ± 1.7 µg/d. Concentrations in urine averaged 6.9, 7.4, and 14.2 ± 1.5 µg/L, respectively, and mass secreted in urine averaged 225.7, 250.8, and 521.6 ± 53.1 µg/d. Likewise, concentration and mass of free AF excreted in feces were similar between TN and UP, but were lower than PC; concentrations averaged 7.7, 8.9, and 12.4 ± 0.6 µg/kg, respectively, and mass excreted averaged 57.8, 69.6, and 95.6 ± 4.8 µg/d. Transfer of AF from feed to AFM1 in milk was reduced by 63 and 52%, and in urine, by 57 and 52% for TN and UP, respectively. Transfer of AF from feed to free AF in feces was reduced by 38 and 26% for TN and UP, respectively. The clearance rate of AFM1 in milk did not differ among PC, TN, and UP (46.1, 66.5, and 50.0 ± 6.7%/d, respectively). Results indicate that dietary inclusion of 100 g of TN or UP significantly reduced AFM1 in milk of cows consuming TMR containing approximately 105 µg of AF/kg of diet dry matter. Results also suggest that both TN and UP reduced absorption of AF.

Aflatoxina M1/metabolismo , Alimentación Animal , Bovinos/metabolismo , Arcilla , Dieta/veterinaria , Leche/metabolismo , Minerales/farmacología , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Animales , Femenino , Lactancia , Minerales/administración & dosificación , Paridad , Distribución Aleatoria , Levadura Seca
Poult Sci ; 97(6): 2123-2138, 2018 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29608749


Three experiments were conducted to evaluate eight neutral and six acid proteases on growth performance and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility (AID) of poults (Experiment 1) or chicks (Experiments 2 and 3). Two basal diets were formulated: a nutrient adequate positive control (PC), which met or exceeded the nutrient requirements for poults (Experiment 1) or chicks (Experiments 2 and 3) and a negative control (NC) formulated to achieve 85% (Experiments 1 and 2) or 80% (Experiments 3) of the requirement for protein and amino acids. Phytase was included in all diets to provide 500 phytase units (FTU)/kg and xylanase was included in all diets to provide 10,000 (Experiments 1 and 2) or 16,000 (Experiments 3) xylanase units (BXU)/kg. Proteases were supplemented in the NC diet at an equivalent amount of enzyme protein to create 16 experimental diets. There were five birds/pen and 10 replicate pens per treatment in each experiment. In experiment 1, birds fed the PC diet gained more (P < 0.05) than birds fed the NC. There were no differences in growth performance in birds fed the PC or NC in experiments 2 or 3. In all three experiments, birds fed the NC supplemented with neutral protease 1 had reduced (P < 0.05) feed intake (FI) or body weight gain (BWG) and increased (P < 0.05) feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared with birds fed the NC. Birds fed the NC diet supplemented with neutral protease 3, 7 (Experiment 1), or acid protease 4 (Experiment 3) had increased (P < 0.05) FCR and birds fed neutral protease 6 (Experiment 2) had reduced (P < 0.05) BWG compared with birds fed the NC. Apparent ileal amino acid digestibility was improved (P < 0.05) with protease supplementation to the NC diets (Experiment 1 or 3), but this was dependent on the protease and the amino acid. In conclusion, novel protease supplementation improved AID of amino acids but this was not reflected in improvements in growth performance of poults or chicks.

Aminoácidos/metabolismo , Proteasas de Ácido Aspártico/metabolismo , Pollos/fisiología , Digestión/efectos de los fármacos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Serina Proteasas/metabolismo , Pavos/fisiología , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales de los Animales/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Proteasas de Ácido Aspártico/administración & dosificación , Pollos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Dieta/veterinaria , Suplementos Dietéticos/análisis , Íleon/fisiología , Masculino , Distribución Aleatoria , Serina Proteasas/administración & dosificación , Pavos/crecimiento & desarrollo
Poult Sci ; 96(6): 1651-1658, 2017 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27837119


The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two adsorbents, a raw bentonite clay (RC) and a concentrated bentonite clay (CC), in ameliorating the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Results of the in vitro study (pH 3.0) indicated the CC adsorbed more AFB1 than RC (93.39 mg/g vs. 79.30 mg/g) suggesting that CC may be more effective than RC in reducing the toxic effects of AFB1. One hundred and eighty day-old straight run broiler chicks were assigned to 6 replicate pens of 5 chicks each and assigned to 6 dietary treatments from hatch to day 21. Dietary treatments included: 1) basal diet (BD) containing no AFB1 or adsorbents; 2) BD plus 0.50% RC; 3) BD plus 0.50% CC; 4) BD plus 2.0 mg AFB1/kg; 5) BD plus 2.0 mg AFB1/kg plus 0.50% RC; and 6) BD plus 2.0 mg AFB1/kg plus 0.50% CC. Dietary AFB1 concentrations were confirmed by analysis and diets were screened for other mycotoxins prior to the start of the experiment. The addition of AFB1 to the feed reduced (P < 0.05) growth performance and increased (P < 0.05) relative liver weight (RLW) and kidney weight (RKW) of chicks fed AFB1 compared to control chicks on day 21. These changes were ameliorated (P < 0.05) by the addition of RC and CC to the AFB1 diet. Mild to moderate lesions of aflatoxicosis (2.25) were observed in chicks fed AFB1 alone on day 21. The addition of both RC and CC to the AFB1 diet decreased (P < 0.05) but did not prevent liver lesions (0.92 and 1.42, respectively). Results indicate that both RC and CC were effective in reducing the toxic effects of AFB1, however the cost of processing of CC would make the RC a more economical product for reducing the effects of AFB1 in young broiler chicks.

Aflatoxina B1/toxicidad , Antídotos/uso terapéutico , Bentonita/uso terapéutico , Pollos , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Adsorción , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Animales , Antídotos/administración & dosificación , Bentonita/administración & dosificación , Dieta/veterinaria , Hígado/patología , Micotoxicosis/prevención & control , Tamaño de los Órganos , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/prevención & control
Br Poult Sci ; 56(4): 459-69, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25990012


A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of bentonite clay (BC), diatomaceous earth (DE) and turmeric powder (TUM) in alleviating the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). A total of 250 Ross-308 d-old male broiler chicks were assigned to 10 dietary treatments (5 replicates of 5 chicks) from hatch to d 21. Dietary treatments were: basal diet; basal diet plus AFB1 (2 mg) or BC (0.75%), or DE (0.75%), or TUM (200 mg/kg curcuminoids) and different combinations of AFB1, BC, DE and TUM. Feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG) and feed gain (FG) of the birds fed on BC or DE separately were not different from control birds. Birds fed on TUM only had similar FI and FG but lower BWG than control chicks. Aflatoxin B1 reduced FI, BWG and serum concentrations of glucose, albumin, total protein calcium, but increased FG and relative liver and kidney weights. Chicks fed on the combination of AFB1 and BC had similar FI and FG to control chicks. Chicks fed on the combination of DE and AFB1 had lower FI (23.1%) and BWG (28.6%) compared with control chicks. Chicks fed on the combination of TUM and AFB1 also had decreased FI (26.2 %) and BWG (31%) compared with control chicks. Chicks fed on the combination of AFB1, BC and TUM consumed significantly higher amounts of feed compared with chicks fed on only AF, but gained less when compared with control diet chicks. Chicks fed on the combination of AFB1, DE and TUM diet had poorer growth performance than those fed on AFB1 alone. None of the combination diets reduced the severity of liver lesions.

Bentonita/metabolismo , Pollos , Curcuma/química , Tierra de Diatomeas/metabolismo , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/prevención & control , Aflatoxinas/efectos adversos , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Animales , Bentonita/administración & dosificación , Tierra de Diatomeas/administración & dosificación , Dieta/veterinaria , Suplementos Dietéticos/análisis , Combinación de Medicamentos , Quimioterapia Combinada , Masculino , Micotoxicosis/microbiología , Micotoxicosis/prevención & control , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/microbiología , Polvos/administración & dosificación , Polvos/metabolismo , Distribución Aleatoria
Poult Sci ; 94(6): 1298-315, 2015 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25840963


Extensive research over the last couple of decades has made it obvious that mycotoxins are commonly prevalent in majority of feed ingredients. A worldwide mycotoxin survey in 2013 revealed 81% of around 3,000 grain and feed samples analyzed had at least 1 mycotoxin, which was higher than the 10-year average (from 2004 to 2013) of 76% in a total of 25,944 samples. The considerable increase in the number of positive samples in 2013 may be due to the improvements in detection methods and their sensitivity. The recently developed liquid chromatography coupled to (tandem) mass spectrometry allows the inclusion of a high number of analytes and is the most selective, sensitive, and accurate of all the mycotoxin analytical methods. Mycotoxins can affect the animals either individually or additively in the presence of more than 1 mycotoxin, and may affect various organs such as gastrointestinal tract, liver, and immune system, essentially resulting in reduced productivity of the birds and mortality in extreme cases. While the use of mycotoxin binding agents has been a commonly used counteracting strategy, considering the great diversity in the chemical structures of mycotoxins, it is very obvious that there is no single method that can be used to deactivate mycotoxins in feed. Therefore, different strategies have to be combined in order to specifically target individual mycotoxins without impacting the quality of feed. Enzymatic or microbial detoxification, referred to as "biotransformation" or "biodetoxification," utilizes microorganisms or purified enzymes thereof to catabolize the entire mycotoxin or transform or cleave it to less or non-toxic compounds. However, the awareness on the prevalence of mycotoxins, available modern techniques to analyze them, the effects of mycotoxicoses, and the recent developments in the ways to safely eliminate the mycotoxins from the feed are very minimal among the producers. This symposium review paper comprehensively discusses the above mentioned aspects.

Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Micotoxinas/toxicidad , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/epidemiología , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/prevención & control , Animales , Contaminación de Alimentos/análisis , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Micotoxicosis/microbiología , Micotoxicosis/prevención & control , Aves de Corral , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/microbiología , Prevalencia
Poult Sci ; 94(5): 934-42, 2015 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25743420


This study aimed to determine the aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) binding capacity of a beer fermentation residue (BFR) containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, and the efficacy of BFR to ameliorate the toxic effects of AFB1 on performance, serum biochemistry, and histology of broilers. The BFR was collected from a microbrewery, and the yeast cells were counted, dried, and milled before it was used in the study. In vitro evaluation of the BFR was conducted using different concentrations of AFB1 (2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, and 32.0 µg AFB1/mL) and 100 mg/10 mL of BFR at pH 3.0 or 6.0. Two hundred 1-day-old male broilers (Ross 308) were assigned to chick batteries and allowed ad libitum access to feed and water. A completely randomized design was used with 5 replicate pens of 5 chicks assigned to each of 4 dietary treatments from hatch to 21 d, which included: 1) basal diet (BD), with no BFR or AFB1; 2) BD supplemented with 1% BFR; 3) BD supplemented with 2 mg AFB1/kg of feed; and 4) BD supplemented with 2 mg AFB1/kg feed and 1% BFR. Performance variables were determined weekly, while serum analyses were performed on d 14 and 21. At the end of the study, chicks were anesthetized with carbon dioxide, euthanized by cervical dislocation, and the kidney, liver, and bursa of Fabricius were removed for determination of relative weights, and for histological evaluation. In vitro assays showed that the higher the initial AFB1 concentration in solution, the greater the AFB1 amount adsorbed by BFR at both pHs tested. Feed intake, BW gain, and concentrations of albumin, total protein, and globulin increased (P < 0.05) in broilers fed BFR+AFB1 (Diet 4), when compared to the birds receiving only AFB1 (Diet 2). Although BFR was not able to reduce or prevent the effects of AFB1 on relative weights of kidneys and liver, it reduced the severity of histological changes in the liver and kidney caused by AFB1.

Cerveza/análisis , Pollos , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/prevención & control , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/citología , Aflatoxinas/toxicidad , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Animales , Bolsa de Fabricio/efectos de los fármacos , Bolsa de Fabricio/patología , Fermentación , Contaminación de Alimentos , Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Riñón/patología , Hígado/efectos de los fármacos , Hígado/patología , Masculino , Micotoxicosis/prevención & control , Tamaño de los Órganos/efectos de los fármacos , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiología , Aumento de Peso/efectos de los fármacos
Animal ; 9(5): 766-74, 2015 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25544038


We investigated the effect of maternal sire on early pregnancy failure (between D0, day of insemination and D90) in their progeny during the first and second lactations (n=3508) in the Holstein breed. The estimated breeding value (EBV) for cow fertility of 12 bulls (reliability⩾0.95) was used to create the following three groups: low, medium and high EBV (EBV from -0.7 to 1 expressed as genetic standard deviation relative to the mean of the breed). In their daughters (93 to 516 per bull), progesterone measurement was carried out on the day of artificial insemination (AI; D0) to check whether the cows were in the follicular phase and on D18 to 25 to assess non-fertilisation-early embryonic mortality (NF-EEM). Late embryonic mortality (LEM) and early foetal death (FD) were determined by ultrasonography on D45 and D90 and by the return to oestrus after the first AI. Frequencies of NF-EEM, LEM, FD and pregnancy were 33.3%, 11.7%, 1.4% and 48.5% and incidences were 35.1, 19.0, 2.7 and 51.1, respectively. Sire EBV was significantly related to the incidences of pregnancy failure between D0 and D90, fertilisation failure-early embryonic mortality (FF-EEM) and LEM but not to the incidence of FD between D45 and D90 of pregnancy. The relative risk (RR) of FF-EEM was significantly higher (RR=1.2; P<0.05) for the progeny group of low EBV bulls when compared with high EBV bulls. The same effect was observed when comparing LEM of the progeny groups from the low EBV bulls to those from moderate and high EBV bulls (RR, respectively, of 1.3 and 1.4; P<005). The incidence of FF-EEM was significantly higher when cows were inseminated before 80 days postpartum compared with later, and for the extreme values of the difference between milk fat and protein content measured during the first 3 months of lactation. FF-EEM was also significantly related to the year of observation. The incidence of LEM was higher for the highest producing cows and was influenced by interaction between milk yield×lactation rank and milk yield×milk protein content. In conclusion, this study showed large differences in early pregnancy failure between progeny groups and highlights the interest of accurate characterisation of embryonic death in order to identify potential candidate genes for female fertility.

Aborto Veterinario/genética , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/genética , Pérdida del Embrión/veterinaria , Animales , Cruzamiento , Bovinos , Pérdida del Embrión/genética , Estro/genética , Femenino , Fertilización/genética , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Variación Genética , Inseminación Artificial/veterinaria , Lactancia/genética , Masculino , Leche/química , Embarazo , Factores de Riesgo
Transplant Proc ; 46(1): 9-13, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24216175


BACKGROUND: Organ procurement and transplant activity from controlled donation after circulatory death (DCD) was evaluated over an 11-year period to determine whether this program influenced the transplant and donation after brain death (DBD) activities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Deceased donor (DD) procurement and transplant data were prospectively collected in a local database for retrospective review. RESULTS: There was an increasing trend in the potential and actual DCD numbers over time. DCD accounted for 21.9% of the DD pool over 11 years, representing 23.7% and 24.2% of the DD kidney and liver pool, respectively. The DBD retrieval and transplant activity increased during the same time period. Mean conversion rate turning potential into effective DCD donors was 47.3%. Mean DCD donor age was 54.6 years (range, 3-83). Donors ≥60 years old made up 44.1% of the DCD pool. Among referred donors, reasons for nondonation were medical contraindications (33.7%) and family refusals (19%). Mean organ yield per DCD donor was 2.3 organs. Mean total procurement warm ischemia time was 19.5 minutes (range, 6-39). In 2012, 17 DCD and 37 DBD procurements were performed in the Liege region, which has slightly >1 million inhabitants. CONCLUSIONS: This DCD program implementation enlarged the DD pool and did not compromise the development of DBD programs. The potential DCD pool might be underused and seems to be a valuable organ donor source.

Muerte Encefálica , Donantes de Tejidos , Obtención de Tejidos y Órganos/métodos , Trasplante/estadística & datos numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Niño , Preescolar , Bases de Datos Factuales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Adulto Joven
Poult Sci ; 92(8): 2077-83, 2013 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23873555


Aflatoxins (AF) and fumonisins (FU) are a major problem faced by poultry farmers, leading to huge economic losses. This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of AF (1 mg/kg of feed) and FU (25 mg/kg of feed), singly or in combination, on the lipid metabolism in commercial layers and investigate the efficacy of a commercial binder (2 kg/t of feed) on reducing the toxic effects of these mycotoxins. A total of 168 Hisex Brown layer hens, 37 wk of age, were randomized into a 3 × 2 + 1 factorial arrangement (3 diets with no binder containing AF, FU, and AF+FU; 3 diets with binder containing AF, FU, and AF+FU; and a control diet with no mycotoxins and binders), totaling 7 treatments. The hens contaminated with AF showed the characteristic effects of aflatoxicosis, such as a yellow liver, resulting from the accumulation of liver fat, lower values of plasma very low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides, and higher relative weight of the kidneys and liver. Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of FU were not observed in this study. On the other hand, the FU caused a reduction in small intestine length and an increase in abdominal fat deposition. The glucan-based binder prevented some of the deleterious effects of these mycotoxins, particularly the effects of AF on hepatic lipid metabolism, kidney relative weight, and FU in the small intestine.

Aflatoxina B1/toxicidad , Aflatoxinas/toxicidad , Pollos/metabolismo , Fumonisinas/toxicidad , Metabolismo de los Lípidos/efectos de los fármacos , Aflatoxina B1/administración & dosificación , Aflatoxinas/administración & dosificación , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Animales , Peso Corporal , Dieta/veterinaria , Ingestión de Alimentos , Femenino , Contaminación de Alimentos , Fumonisinas/administración & dosificación , Glucanos/química , Oviposición
Avian Dis ; 57(4): 767-79, 2013 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24597120


The present study was designed to study the protective effect of sea buckthorn (SBT) against renal damage induced by ochratoxin A (OTA) in Japanese quail. Day-old quail chicks were divided into six groups and fed a basal quail chick mash containing 2% SBT leaf powder (group SX), OTA at a dietary level of 3 ppm (group OX), 25 ppm L-beta-phenylalanine (Phe) plus 3 ppm OTA (group OP), 2% dietary level of SBT leaf powder plus 3 ppm OTA (group OS), SBT leaf extract at a level of 10%/L of drinking water plus 3 ppm OTA (group OSS), and a standard toxin-free feed (group CX, control) for 21 days. OTA at 3 ppm level in diet grossly revealed mild to moderate renal swelling in OX birds, and the severity was less in the case of OS, OSS, and OP birds. Microscopically, degenerative, necrotic, and inflammatory changes were observed in OX birds, but the changes were less severe in OS, OSS, and OP birds. Ultrastructural studies revealed remarkable and consistent changes in the proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs), with severe damage of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in OX birds, whereas SBT-treated birds (groups OS, OSS) had mild changes in mitochondria. A moderate to marked increase in number of peroxisomes in the cytoplasm of PCTs was a consistent finding in the Phe- and SBT-treated groups kept on OTA in comparison to the group fed OTA alone. In conclusion, the inclusion of 2% SBT leaf powder in feed and SBT leaf extract in water provided partial protection against OTA-induced nephropathy in Japanese quail.

Coturnix/metabolismo , Hippophae/química , Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Micotoxinas/toxicidad , Ocratoxinas/toxicidad , Extractos Vegetales/farmacología , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Animales , Dieta/veterinaria , Riñón/patología , Riñón/ultraestructura , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión/veterinaria , Extractos Vegetales/administración & dosificación , Hojas de la Planta/química
Rev Med Liege ; 68(11): 574-8, 2013 Nov.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24396971


Vitamin D deficiency is common in adults and even in children, appearing to be more frequent than expected.Accumulating data about the pleiotropic effects of vitamin D have raised renewed interest in this hormone. Severe burn injury represents a unique trauma leading to major systemic dysfunctions such as bone loss, mineral disruptions, myopathy, or immunosuppression. Moreover, burn patients are at high risk of hypovitaminosis D. In this context, vitamin D supplementation could help counteract post-burn sequelae. The aim of the present review is to summarize the current knowledge on vitamin D with a special focus on burn related hypovitaminosis D.

Quemaduras/complicaciones , Deficiencia de Vitamina D/tratamiento farmacológico , Deficiencia de Vitamina D/etiología , Conservadores de la Densidad Ósea/uso terapéutico , Enfermedades Óseas Metabólicas/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades Óseas Metabólicas/etiología , Quemaduras/metabolismo , Humanos , Vitamina D/metabolismo , Vitamina D/uso terapéutico
Poult Sci ; 92(1): 131-7, 2013 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23243239


The aim of this study was to determine the binding capacity of a hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) for aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)), and the efficacy of the HSCAS to reduce the concentrations of residual AFB(1) and its metabolites in the liver and kidney of broilers fed AFB(1). One hundred 1-d-old male broilers (Ross 708) were maintained in chick batteries and allowed ad libitum access to feed and water. A completely randomized design was used with 5 replicate pens of 5 chicks assigned to each of 4 dietary treatments from hatch to 21 d. Dietary treatments included the following: A) basal diet (BD), with no HSCAS or AFB(1), B) BD supplemented with 0.5% HSCAS only, C) BD supplemented with 2.5 mg of AFB(1)/kg of feed, and D) BD supplemented with 2.5 mg of AFB(1)/kg of feed and 0.5% HSCAS. On d 21, 5 chicks from each treatment were anesthetized with carbon dioxide, killed by cervical dislocation, and samples of liver and kidney were collected for analysis of AFB(1) residues. The percentage of AFB(1) bound for each concentration of adsorbent (100, 10, 1, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.05 mg/10 mL) was 100, 91.1, 81.8, 75.4, 40.1, and 8.8%, respectively. Concentrations of aflatoxin residues (AFB(1), aflatoxicol, aflatoxins B(2) and G(1)) were lower (P < 0.05) in livers and kidneys of birds fed AFB(1) plus HSCAS (diet D), when compared with birds fed AFB(1) alone (diet C). However, histopathology data from the in vivo study indicated that HSCAS did not prevent lesions associated with aflatoxicosis. The decrease in the bioavailability of AFB(1) caused by the HSCAS reduced aflatoxin residues in liver and kidney, but not enough to completely prevent the toxic effects of AFB(1) in broilers.

Aflatoxina B1/metabolismo , Aflatoxina B1/toxicidad , Silicatos de Aluminio/química , Pollos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Contaminación de Alimentos/prevención & control , Aflatoxina B1/química , Alimentación Animal , Animales , Dieta/veterinaria , Residuos de Medicamentos , Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Riñón/patología , Hígado/efectos de los fármacos , Hígado/patología , Tamaño de los Órganos/efectos de los fármacos , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/inducido químicamente , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/prevención & control
Avian Dis ; 56(3): 545-54, 2012 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23050472


This study examined the effects of fumonisin B1 (FB1) and moniliformin (M) on the heart of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Three hundred and ninety day-old Japanese quail were randomly divided into four groups: 1) FB1 alone (FX), 2) M alone (MX), 3) FB1 and M (FM), and 4) chick mash alone (CX). We used three pen replicates of 35 quail per pen in groups FX, MX, and FM and three pen replicates of 25 quail per pen in group CX. Gross and microscopic changes in the heart were studied in nine birds (three birds per replicate) from each group at weekly intervals up to 28 days postfeeding (DPF). Ultrastructural changes were studied in the heart of three birds (one bird per replicate) from each group at 21 DPF. Thinning of the heart was the only significant gross lesion in group FX. In contrast, mild-to-severe cardiomegaly was a significant finding in groups MX and FM throughout the study. Microscopically, thinning of cardiomyocytes was evident at 7 DPF in group FX. In addition to the hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes evident as early as 7 DPF, myocardial karyomegaly, nuclear hyperchromasia, and myofibril disarray exhibiting a wavy pattern were more pronounced at 28 DPF in group MX. Similar but more severe lesions were observed in the FM combination group that included myocardial hemorrhages, vacuolar changes, hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes, focal myocarditis, and loss of myofibrils cross-striations. Via transmission electron microscopy, the maximum effect of FB1 toxicity was observed on mitochondria. In addition to an increase in the number of mitochondria, the mitochondria seemed invariably swollen and pleomorphic, although the outer membrane was intact, and the membrane cristae were usually distinct. Myofibrils seemed thinner, without much disruption in their architecture. Large numbers of vacuolar bodies of irregular size, both in the sarcoplasm and in between the myofibrils, were conspicuous in group FX. In contrast to group FX, the increase in number of mitochondria resulted in widespread separation of muscle fibers in group MX. In addition, the mitochondria were swollen and varied from round to oval to slightly elongated and occasionally forked, and vacuolation was rarely noticed in group MX. In the FM combination group, a significant increase in the number of mitochondria caused muscle fibers to look much thinner and assume a wavy pattern. We conclude that the effect of M on the heart is exaggerated in the presence of FB1. Although the overall interactive effect of FB1 and M was less than additive, the interactive effects between the two toxins for cardiac lesions were greater than additive to synergistic up to the second week, raising serious concerns on early age exposure to a combination of these two mycotoxins.

Coturnix , Ciclobutanos/toxicidad , Fumonisinas/toxicidad , Cardiopatías/veterinaria , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/inducido químicamente , Alimentación Animal , Animales , Ciclobutanos/farmacocinética , Interacciones Farmacológicas , Contaminación de Alimentos , Fumonisinas/farmacocinética , Cardiopatías/inducido químicamente , Cardiopatías/patología , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/patología